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(OP-F1) Training (Completed)

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Arekkusu sliced his sword backwards taking out an enemy from behind him. It let out a high-pitched scream, signaling its siblings that an intruder is here. Sure enough, the dogs were coming at me angrily. Two of them only though, it doesn't seem to be a problem. I held my blade forward, ready to parry their attacks.


"Let's go!" Arekkusu yelled. Arekkusu switched his tactics and charged at the the dogs, ready to cut them through. The dogs didn't stop for anything either.


Finally, the blade as swung and the two pairs of claws are ready to scratch. My blade

  • Rolled a 4 on the d4 dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d6 dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d8 dice.
  • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  • Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 7 on the d20 (loot) dice.


The dogs quickly swept to the side, dodging my attack and putting me in an exposed area for damage. They jumped at me from behind and one hit me while the other got over me. I'm done already.


Arekkusu: 8/9

Beast Dog 1: 5/5

Beast Dog 2: 5/5

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"Hmm~ What a lovely weather today~ Lala...Oh,it looks like someone is in trouble there..Better go help him." Yuji draw his sword and dash forward. He scan at situation; 1 player with 2 dog like mobs. "That's not good!" Yuji increase his speed and run behind the first dog.


"So do you need any help,my friend?"


"Activating <Gemini Skill>, Concentration!" Yuji slash the first dog and the dog immediately turn into fragments of data. Yuji then run to the front of the guy and shield him from the incoming attack. The dog jump with its mouht wide open,showing the sharp fang it had. Yuji use his sword to block the attack and push the dog backwards.


"Focus on attacking,I'll do the tanking."


  • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  • Rolled a 4 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d20 (loot) dice.

MD: 2-1

<Gemini> Concentration activate! Damage dealt: 4+1


Yuji: 19/19

Beast Dog 1: DEAD

Beast Dog 2: 5/5

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The blonde was on her way to a material run. Orion trotted at her heels, and she hummed an old Springsteen song as she crossed the grassland. It was the sound of another player shouting that caught her attention. "Hold up, buddy," she told her familiar softly, slowing to a stop. She looked about, and quickly spotted the source of the voice. It was a level three player. It looked like his health bar had taken a hit, and the two dogs were taking a toll on him.

"Aw no," she murmured, moving into a jog and quickly closing the distance between the pair. She did not engage, as many players were angered by outside help, especially if they had the situation under control. Instead, she stood a ways off, and called to the player. "Hey, I'm here if you need help."

At the same time, another player burst onto the scene, and immediately began hacking away at the two enemies. Lessa gave a small nod of understanding, and took a step back.

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Arekkusu stumbled back up onto his feet to see the other player take out the dog. Arekkusu looked around and saw another player just watching the scene. Even though Arekkusu was curious about why someone would just watch, he had other objectives to do.


"Thanks for the help by the way!" Arekkusu yelled towards the helping player. Arekkus ran at the other dog, this time his blade aiming for the dog instead of trying to add power to the attack.


  • Rolled a 3 on the d4 dice.
  • Rolled a 3 on the d6 dice.
  • Rolled a 7 on the d8 dice.
  • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  • Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 11 on the d20 (loot) dice.


The sword landed the hit beautifully, but not ending it's life yet. The dog was still up, but it looked completely phased. I looked to the player to my left and nodded to him.


Arekkusu: 8/9



Beast Dog 1: DEAD

Beast Dog 2: 2/5

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"Alright then,let's end this!" Yuji grip his sword tightly and swing his sword as hard as he can,aiming for the head of the second dog. The attack connect,and the dog burst to pieces. "Phew,finally done." Yuji sheath his sword and turn around to the player. "Are you hurt?" He then notice there's another player looking at them from distance. He bow down and turn his attention back at the player.


"My name is Yuji by the way. Nice to meet you."



  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 13 on the d20 (loot) dice.

MD: 10-1


Arekkusu: 8/9



Beast Dog 1: DEAD

Beast Dog 2: DEAD

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Lessa smiled, watching the two young men with her hands on her hips. Orion climbed up her pants, clawed his way across the front of her shirt, and came to rest on her shoulder. He tittered softly in her ear, then turned to watch the action unfolding before them. She had been worried when she saw the first boy, but the second had swept in to save him. It seemed she had had nothing to worry about after all. Both dogs has been reduced to data. She scanned the area for other threats, keeping an eye out for a second wave of dogs. If they appeared suddenly, and overwhelmed the two male players, she needed to be ready to step in.

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"I'm Arekkusu." Arekkusu replied. He turned his head towards the player looking at both Arekkusu and Yuji. "And it seems we weren't the only ones who are here.


Arekkusu still wondered if she knew what happened and if she did why did she just stay there. He sheathed his sword behind him and just stared. Finally he yelled to her.


"Hey there!" Arekkusu yelled out. "I'm Arekkusu!"

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"Arekkusu..huh. Nice name you have there." Yuji look to the women who is watching them. "Well Arekkusu,if you want to talk to her then go ahead. I can wait here. Besides I need to watch if there is any mobs around here." Yuji then look for a spot he can sit down. He found a shady tree and quickly sit underneath the tree.

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"No no." Arekkusu reassured Yuji. "I'm just curious about the attack."


Arekkusu looked at his blade once more, it seems to be getting much more effective. Then Arekkusu looked at Yuji's weapon.


"What did you just do during the fight?" Arekkusu asked lamely, still new to the game. "Whatever it was, it was amazing. And where do you get one of them?"


Arekkusu then felt a bit hurt on his back. The effect of the claws kicking into the pain. "Also do you have any medicine?" Arekkusu asked through clenched teeth.

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As the man called out to her, she determined it was time to introduce herself. She jogged up to him, her claymore still in its sheath, her heavy armor still in her inventory. She generally did not wear all of her equipment when roaming the first floor, especially this close to the city.

"Hello, Arekkusu," she greeted. She remembered this young man from the party a while back. It seemed he was doing well for himself. She also turned her attention to the other man, and gave him a small smile and nod. Then, to Arekkusu, she said, "nice job out there. I hung around in case you needed help, but you had it under control."

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"Well I wish i had it under control." Arekkusu said with his hand behind his head. "But I think Yuji here actually did most of the work. Wait a second, you were that woman from the...party?"


Arekkusu obtained a flashback recalling the party they were at, where he just lost his mind and he had aid from this woman and another player. Because of them, he had enough col to not only buy items and live, but to hold in his wallet as well.


"Oh yeeeeah!" Arekkusu replied. "Yuji, come here! You need to meet... I'm sorry I don't think I got your name yet. Sorry about that. What might your name be again?

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"Don't be so humble my friend,you did your part too." Yuji stand up and approach them both. "Sorry Arekkusu,but I don't have any potion on me..." He check his inventory one more time to confirm his words. Seeing that he really have none in his inventory,he sigh. "Well who do we have here...you seem familiar..oh well,just my imagination maybe. Well miss,my name is Yuji. Nice to meet you." Yuji then step back a little and look at the girl,waiting for her to talk. 

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"Its Lessa," came her reply. "And yes, I am said woman." Tilting her head a bit, she added good-naturedly, "and you were the boy hogging all the crackers, am I right?" She emitted a soft laugh, then patted the player on the shoulder. "It is great to see you again."

Turning to the other player, Lessa said, "you look familiar as well. I think maybe we have seen each other in passing, but never actually introduced ourselves. With that being said, it is very nice to meet you, Yuji."

Once again returning her attention to the first boy, she spoke in a much more serious tone. "Just take it easy for a few minutes. You did not lose too much health, so it should not take long for you to return to normal. Deep breaths. I find it helps to close my eyes, or sit down." She spoke soothingly, like a mother trying to reassure a frightened child. "You're going to be fine."

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MacGrath walked around for a few mintues, then he spotted some players who just finished fighting, "Looks like they are right for now, but still, what if..." His mind was racing with thoughts that he completly lost track on what he was doing. The he decided to walk up to them. "Everything right here?" He asked them.

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"Let's see, if I remember the route that I made..." Crozeph looked around and saw only grass and trees around him "I guess getting preoccupied is still in me" he said. Crozeph got lost again because of over thinking the whole Aincrad map instead of viewing it in his menu. "Better make my way back before trouble comes in" Crozeph started walking back and realized that he was really into thinking that he forgot where he started "I hope there are players around." Crozeph quickly walked away and looed around for players where he can ask directions "I might as well start on building my stats" he thought. After taking a few steps he saw four players and one of them is a girl talking to each other "a party?" he thought.

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"Lessa." Arekkusu said the name as he tilted his head. "Well I think my wounds should be fine."


That's when Arekkusu clenched his teeth again, then took Lessa's advise and breathed out. Soon, the pain was being ignored. It seriously did work. Lessa seemed to have some useful advise, how much does she know? Maybe she's just an expert player.


"Everything right here?" Arekkusu heard a players voice asked. Arekkusu turned his head towards the player to see someone also familiar to him, but yet not so much at the same time.


"We're O.K." Arekkusu said with a bit of shame here. "It was just an attack that I caused. I needed to level up fast, so I took on way more than I can actually do."

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After listening what the player said, MacGrath nodded, "Do you mind if I join you guys?" He asked, "I've been wondering around here alone for a bit, just killing boars. Thought I might need some people to hang around with before I got too crazy." He finished speaking.

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Arekkusu had a split-way decision here. His old self tells Arekkusu to shun him and send him away. Not that there was any reason to, at least not anymore. The current side of Arekkusu realizes the only reason why he is alive is because his is alive is because he learned to trust people. Arekkusu realized that not all people are bad.


Arekkusu then remembered seeing his father dying, but not with hate this time. Not even with resent, but question. Was there more to the story than someone aimlessly attacking his father?


The life of Arekkusu has been saved by these people, who he considered not even friends, but like a family to him. Trusting people and keeping them close not only kept him alive, but allows Arekkusu to interact with those who are in the same situation. Every one of them... stuck in this death game.


Arekkusu looked at Yuji, seeing his weapon and seeing how not a mark was left on him, yet Arekkusu knew he fought.


"Come with us." Arekkusu said for the first time. "We could use more people to help us."

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"Must resist the urge..." Crozeph thought as he slowly walks towards the other players. Crozeph hasn't talked to any players yet and this one seems like a challenge to him. "Anyone who needs help?" he said walking towards them trying to keep calm "nice job Crozeph, you're the one who needs help not them" he said to himself. "I might as well introduce myself, I'm Crozeph and..." Crozeph looked at them trying to talk normally "ask directions,ask directions,talking to others wasn't written in the manual" Crozeph breathed slowly "Can I join?"

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Arekkusu tilted his head to the side. The player seemed to be innocent... or new... or both. Arekkusu knew that feeling, except he never asked for help. And look at where that brought him. Arekkusu is still new, even at this point.


"Are you ok?" Arekkusu asked the player. "Crozeph right? I hope I said that right. I'm Arekkusu, these people are..."


Arekkusu took a deep breath so he can prepare himself to say all their names.


"This here is Yuji." Arekkusu explained. "To my right here is Lessa and this here is..."


Arekkusu lost his voice when he realized the second-newest person to approach this groups name. What was it again?


"And you seem to be lost, the town of Aincrad is over there." Arekkusu said pointing to the North. "But we will gladly help you if you need it."

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