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[PP:F2] Long Live The Queen (Life) COMPLETED

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With the queen and a drone down, Mai and Life were out some opponents. The young man tried his best to fend the pair of attackers off, but he could not manage to hit him; it only made sense to Mai, after taking down the queen he must’ve been slightly worn. The dark haired beauty felt bad that he really as doing most of the work for her in these quests. She would have to find a way to repay his kindness.

Since the mobs could not get to the young man, they decided that Mai made a much more attractive target. Life shouted for her to be careful, but the pretty young woman was already on it. They flew at her in unison, and came to strike her, but the girl spun out of the way, and managed to slash one of them with her Hwando in the process. She grinned as she watched the health of the drone she hit drop.



BD: 7   (6 +1 ACC)      Mai hits drone 1 for +2 DMG

MD: 4   Drone 1 misses Mai


MD: 4   Drone 2 misses Mai


Mayuri: 12/15

Life: 60/63



Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD

Drone #1    2/7 

Drone #2   7/7

Drone#3    1/7 DEAD

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It was about time to wrap things up now, the two drones wouldn't last much long, Mayuri had whittled one down low enough for her to finish off. Life made a move forward and cut straight through one of the wasps leaving it in shambles. The precision given by his momentum helped to finish it off and continued forward with the fight and now there was one left mai could finish it.


ID:27358 BD: 2+2+2=6 


Mayuri: 12/15

Life: 60/63



Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD

Drone #1    2/7 

Drone #2   0/7  DEAD

Drone#3    1/7 DEAD

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Another drone was struck down by Life, which meant they were down to one. Mai’s attacks were not her best; she could hit, but not land a critical to save herself. As she moved to strike the final foe, the wasp attacked her again. She was hit, but not badly, but Mayuri wasn’t about to take that nonsense and she slashed at the creature taking its health down even more. Her strength was not enough to kill the thing however and she hoped that Life would finish it off so they could be done with all these winged monsters.



BD: 6 (5+1 ACC)            Mai hits drone for +2 DMG 

MD: 9   +1 CRIT   DMG= 2 (3DMG-1MIT)       Drone hits Mai for 2 DMG


Mayuri: 10/15

Life: 60/63


Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD     

Drone #1    3/7

Drone #2   0/7   DEAD

Drone#3    1/7 DEAD     


((I totally cannot math! Drone 1 should’ve been at 5 not 2. YAY >_<    ))



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Mai had not quite had done the deed, the last drone was surprising resilient in the battle, unsure of how it was any stronger from the rest. He shook his head dismissing it as though it didn't matter at all and swiftly placed himself between the drone and Mayuri, cutting through the wasp in one fluent motion. The mob quickly dispersed and the field was cleared of all threats. Once he knew all was safe he let out a soft sigh, sheathed his blade and gently massaged his shoulder before turning to face Mai. "Well, it looks like we're done with these. Thank you for this. I needed it." Now that he no longer had any excuse to stay around, he felt a sense of sadness come over him. It was over it seemed, and he would go back to doing what he normally did. Since they had partied he didn't need to trade her the quest item like he did last time. He hovered over the disband button "If you need anymore help, let me know" 

ID:27480 BD: 4+2=6 


Mayuri: 10/15

Life: 60/63



Wasp Queen: 0/30   DEAD

Drone #1    2/7   DEAD

Drone #2   0/7  DEAD

Drone#3    1/7 DEAD

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Life got between Mayuri and the last drone and cut the thing clean in half before it could attack again. Mai took a deep breath and smiled and she looked up and grinned even wider as she’d seen Life do the same thing. They both sheathed their weapons and she walked over to her companion as he turned to face her.

"Well, it looks like we're done with these. Thank you for this. I needed it."

“No, thank you,” Mai said, “If you hadn’t come, I’d have had one heck of a time finishing them all off by myself.”  Life opened up his HUD and told her "If you need anymore help, let me know" 

“Actually…” Mai spoke up, “I wanted to take on the other floor bosses in order. Since you’ve already helped me with two I was hoping you might help me with the others?” She bit her bottom lip and looked at him pleadingly, “I promise if you do help, you won’t have to carry me. I already got stronger from the last fight and I promise I’ll keep working and training. And I like working with you… You’re nice to me and you’ve kept me safe.”  The young woman’s cheeks went pink as she almost but not quite admitted that she enjoyed life’s company.

“Please?”  She asked him and clasped her hands together hoping he would agree.

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Life listened to her request and felt touched that she would be wanting to continue on with him through the game. He thought on it and smiled at her refraining from pressing the disband button. "Okay, sure thing." If he spent more time with her like and helped her out he wouldn't be lonely again, or at least he'd have a distraction from it. The way she looked at him sent butterflies loose in his stomach and found himself staring into her. "I would like that"  He cleared his throat and brushed his fringe to the side turning away from her. "We can stay close, plan them out, I'll help you get stronger. You're in good hands" Luckily for him he had turned around, at this point his face was bright red and he wasn't exactly sure how to deal with embarrassment. He wondered if it was possible that he was starting to develop feelings for this girl, he had never gone out with a girl before. 

Edited by Life
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Life withdrew his hand back from his HUD and agreed to help Mayuri. His eyes met her own briefly saying how he’d like to help her; to which the corners of Mai’s mouth turned upwards and her eyes crinkled as she grinned widely. He continued on, promising that she’d grow stronger, and that she’d be okay with him and then he turned around so that his back was to her. Unable to contain herself, Mai rushed Life and jumped at him wrapping her arm around his middle and gave him a quick squeeze. “Oh thank you!” She cheered as she as she squeezed him again even harder before letting him go. The young woman clapped her hands together and bounced and then began to skip off. Mai was completely giddy over the fact that Life was going to continue to party with her. It was the first time in a long time that she felt that with him; she’d be safe from harm.




Life has earned the following:

1 SP

200 Col


Mayuri has earned the following:

4 SP

200 Col

Matriarch’s Stinger


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