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[PP-F1] A Sleeping Dragon Meets A Shy Princess

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"Well in the real world I was the youngest of 5,so my family made me study a lot,as you heard my family own's a Dojo,So I am a highly skilled martial artist but I got sick and tired of not having free time I turned to games,I loved music, I always listened to music while I trained or did work.Many people called me the perfect guy but I say I am lazy." Vasth laughs as he choice what he was going to get.

"You know what you are getting?"  Vasth looks up.

(Angel beats is good made me cry 5 times,Yah Do you want our Characters to date?:D ) 

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"Wow, youngest of 5 kids? I dont really remember what it was like to have a sibling. Highly skilled martial artist is awesome. I was never one to like sports. Im pretty lazy myself actually." Miriko giggles and Vasth asks her what she is getting 

"im probably going to get the beef. It Sounds delicious." Miriko smiled at Vasth.

(Omg yes they should date :D XD I sound like a fangirl....)

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"Ok I am going to get the Chicken." Vasth called over the waiter 

"Can she have the Beef and I have the Chicken."

"Yes and would you like a drink?" said the NPC

"ummm I will get a lemonade,what do you want?" He asked Miriko 

(ok I will make Vasth ask after dinner but I am going to sleep so I will post tomorrow)

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Vasth Called oved the waiter so they could orfer their meals. He then asked for drinks. "I will have a lemonade too." miriko politely answered. They waited a while, they talked about their in real life experiences until thsir meals came. Miriko took a bite out of hers and smiled. "This is the best food ever" Miriko giggled. "How is your chicken Vasth?" Many other players were dining around the pair, it wasa busy night.

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Vasth ate half the chicken in a instant. Vasth looks up and laughed a bit.

"Ah it's very delicious, the texture and favour is awesome," Vasth tried to wipe his mouth,he ate messy when he was really hungry.

"Here,you want to try some?" She giggled and leaded forwards to wipe my mouth with a tissue.

"Geez Vasth at least wipe up probably." She said,Vasth blushed bright red.She was really close.As Vasth stared her as she wiped,then she noticed that he was staring then she quickly blushed and sat back down.

"ummm I would like some." Vasth cut some of his chicken and handed some to her plate.


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Miriko blushed as she caught Vasth staring. She sat down, and took another bite of her beef. Miriko still had a tint of light pink on her cheeks
"Yes I would like some." Miriko answered to Vasths question. Vasth cut a bit of chicken from his plate had moved it to hers.

"In exchange for the chicken, would you like some of the beef before i eat it all?" Miriko giggled, waiting for his answer. She looked at Vasth. His blond hair was loosely tied up, eyes shining with happiness. He is so handsom Miriko thought.

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"Yeah I would like some." Miriko cutted some beef up and put it on his plate.Both of them chopped on each other's shared meal.Their eye's glittered from the taste they had.

"Damn this is so good." Vasth smiled as he looked up. Miriko smiled as she tasted her one.She looked up and grinned to Vasth. God She so beautiful.

"What do you think about the Chicken?" 

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Miriko finished the last of her beef and started on the small portion of chicken. "Food was a big part of my life, as i was a waitress at a cafe. I had always wanted to become a chef at my young age but my foster parents disagreed." Miriko took a sip of lemonade and continued. "I loved that small cafe. I worked part time. The little shop was just down the road from my house so I would work either before or after school." Miriko smiled and continued in her eating.

"This chicken is delicious." Miriko answered to Vasth's question. She ate the last bit of the chicken. Miriko relised she had eaten very fast, and started blushing.

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Vasth smiled as she finished the last of her food.

"Hmmm I never had a job because I was alway busy,but I got a lot of money from winning competitions on marital arts.Well we are finished herer" As they both finished their meal and drank they last bits of lemonad,They got up and Vasth paid for the food. 

"So um are we going..." Vasth blushed as he looked at him.

"Share a room, it 's cheaper and I want...um.. want to be..with...you longer." As he said these words his face went very red.



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Vasth paid for the food and turned around to Miriko. He mumbled a few words and his face went the brightest red you can get. Miriko face also went very red. She squeaked.

"Sure, it is cheaper and I want to spend more time with you too." Miriko covered her face with her hands. She was blushing way too much. Miriko uncovered her face and gave a soft smile.

"Lets go um get that room." Miriko spoke, trying not to again cover her face.

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Vasth was so happy when she said yes.

"Ok,we would like that room please." Vasth say to the NPC

" Here is you're key sir." Vasth turns 

"Well let's go." Vastha and Miriko go to their room and vasth open a door.The room was fulled with fancy decoration.

"It's late,so I am going to shower." Vasth looked over. He blushed as he quickly went in.



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Vasth picked out a room and the entered the room. It was a big room. Vasth quickly went to take a shower. Miriko could see the light blush on his cheeks. She softly giggled and walked around the room. The room was filled with fancy furniture. The walls were painted white, there were big windows looking down onto the street below. Then Miriko relised. There was only one bed. Miriko face went bright red. She sat down on a chair to wait for Vasth to come back.

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As Vasth finished up he looked at his menu on his clothes.......he didn't have a clean shirt......well damn.

"I am done you can take a shower." As he walked out half naked.Chest bared also exposed his scars. Vasth couldn't stop his face flushing. Miriko stares at his built body.

"hahaha please don't stare so much it's embarrassing." 

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Vasth walked out into the room with no shirt. His upper body had many scars. under the scars was a strong built body. Miriko coudnt help but stare at his muscles. She blushed as Vasth told her not to stare so much.

She squeked covering her eyes."Im sorry, I guess will go and have a shower now."  She got up off the white chair and walked into the bathroom. Wow those muscles though.......

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Vasth sat on the bed,as he sits there,it hits him there was only one bed. 

"Ohhhhh." As Vasth says burying his face in his hand,then lays down on the bed,looking up to the ceiling as he waits for Miriko. He starts to read the news on the new menu.

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After her shower, Miriko tied her damp hair up in a bun, changed into a singlet and boxershorts and walked out into the main room. She sat down on the bed next to Vasth who was reading the menu. He looked relaxed. "So what do you want to do now?"

It had started raining outside and became quiet cold. Miriko shivered. "Where did this cold come from? It was nice and sunny today. Its amazing how this game has been designed to perfection." Miriko rubbed her arms, trying to maintain her body tempreture

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"Hmm we should go to bed......should keep us...." As Vasth looked over from his menu. She looked so sexy in her singlet and boxer's 

"Us warm,here the blanket," Vasth got the blanket and put it on Miriko,over her head. She laughed as he put it on her.

"Should keep you warm,hmmm the weather might be a bit of an error or just happen...AH AH CHOO." Vasth sneezed 

"Geez it is really cold."


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Vasth Sneezed and Miriko giggled. "Bless you, haha." Miriko hadnt smiled this much in ages. "It is really cold." Miriko pulled the her hair out of its bun, her brunette hair fell down like it usually is. She pulled the blanket up to her chin. "If you dont mind me asking but is your real name?" miriko whispered but kept the smile on her face

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Miriko smiled as arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. Vasth whispered his name in her ear.

"Zen, Thats a nice name. My name is Charlotte, Charlotte Meier. I took the name Miriko in remembrance to my sister Miri." Miriko whispered

"Meier is a family name  from germany. My father was from there. He met my mum in japan so yeah." Miriko turned her head up and looked up at Vasth, she smiled at him. She was in love with him

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