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[OP-F1] The Insane Warrior Has Gone Sane

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David shambling across the starting city holding onto his scimitar sad due to no one wanting to be in a party with him due to him being insane throughout the many months of this death game and it would seem nobody could grasp that he wasn't insane anymore.

In the first month he thought he could trust his friends but one day that changed he was lured into a trap by one the people in his party turns out he joined the Laughing Coffins Murder Guild and he lured them into an ambush killing everyone apart from him because he had a teleportation crystal but after that day he lost his sanity becoming The Insane Warrior.

He looked up on the bar above his head [semroth Kirigi] Lvl 1 he knew that it was his name now until the game was cleared and he couldn't stand being unable to log out like he could in the Beta. He walked over to a corner shouted one last time if anyone wanted to be and he went to sleep.

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"Well what do we have here?" thought Azide, spotting an unusual sight from out of the corner of his eye. He began making his way toward a player who'd fallen asleep on a street corner of all place. As he came closer, he could now see that the player was a rather tall boy with orange-ish hair, who appeared to be a bit older than himself. Interestingly, nobody seemed to even approach the boy. They simply seemed to ignore him, and simply went about their days. "I understand everyone must be busy and all, but not a single person's stopped by to say anything? Geez."

Azide crouched down and set a hand on the player's shoulder, then gently shook him awake. "Hey, buddy. This isn't the best place to be falling asleep." He noticed the player's scimitar, which the player held onto even in his sleep. "I wonder what he'd been up to before he came to rest here? Seems a bit paranoid to be clutching your weapon in a safe zone. From the equipment he seems like a lower-leveled player, but it's possible he's already went through a lot. Or maybe I'm just reading into this too much."

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David was shaken awake by someone "Gah PKer go away" he swung his scimitar around hastily he then realized it was just a normal player and then he quickly got up and put away his weapon.

David noticed the man was shorter than him and had brown hair, David grew embarrassed "Um sorry about that I thought The Laughing Coffin was after me after me again" David said to the man.

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Kimba (Ariel's familiar..check signature) runned in front of her... again, thinking that she knew the city better than her tamer. "I Told you a thousand times Kimba, stay by my side!!!! What will you do if you get lost huh? I don't think they have a "missing child" system here."said Ariel while trying to keep up with her. But the white furred lion cub didn't mind her, she went in a random direction..guided by her nose... She saw a couple of players nearby one was swinging with its sword around, curious by nature the little lion dashed towards them.

"Kimba, WAAAAAAAIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Ariel immediately dashing after her."geez ...I hope she doesn't get in trouble." Kimba finally reached the two and cautiously approached them..sniffing them from the distance in order to determine if they had evil intentions or not.


((allow me and my familiar to join you guys:D..btw you may TRY to pet Kimba...she won't bite..probably..I think.. 50/50

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  • 1 month later...

He leaned out of the way as the player threw out a few drunken swings of his curved blade. It was more out of instinct than anything- he knew just as well as anybody that they were standing in the middle of a safe zone. If there was any benefit to taking all of that time to study the rules in-depth, it was that one tended not to forget them.

Azide eyed the player up and down as he came to his feet. Surely enough, the guy was roughly a head taller than him, and he found himself having to lift his chin in order to meet the male's gaze in their close proximity. He shot a glance back at the green crystal that hovered over his own head at all times. "Yup, still green..." he mumbled.

Noticing the player's discomfort, he extended his hand and offered a calm smile. "Hey, just because I look straight laced doesn't mean I can't be a part of The Laughing Coffin or whatever- give me some credit here." He laughed, hoping to dispel any of the man's lingering doubts. His eyes took on a more inquisitive look as they studied the man's face. "No offense, but you seem to be a little on edge. Is something troubling you, by any chance"

From behind came the screaming of some familiar voice, and he was more than surprised to see a white tiger rushing straight at him. Nine times out of ten, he'd immediately draw his blade and cut it shreds- but he stopped short of such extreme measures for two reasons.

Reason one: they were, as he'd previously noted, in the middle of a safe zone. Reason two: the girl chasing after it was Ariel.

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"Is something troubling me, is something troubling me... well only a couple of days after we were told by The Gamemaster that we were stuck in the game me and my previous guild went to an secret location we were given by one of my high level friends and when we went there we found out it was an ambush by The Laughing Coffin..... I was the only one to escape and I lost all of my friends so yes something is troubling me" Semroth said as he finally got that out of his system then he heard shouting a saw a cat coming this way as he got up and grabbed his sword he shouted "OH BLOODY HELL GET THIS STUPID CAT AWAY FROM ME.... I'M ALLERGIC"

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Once again, Zeri was wandering around the first floor depressed for whatever reason. He then tried to think of what he should do next to try to get his mind from being depressed. He tried as hard as he could to think of something but couldn't think of anything. Zeri was glad that he had joined a guild, but for some reason, that still haven't made him feel any better. "Why do I feel like this? What's making me feel like this and why?"

Then Zeri saw a girl chasing what seemed to be either a cat or a lion. He then ignored the scene liked it never even happened. Zeri then saw a familiar person. It was his guild leader, Azide, to which he calls 'boss' for some reason. What he then saw was a player shouting to get the cat, the same one that he saw earlier, off of him. Zeri then decided to keep quiet and hope that none of them, especially Azide, sees him as he tries to make sense of what's going on.

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The white lion cub stopped in front of the guy who just shouted at her and went on walking while sniffing him. Ignoring his screams and blade that threatened her. From behind Ariel soon follows and frowns at the sight of the guy threatening her companion. She closes in with her left hand on the hilt of her black rapier and greets Azide while ignoring the other guy: "Hey..we shouldn't go meeting like this. Some people might get the wrong ideas." she said with a chuckle then took a quick glance at the unknown guy then continued in a serious tone: "Who's the new guy? friend of yours or a new recruit? you'd better teach him that this is a safe zone and that allergies and the real world diseases are practically non existent in SAO. If he pulls that kind of stunt on my companion again I won't be so forgiving." ending her words in a harsh tone. 

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"High level friends?" He scratched his head. "Ambushes in the first few days of Sword Art Online?" He realized immediately, more or less, that the timeline sounded rather implausible. Then again, he didn't put too much stake into the details- the guy was clearly not in greatest of mental conditions. That being said, he still appeared to be in very real distress; it probably wouldn't hurt to play along for now and put him at ease.

He set his hand on the man's shoulder, albeit at a somewhat awkwardly steep angle, due to the difference in their height. "Sounds like you've been through quite a lot," he said, looking Semrothz in the eye. Even if he did believe the man's story, he figured his response would've been similarly devoid of any real sympathy. It wasn't that he was apathetic- it was more so that no combination of good sounding words ever came to mind when it came to comforting others. "But you're safe now- and not just because we're in a safe zone," he added.

With the wildcat pulling closer, he realized that it was not a tiger, but a lion cub. "Not that it makes any difference whatsoever," he thought. It was just his inner pedantic side speaking. He never got a chance to tell how effective his efforts at consoling the man had been, as the man leapt back in a wild frenzy and drew his sword yet again.

Soon after the arrival of Kimba, Ariel showed up and greeted him rather cordially.

As he looked over to her, he could've sworn that he saw another familiar face somewhere up the street, but he'd lost them to the crowd passing by.

"I have no idea what you mean," he answered. Straight lips slowly curled as a smile tugged at their corners. "Did you perhaps mistake me for Oikawa for a moment?" He turned his head back to the man, who seemed to be suffering from a psychotic episode of some sort. "And actually, we've only just met each other, but he's been going off about something called the 'Laughing Coffin.'"

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After hearing what was going on, Zeri came forward and said, "Laughing Coffin is a so called 'guild' made up of all player killers. They like to gang up on solo players and small groups and kill them and to take whatever possession they may have on them."

Then Zeri looked at the player who was still agitated by the lion and then back to the group as a whole and then said, "They love to play a cat and mouse game. First they start torturing their victims as they slowly die, but when they get bored of them, they just finish the job and be on their way to find their next target.

Then Zeri looked at Azide and then said, "It's wise not to go after then with these kind of numbers we have. It's just a death wish in the making. We should wait to we get more numbers and strength,and a lot of it, before we even think about coming up with a plan to take them out. Even with that, I would still advise completely against that action." Then he leaned against a wall and looked at the two unknown players, and the lion as well, then looked up to Azide and said, "If I was you, I wouldn't even think about going up against them, unless you want to lose everything."

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As much fun as it was at the beginning, Kimba soon lost interest in the boy and went to Azide's side, seeking attention. Ariel on the other hand ignored his first comment and responded: " 'Laughing Coffin'? never heard of him" she leans to her side to meet the orange haired guy's eyes then straightens herself: "Are you sure he's serious?...you know..I've heard that there might me some mushrooms in the woods that once eaten mimic the effect those IRL have. Maybe he's eaten some of those and that's why he acts this way. " said Ariel in a slightly concerned voice. Then again it wasn't for her to worry about stuff like that, people did stupid things everyday so she kind of gave up on trying to help every one of them.


​then another guy comes and talk about the same guild and how big and bad they wore, Ariel gave a sarcastic smile while addressing Azide: "And here's his friend, they sure have a party started somewhere in the woods." She'd never heard of such a guild or even meet someone mentioned them until now.

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His hand sank into the soft white fur of the lion cub, and he patted the feline in manner that somehow lacked the affection that it should have otherwise portrayed. He'd never truly been able to connect with these creatures in any significant way. No pets had been allowed at home, and the vast majority of animal contact he'd experienced had been in a lab. Not the best way to foster affection, as it turned out.

Zeri had since joined their impromptu gathering, turning their trio into a quartet. He hadn't been too surprised by his guildmate's sudden appearance- he knew he'd seen someone in that crowd. The silver-haired youth regaled them with tales of a murderous, merciless guild. He'd heard whispers on the streets about such a thing- but they'd always just been rumors. In any case, Ariel clearly wasn't having it.

Azide rubbed his chin as he made every attempt to console the three perspectives presented to him, then turned to face the blonde. "In fact, I'd considered our friend here to be suffering from some sort of delusion," he paused, and gestured to Zeri. "But this young man happens to be known to me. He's a member of our guild, and I doubt he's the type to abuse nature like that. So perhaps there's some truth to be found in his words."

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Semroth's face from panicked to angry after he heard everyone calling him crazy he lost it "Ok so you call me crazy if you went through what I went through you be exactly the same as me at the moment I lost my friends right in front of me. I broke down okay no can you stop calling me crazy the only person who has got sense here is me and the guy who just came inSemroth's face went down from bright red to his regular color as he calmed down and then he collapsed on the floor crying "Heather why did you come with us, why did you come" he said quietly and most of the words were muffled by his tears.


Semroth closed his eyes as he remember how she died, after the ambush him and two of his friends and just as they thought the escaped they were surrounded as his friends were stabbed and as Heather was stabbed she chucked him a teleportation cystal she said to him "You will survive for both of us, even if all seems lost you will be alive when they completed the game" then she exploded into crystals and Semroth was the only one left he grabbed hold of the crystal as he teleported out there.

"I miss you Heather I will avenge you as well as everyone elseSemroth said as he wiped the tears from his eyes even though he was still crying.

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