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(OP-F3) The Iron Breathes

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Celes continued to stand firmly between him and the other players. "I am saying that bullies are weak fools, and that i will not let me friends be hurt by someone like that. Change your attitude all you like, i saw you, just because you hide when someone stronger stands up to you doesnt mean you will fool me. You cannot fool me, i see right through you"

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He smiled at the cleary foolish woman, and shook his head,"I'm only a bear, who spotted an assailant and an accomplice. I stood my hide legs to show them I am strong... that is not bullying. You, child, still must treadlighty, even though you befriended the bear does mean you are safe, if you angry it. I have interest in kill people, but frankly you and your friends are no match." He turned around annoyed and then spun back around," Before you can intimidation someone, you must be intimidating... simple right learn it."

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Celes smiled a wry smile "you think I cannot intimidate? You dont know me, and I assure you I am strong! And if you need proof I can give it. I am not afraid of you, you fool. I will defend those I care for to the death, and you are nothing more than a bug. A bully with no substance. I cannot fear someone who is so weak." 

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Argumail backed away from her and laughed," Woman, aha... you really are not picking up, what I am putting down. The fool rush to arms, not make a fool each other. But, you If wish we may battle here, you claim victory or fall here. I'm not in the business of spilling women's blood but, with insist on protecting our friend, who are not endanger..." He smiled and shrugged, he put his hand on his Black Jian's holster," then do so!" He snickered,"How... riveting"

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Celes gripped her spear tightly "I will not fall to a bully like you. Your song was bad, your threats are thing and now, now Your defenses will be weak." She readied her spear agains her New foe. She didnt know him, but no one threatened Unyie and got away with it. Her friend were her family here, and she would defend them, tooth and nail. (perma roller 2160, bd 7+1=8, loot 15) She sprang forward, letting her spear guide her (DMG 8). "You may yeild, if you desire mercy"


(highest loot is first attack dude)

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[Mari enters stealth must roll 11 on Loot dice to see her]



Mari had stealth activated on herself, mainly because she did not want to deal with people, not in her current mood, not with her current mind. She had almost thrown a girl who was only trying to help her into the ice during her performance. What did that say about her? about her mentality? Mari glanced down at her hands, they were clean now, but images of blood wiped across them still haunted her mind. Mari pursed her lips. She didn't like what she had become. Her hands began to shake and she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself, she balled her hands into fists and placed them steady at her sides. No. No she was not a monster. Life and Alkor had both told her she was human.

"I am human..." she reassured herself.

Mari looked up, hearing shouting; fighting. Carefully...and quietly....Mari followed the noise, why? She wasn't sure, a part of her wanted to run away - noise meant people, people meant forcing to put on a façade. Mari didn't want that, but there was something off, and oddly familiar about these heated verbal words. Mari found the source of the noise, Celes- the girl that helped her before and...


Mari furrowed her brow, she hated that man. The arrogant leader of the Crimson Inquisition, and what she hated more - was that he seemingly had drawn his blade - intending to strike Celes. Were they...were they fighting? Why? Why would they possibly want to fight to the death? Didn't they know the repercussions of that? The weight that would be planted on their shoulders? Celes seemed as though she was defending other players, but Argumail...he looked like he was taking a sick and twisted joy from this.

Life's voice flashed into her mind as she recalled what he said the day before. 


 such people in this world... such as that Uriel fellow... Nothing more than a disease don't you think? This world would be a better place, without such scum! Your daughter would still be alive today.

Mari frowned, people like Uriel, people like Argumail.

People who would so willingly and happily take a human life. Mari stood, a safe distance from the two, seething at the sight before her.

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ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
2161 6 11 3 1 Argumail 2014-11-25 08:45:50
Argumail grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. He slammed her spear into a tree. He looked at her with a devilish smiles, and drew his jian," Well, I guess this happen, huh. I will not offer this again, so listen up, Surrender... Now!" He walked away from her and stood in a clearing. He wrote,"Here lays a fool" in the dirt. He turned and moved his sword in front for him, and waited for her to pull out her spear from the tree. He keep a straight face, to see if she enters the area.
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He had gone for her spear but he had missed (Evasion +3)  his hand bled (DMG 8) from her spear, she stepped into the arena (2162, bd 3) she missed him, she stood after her failed attack and  began to shimmer in front of him (Disguise +1 Bd on my next roll, -1 bd on your next roll) she took on the form of another Argumail saying, in his own voice "You are nothing to me, walk away" 

DMG mit 3?

Celesmeh 29/29

Argumail 33/38

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Argumail shook his hand on top of the wording in the dirty. "How precious, I am going to meet me end here today... "  He walked forward after he rubbed his blood on his face."Delicious"  He slowed his walk and looked at a nearby rose, and sighed. He ran towards he was looking for something. He missed his attack so he jumped over shoulder.


Argumail 37/39

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Celes turned with his attack and struck him  once more, flashing back into her usual form (2165, 8) She pierced his shoulder (DMG 8), and yelled at him "What about this is Funny!?!?! WHY IS THIS FUNNY TO YOU" 


Celesmeh 29/29

Argumail 30/39

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ID: 2169


Argumail slammed his shield into her and in the stomach. His blood spilt over her face and smiled to see that end of his misery was about aboard. He smirked and pulled himself close and give her a peck on the cheek. He then kicked her away from him, then he wiped away his sweat, he laughed," What about is funny?...hmmm Everything! Just wait you will get the joke away someone that is dear to dies. You will walk the earth alone... pondering... that same thought...That same nightmare... what if...what if!"


Argumail 26/39

Celesmeh 20/29

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The image of Celes bleeding flashed before him and fizzled (evasion +3, I dodge) she was standing beside him (2171, 6+1=7) "You. Missed." She slammed him with the butt of her spear and slashed at him (Dmg 8-3=5) "Did you think this would be easy? is that why you laugh?  You twisted ****! You Monster!" 

Argumail 21/39

Celesmeh 29/29 (or if you have +3 accuracy its 28/29 because of my mitigation)

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Mari didnt want this to happen any more; she pulled herself out of stealth. Enough was enough, She knew which 'Argumail' was Celes. The girl who didn't understand things, and had missed the mark with her words, but still, despite all that had shown a kind and warm heart. Someone like that...someone like that should not be in a duel like this. Someone like that shouldn't have to taint their existence with the burden of a murderer.

Life's cold, dark words rang in her head again;

This world is rotten and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, do not feel alone Mari. Even if it means sacrificing our minds and souls, it's worth it. Because the world... can't go on like this


Mari was not going to let another person sacrifice their mind or their soul today. Celes, a young maiden who looked no more than .   With her words that day on the ice, Mari knew she was carrying her own burdens. It was unfair to let her make the mistake of adding more. Mari equipped her dagger, the one that Moartea had lovingly made for her, Mari wondered - would he still care for her, knowing she had unwittingly killed her own daughter? And had attempted to slaughter another? What would Life say? would he still so dilligently stand by her side? And Alkor.....Alkor... would he attempt to kill her too? He had such similar ideals to her. 

Mari stormed up to Celes, pulling her back and away from the fight. "You've done enough. You don't need to stain your hands here today." Mari turned to her,  "I've already lost a daughter. I don't need to watch another throw their life into an agonizing pit of darkness. If you continue, one of you will come out of this a murderer. " Mari used the cuff of her sleeve to wipe the blood from Celes' face, giving her a wry smile then she turned to Argumail he disgusted her. How can someone call themselves valiant? How could they call themselves a guild leader when they were so ready to kill?

"Your battle is with me now. You are a Cancer who should be rid from this earth. People like you? People who take pride in the death of others? Who take the joy in pain, and torment..." Mari clenched her fist, he was just like Uriel...Uriel...the man who forced her to kill her own daughter. 

"I will not stop till you are dead."

Mari steadied herself, pulling the dagger toward, dashing toward him. She used her acrobatics, thanks to her being a performer to step up onto his shield, using it to push herself into the air - doing a front flip she drove the dagger into the mid of his exposed back. Attempting to drive him away from Celes. She landed a few feet behind Argumail, blade at the ready.




Argumail 19/39
Mari 30/30

Battle Roll 5 +2 Accuracy

Perma Roller ID #2172

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Argumail fell back on his butt," The Queen is Dead! Long Live the Queen!" He saw Mari and smiled,"My friend, are feeling well... I haven't seen you in a while... how's the guild?" He said that with genuine love in his eyes. But when she pulled a blade on him. "Why ... Why ...W-we are friends... Why do all my friends betray me?" Argumail stood up weakly and his smile turn in the a face of horror, he saw his fiance and his unborn child dying in front of him again. His face turned into a face of hatred," Why? Louise... Louise!" He call out Cedar. "I will murder you... Betrayer!" 

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Unyie turned around to see her friend in serious danger. She ran back to the area to see everything in person."Celes-sempai omg.. Please dont lose...." She was in tears, for the first time in her life she felt like someone really cared about her. Her head was filled with grief and she was seriously upset. This was all her fault. She should not have dragged Rin out like that. If they had stayed back, everything would have been good. The the inside She was beating herself up but on the outside she was using all her energy to cheer on her friend. "Celes-sempai You got this you are stronger then him." 

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Celes stood mouth agape. She had not noticed the woman, Mari, hiding. She was still orange. A PKer... btu what she said the was she spoke, with.... Love?  with... it reminded Celes of something she had felt before... of... My mother, when i tried to stand up to him, she... she pushed me out of the way and defended me... she ...My god.. mari was so much like her mother... Celes began to cry, like a child missing her mother she began to sob as the fight continued around her. 


She could see UNyie, rin, Mari, she had been so afraid.... So angry.... so...

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Argumail didn't attack, he simply fell back- "I am not your friend." Mari seethed. Not caring if he had stopped attacking, she watched him ruthlessly attack a lower leveled player, she watched him wipe his own blood on her face and kiss her - invading her personal and private space. She watched him laugh and joke about death, as though it was all meaningless. "You mistake forced kindness for friendship." Mari grabbed his collar, lifting him to his feet, she leaned in close, sneering into his face. "Go ahead and try to murder me. If I die, I will die knowing my death was protecting someone -  unlike you - who will die knowing they died alone." Mari pushed him back with her dagger, driving it into his chest.


She was doing this to protect Celes...

She was doing this to protect another...

Argumail 16/39
Mari 30/30

Battle Roll 7 +2 Accuracy

Perma Roller ID #2174

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Argumail screamed in pain, he knew that he was probably not going to make it. He smiled went across his face. He remember, Louise on their 8th date. Her blonde head rested on his shoulder. He looked up at him with blue eyes, and said something completely inaudible but, he nodded his head and she leaned against him. He remember that day he she told him that she was pregnant. He was so happy, and then he proposed. Argumail sighed and remember the good things, Lennoth, R, Akumu, and Miki... and the creation of his guild Followed by its fall. Then he thought about all of his friend through out the years... Daeron, Mortambo, Ravven and Kazuya, Life, Ethereal, Mari, Kiliua Seiko, Macgrath, ETC. He smiled slighty and hugged his enemy. 


"Cedar , Nature's Vampire!" He said and heal himself partionally and then he threw her aside.


Argumail 28/39 Cedar 35/35

Mari 28/30

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Celes looked at unyie, urging her over "Come here little one, Dont cry, I'll keep you safe, ok? I'll keep you safe." She stopped her own crying and got up gripping her spear. She pulle down on her HUD and wrote a message

I've run into some trouble, 
A player named argumail. 
Mari is helping, but... something happened
I think i need help. 

She sighed and faced Argumail once more taking a stance Next to Mari "What trickery i this!??!"

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