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[PP - F28] Doom Days

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Let's pick the truth that we believe in, like a bad religion, tell me all your original sins.
So many questionable choices, we love the sound that our voice makes, man, this echo chamber's getting loud.

First Floor, Town of Beginnings, Teleport Plaza

"Tell me what happened."

Lilik and Kyra turned to stare at each other. From outward appearances, the two women couldn't have been more different. Lilik already towered at six foot, but her wide shoulders, facial tattoo, and intimidating air made the woman seem larger than life. Kyra, on the other hand, seemed even smaller than her five foot, nine inches. Her snow-white hair and light complexation clashed dramatically with Lilik's plum pony-tail and dark skin, as did Kyra's lilac pant-suit and Lilik's yoga pants and oversized crewneck. Beneath the surface, one studied violence while the other longed for it. But they shared a few things, as well - a worried look, a deep-rooted interest in Sanctuary, and fear in their eyes unlike any Lessa had ever seen before.

"Seriously," Lessa pressed, "do it. Just tell me quick."

Never one to wait around, Lilik spoke first. "A bunch of the kids up and left. Said something about going off on their own, or some bullshit like that."

"Who?" Lake blue eyes narrowed into slits, Lessa glanced from Lilik to Kyra, then back again. "Where? Why?"

"Uhhh, like a dozen kids? Don't know. And don't know."

"Not overly helpful," Lessa muttered, the words escaping her before she could think them through. If they bothered the statuesque Lilik, she gave no indication. Lessa's gaze came to rest on Kyra. "Start from the beginning, please. I need to know what's going on."

Kyra's voice, as rich and warm as the flowery tea she preferred, was uncharacteristically tense. "Lilik is right," she began slowly, "there really are still many unknowns. So far, we have determined that eleven children are missing, all between the ages of eight and twelve."

"Eight." On a strangled groan, Lessa pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes; the mere thought of an eight year-old wandering Aincrad alone terrified her. 

As if interpreting Lessa's utterance as a question, Kyra nodded slowly. "Yes, eight. No one knows where they've gone to, but I may have some idea as to why they've left." The woman hesitated for the briefest moment. Then she squared her shoulders, clasped her hands, and spoke as precisely as a policeman giving his commanding officer a report. "The group appears to be led by a girl named Everest. An orphan taken in by the original Sanctuary group-"

"Cult," Lilik interrupted sharply. When her two companions turned to look at her, Lilik heaved a shrug. "Don't pussyfoot around it. It's a cult. Call it what it is."

Kyra, to her credit, only inclined her head slightly before continuing. "Taken in by the original Sanctuary cult. Without a parent figure in her life, and left alone during a very impressionable time, I believe Everest was incredibly vulnerable. Likely, she would align herself with the first person to show her attention."

"Dominic." Lessa ground out the name between clenched teeth, her hands balling into fists at her sides even as the sound of his name sent a wave of nausea through her. At a glance, Lilik appeared to have the same reaction, crossing her arms tightly across her chest.

Kyra's lips, painted a pretty pale pink, drew into a thin line. "Yes. As you know, I have been working with the Sanctuary survivors, helping them sort through the trauma. Everest has always spoken highly of Dominic, and even went so-far as to express remorse over not ending her life with the others."

As Lilik's eyes slipped closed, Lessa threw her hands up, exasperation clear in every line and curve of her face. "But Dominic was full of shit! Everyone saw it! If she was there, then she should know that!"

"I agree," Kyra reassured, "Dominic's entire platform was both self-serving and nonsensical. But Everest simply did not see it that way. I had hoped I might be able to convince her otherwise, but instead, it appears that she's been doing the convincing. Over the past couple of months, other children have expressed similar sentiments where Dominic is concerned. I mentioned it to you recently, Lessa."

Lessa nodded. "I remember."

"But I never could have imagined that they would take action. I truly believed that I had more time. Had I acted sooner, I might have-"

"Stop that," Lessa commanded, then placed a firm hand on Kyra's shoulder. "You couldn't have known. None of us could. We'll just start asking around, and we'll find the kids. We'll bring them back. Whatever kool-aid they're chugging now, they can't hide forever."

Kyra's expression shifted, pain washing over her like a cold rain as her gaze caught and held Lessa's. "There is one more thing. I am so, so sorry, Lessa."


To: @Bahr

A group of kids from Sanctuary ran away. They still believe Dominic.

Come to the Town of Beginnings. I need your help.

Oliver is with them.



Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
Level: 32
Paragon Level: 54
HP: 900/900
EN: 122/122

Damage: 23
Mitigation: 122
Accuracy: 2
Battle Healing: 49
H.M.: 8
HLY: 8
REC: 8

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)        
Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)             
Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC) 

Combat Mastery: Mitigation R3
Combat Shift: ST
Familiar Skill: Rending Familiar
Custom Skill:

Straight Sword R5
Heavy Armor R5
Battle Healing R5
Fighting Spirit

Active Mods:
Emergency Recovery
Justified Riposte

Inactive Mods:

Iron Skin

Active Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleportation Crystal x5
Mass HP Recovery Crystal x2

Housing Buffs:
Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

Guild Hall Buffs:
Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:

Gathering: Level 0 | 0XP                                       


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Bahr's residence on the tenth floor sat in tranquil isolation, surrounded by the ethereal glow of luminescent flora and the gentle shimmer of crystalline formations. The delicate balance of the underground world made every corner of his property feel like a sanctuary, an oasis of serenity amidst the labyrinthine darkness. The soft babbling of the stream, the comforting radiance of the iridescent crystals, and the faint hum of the glowing plants created a harmonious symphony of peace and calm.

Bahr's living room was a cozy retreat within the quiet refuge of his home. The warm glow of the crystals outside filtered through the small windows, casting a gentle and ever-shifting pattern of light and shadow upon the wooden floor. The room was adorned with simple yet tasteful furnishings, a reflection of Bahr's preference for understated elegance. A plush, deep-red couch with a few well-worn cushions sat against one wall, a favorite spot for relaxation. Its rich color contrasted beautifully with the lighter wooden accents of the room. A low wooden table stood at its center, adorned with a small vase of radiant flowers, their soft blue light adding to the room's soothing ambiance.

Against another wall, a bookshelf held a collection of volumes spanning various genres, from ancient tomes of Aincrad's history to contemporary novels and strategy guides. The shelves themselves were interspersed with small, glowing crystals that illuminated the titles in a soft, dreamlike glow. Bahr often found solace in this room, whether it was to unwind after a challenging quest or to immerse himself in the world of a good book. It was a place where he could retreat from the trials of Aincrad and find a measure of peace.

As he sat on the couch one serene evening, bathed in the tranquil radiance of his living room, a notification pinged in his menu. Lessa's name appeared on the screen, a beacon of familiarity. He opened the message, his heart fluttering with a mix of emotions. The echoes of their time together whispered in the corners of his mind, but those days were long gone, and he'd become adept at concealing the deeper feelings that may have still lingered.


To: Bahr

A group of kids from Sanctuary ran away. They still believe Dominic.

Come to the Town of Beginnings. I need your help.

Oliver is with them.


Bahr's golden orbs, tinted by the ever-shifting glow of his living room, narrowed into slits as they scanned the message from Lessa. The gentle play of light and shadow danced upon his face, casting an otherworldly radiance upon his features. Yet, in that moment, the serenity of his surroundings clashed with the concern that welled within him. Lessa's words held a weight he couldn't ignore, a subtle undertone of urgency that stirred unease in the depths of his being. As he re-read her message, his mind raced, trying (but failing) to understand what had managed to lead Oliver astray.

His visage scrunched briefly as he contemplated his response.


To: @Lessa

On my way.

- Bahr

Simple and to the point. With that, he closed the message and rose from his comfortable chair, leaving behind the peaceful confines of his home. He stepped out into the yard, the glow of the crystals guiding his way as he embarked on the journey to the teleport gate.

- - -

As Bahr materialized in the teleport plaza, a brief moment of disorientation washed over him. The transition from one location to another in Aincrad always felt like a surreal experience. His vision was temporarily shrouded in a flurry of digital particles before solidifying into the vibrant surroundings of the Town of Beginnings' central square. The teleport pad beneath his feet, a circular platform made of polished marble, hummed with an ethereal energy. It was a stark contrast to the more mundane, everyday teleports that brought players from town to town. Here, at the gateway to the first floor, everything felt grander and more significant.

The plaza itself was a bustling hub of activity. Players of various levels and backgrounds hurried to and fro, their avatars displaying a wide array of styles and colors. It was the heart of the town, where adventurers converged before setting off on their quests or journeys to the higher floors. The towering crystal spires that surrounded the teleport pad glimmered with an ethereal light, casting ever-shifting patterns and reflections across the cobblestone that encompassed the gate underfoot. It was as if the very essence of Aincrad itself pulsed through these spires, infusing the plaza with an air of anticipation and adventure.

Bahr took a moment to absorb the sights and sounds of the central square, the echoes of laughter and camaraderie filling the air. It was a world he had grown accustomed to, a world where friendships were forged and destinies were shaped. And in this moment, he stood at the threshold of new possibilities, eager to reunite with Lessa, his closest friend and most enduring friend in this world. With a sense of purpose, Bahr scanned the bustling crowd in search of her. His eyes roved over the various players, each with their unique appearances and weapons. Before long, they settled on a familiar golden mane.

He weaved through the crowd with practiced ease, offering nods of acknowledgment to players he recognized from past encounters. The Town of Beginnings held a special place in the hearts of many, as it was where their journey had begun. Here, they had conquered their initial fears and had taken their first steps toward mastering Aincrad's challenges - Bahr included. And while that pervasive energy still seeped into his pores with each visit, the bustle was little more than an obstacle parting him from her.

Clad in ornate and bright steel armor that gleamed in the soft sunlight filtering through the crystal spires stood Lessa. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her posture exuded confidence. With a determined stride, Bahr closed the distance between them. As he approached, he called out her name, his voice carrying a mix of warmth and camaraderie. "Lessa!" he called with a raised arm. "I'm here."

As nice as it would have been to catch up, Bahr understood that there was hardly any time for platitudes. "Came as fast as I could," he remarked, frows furrowed with concern. "I need more information. Do you know where they might have gone? Did they leave any clues? And what about Dominic? Is he actively trying to sway them, or do they follow him willingly?" All at once, he noticed how pressuring his faux interrogation must have seemed. His thoughts raced, the bond with Oliver serving as an unbreakable thread connecting him to this situation. Bahr understood the gravity of the circumstances, and he was determined to do whatever it took to ensure Oliver's safety and the well-being of the other runaways.

"Sorry," he started, "You probably don't know much more than I do. What do we know so far?"

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"Bahr, hi." She turned to him, and wanted nothing more than to meet him with a tease or a jab in the arm. It had been months since they'd seen each other, though they'd spoken regularly, and she was happy to see her friend again. Hey stranger, she might have greeted, were the situation different. But she simply could not find the energy to drum up the enthusiasm. He'd hurried over, that much was evident, but every minute she'd spent waiting had been dedicated to imagining Oliver in danger. By the time Bahr reached her, her stomach roiled like a stormy sea, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to keep down the grape pop she'd chugged on the walk over.

"Thanks for coming," she started, all business. Then her gaze finally caught his, and the color drained from her flushed cheeks. "Your eyes." She heard herself utter the words, and had nearly reached out to graze fingertips over his cheek before she caught herself. Gone were the Christmas eyes that she'd grown so accustomed to. Instead, her own blue eyes blinked owlishly as she stared into the pools of crushed stars. Then she coughed once, shook her head, and took a step away from him. "Sorry. Just didn't expect-"

"Bahr, isn't it?" Where Lessa had moved backward, Kyra took a step toward the Kingslayer. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, even under these circumstances. Lessa has told me so much about you."

The blonde scoffed, though there wasn't much venom in the sound; her mind was clearly still elsewhere. "So much for confidentiality."

The therapist's eyes, a pretty shade of purple that perfectly matched her suit, lit with humor. "Even outside of our sessions." She turned back to Bahr and extended a hand. "My name is Kyra. I am a psychologist, and I have been working closely with the Sanctuary survivors. Regarding your questions, I am afraid we do not have many answers." Efficiently, she filled Bahr in on the necessary details, including Everest's fixation with Dominic. "We have no idea where they might have gone, and they left no clues. So far as we know, Dominic has had no interaction with the children. Everest spoke often of his teachings, and his plan, but I had simply assumed those referred to his nonsensical preaching about 'the light.'" Kyra shook her head, a silk-smooth lock of white hair slipping over her shoulder. "Now, I'm not so sure."

"We'll go see him." When all eyes turned to Lessa, she simply stared back, resolute. "I've been thinking about it, and as much as I hate the idea, it makes the most sense. Who knows what he said to Everest when no one else was around to hear. They spent a lot of time together, right?"

Though Kyra didn't wince, her discomfort carried through her voice. "Yes. According to her, they spent considerable time alone together. He claimed it was necessary to show her the way."

"Fucking pervert," Lilik growled. The muscles in her arms bulged as she wrapped them tighter about herself. While it was possible that she was providing herself comfort, Lessa suspected it was more about holding herself back from doing something rash.

Understanding and sympathy came into Kyra's eyes, but fled just as quickly. "I haven't found any evidence that he engaged in a physical relationship with her."

"Well thank god for that," came the snarled response. "I was starting to think Dominic was a bad guy or something. You've really put my mind at ease."

Lessa wanted desperately to clap a reassuring hand on Lilik's arm, but thought better of it. If Alkor had taught her anything, it was that cornered animals didn't react well to physical contact, no matter how well-intentioned. So instead, she turned to Bahr. "If you don't want to go, I completely understand. He almost-" The words caught, and she swallowed around a sudden lump in her throat before forcing them out again. "He almost killed you. I wouldn't blame you at all if you wanted to wait for me to do it. Then we could go look for the kids together."

"Good luck even getting through to him," Lilik interjected. "I've tried to see the prick a few different times. They never let me past the door."

Both Lessa and Kyra swung surprised looks toward their friend.

"I didn't know that," Lessa shot back.

At the same time, Kyra murmured, "You never told me."

"Yeah, well, it didn't matter. They won't let you see him. So you're probably wasting your time."

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Before much else happened, her gaze locked onto his eyes, the change in the hue of her complexion and expression catching him off guard. Bahr had grown accustomed to concealing his true feelings, but the way she stared at his altered eyes left him feeling exposed.

"Your eyes," she said, tone tinted with disbelief, her own widened orbs betraying a sense of unfamiliarity. Her initial surprise was evident - an understandable reaction. The transformation of his eyes was startling, even for those who knew him well.

Bahr blinked, then nodded in understanding. "Oh, that," he replied, trying to downplay the change. He continued, his own words tumbling awkwardly over hers as both players struggled to find their footing in the conversation.

"Yeah, it's nothing. Just a-"
"Sorry. Just didn't expect-"

"Bahr, isn't it?"

A welcome interruption.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, even under these circumstances. Lessa has told me so much about you."

In all honesty, Bahr hadn't even noticed the duo that accompanied his more familiar companion. As usual, Lessa had stolen his attention. The smaller of the two, Kyra, efficiently briefed him on the situation, and Bahr listened attentively. The mention of Everest's fixation on Dominic perturbed him deeply. The situation had grown far more complex than he initially thought. Moreover, the lack of any actionable intel was particularly troubling. How could they be expected to act without even knowing where to start?

The discussion continued, and Bahr remained silent, absorbing the information and the thoughts swirling around him. It was clear that emotions were running high, and this situation had struck a nerve with everyone involved.

When Lessa suggested they go see Dominic, Bahr understood her determination. Her concern over Bahr's previous brush with death was evident, but he simply smirked and shook his head. "I'll go with you," he affirmed, his gaze shifting from Lessa to the others. "If there's a chance he knows something about the children, we can't afford to ignore it. Besides..." His smirked widened into a cocky grin, and he smashed a balled fist into his open palm. "I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to rough him up a bit."

There was a small window of silence, before Lilik piped up. "I like his style," she remarked flatly.

Lilik's revelation about her failed attempts to see Dominic surprised both Lessa and Kyra, and Bahr couldn't help but wonder about the cult leader's influence even within the prison walls. This situation had become far more intricate than he had initially imagined, and he was prepared to face whatever lay ahead, even if it meant confronting a dangerous adversary. They'd handled him before, and they could do it again.

As the tension in the group settled, Bahr turned to Lessa, his amber hues filled with unwavering determination. "Let's not waste any more time," he suggested. "We've got a good track record against Dominic, and this time the advantage is ours." Without elaboration, he summoned his menu with a practiced flick and navigated to his messages, composing brief correspondence to an old connection of his.


To: @Hestia

We're going to be swinging by the jail to pay Dominic a visit. Please make your men aware we're on our way.

We're pressed for time, and can't afford to get slowed down by red tape.

- Bahr

With that, the panels collapsed away from view and he regarded the others with a stiff nod. "Should get us through. Hopefully."

Kyra, maintaining her clinical demeanor, nodded in agreement. "I'll do what I can to provide support and guidance in this situation. If there's any psychological insight I can offer, don't hesitate to ask."

"Appreciate it," Bahr replied, turning his attention back to Lessa. "Let's move."

- - -

The atmosphere inside the jail was oppressive, contrasting the bright colors of the lush landscape that expanded beyond the cobblestone walls. Its haunting and utilitarian design made it a place of confinement and punishment. Bahr and Lessa walked through dimly lit corridors lined with iron bars, the distant echoes of despairing voices reminding them of the grim purpose behind their visit. The flickering torches on the walls cast uneven shadows, and the air felt heavy with tension.

A guard, begrudgingly, led their way, followed closely behind by Lessa and then Bahr. Even with Hestia's forewarning of their impending arrival, the duo had met with some resistance from the guards initially. Their vexing behavior had perplexed the pair, even after Lilik's claims. In more ways than one, they gave the impression that they were guarding him from them, and not the other way around. But a little arm twisting and a Hestia namedrop later, and they were finally permitted entrance to the solitary confinement wing of the prison.

Bahr's eyes almost seemed to glow faintly as they flickered about, absorbing each detail the thick shadows tried to conceal. It wasn't true Night Vision, but it was remarkable what a difference the cosmetic made. Like night and day, he might say, were he one for puns (which he was). Lessa, seemingly less interested in the minutiae of their surroundings, kept her eyes forward and focused. They both knew the danger they were potentially walking into. Dominic was not to be underestimated.

As they approached the cell where Dominic was held, the air grew thick. The guard stationed at the cell door eyed them suspiciously but allowed them to pass. Bahr's ever watchful eyes settled on Lessa's knuckles; whitened as she clenched her fists, ready to confront the man responsible for the chaos that had engulfed their lives. Bahr stood by her side, a silent pillar of support. He knew the risks they were taking, but he couldn't let Lessa face this ordeal alone. As the cell door creaked open, revealing Dominic on the other side, Bahr's gaze bore into the cult leader with an intensity that matched his resolve.

Compared to the charismatic figure they'd encountered in Sanctuary, this man was a pitiful sight. An iron collar spotted with rust hung around his neck, slack enough perhaps to fit one or two fingers in alongside the girth of his neck. This collar was secured against the far wall by three separate chains, each with their own tension, which rooted him to that side of the cell. The space was dimly lit, stray beams of light cascading in from a solitary window that sat too high for him to peer through, which illuminated his unkempt bundle of peppery hair and dingy prison garb. 

He sat there, on the floor in that far corner of the room, head hung in eerie silence. After a moment, his chin would tilt upward, emerald green orbs piercing through the dark to connect with those of Bahr and Lessa. In a moment of recognition, his visage began to contort, the edges of his lips curling upward and causing creases to materialize around his eyes. His teeth shone vividly with an unnatural luster, seemingly brightening the dull cell and staving off the shade that enveloped it.

"Hello, Brother Bahr. Sister Lessa," he mused, the rusty links of the chains clanking heavily as he slowly rose to his feet with an unflattering grunt. "Welcome. I've been expecting you."

Edited by Bahr
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Even as she kept her steps slow and measured, her mind spun out of control. Lessa had truly thought that she would die before facing Dominic again, and that had been entirely okay with her. Now, at the notion of seeing him again, she found it difficult to take a deep breath. 

What she went through in that defiled church left scars she'd never shake, and she had only been there for two days. The idea that others had spent years in that place was something she couldn't begin to comprehend. Even so, the visuals burned into her brain kept her up at night. Olivia, clinging to the edge of the world. Bahr, also fighting for his life, though in a different way. And Dominic, his arms lifted to the heavens that he swore he represented. And Oliver might be mixed up with a teenage version of that psychopath? Fear gripped her so tightly that her knees nearly buckled. 

She didn't want to do it. She didn't want to keep walking down the long hallway that stunk of human waste and neglect. She didn't want to relive those memories, or face him again, or open herself up to anything he might have to say. But what she did want was Oliver, safe in her arms, and that need drove her forward.

Even so, she never chanced a look at Bahr. Like a mountain climber looking back at the ground, doing so might snap the thin thread of courage holding her upright.

When Dominic finally spoke, the sound of his voice chilled the blood in her veins.

I'm not your sister, she felt the urge to retort, but what would it accomplish? She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

The whitehaired swordsman remained silent at her side, and Lessa took it as an invitation to speak first. She did so in a brisk, no-nonsense tone.

"Everest has run away with a group of kids. Where would she take them?"

Then the strangest thing happened. Though chains weighed Dominic down, his spine straightened, and he gracefully rose to his full height. He stood in the center of the prison cell, but it might as well have been center stage. In a stunning transformation, the prisoner became the presenter. Grime covered his entire body, and his once neatly styled hair was plastered to his head, but if she looked in his eyes - she saw him. And it was as if nothing had changed at all.

"No small talk?" He crooned back at her, that ethereal smile shoving his cracked lips back from yellowing teeth. "After all this time, you don't wish to catch up a little?"

Lessa's hands clenched into fists at her side, but she gave no other outward reaction to his words. "Everest," she repeated. "Where?"

Dominic gave a small hum of thought, as if attempting to put a face to the name. "Everest." The way he drew the single word out, like a sort of purr, turned her stomach. Then he lifted a single finger, wagging it in recognition. "Ah, yes. My brightest star. The Light shone so brightly through her, and it was a high honor to help her reach her full potential."

Regardless of his true meaning behind the words, they slammed into Lessa like a freight train. In turn, she slammed her fist against the bars of his cage. If the sound startled him, he gave no indication - he simply went on grinning back at her. "You sick fuck," Lessa snarled. "What did you do to her?"

Dominic pressed his palms together, a bastardization of a gesture that had once made him appear so devout. "I showed her the Light."

"You told everyone that the Light could only be accomplished through killing yourself," Lessa shot back, jabbing a finger toward the direction they'd come, as if indicating the past rather than a specific direction. "So you showed her death? What does that even mean? You can't even keep your own story straight."

He gave a small shrug, the rise and fall of his shoulders nearly imperceptible beneath the tattered shirt. He never gave a damn about consistency, Lessa realized, peering in at him the way a child might study a lion at the zoo. It didn't matter what the story was, so long as he had the charisma to sell it. And that, he had in spades. Draped in chains and caked in filth, he still exuded power. There's no reasoning with him. He's delusional, and Oliver is going to pay the price for his madness.

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The sight of Dominic's confident posturing in the midst of their grim surroundings grated on Bahr's nerves. His ostentatious demeanor was a constant reminder of the cult leader's unyielding ego, an ego that had wreaked havoc on countless lives. Lessa's strong and straightforward question regarding Everest was met with Dominic's unsettling theatricality. Bahr's jaw clenched as he watched the exchange, his every muscle urging him to intervene, to express the frustration and anger boiling within him. But he knew that would only give Dominic the reaction he craved.

The swordsman's amber eyes, glowing with the ever-shifting light from the prison's gloom, bore into Dominic with an intensity that could pierce stone. He observed the twisted words and false sincerity that dripped from the cult leader's lips like honey laced with venom. Each word uttered was like a dagger, digging deeper into the already wounded psyche of those present. Dominic's reference to Everest as his "brightest star" sent a shiver down Bahr's spine. The contrast between the depraved reality of the situation and the way Dominic spoke was chilling. The physical bars of the cell felt insufficient to contain the darkness that oozed from him.

Then came Lessa's furious outburst, an eruption of the pent-up anger she had no doubt held since the moment she witnessed Dominic's original depravity unravel before her. Her anger was justified, her clenched fists and pointed accusations reflecting the visceral reflex that Bahr, too, suppressed. Dominic's cavalier response, his infuriating shrug, served as a bitter reminder that reason and sanity had no place within these walls. The man was a master manipulator, a skilled deceiver. The Kingslayer remained silent, his internal turmoil hidden beneath a facade of composure. He knew they needed answers, but Dominic seemed intent on leading them further into the labyrinth of his madness.

"And why, pray tell, would I help the likes of you?" Dominic inquired, his sharp emerald eyes locking on to Bahr. His tone had shifted to something a bit more pointed, now. There was still a hint of mystical grandiosity which stained the words, but they rolled off Dominic's serpent tongue in a much more accusatory way than before. "Defilers of the Light, who invaded our home and picked apart our flock at the seams." 

It seemed that, having successfully riled up Lessa, Dominic had set his sights on Bahr. Like crossing an item off a checklist - the moment he'd gotten what he'd wanted out of one person, he moved to the next. Bahr remained tight-lipped, not breaking eye contact, to create a vacuum and wait for Dominic to fill the silence with his own voice. He knew a man so narcissistic wouldn't be able to help himself.

"The truth... it's a fragile concept, isn't it? It bends and twists, like the winds in the great plains. But I will give you a morsel to chew on," came the elaboration Bahr had been counting on. It seemed that maybe, finally, they could extract some kernel of actionable information out of this pompous fool. "Everest has gone to a place where the Light shall reveal itself to her. She's not alone. There are others like her, yearning for the salvation that only I can offer." Bahr's golden eyes remained locked onto Dominic, scrutinizing every gesture, every expression, while his mind raced to dissect the man's rhetoric. The urge to intervene, to end this twisted conversation, clawed at him, but he knew they needed more. Instead, his stony visage remained fixed, a mask to conceal the steady tempest of emotions that surged beneath.

Meanwhile, Dominic visibly reveled in the power he held over them, his smile stretched ear-to-ear and gleaming as he left them breadcrumbs of information. Bahr knew that to get to the heart of the matter, they had to navigate this treacherous terrain of manipulation and deceit. And while his silence thus far had awarded them at least something, it wouldn't get them much farther without giving Dominic something to sink his teeth into. Bahr leaned in, his voice a low growl. "Don't play games with us, Dominic. Where is she? What does she - or you - have planned with those children?"

Dominic's eyes gleamed with wicked delight, and he chuckled softly. "Ah, the fire in your heart, Brother Bahr. How I'd missed it. You see, Everest and the others are in the land where their salvation awaits, where the cycle of life meets with its end to make way for the Light." He offered a nod toward Lessa. "Your companion successfully recalled, death is one such ingredient. But I can't simply hand you the key to unlock the secrets of the Light."

The cult leader's response only fueled Bahr's frustration. Each word seemed designed to taunt and mislead.

"Tell us, or I'll find my own way to unlock the truth," Bahr asserted threateningly, his voice unwavering, though anger simmered beneath the surface. The mask he'd worn up to this point was beginning to slip, and he wasn't certain he could maintain the facade for much longer.

Dominic's smile somehow widened, and his voice dripped with condescension. "Oh, you might have the tenacity, Brother Bahr, but do you have the wit?" Bahr's eye twitched, and he opened his mouth to unleash the vitriolic response he'd been holding back - only for Dominic to interrupt with a raised palm, no doubt a moment he'd been waiting for. "When members of my flock search for a home, they aim only for the places nearest to heaven, much like I did when I founded Sanctuary. For heathens like yourselves, used to crawling through muck and darkness, such holy places are surely unfathomable."

Though an excuse to lace more condescension into his theatrics, Dominic had unwittingly provided more information in that last snippet than any he'd forwarded previously.

"Go, seek the truth, if you dare. But beware, for the Light demands sacrifice." With that final cryptic utterance, Dominic leaned back against the cell wall, a satisfied look in his deranged eyes. The enigmatic clues he provided offered a glimmer of direction, which Bahr communicated silently with a knowing glance to Lessa. His patience stretched to its absolute limit, now was as good a time as any to conclude their interview, with the added bonus of getting to do so without giving Dominic what he wanted.

"That'll do. Guard!"

As the guard was summoned to usher them from the cell and resume Dominic's solitary containment, the smile never left the prisoner's lips. Bahr couldn't help but think that there was still something they were missing, some grand scheme of Dominic's that was so over their heads that everything else was a distraction. But with children's lives on the line, he couldn't exactly afford the luxury of stopping to mull it over. As they made their way through the corridors of the jail back toward the entrance, Bahr broke the silence between the pair, voice reverberating lowly. "You caught that, right?"

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