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[PP-F4] Look someone just had to do it... (Oikawa)

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I walked out of the town covered in snow to a field also covered in snow. I didn't have a jacket on but the thought of all this being a game in my head kept me mainly from feeling like stuff like that mattered. The actual reason I'm here isn't because I'm testing my limits against the cold it's because I heard about something from the info broker who usually books my shows. She told me about some wierd tree I had to chec out. It's pretty dark out there... might as well PM one of my new guild buddies to help me.

[To: Oikawa <get to floor 4... Need help... Tree... Col... My info broker friend is really hot...> From XWuZHeAR]

Now a message like that is sure to get his attention. I'm sure he'll come running just to find out what I was talking about. I look at the ground and reach down to pick up what's at my feet.

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Oikawa was just finishing up at his shop when he got a peculiar PM from X.


[To: Oikawa <get to floor 4... Need help... Tree... Col... My info broker friend is really hot...> From: XWuZHeAR]


"What is he on about?" Oikawa locked the door as he closed up the shop. Deciding to reply, he sent a response.


[To: XWuZHeAR <Use complete sentences next time. However, I am on my way as I have nothing planned for the day.>  From: Oikawa-The Faint]


Oikawa ran his fingers through his bangs as he located the teleport portal in the Starting City. Selecting his destination, he arrived on the 4th Floor rather quickly. "A little chilly on this floor it seems." The sound of snow crunching under his feet brought back memories of times before SAOTimes were much simpler back then. Crap. Where is he even at? He didn't give me a specific location. Flicking up the messaging center, he sent another pm.


[To: XWuZHeAR <Where are you exactly? I'm on the 4th Floor by the teleportation gate just outside the main city.> From: Oikawa]


Awaiting his reply, Oikawa looked towards the sky. Snow is so carefree. Not a worry in the world...

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"Haha! Success!" I thought in my head. Although it seems he did not know we're to go maybe I needed to remind him of that little important game mechanic.

[to: Oikawa <just use the friend tracker function in your menu. Look I can see you your near the teleport gate.> from: XWuZHeAR]

While waiting for Oikawa in the dark snowy field I decide to pick up more of what was at my feet. "This will make for a great joke." I thought to myself.

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*Ding* Lifting up his hand, Oikawa brought the pm system up towards his face, so he wouldn't break his gaze with the sky. Tabbing over he read the message. Reading it again, he realized how dumb his question was. He then slapped himself in the face. Of course there is a friend tracker. Man today is gonna be a slow day huh? He slid his finger over X's name and selected track friend from the drop down menu. The system pinged his friend on the map. " Well he's not to far from here."Oikawa flicked the menu away and stretched. He then set off towards the darker part of the floor, leaving a trail of trampled snow prints behind. This little adventure better be worth it...

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I waited for Oikawa to come and grew bored. I had dropped most of what I just picked up and decided that one perfect one was enough. I began to make snow angels in an attempt to cure the boredom.

"Man Oikawa is taking forever." I said out loud.

The wierd tree I told him about I could see from here yeah pretty wierd. My friend said something about a rare item sorta deal. Im here to figure out something about it.

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Oikawa trudge through the snow for roughly 10 minutes, when he was able to see X up ahead. Breaking into a light jog, he closed the distance between them in seconds. "Hey X. Now whats so important on this floor? You said something about a tree yes?" prodding his companion with questions, Oikawa did a quick intake of his surroundings. A lotta snow here. A lotta snow there. And an awkward tree placed right in front of them. "Oh.. Is that the tree?" Oikawa asked, gesturing at the tree.

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I looked at the tree in front of us I hadn't noticed a tree right there before to be honest. It wasn't the wierd tree althou I can see the wierd tree. I looked at Oikawa and shook my head slowly side to side then put one finger up to my lips.

"That's... The wierd tree." I said as I pointed to the tree that's floating up above.

"My friend the info broker said something something tree something something col... I was probably staring at her chest and didn't hear her correctly." I explained to Oikawa as I staired at the tree.

I held up the perfect snowball I picked up from the ground. Then I chucked it at the tree and it hit it dead on.

"Well then...wait what's it doing?" I said as the tree began to move towards us.

The tree stopped in front of us and turned into a MOB or a field boss actually. "The tree of crimes" I read on top of the bosses hp bar.

I took out my cutlass and ran to slash the tree at the base. I hit it but the tree hit me back with a branch and a face grew on the tree.(2 damage tree of crimes) (2 damage XWuZHeAR)

"Oikawa! Hit it while I still have Agro!" I yelled back to Oikawa.

The tree of crime: 18/20

XWuZHeAR: 11/13

ID:7759 battle:8 MOB:8

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X shook his head when Oikawa pointed out the awkward tree right in front of them. "Well what tr.." he was cut off mid sentence, as X put a finger to his lips and motioned to the giant tree floating above us. X explained how he found out about it then proceeded to throw a snowball at it. "How did I not notice that thing before?" Oikawa didn't get an answer because X had engaged in combat with the <<Tree of Crimes>>. X drew his cutlass and slashed at the base of the tree. He connected on the hit but was knocked back by one of the Tree's branches.


Not waiting for X's order, Oikawa unsheathed his rapier and leaped towards the Tree.  Kicking up snow while doing so, Oikawa temporarily blinded himself keeping him from launching an accurate attack. He landed in the snow next to X. "Sorry about that, I sorta blinded myself. Lets make quick work of this thing though."


#7760 BD: 5 MD: 2





~Tree of Crimes~

18/20 *2 Base Damage

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( I leveled up before responding so I'm still using the same stats from the begining of the fight.)

I pushed my self off the ground and began to run circles around the tree. I created a big screen of kicked up snow. Suddenly I flipped out of my sprint and thew the snow screen ready to slash the tree. But when I made it threw the tree wasn't there.

ID:7870 battle:2= fail

(Tree action)

The tree had stepped out of the snow screen just before I could slash it down. The tree then set its sights on Oikawa. The tree fired a branch at him but missed due to the snow screen blocking its vision.

"Atleast the snow screen was good for something!" I yelled out to Oikawa.

XWuZHeAR: 11/13

Oikawa: 23/23

The tree of crimes: 18/20 2 base damage.

ID.7871 mob: 5 = fail

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X had taken action immediately after hearing my statement. Running like a madman, he created a flurry of snow in an attempt to not only blind but contain the tree creature. He succeeded in blinding because it through a branch at Oikawa. Missing by a landslide and two inches, the creature roared. "Thanks for the weird handicap haha!" Jumping up I rushed towards the tree. Using the cover of the mini snowstorm X had created, I burst through the white veil of frozen water drops, and thrust my weapon at the Tree. The Tree of Crimes had other plans however. Evading my strike, it backed up and hovered glaring at me an X with intense red eyes. "Hey X, I think we're going to need to coordinate our attacks if we're going to take this overgrown weed out"


 #7873 BD: 4





~Tree of Crimes~

18/20 *2 Base Damage

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Oikawa started saying something about coordination can't exactly say I was listening. Besides I was already almost to the top of this regular tree. When I reached the top I spotted the tree of crimes hovering. I fling myself off the tree as I did the tree of crimes noticed me and glared red eyes at me. As the trees eyes began to flow I could feel his red glow reflect off my eyes as well. As soon as the tree reached out for me with a branch I rolled on top of it and slashed the tree just barely missing the eye.(2 damage tree of crimes)

ID: 7898 battle: 8

(Tree of crimes)

As I began my decent I could see a tree branch being swung toward my falling body.

"Oh! sh-" I was able to yell out before getting hit.

The tree knocked me back to Oikawas feet.(3 damage XWuZHeAR) I aprung to my feet and picked up my cutlass.

"Do me a favor *spits* get on the vanguard." I said to Oikawa as I redied my cutlass in my hands.

ID: 7899 MOB: 9

XWuZHeAR: 8/13

Oikawa: 23/23

The tree of crimes: 16/20 2 base damage.

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I looked over just as X went leaping at the tree. So much for coordination. He seemed to have got in a hit, but attack was short-lived as X came tumbling to Oikawa's feet. "Well that was interesting to say the least" Helping him up, X said something about getting on the offensive. Oikawa simply replied, "I'm working on it!" Dashing once more towards the tree, Oikawa leaped forwards and tucked into a roll to give himself some more momentum. However it proved to do the opposite, as he descended into a pile of snow. What's going on with me? It's as if I suddenly lost all my battle prowess.


Picking himself up from the cluster of snow, Oikawa stood ready to defend himself as his attacks seemed to have disappeared from him.


#7909 BD: 4





~Tree of Crimes~

16/20 *2 Base Damage

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After seeing Oikawa attempt a roll I suddenly wanted to.

"You have to know how to do acrobatics before attempting them." I said as I dashed past Oikawa in the snow.

I dove for a roll and successfully poped out with my sword ready to hack at the tree. While I was in the air the tree shifted back down to the ground which made me end up sailing straight over missing it.

ID: 7911 battle: 4

(Tree of crimes)

After I landed in the snow I looked back and saw the tree spot Oikawa in the snow. Then the tree lifted up a branch and fired an extremely fast small pointed branch. The tree branch projectile missed Oikawa from a reasonable distance.

ID:7912 MOB:5

XWuZHeAR: 8/13

Oikawa: 23/23

The tree of crimes: 16/20 2 base damage.

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"What was that about acrobatics?" Oikawa joked as X went careening into a pile of snow himself. Turning to face threat in front of him, Oikawa lurched forward. Let see if I can actually do something this time!


Plowing through the snow, Oikawa raced towards the now grounded tree. The tree sent an extremely fast projectile branch at him, but since he was a moving target now, it missed. Hoisting his blade to shoulder height, Oikawa unleashed a powerful lunge. Making contact with the base of the tree's body, Oikawa felt a surge of electricity pass through his rapier as he disengaged the creature (Dealt 7 damage and induced Paralysis). "Take that you branch flinging bastard!" Satisfied with his first successful hit of the battle, Oikawa looked at X, and yelled "How's that for getting on the Vanguard?"


#7913 BD: 9





~Tree of Crimes~ PAR

9/20 *2 Base Damage

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I dug my way threw the snow in the direction of the tree of crimes. Oikawa was saying something but I could hear him over the shound of crunching snow. When I felt that I was under the tree a broke out from under the snow. As I jumped up high in the air I was able to land a upwards slash on the tree. (2 damage tree of crime)

"I got snow in side my shoes damnit it's all soggy now!" I yelled out after landing back in the snow.

ID: 7919 Battle:7

(The tree of crimes)

The tree is just now coming off the paralysis so it couldn't attack me back. Looks like as if Oikawa is gonna be able to attack before it can do anything. If he can land one more of those attacks this tree is dead.

"Bet you can't do it twice!" I yelled at Oikawa hoping I would jinx it and he would do it twice.

Oikawa: 23/23

XWuZHeAR: 8/13

Tree of Crimes: 7/20 2 Base damage

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Ignored again. This guy is something else, Oikawa thought to himself as he observed X's latest attempt at an attack. Surprisingly this one worked as he connected on upwards slash at the tree. X then yelled again. Something about not being able to do it again. "You're probably right but it doesn't hurt to try eh?" Leaping into the air once more, Oikawa aimed downwards at the tree. Allowing himself to free fall, Oikawa lunged at the tree with increasing speed. "i'll end th.." His victory cry was cut short as the Tree had not only moved, but was hovering once more. It looked more menacing then before. Eating a face full of snow, Oikawa sat up and glared at the tree being. "I'm sick of this snow and even more sick of you." Standing up, he glanced over at X , "You're turn bro..."


#7921 BD: 1 (Why meeeeeeee?)





~Tree of Crimes~

7/20 *2 Base Damage

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I had already assumed Oikawa would kill the thing after my pure sense of logic had to have jinxed him. When I looked up from were I was imaging the loot screen would pop up I saw nothing but the tree hovering.

"Dammit." I said under my breath with a sigh.

I charged the tree and jumped up to catch it in the air. However I had to focus more on not getting hit by the branches rather than attacking so it was a wasted attempt.

ID:7923 Battle:2

(The tree of crimes)

After flying threw the branches narrowly avoiding getting hit I began falling towards Oikawa. The tree then spots me in the air and extends one of its branches after me. Luckily I'm able to land and then leap to tackle Oikawa out of the way of the branch.

"Come on get up I don't think my luck can last much longer." I said to Oikawa as I picked my self up.

ID: 7924 mob: 3

Oikawa: 23/23

XWuZHeAR: 8/13

Tree of Crimes: 7/20 2 Base damage

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Oikawa watched X as he muttered somethin inaudible under his breath before leaping at the tree. What started as an easy attack for his comrade ended more in dodge fest as he narrowly avoided capture. Then suddenly he knocks Oikawa over just as the Tree attempted to grab him. "Thanks for the save." Wiping the snow from his gear, Oikawa used the still hunched over X as a base for his jump. Pushing off his friends back, he went airborne. "This is for all the snow you put in our boots".  This attack unfortunately also ended in failure as the Tree turned and sent a barrage of branches at him. Opting to dodge rather than continue his attack, Oikawa dove for another snow pile. This time willingly. "Well don't run out of luck yet. My bad luck continues." Oikawa shouted from behind the cover the snow pile.



#7926 BD: 4





~Tree of Crimes~

7/20 *2 Base Damage

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I didn't have enough time to run at the tree after Oikawas miss. I decided I would try atleast something anyways. I leaped up for the tree and caught a branche then climbed up to the top. While there I raised my cutlaas thinking I had pulled it off. However the tree ends up shaking me off and I'm now in free fall.

ID: 7927 battle:5

(Tree of crimes)

The tree then slammed back down to the ground barely hitting Oikawa. ( 1 damage Oikawa). The tree let out a loud roar as his roots planted in the soil and then he picked up that chunk of ground as he began to hover again.

"Oikawa look out for the giant pit this thing just made!" I yelled across the pit to Oikawa.

ID7928 MOB: 8-1=7=2 damage - Oikawas mitigation = 1 damage

Oikawa: 22/23

XWuZHeAR: 8/13

Tree of Crimes: 7/20 2 Base damage

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Not wanting to look over his snow pile to see what was happening, Oikawa stayed hidden. That didn't last long however, as the pile he was behind suddenly disappeared into a pit the Tree had just created. Seeing X in free fall, Oikawa took action. Oikawa backed up from the edge of the pit, then proceeded to run full speed at it. Timing his leap very carefully, he pushed off the very end of the ledge, gaining maximum height. Catching his friend mid-air, the glided safely to the other side. "Try not to die haha, we may still need your luck." Turning around, he sped off leaping for the piece of landscape the creature had taken with it. Climbing atop the floating mass, Oikawa prepared to strike the creature down. But the Tree of Crimes wiggled the mass, causing Oikawa to find away to stay atop the mass instead of attacking. Sinking his rapier into the digital earth, he held on for dear life.


#7930 BD: 3





~Tree of Crimes~

7/20 *2 Base Damage

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