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[OP-F3] Christmas!!!

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When Celes returned with three hot cocoas she was mazes to find she needed two more! "Oh my god I'm so sorry I'll go get some more!" She handed out all of the hot chocolates and looked at Kosan for a moment, "good Kosan, you're here! I need a big favor! Come with me! " she said dragging him away to where she was making the chocolate. (I'll pm you Kosan)

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As he see that Jun is there as well he feels a little bit better. He now knew Pyro , Jun , Celes and others. "Hey there Jun !" he said as he was grabbed by a hand. He heard Celes's voice and he was pulled after her.. "Hey Celes.. What do you need in such a hurry ?" he asked her unknowing why Celes needed his help. (pm me as soon as you can.)

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Celes told kosan her plan as she continued to make hot chocolates, this time deciding to make extra for everyone. She was happy. She'd always had a big family and they all returned home to visit her grandmother every year. This reminded her of that. She trutned with a tray with even more hot cocoa, and handed a fe more out. "Well let's see, I have a few board games and cards and dominoes, stuff like that. What do you guys want?"

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Jun was handed a cup of hot chocolate by Celes, "Thank you very much" he said as he started to sip, it wasn't so bad being around others. Conversation was still out of the question though, he had introduced himself but he didn't want to be noticed all that much, he didn't do well in social situations that involved crowds. Celes ran off to grab more hot chocolates because of the new arrivals and shortly returned, offering an assortment of games, "I know a few card games if anyone wants to play." Jun smiled and got off of the futon, making sure not to disturb its position of it. "I can play cards but I think playing a board game would be good for all of use because you can have more people. What ones do you have?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Celes returned form the kitchen once more, laden with food "Alright guys, oh god theres more of you!" she looked at claim "Claim! help me get the food out to everyone!!" she crooked her finger without hesitation, she knew he would help, and they would give everyone the holiday they deserved. she gave him a serving platter and set the plates down as she said

"I miss my family, I'm sure you all do too, So lets celebrate together! We miss our loved ones, we miss teh real world, but in here, let us toast to live! to all of us that are still standing here and fighting!" 

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Claim put this drink down and, smiled a bit as he walked over to go help out Celes bring out some of the food. He reached over to were she was. she hand him the serving  he took in what she had to say. His eyes glowed a bit as he replied back to her in a friendly tone " Yeah your right but hey you doing this helps out a lot. " He smiled at her, this was kind of normal for him being a bar tender in real life and made him feel a little at home. He would all ways help pass out the food and made drinks for his friends as well. Hopefully every once else  was also having a good time. a thought crossed his mind Celes was one of the people that had finished up the floor boss. He turned around a bit as he held out his right hand she could get another serving tray and load it up as well.

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Jun smiled, "It is nice to spend christmas with people, this would be my first christmas I think. The hospital didn't have enough funding to give all of us gifts, and I never got any, so merry Christmas everyone. And thank you to Celes for hosting." He raised his glass then took a large sip out of it. In all honesty, even though he had spent a little bit of time with his family, they were all strangers to him, there wasn't really anything he missed outside the game, but he didn't let that drag down his spirits. It seemed as though Claim was busy helping Celes with some good looking food items, Jun's mouth started to water as he remembered how hungry he was. "So Pyro, what brought you to this christmas party?" He didn't want to seem antisocial but didn't really know what to say either.

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Pyro drank some of her hot chocolate and smiled at what Celes had said. She turned to Jun when he mentioned her name. "Same as everybody I'm sure. I was attracted to something beautiful, something I missed." She looked down at her mug. "I know everyone is probably in the hospital now with our bodies being unresponsive and all, but when you started Sword Art Online were you still in the hospital?" Pyro circled her finger around the rim of the cup. "Sorry for the personal question I was just wondering."

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Jun nodded, "It's fine, I don't mind talking about it. I don't want to ramble on, but when I was born I had a disease that affected my immune system, I had to stay in the hospital. It would come and go throughout the year so I spent some time outside the hospital, but it would always come back. About a year before I became trapped here, it was apparent the disease had cleared my body, I managed to spend a little bit of time with my family, but not very much. I guess when I wake up I'll be in a familiar situation." He smiled at Pyro, even though he was talking about it, it didn't really drag down his feelings, Jun took another sip of his hot chocolate.

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The doors hissed open before allowing the rattling noise to echo throughout the room.  A sound caused by the case-harden steel located underneath the eerie boots which ceaselessly kissed the ground.  Although, it stopped once the man found himself against the Christmas tree.  Slowly his head cocked backwards, allowing that silver hair to escape beneath his hood. The upper part of his face was obscured by a porcelain mask; however, those gloating eyes feasted upon the tree. His lips curled within a sly smirk, which soon revealed the wolf’s teeth; vicious and razor-sharp.


Not a single word was uttered by the man, thus the rattling noise once more began to ring. Fading towards the exit.

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Arekkusu was handed his share of Hot Chocolate as well, then he smiled as he took a delicate sip of the drink. It shot Arekkusu back in time to his visions with his family in which he isolated himself from everyone, mad, hate to the world he had shown. He screwed up so badly for that choice, and he could mess up by not moving away. His friends were here and everything, can't he just say hi to them at least? Arekkusu smiled when he was back to where he was, then looked toward the group of people, they were happy, and so was Arekkusu.

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Arekkusu then realized that someone was trying to greet him, which awakened him from his thoughts. He turned his head to see a familiar face, they haven't ventured anywhere but they most certainly know each other. It had been a while since... well... the duel. Anyways, they were here now, at peace this time, no dueling where Arekkusu is. This is the Christmas tree, and it was supposed to be peaceful. Besides, no one here is threatening anything anyways.


"Oh, Hey Celes." Arekkusu said as he then realized it was her giving the hot chocolate, after all, who else would be carrying more than one cup to serve. "I'm doing...well, as for you? I just came seeing that the Christmas tree had been set up, it shines like a beacon, you did an amazing job. You are so successful right now, look at everyone here having a good time. I'd ask you how you are doing again, but I think I have my answer. You seem to be doing very well."

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  Claim looked around at all the people and started hand them the food that Celes had got everyone. He was glad that she ad hosted something like this. he wasn't sure if she had an games to play but once he was done handing out the food claim. He picked up his glass of hot chocolate and took a drink from it as the liquid warmed him up a bit he made his way and sits down looking at the tree as he seem to lost him self in his own thought. Looking at the tree had brought good memory's  of times were he would do some dumb stuff with friends. He looked around the room as everyone seemed to be talking to someone. Claim wasn't the one to go up to some one start a conversion so he just sat there seeing everyone happy was good enough for him.

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Celes smiled at Arekkusu, "Im alright, I've been looking for materials, im alright on col, though. The work is going well, I need to keep the shop closed for a bit to bulk up before I come back, with new stock for the next floor and bosses." She said happily, she turned to claim " I've got a few games to play... (Also found here: http://www.miniclip.com/) " she said pulling out a few games for people to play. " I'll play anything with anyone, and I'll give 500 col to the winner! " she said with a smile (ooc, I'll play any game you guys want, whoever gets the highest score in the game will get a reward, sound good? Include a screen cap of your game and the date and time, good luck!)

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