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PP - F7 The Bachelor's Raid (Oikawa, Rusty, Zeri)

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Subject: A Raid to Remember
From: Calrex

Hey you guys, meet me at the main settlement on the 7th floor. I've got some great news to share with you all and want to celebrate. Teayre and I are set to be married.

I have a raid planned tonight if you are all free to do so. Think of it as the bachelor's party beforehand. Hope to see you all here!


Calrex gave a sigh as he finished the message, waiting in the circle of the teleportation plaza, "I hope they can make it. I'm still in disbelief at how this much has happened since I last saw them. Between me and Teayre...I really want to make this count."


He felt a smile stick to his face as he gave a quick flip as he gave a few practice punches and kicked before doing a spiraling roundhouse kick.


"Geezes words can't express how happy I am right now...but I've got to calm down and focus. If we're dong a raid I can't let this get to my head or else I won't be able to fight effectively."

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A bachelor party raid eh? Hmm seems fun. Plus I need something to get my mind off recent events...Sighing, the blonde typed up a short "I'll be there" message before going to wake his companion King. "Hey buddy, looks like our pal, Cal, is getting married and tonight we get to go to our first bachelor party raid." The cub yawned and stretched while listening to the blonde. Well it's settled then."Lets go King."


The short walk from his shop to the teleportation gate was quick as the boy and his leopard stepped into the gate. "Teleport: Nimbus"


As the world settled around them, Oikawa and King looked for their familiar blue haired friend. Spotting him not to far off, Oikawa grabbed King and made his way towards. "Hey man. Congratulations!"

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"A...bachelor party? I really don't see myself going to one of these things, but Calrex is a...friend so I guess I can endure it for the time being." Zeri said to himself as he read Calrex's message. Zeri had never actually been to a wedding and just thinking about it make him feel a little uncomfortable but Zeri was quite sure that he can make it through at least one wedding. So Zeri went to the teleport gate and went to the 7th floor to meet up with Calrex.

Zeri arrives in Nimbus for the very first time. "A city made of stone huh, never thought that they would come up with something like this." Zeri walked around Nimbus for a bit just to take in the sight before he made his way to find Calrex. After walking for a bit, he spotted Calrex and Oikawa not to far off into the distance and walked towards them. When Zeri approached them, he simply just looked at the two and found a spot a few feet away from the two and stood there, just going through the thoughts inside his head until the rest of the group shows up.

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