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[PP-F1] A Sleeping Dragon Meets A Shy Princess

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"Wow really? My mom was european that's why I have my blonde hair and green eye. She went to Japan to study until she met my dad." As she stared into Vasth's eye. He couldn't help it she was so beautiful. He hugged a bit more. He could feel her warmth through the blanket. 

"So you took your name Miriko in honour your sister." Vasth smiled 

"Do you know what Charlotte...."

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"Wow seriously??We have even more in common than i thought. I didn't inherit any of my fathers looks. I look alot like my mum. But I did inherit his personality, well by what i remember." Miriko whispered. The soft glow of the lights made her eyes shine. She looked up at Vasth, and he hugged her even tighter. He spoke again.

"Yeah I did. I dont remember her much but she had the cutest face that any 5 year old could have." Miriko remembered. Vasth spoke again.

"What is it Zen?" Miriko softly asked as she looked up at Vasth again.

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"I.....Ummm...umm..." Vasth blushed a lot....... he was saying this to a person he only knew for a day but he is in love with her

"I have fallen in love with you." After he said he,his face went so red his colour is like a apple. After he say it Miriko had a blank face...Vasth thought he stuffed up but she said..

"What......ummm can you say that again?I think I didn't hear you probably.." 

"I have fallen in love with you." She screamed and covered herself with the blanket....

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Miriko didnt scream because she was scared. She screamed because she was happy. After a few seconds of going over thoughts in her head, she uncovered herself from the blanket. Miriko turned towards Vasth and whispered "You know what zen? i have fallen in love with you too." She moved closer to vasth, staring into his emerald eyes. We have only know eachother for a day, but i feel like we are meant for eachother." She blushed like a tamatoe when she said this 

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 She gazed into his eye,when she said those word,he was so happy. 

"Yes I feel like like we are meant for each other." Vasth lend forward.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have met.Funny and nice also caring......" Vasth moved in and kissed her,her lips were warm and made his body has a shock go through his body

"So please become my girlfriend." As he pulled away slowly,he still could feel the warmth for her lips 

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Miriko felt her body turn into jelly as Vasth kissed her. His lips were soft, and his kiss was true. Miriko swore she could hear her heart racing. He slowly pulled away and asked Miriko if she wanted to be his girlfriend. "Yes, oh my god yes." She put her arms around his neck and kissed him, pulling him close. She slowly Pulled away and whispered. "Thank god a fell out of that tree today and thank god you were taking a nap under that tree or we would have never met."

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"Well...." He pushed himself forward and fell on her so they were both laying on the bed.

"I did ask the gaming god for a angel to fall on me." she laughed as he kissed her again.her lips were like sweet sweet ice cream then pushed Vasth over and she was on top of him

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Miriko Giggled. "Well i dont remember asking to fall on a sleeping dragon" She also kissed Vasth. His lips tasted like mint, like the mint milkshakes she had got when she was a kid "You are so nice Vasth. And so caring. And so cute." Miriko whispered. Rain was pelting down outside, the air was cold but surprisingly, Vasths body was warm. 

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"Well this dragon is grateful for a angel princess to come to his world and I am cute?" Vasth heard the rain outside but he didn't feel cold anymore,as she laid on top of him,his eyes slowly started to close,this day was the best day of his life. 

"Well now the scars of us are no longer painful memories,they are what connected us,so now on when I am not with you or me,we can remember I will be with you through this scar.."   As Vasth touched her scar,even if the scar made her look different from other girls.She was the most beautiful even with the scar then he kissed Miriko on the cheek

"Sorry but....... I ....am ...so*snores*"

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Miriko smiled as Vasth talked about their scars connecting eachother. She traced her finger along one of the multiple scars on his chest. He suddenly fell asleep. This made Miriko giggle. "Its alright, go to sleep my sleeping dragon." She kissed Vasth softly on the head, not wanting to wake him up. She turned out the light and snuggled into Vasth. She soon feel asleep and dreamt about Shy angel princesses and Sleeping dragons.

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As the morning sun shined on into his eye. He yawned and looked over see Miriko in his arms,thank god it wasn't a dream. He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek,then she slowly open her eyes and yawn.

"Well the sleeping beauty is awake." He hugged and tickled her,Vasth bet his hair was mess as a bush

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Miriko woke up to birds chirping, the sun in her eyes and soft lips on her cheeks. She slowly opened her eyes and there was Vasth, Green eyes watching her and blond hair a bit of a mess. Miriko heard Vasth say something and tickle her sides. "Stop it, stop it." She laughed. Trying to push his hands down. Miriko was very tickleish. Vasth stopped and gave her a hug. "Im so happy yesterday was not a dream, and that i woke up in your arms." Miriko yawned and sat up a bit, running her fingers through her brunette hair, getting rid of the knots

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"Took the word right out of my mind." Vasth laid down on the bed with his hand behind his head. 

"You can use the bathroom first,since your going to take longer." She nodded and walked over to the bedroom,as she enter she poked her head back.

"No peeking." As she stuck her tongue out,and closed the door. Vasth yawned and opened the menu.Hmmm seem likes the a quest on jobs... I should look into it. 

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After her shower, Miriko changed into her casual gear, dried her hair with a towel and walked out into the bedroom. Vasth was still lying down on the bed. He had his menu open and he seemed to be lreading something. Miriko laid down on the bed next to him. "What are you reading?" She asked 

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Vasth smiled as he nuzzled Miriko back. "So a Artisan and a Cook together we should make a lot of money." Vasth smiled. 

"Well time for me to shower." Vasth walked into the bathroom and closed the door,he started to shower.

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As Miriko waited for Vasth to finish his shower, she looked out the windows at the street below. It was early morning, the sun had already risen and gave aincrad a yellow haze effect. Players had started to walk around starting city, NPCs opened their morning stalls and birds flew around in the air. "What a brilliant morning" Miriko whispered to herself. She tied her hair up in a high bun and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Vasth

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Miriko slightly giggled when Vasth asked if she could tie his hair up. "Yep, i can do that. You are lucky that my foster mum was a hairdresser or would have no clue what to do." Miriko laughed. She went behind Vasth and started to tie his blonde hair up. "Your hair is surprisingly soft," she Said as she tied his hair up, completed. 

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