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[F1] Japanese Cuisine

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Golden had been sleeping upstairs... it's been quite a while since Thorrissia moved out and honestly, he had been quite lonely ever since. He sighed as he rolled around on his bed, bored as heck when he heard a voice calling for him. Nah... I'm dreaming. He thought as the voice continued on. With a sigh, Golden sat up from his bed and slapped himself to ensure that he wasn't asleep before realizing that a potential customer could be at the end of what awaits him. He quickly jumped down the staircase, still wearing his sleep ware before he came across Thorrissia. "Eh... What can I do for you? Just place an order in. The Japanese Cuisine has outstanding prices!"

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Thorrissia grinned, feeling the humour of this situation. It felt pretty weird to actually be doing business with her boyfriend. "Hmmm, well have you got anything that can boost my crafting ability? I feel that being hungry before working is giving me less success." The brunette shrugged, feeling slightly embarrassed to be admitting her failures in alchemy to Golden, who seemed to be doing a lot better than herself.

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     Beoreson wondered around the stores looking for something that might have some sort of food. The young warrior decides to stop at a smaller store that looks like it might serve sushi or some thing. The young warrior wondered around the store, looking for an area to place an order of some kind. The raven haired warrior noticed that Golden was here in his PJs and there was girl talking to him. Beoreson did the sane thing and faded into the back of the store area. He stood out though as he was the only other person in the store, as well as he had met Golden not that long ago.

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  • 3 months later...

'alright, time for some kind of food item' I thought, ' I wonder if the shops are open still? if not... I guess I can kill some time looking for stuff in- oh! this shop looks promising!' I headed inside of the shop, looking for the owner, then I noticed the order forms. 'okay' I thought, 'so this is where I order from? jeez... I wish the owner was here... oh well!'

Name:  garlic bread
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 2
Item Type: Snack
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: none
Description: a simple garlic bread piece

'I think ill leave some bread too.' I thought.

-6 materials (bread)

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