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[PP - F1] A New Friend [pm for invit]

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He would lean back ageist a pillar his hand crossed of his stomach and legs crossed. Looking up at the night sky, as nice peaceful breeze would flow through. His hair and loss clothing would sway, as he thought about how everyone was doing back at home. Even though his was a great new start in getting to know everyone. He missed the simple thing back home. Let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and would let his mind wonder.

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Miki was laying on her back on a small hill staring into the night sky. She was beginning to drift off into sleep when she heard a yawn that seemed ro be pretty close. She quickly crouches and begins to look around until she sees a player leaning against a pillar not to far from where she was laying. He's not an orange player... might aswell have some fun. He seems distracted enough." She thinks before standing and quietly making her way behind the pillar he was leaning on. She reaches her arm around and taps him on the shoulder then quickly ducks behind the pillar to hide, concealing herself in the pillars shadow.

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He would be startled a he looked around he thought that it was a human hand but could have be some debris from the pillar with a confused look on his face he shrugged as he said "it a little to dark to see anything i should have taken that search skill. " and he lean back on the pillar his arms cross of his cheat.

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She grinned as she around the pillar to see what the player was doing. She sees he's still in a daze, so shereaches around and taps his other shoulder then quickly ducks behind the pillar and giggling softly. She claps her hand over her mouth to suppress the laughter and hope he didn't hear her.

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He would quick look over to the direction from were the tap was on his should his would obstruct his few . He would come his hand through his hair so that he could " I know there some out there " The grass was just tall enough so that someone could easy hide senses he did have a search he didn't see anything. He would look at the pillar as it dawned on him. He would and slowly make his way around it.

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She holds her position and stays as silent and still as possible. From the corner of her eye she could see the player start to peek around the pillar. She quickly got an idea and eased her way up the pillar and sat on top of it. It was tall enough that she could stay out of his line of sight unless he happens to look up.

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He didn't find anyone he would look around and didn't see any high spot he would jump just a few inchs in place the last jump his arms down by his side and would jump at the pillar when it seemed that he was about to fall down he would place his right foot on the pillar and pushed up and off the pillar and could see the top.

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She pulls her legs up as he climbs the pillar and watches him a little longer. She figured the hiding had gone on long enough and decided to just let the player find her. She crosses her feet and curl up into a ball and props her head up on her knees. She smiles and stands up when the player had finally noticed her.

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He would land back on the ground his body tilted back a bit, Would back words roll no pushing up to his feet he would land on his but. He looked at her and tilt his head a bit and smile back " So your the one how doing the poking here I thought I was losing my mind " He would scratch the back of his head with his right head

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She hops off the pillar and lands on her feet with her arms out and walks over to the player and extends her hand out to help him up. "Yup. Don't worry, your not crazy... yet. Need help up?" She stress at him with her arm out, a smile across her face as she waits to see if he will take the offer.

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She feels him grab her hand and helps him onto his feet. She let's go if his hand and looks around, though she wasn't really sure what she was looking for. "Claim, huh? What brought you out here Claim?" She asks as she leans against the pillar.

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He look at her and smile a bit " just seemed like a good place to hang out and cache up on some down time. Don't get me wrong the city is nice just seem like there to much noise to relax " he take a few step to the side so he could cross his legs and lean on the pillar as well.

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A confused look spreads across her face as she puts a finger of her chin. She hadn't really thought about that. She paces back and forth for a moment before turning back to Claim. "Nothing really. I guses whatever you wanna do. Anything you have in mind?"

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She dropped from the top of the mountain and managed to look up at the two she had been watching for a while. Hopping off up from the ground she blushed a crimson color. "Sorry to bother you two." She apologised to the two love-birds as she turned back to her normal color. "I'm Ruri." She spoke afterward extending her hand toward the other two.

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Miki sees movement in the corner of her eye and glances to see a figure moving towards where they stood. The figurest was blushing, but only for a moment before she introduced herself to be ruri. Claim seemed to know the person who was aparrently a front-liner. Miki stares at the player intently before shaking her hand and saying, "I'm Miki, and you didn't interrupt anything." She syep back and watches the two to see what the relationship between them was like.

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Seeing the girl back down she sighed a little. noticing somehow they noticed she was a frontliner without even seeing her level. "Aye." She confirmed with a lighter blush covering her cheeks as she backed up a little. "Umm... So I hope I didn't bother much.." She spoke not sure what sort of role she should be playing here. "There anything I should do as I'm here?" She asked in a softer tone with a smile on her face as she looked over to claim.

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