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[PP - F4] An Awkward Situation (Haine)

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Raidou doesn't even stand up, he just continues to skate across the lake on his back, unaware of the ground change underneath him. Successfully sliding the length of the lake he slams into a tree on the other side, taking 1 point of damage with a thud. Raidou sits at the base of the tree, covered with snow that was dumped on him from above.

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Haine paused for a... LONG time before trying to act calm as she cautiously made her way up to him, standing on her tips to break a tree branch for no reason at all whatsoever. She tapped him with it before standing back, not wanting to show her motherly side when she would act as if everyone in this world was her responsibility. "Ow... You alright? That was quite a umm... whats the word again?" the bluenette muttered for a moment before exclaiming. "Fall!" and YES she did feel stupid of course.

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Raidou comes to from the train wreck in the white, he comes out dressed in a black top hat and has a corn cob pipe in his mouth. Quickly shaking the new donned apparel dissapates as he looks up at Haine, his eyes a bit watery. Raidou snaps to attention and grabs onto Haine, still a bit loopy from slamming into the base of the tree. Raidou decides they should go out further into the floor, and maybe have a picnic.

Raidou eagerly awaits Haine's word, realizing he had his hands on her shoulders, his composure changes as he releases her.

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She had awkwardly stayed silent, not knowing how to react upon seeing him in quite the fancy attire and his wobbly movements. "U-Umm... What's happening? I MEAN- what's with the fancy clothing?" the bluenette would inquire with a clueless expression. But then she'd look at his weird mouth pipe thingy and see if he would actually smoke, but had gotten back to earth finally. "OH! I'm so stupid! What would you like to do?" Haine chirped.

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Raidou cemented his previous notion, "Lets have a picnic". looking around him and noticing the snow, it was a bit of a bad idea given the environment. Raidou's resolve hardens, None of that nay say thoughts. Raidou heads back to the flat ground, and starts to construct picnic equipment using snow.

First creating a Picnic basket, using his sword to etch out the ribs in the basket. then he flattens the ground and cuts the lines in the makeshift picnic blanket and places his picnic basket on it. sitting down, Raidou pats the area next to him, slightly blurring one of the false picnic blanket lines.

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Haine nodded gently before standing back and watching as he had oddly made the picnic setup for them. She was new to all of this, keeping as silent as a mouse as she had observed Raidou uniquely set up the area. When he had been done, the bluenette watched as he had gestured for her to come over. Nodding politely she had done as he had said so. "Alrightie! I have some food with me..." she'd say before scrolling through her inventories tab and pulling out a crapload of desserts, laughing nervously. "I like sweets! Although I also have some real stuff as well," she'd nod before searching through her list ONCE MORE.

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Raidou throws his false picnic basket, "Screw the fake food then!". Raidou thought back to when he first met Haine, on floor 2. Raidou starts to sway left to right, as though he was listening to his own tune waiting for the scrumptious treats Haine had been carrying. Raidou shivers a bit, from the cold and from excitement. He looks at his beautiful gift giver, like a godsend on dark times. Raidou notices hes crying.

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Haine just placed the food she had stored in her inventory on the "blanket". Her eyes widened as she had seen Raidou crying slightly. Gulping, she didn't know what to do exactly at this moment. Sighing she crawled over to sit in front of him, hesitating before she wiped a little of his tears away. "H-Hey... don't cry Raidou," the bluenette quietly said, almost whispering before she placed a sandwich on a plate in front of him and smiled softly.

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Raidou turns red realizing he was crying, he wasn't used to being treated the way Haine was treating him. Sitting there, he eats smiling at Haine like an idiot just enjoying the moment, unaware that she was providing him something more important than food. Without realizing it Raidou had become comfortable around Haine, As she was helping him mend his lack of trust in others unwittingly. Finishing up, Raidou stands to his feet brushing off his clothes and his butt before offering Haine a hand, his soft nature was bleeding through his tough exterior for once showing exactly the kind of softie he was. "Let's go do something fun Haine" Raidou said with courage, no longer afraid of how she would react to his words.

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She paused for a few seconds before nodding with a simple smile on her face. "Alright! What do you have in mind? I like "penguin surfing" (AVATAR THE AIRBENDER REFERENCE) but... I don't think you'd like that!" Haine would laugh as she imagined what it would look like if a storm of wobbling penguins were to cross paths with them. Oh... Haine and her amazingly imaginative mind.

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Raidou looks at her, before looking down. Haine was about to be surprised, as her thoughts were made reality by the cardinal system. Before Haine can turn around Raidou bolts past her and begins to slide with the "wenks", joining the marry birds on the slopes. Sliding down the hill on his belly Raidou is at one with the birds of white snow.

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Haine jumped lightly from being startled at this surprising situation. Though her shocked expression went away as she had seen Raidou targeting a penguin. She laughed cheerfully before preparing to slide down a snowy cold slope. "Penguin... I choose you!" she'd exclaim before her eyes sparkled competitively. She caught the poor penguin... and went penguin sledding. Poor thing had a heart attack.

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Raidou proceeds down the hill with Haine, swimming on the snow to increase his speed. Busting through the ice on the lake Raidou flails around like a fish before jumping out in popsicle form. Shaking quickly the ice breaks, Raidou is forced to flip around as a giant whale busts out and makes its presence known. Its little flippers swing at Raidou. The little flipper connects with the edge of Raidou's sword, while he laughs at it and parries. It proceeds to cry out whale like "NOOOOOO, WHHHYYYY?"

Raidou: 21/21

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 36/38

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Haine waddled around like a penguin from the cold before her jaw dropped as a random whale popped out to say hello, and got accidently hit. Now the bluenette was really dumfounded on whether she should hunt it down or not. "WHAATT... But it was so cute! I wanna cuddle it...-" and her mind immediately changed when it made even louder noises. "Eek! Calm your blubbers!" the bluenette hollered at the whale while holding her ears and running off to hide behind a tree, not so far away... but the noise wasn't so loud at least.

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Raidou laughs at the hilarious, fat mammals attempts at fighting. Flapping its arms around again, it goes to strike Raidou again in its blubbered fury. Raidou just holds his weapon up and shrugs off the damage with a block. Continuing to laugh it, Raidou hears it yell out "NOOO, STALP LAUGHINGGGGG"

Raidou: 21/21 +3 Dmg, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10, 3 Dmg Mitigation

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 36/38

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Haine froze in place as she quietly watched Raidou shrug off the whales' attack. She'd look at the ground nervously and slowly walk up to the whale with those doubt filled eyes of hers. "L-Like I can do anything... honestly. I've already shown my weakness. Whatever," she internally sighed before lifting her head up and observing the whale, giggling at how strange it moved. "I-It's not like it'll be as embarrassing to miss a lot in front of friends," she lightly smiled while slashing the whale with a few swift swings, slowly moving away to avoid getting fish slapped.

Raidou: 21/21 +3 Dmg, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10, 3 Dmg Mitigation

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 27/38

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The whale wails in agony "OUUUCH" before flapping around a bit. Raidou puts a hand on his face before preparing another parry for his the fat blobs next swing. Raidou pops the blade up with grace as the flipper comes in for a swing with a screech of the bloated mammal. Raidou quickly rotates and knocks the whale over. Laying on its side, the whale flaps around like an ostrich on the ice.

Raidou: 21/21 +3 Dmg, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10, 3 Dmg Mitigation

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 22/38

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Haine childishly laughed at the whale as she carefully leaned in and stretched her hand out at the whale, immediately pulling it away as soon as it attempted to attack at her. She stuck her tongue out at it and took a deep breath before jumping onto it and slashing it's back, smiling carelessly as it made hilarious noises, before she slipped and landed back in the snow. "Crap! That wasn't fair fishy!" she'd giggle with a bright smile on her face.

Raidou: 21/21 +3 Dmg, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10, 3 Dmg Mitigation

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 15/38

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Raidou continues humoring the giant goof. Watching its little flippers flap around Raidou sees a small opening to exploit. Smacking the whale in its fatty fat fatty side, it rolls a bit from the density of the edge that hit it. The whale again hilariously speaks slowly "Stahp hiiiiitttting me anddd Ddiiieee!" Raidou cant help but put his hand on his face with a smirk, shaking his head at the joke boss.

Raidou: 21/21 +3 Dmg, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10, 3 Dmg Mitigation

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 11/38

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Haine suddenly scoffed at the way the whale would whine, her eye twitching slightly. "Eeeh stop whining ya' blubbery whale!" she'd exclaim loudly while gripping her katana tightly in her hands, waiting as Raidou attacked the blub. She then wasted no time in bashing the fat whale, a grin growing on her face as she knocked it to the red zone. "Heh~ Sorry blubz!" she taunted childishly.

Raidou: 21/21 +3 Dmg, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10, 3 Dmg Mitigation

Haine: 75/75

Fatty: 3/38

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