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[PP:F2] Long Live The Queen (Life) COMPLETED

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Mayuri was pleasantly surprised when Life accepted her friend request. She'd met him only a few days ago and forgot to ask him for his contact information after he'd helped her take on the Nepent. She was a bit pleased that he had remembered her and thus accepted her request. No sooner than he'd accepted did she send him a note.





Thinking of taking on the big wasp on floor two, would you like to join me?

I totally understand if you're busy and can't make it!




She hit send without even thinking about it and then cringed. What if he didn't remember who she was and just accepted her request to be polite? Or maybe he was busy. She hadn't really considered what to do if he was, or even if he just wasn't interested in going. She began to fret thinking that maybe she'd been too forward in asking him to join her. Maybe he'd only helped her the last time because he just happened to be there? So many nerve wracking things swam in her head as she waited of a reply. Her stomach dropped even further realizing that he might not even respond to her message. 

Edited by Mayuri
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After Life's last run in with the new player from before he had got to thinking a lot about his past. Memories started to come to him like crashing and unforgiving waves, each bringing back more daunting and haunting scenes. Life thumped down his ale as he sat inside the ninth floors inn, he was to young to drink, and it was to early to drink, but he didn't care. The bartender eye'd him cautiously wondering if he would be ok. He slapped himself to wake up and left the inn like he was in a hurry not sure why. He needed to take his mind off of all the censored he had been through. He stumbled out of the inn and looked for something to kill. How ironic he'd try and get drunk on the ninth floor, the same floor he used to drink with Lessa and Alkor. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as once again, the ale had no affect on him but make him feel sick, and he wasn't even sure if that was ale's work. 


Life brushed his hair out of his face as he received a message from Mayuri. He wondered what she could want from him, he didn't think he made any real impression on her. Then again, he was a strong player, she probably just wanted some help. He didn't mind that much, he wanted to be useful rather than used. He opened the message and smirked, he remembered the boss she was going to fight, it was a very dangerous one from his memory. She would definitely need his help. He began to write a reply back to her, already forgetting about his troubles. 



Uh hey.


I wouldn't mind tagging along at all, i'll be there shortly. I'm currently on the ninth floor

Life hurried over to the teleporter and made his way to the second floor trying to see if he could find her. He sighed as he realised they didn't discuss a meeting place. He wondered it would probably be the best idea to head over to the quest area if he couldn't spot her anytime soon.

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Mai jumped as a reply screen popped up in front of her and she saw that it was from Life. The young woman clapped her hands together as she clicked on the message and opened it. He agreed to come, and she was relieved. The player guide did say that the quest could prove a bit difficult for low leveled players, and she was certainly one of them. Though the girl was rather proud of herself; she had managed to raise herself an entire level since her last fight and she did have the Anneal blade. She was just glad that the weapon had manifested itself as a Hwando; she had no desire to switch to a different single handed curved blade.

As the girl stared at the message, she realized that she had not set up a meeting location. Mai squeaked and opened a reply and furiously began typing her reply.



I'm by the transporters on floor two, so I'll be waiting for you here!


She hit send and sighed in relief. No sooner than she had hit “send†did someone appear at one of the transport units. It was Life. "Already" Mai said rather surprised. The girl jumped up and down and waved at the boy using both arms, smiling brightly. "HIIIIII!!!!"She said as she kept bouncing as he approached. "Thank you so much for coming. I was a little worried I might have had to do this one on my own." She said with a bright smile across her little face.  

Edited by Mayuri
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Life was just about to head towards the quest area when he heard a high pitched noise coming just off the distance, bouncing towards him closer. Life tilted his head and let his hair fall to the side as she approached him and thanked him for coming along. She was extremely cheerful to have him helping her, he hoped it was because she liked him and not simply because he was a good pair of hands. Wasn't it strange? For once he actually cared about what someone thought of him. There was something about the girl he couldn't quite put his finger on, but she made him smile. "It's my pleasure to be of assistance to you. I remember doing this quest, it shouldn't be to hard this time around i hope" He said with an unconvincing grin. It was good that they were here early, when he did it, it took a lot of travelling since it was a secret boss field boss. "If we're lucky we won't have to much trouble finding the queen first" 

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Mayuri smiled as Life' long hair fell into his eyes as she tilted his head and spoke to her. "I haven't taken you away from anything important, have I?"she asked him curiously wondering if she had ruined his plans for whatever it was he'd been doing before she had contacted him. Although it was a tad late to be concerned about that now; he was here and he was happy to be of assistance. Those words alone were enough to cause Mai's face light up like Christmas as she smiled. "Should we start moving then? I'd hate to lose out to another group also looking for the bug," she giggled.


The girl turned and began walking down the path toward the area described in the guide, the fields of the Wind Wasps. Apparently, the queen shows it at different times, and especially when players farmed the wasps. That was the quickest way to make the thing appear. She skipped along beside Life as they walked down the path toward the fields. "When you did this boss; was it alone, or did you have help?" She asked him curiously. Mai wanted to know what sort of person the young man beside her was. 

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Life smirked at her concern for him, she didn't really know much about him at all now that he thought about it. He observed her as she skipped beside him, as energetic as anything he'd ever seen, it was an unusual contrast compared to his calm and even steps. "Well, since you're curious.. I did do this one alone, and basically.. any other field boss. The only time Im not soloing mobs is when Im participating in an event or clearing floors" He wondered if he had flooded her with to much information, it felt like it, perhaps it was because he was letting down his guard again. He tried not to think about clearing floors, that brought unwelcome memories, and today he was supposed to relax here and take it easy on beginner bosses. "It seemed like i got the short end of the straw when i did this one though, i was kept with nasty company while fighting the queen" Life could still feel the sting of all the wasps he had to pummel to the ground. It was almost as if the game was specifically trying to kill him with the way the mob's part was set up. 

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"You must be very strong and very brave then," Mai said as nodded as she looked at the young man beside her, her large teal eyes even wider in awe of Life. "I think I would be nervous to fight bosses alone." She replied. He went on to explain that he normally worked alone less there was a boss fight. Shay smiled, "Then what made you accept my invitation?"she said before she even had a chance to think about it.


"Oh! I mean,  you'd be out in the field on your own; it must be a little odd working with another when you're used to doing things on your own."  She sighed and felt relieved she had a save. Shay would've been very embarrassed had she lacked reasoning behind the question she asked.


Mayuri slowed her stride so that she was walking evenly along with Life, consciously aware that she might be bouncing a bit too much as they traveled down the path. He continued to talk and told her that her recalled the fight being a bit difficult for him the last time he had completed it."Then maybe you can give them a little payback today." She beamed.  

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Mayuri complimented him on being brave and strong, it was nice that she thought of him that way but.. in truth he felt that he was doing it all wrong. It seemed like everything was heading in the wrong direction for him. He wondered if something would go wrong between him and the girl bouncing beside him, it was an unsettling thought. She asked him what made him answer he invitation and he froze for a moment, ending his train of thought. He paused not sure how to answer but could feel his ears going hot, luckily his hair was in the way to stop it from showing. She tried to justify her question and it sort of made him feel a bit more at easy but he still wasn't sure how to answer. He cleared his throat and eye'd her for a moment "Well, I needed to get my mind off things." Life paused for a moment knowing that wouldn't be good enough of an explanation, and that in truth was only half of it. "...And I wouldn't want you dying after asking for my help" Life gave her a weak smile and walked a bit faster so she couldn't read his face. When she suggested that he'd give them some payback he lowered his head and smirked "I think they're the one's who are going to want to be giving a little payback"

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Mai smiled as Life gave her an answer as to why it was he was helping her, and then went further to add that he didn’t want her to die. “That’s very kind of you,†she said feeling at least a little glad that someone in this entire game was concerned with whether or not she were alive. Mai felt a warmth slowly creep to her face, but she tried to push it down and contain it as best as she could. The young woman began to skip again happily beside Life as he picked up his pace; not noticing it was to avoid her gaze.


The scenery began to change and she saw that there were wasps dotting the landscape. “I think this is the area,†she said as she opened her HUD. There was a blinking indicator light on her screen. “That’s it! She’s out already!†Mai clapped her hands and she closed out her display. “The light said she was that way, so let’s go.†Mai paused before she went. “I’d like to try to avoid activating the other wasps though. I had heard she does have a guard with her sometime… Do you think it’s possible?†she asked Life curiously hoping maybe he remembered a few things about this quest. 

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The area changed and wasps began to appear everywhere, it was like he remembered it. Life scanned the field to search for the queen when Mayuri called out when she spotted it. He was glad he wouldn't have to hunt for it like he did last time, it saved a bit of time. "Well this saves a lot of trouble" Mayuri asked him if it was possible that there would be guard and he simply laughed. "Well, you could say that. When i fought it the queen, it called in 4 other wasps to gang up on me when it reached low health. It was pretty difficult, two were tanking while the queen and two soldiers did all the damage. They dropped me to the red zone but it was fun, I got a load of materials for it" Life rested his hand on the hilt of his katana, ready to begin fighting whenever Mayuri was. "We should party up, in case that happens again.. And if it does, then we can switch aggro with the mobs so you wont get hurt" He tried to resist smiling, but it was clear to see he was happy to be with her, and not alone brooding over past tragedies. Perhaps this is what he needed all along, not to get stronger but.. a friend. 

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Mai stopped as Life told her that they may have to face more enemies than just the queen. She rolled out her bottom lip not liking the sound of this and gave a heavy sigh. “Okay…†she said weakly wondering if maybe they couldn’t back out. She couldn’t back out though; she had to get stronger, and this was the only way to do it. Life suggested they party, and Mai opened her HUD once more and sent him the request. She smiled at him as she accepted and then they set off to go find the damn queen.


There were many wasps around the field, and Mai carefully traversed through the grass careful not to trigger any of the hostile mobs in the area. They moved deeper and deeper into the clearing until they found what it was they were looking for: the queen. She was MASSIVE; at least fifteen meters in height and with an even larger wingspan.  Mai gasped ass he looked over at Life. “You took THAT on ALONE?†She said pointing at the gigantic creature. “You really are brave…†she said and smiled brightly. Now was not the time for self doubt; she had something to prove, not only to herself, but to her companion as well. 


“Okay,†She said pulling her Anneal blade from her sheath. “I’m ready!†Mai said and then rushed the Queen, ready to take her down. 



BD: 6      (5+1 ACC)      +3 DMG to Queen

MD: 4     MISSED


The girl jumped at the Giant Wasp and slashed her Hwando across the abdomen of the massive winged creature. She managed to send pixels flying and the health meter of the beast ticked down slightly. The queen responded in kind and tried to smack the raven hair girl down, but Mai landed on the ground safely and she scurried toward Life for protection. This time their opponent was larger, and much stronger; she was not going to take any chances and he did say he would protect her. Shay would Life do just as he said.



Mayuri       15/15

Life       63/63


Wasp Queen     27/30 

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Mayuri jumped straight into the battle with her new anneal blade, he liked her spirit but was concerned that she would be in to much danger. Luckily now they were using the party system so that he could take the aggro from the thing. She landed a blow on the queen and jumped back to his side, he slid in between her and the boss making sure that he had it's full attention. It lunged forward at him, thrusting multiple times with it's stinger, hoping it could land a single blow on him. Life was much to quick for the boss, just like last time, the queen couldn't do anything without it's pawns. Which lead him to wonder how long it would be before they show up, if at all. Perhaps he just had gotten unlucky on his first try, things were indeed a lot different now. The first time he did the quest the queen rose from a lake and he had to manoeuvre on wooden beams that stuck from the waters surface. Life lashed out back at the queen, but it also dodged any attempt to harm it. If there was one thing he had to commend about the queen, it was her sheer speed. Though life wasn't the type to let his efforts go to waste as he analysed the queens movement pattern. He knew just where to strike next.




Mayuri       15/15

Life       63/63


Wasp Queen     27/30 

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While Life entertained the queen with his lightening fast movements, Mayuri took the opportunity to strike again. She raised her weapon and slashed at the large wasp. She connected with the thing's abdomen and once more shaved off a small amount of the queen's health. Her efforts were slow, but if she could manage to do this thirteen more times; she'd have effectively gotten rid of the Queen on her own. Thankfully, she wouldn't have to do that; with the assistance of her lovely companion, the wasp would be taken down in no time. 


The large insect did not retaliate. She was far too busy trying to strike at Life to be concerned with the young woman who was busy chipping away at its health. Mai was so terribly glad that Life had accompanied her on this one, had she'd done this alone, there would have been no way she could have completed this quest. 




BD: 8   (7+1 ACC)     Mai hits Queen for +2 DMG




Mayuri       15/15 (+1 HATE)

Life       63/63


Wasp Queen     25/30 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Life was glad the Queen was focused on him, it meant that Mayuri would be safe this battle. In truth it seemed that he was actually enjoying himself, fighting along side another person. Life still had some momentum from his last swing at the Queen and dropped his centre of gravity as the Queen struck back. It missed by a mile and Life sprung forward while it tried to recover and drove his katana straight through its body. It struggled against it and tried to wriggle free but it was only until Life dragged his blade back out that it was able to escape leaving it with a red wound going from it's front to back. Life smirked at the bee's frantic buzzing as it tried to recover from the blow. Mayuri was still doing her part to, her determination was something he could definitely respect. He looked over at her "Keep up the good work." They were just a whisker from halfway done, but it felt as though they had already won. 


ID:26510 BD: 10 MD: 5


Mayuri: 15/15

Life: 63/63


Wasp Queen: 16/30 

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MD: 7     +2 DMG TO LIFE






True to form, Life landed a rather devastating blow to the queen; he, on the other hand, was agile enough to evade her attacks as they flew. The fact that the Queen could not hit her intended target only seemed to piss her off and she made a rather terrible buzzing sound. Three of the drone roaming the field closest to the queen came to her aid and both went for the young man.

“LIFE!”  Mai hollered but it was too late.

The first one to charge in landed a hit upon the young man, though it didn’t seem to do much to him. Mai clicked her tongue as she rushed in to help but her way was cut off by a drone that nearly missed hitting her, and another one buzzed passed her. Since Life was the one that had wounded the queen, it was he that was their intended target. Mai clenched her fists and rushed after the attackers, four against two made things much more difficult than before.


Mayuri       15/15 (+1 HATE)

Life       61/63 (+2 HATE)


Wasp Queen: 16/30 

Drone #1    7/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    7/7

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Life watched as 3 other wasps flew over to protect the queen now that it's hp had dropped close to 50%. He examined them carefully and sized them up, they weren't as strong as the last ones he had faced, these weren't going to do anything in this situation but get swatted. Life also noticed that they weren't in any sort of formation, just angrily buzzing around. Life sprinted forward straight past the drones and headed straight for the queen, she was widely unprotected by the drones this time. Life lunged forward and tilted his body to the side, slashing at the Queen in a crescent motion and leaving a large red mark travelling across it's torso. It flinched back and curled up in response to the pain as Life landed by it's side and slid around it, ending up at it's back. Life looked back to see how Mayuri was handling herself and she hadn't taken any damage from the drones yet. He smirked and readied himself to strike again as the wasps stumbled to keep up with his movements.


ID:26826 BD: 10 MD: 5


Mayuri: 15/15

Life: 63/63


Wasp Queen: 5/30 

Drone #1    7/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    7/7

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Mai found it difficult to take her eyes off Life while he was in battle; he was truly impressive in every respect of the word. She watched him as he yet again landed an overwhelming attack upon the queen, one she could not repay him for. He broke through the defending wasps, slid past the queen as he struck her abdomen and ended up behind her all in one fluid motion. She couldn’t believe how he moved so quickly and gracefully.

The swarm was on the move, and once more they were after Life. The giant hornet flapped her huge wings and zipped after him, but he was just too quick for her to keep up with as her size greatly reduced her speed. The smaller ones were able to keep up with his quick movements. The first two tried to double team him, but they could not strike him. The third one did however. The girl had managed to catch up with them and attacked the one that had struck Life. She took her Anneal blade in both hands and slashed at the hornet slicing into the creature’s side. It was a critical blow, and it dropped the creature’s life below half. With the queen and a wasp near death, things would prove much easier.



BD: 10   +2 CRIT    Mai attacks Drone 3 for 4 DMG










Mayuri: 15/15

Life: 61/63


Wasp Queen: 5/30 

Drone #1    7/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    3/7

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Life casually evaded the onslaught of attacks thrown at him, until however a drone had snuck behind him while he was to focused on the rest. He turned to face it and try to evade but it had already stuck it's stinger into him, unsuspecting of the damage it put itself in as it's health dropped to a mere 1 health point. The wasp queen was just a reach away from being finished off, he wasn't going to waste the opportunity hitting the weak link. Besides it was now at a nice amount for Mayuri to finish it off. Life continued to turning, pushing the drone away from his body as it's stinger was stuck inside him and pushed it away. Life spotted the Queen and sprung from his feet, he knew just how the queen would try and evade him, but it would have no such luck in doing so. Life brought his blade down on the queen tilting his blade slightly to the right, as the Queen attempted to evade it to the side, he cut through his own path due to the tilt in the blade and as if he was cutting through the air, redirected his blade and cut straight through the Queens abdomen leaving it in two pieces before evaporating into millions of particles. Life found his feat and landed gracefully before turning to face the rest, now seemingly lost in purpose. They would have no trouble cleaning up the rest. 


ID:26899 BD:10 MD:3


Mayuri: 15/15

Life: 61/63



Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD

Drone #1    7/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    1/7 (Takes two thorn damage)

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The queen was no more. Life had made quick work of the large insect and it fell away and shattered as he cut the thing in two. Two of the drones went for Life as he’d destroyed their queen and attacked. The first failed to connect with him, but the second landed another hit. The third drone, the one with little health left connected with Mai rather violently, jabbing its stinger into her side. The girl winced and turned the blade of her weapon out toward the Drone stabbing it in return. The creature split at her incision and burst into pixels and then to nothing.  It was now two on two and with neither mob very strong, it wouldn’t take long until all was said and done.





BD: 6    Mai hits Drone 3 for 2 DMG

MD: 9    Drone 3 hits Mai for 3DMG


MD: 1     Drone 1 Missed Life


MD: 9 Drone hits Life for 1 DMG (Sorry… I forget your MIT >_<)





Mayuri: 12/15

Life: 60/63



Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD

Drone #1    7/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    1/7 DEAD








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The queen was no more and Mai quickly dispatched of the weakened drone, the others would soon fall to. Life observed the movements of the two drones as they circled him. They were so much smaller than the queen to. Life swatted at them but their size and speed made it hard for him to land a clean blow, just barely missing it. The two became weary of him and quickly backed away, not giving him another chance to strike at them. He bit his lip and watched them fly towards Mai "Careful!" Life cursed at himself for not killing one, he wasn't sure why he missed, especially against such weak mobs. 


ID: 26946 BD: 3


Mayuri: 12/15

Life: 60/63



Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD

Drone #1    7/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    1/7 DEAD

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