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[SP - F5] «Feeding the Enemy» [COMPLETE]

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After making the split-second mistake of taking his eyes off the cactus monster, it lunged forward with its fist. He reacted as quickly as he could, but Takao was struck square in the chest by the massive fist. The thorns tore through his digital flesh and left large glowing wounds as they ate away at his health, and the sheer force of the strike sent Takao tumbling across the ground. He grit his teeth and regained his balance after rolling and sliding across the hard dirt, his boots kicking up dust as his hand shot out to the ground and slowed his momentum to a stop. He glanced up at the monster and rose to stand, eyebrows furrowed and a slight, oddly placed smile growing on his face.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus



» ID : [[ 26742 ]]

» BD : [[ 3 ]]

» MD  : [[ *10* - 3(EVA) = 7 ]] (+2 critical damage)


» CD : [[ 5 ]]


« Takao »

[[ 51/55 HP ]] (7(DMG) + 2 critical - 5(MIT) = -4HP)


« Living Cactus »
[[ 30/38 HP ]]
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Takao raised his sword slightly and prepared to step forward to attack, but the cactus had beaten him to the punch. It charged at Takao who attempted to dive and tumble to the side and out of the way, though the monster was faster than he had been expecting. As he dove, the monster raised its fist and slammed it down on Takao's back just as he was about to enter the tumble. He wheezed out a breath as the fist left several large wounds on his back, and he mused how it was perhaps the most odd feeling to not feel pain from that. Takao pushed off the ground and put distance between himself and the monster again.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus



» ID : [[ 26766 ]]

» BD : [[ 1 ]]

» MD  : [[ *10* - 3(EVA) = 7 ]] (+2 critical damage)


» CD : [[ 12 ]] (2 HP Recovered)


« Takao »

[[ 49/55 HP ]] (7(DMG) + 2 critical - 5(MIT) = -4HP) (2 HP Recovered)


« Living Cactus »
[[ 30/38 HP ]]
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Takao exhaled a steady breath and glared back at the glowing red eyes that stared daggers at him. "Alright... So you're a bit faster than I was expecting." He said as a grin made its way onto his face. "I'm always game for a challenge." Takao stepped forward and baited the monster to attack by making it think he was about to repeat his earlier tumbling blunder. It swung its fist toward where it had anticipated him to be, but Takao had pushed off the ground and turned his momentum in the other direction at the last second. He twisted his body and snapped his arm and sword at the monster like a whip, the edge slicing through the side and inflicting a hefty chunk of damage.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26767 ]]
» BD : [[ 4 + 1(Concentration) + 1(LMT) = 6 ]]
» MD  : [[ *8* - 3(EVA) = 5 ]]

» CD : [[ 2 ]]
« Takao »
[[ 49/55 HP ]]

« Living Cactus »
[[ 22/38 
HP ]] (8(DMG) = -8HP)

Edited by Takao
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His sword cleared the monster's body and Takao pivoted on his foot to continue inflicting damage. The cactus monster's fist had recovered from its earlier heavy strike and had re-targeted him just as he turned. His eyes widened just as the fist connected with his chest and sent him tumbling against the ground again, though the damage was less than before. Takao quickly recovered and returned to his feet, grunting and reaffirming his grip on his sword.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26768 ]]
» BD : [[ 4 ]]
» MD  : [[ *9* - 3(EVA) = 6 ]] (+1 critical damage)

» CD : [[ 2 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 46/55 HP ]] (7(DMG) + 1 critical - 5(MIT) = -3HP)

« Living Cactus »
[[ 22/38 
HP ]]

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Takao and the large animate cactus beast exchanged blows, with his blade cleaving deep through the underside and clean out the other side, and the cactus beast barely missing him with a punch; the large thorns on its fist inflicting the damage to Takao instead. After performing a single hand spring following the damage that he'd both inflicted and been inflicted upon himself, a fair amount of distance stood between himself and the monster. He frowned upon looking at his health, which had taken a substantial blow, though his confidence remained.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26774 ]]
» BD : [[ 9 ]] 
(+1 critical damage)
» MD  : [[ *9* - 3(EVA) = 6 ]] (+1 critical damage)

» CD : [[ 2 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 41/55 HP ]] (7(DMG) + 1 critical + 2 thorns - 5(MIT) = -5HP)

« Living Cactus »
[[ 13/38 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) + 1 critical = -9HP)

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Takao's green eyes glanced upward toward his health after noticing some minor movement in his peripheral vision. He watched a few points of health return to the gauge, and immediately returned his attention back to the cactus monster afterward. "Battle Healing kicked in again, but it's still so little... I'll have to level that skill up when I get the chance." His thoughts wandered as his body focused on evading the cactus beast and attempting to, then proceeding to fail with attacking on his own attempt.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26779 ]]
» BD : [[ 5 ]]

» MD  : [[ *2* - 3(EVA) = -1 ]]

» CD : [[ 12 ]] (2 HP Recovered)

« Takao »
[[ 43/55 HP ]] 
(2 HP Recovered)

« Living Cactus »
[[ 13/38 
HP ]]

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Takao managed to land another hit after circling around the back of the monster and using its ridiculously low rate of movement against it. After strafing to its back side, he placed both hands upon the handle of his sword and swung it down hard, the result left a massive red wound across its back. His health began to drop just a bit, though his main worry should have been on the large monster that swung at him again. The arm caught his left side and knocked him off his feet, although Takao was just as quick to push off the ground and swing his legs underneath him. His acrobatics skill had definitely become one of his favourites.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26780 ]]
» BD : [[ 6 ]]

» MD  : [[ *9* - 3(EVA) = 6 ]]

» CD : [[ 2 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 38/55 HP ]] 
(7(DMG) + 1 critical + 2 thorns - 5(MIT) = -5HP)

« Living Cactus »
[[ 5/38 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) = -8HP)

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Another moment of constant movement had passed, with Takao consistently circling around the large cactus monster in an attempt to catch an opportunity to strike its blind spot, which seemed to be one of the few relatively safe places to strike. Such an opportunity never came however, as he found himself prioritizing the evasion of incoming thorn-covered fists over finishing the monster off. The massive hand crashed down on the hard dirt and kicked up a considerable amount of dust and debris from the sheer impact.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26781 ]]
» BD : [[ 2 ]]

» MD  : [[ *1* - 3(EVA) = -2 ]]

» CD : [[ 11 ]] 
(2 HP Recovered)

« Takao »
[[ 40/55 HP ]] (2 HP Recovered)

« Living Cactus »
[[ 5/38 
HP ]]

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Takao stepped forward as the dust and debris had just started to settle. The cactus monster's red eyes glanced around blindly, searching for and failing to find its smaller humanoid adversary who had already moved around to its back side. Just as the monster had thought to turn around, Takao's blade tore its backside and stomach open in one fluid motion. The sword left a glowing red wound in its wake as it left the monster's frozen body, and in the following second, the beast erupted into hundreds of shimmering polygons of data. He glanced over his shoulder at the beast, then up at his own health at the slight bit of damage it had inflicted upon him as it was hit, and sheathed his sword before moving on.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Living Cactus

» ID : [[ 26782 ]]
» BD : [[ 6 ]]

» MD  : [[ *6* - 3(EVA) = 3 ]]

» CD : [[ 2 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 39/55 HP ]] 
(2 Thorns - 5(MIT) = -1HP)

« Living Cactus »
[[ 0/38 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) = -8HP)

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* Familiar Attempt *

Barely half of an hour had passed since Takao awoke and ventured out into the desert, and only about fifteen minutes since he'd disposed of the fairly large cactus monster that he had accidentally crossed paths with. The air was as dry and humid as he remembered it being the day prior, though his <<Survival>> skill kept him upright and conscious despite the armour he wore. Takao climbed to the top of a tall sand dune and, oddly enough, found there to be a surprising lack of monsters about.

- -

» ID : [[ 26785 ]]
» LD : [[ 3 ]]

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"Another one of these things, huh?" Takao mumbled to himself as the four legged monster snarled and growled at him. His hand moved to his back and firmly grasped the handle of his sword and pulled it out of the scabbard, the two objects rasping together as they slid against one another. He blinked slowly as he glanced over the monster, noting that it didn't look any more dangerous than the last one he'd fought the day prior. Takao's boots slid against the loose sand as he lowered himself into a stance and prepared for combat.

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Takao's glance shifted from his own health gauge that hovered at the top left of his screen back to the monster as it began to charge. Takao stepped forward just as it came within range and swung his sword forward while stepping off to the side of its attempted charge. His blade bit into the monster's side and tore a large stripe of a glowing red wound along the colourful monster's side. When his sword left the monster's body, Takao stepped off and away to the side, preparing himself for another strike against his quadrupedal adversary.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Rhinosaurus

» ID : [[ 26796 ]]
» BD : [[ 8 ]]

» MD  : [[ *8* - 3(EVA) = 5 ]]

» CD : [[ 4 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 43/55 HP ]]

« Rhinosaurus »
[[ 22/30 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) = -8HP)

Edited by Takao
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As Takao stepped off to the left and pressed his weight onto his left foot, he raised his sword up over his head. When his weight shifted to his right foot, he brought the blade down like a bolt of lightning, slicing clean and deep through the monster like the sword was cutting through butter. Takao pulled his sword out of the monster just in time to see it howl in pain, and then suddenly whip its spiked tail toward him. The extremity collided with his chest and knocked him off his feet. His armour mitigated most of the damage, but he noticed that it was considerable compared to how much damage he usually sustained.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Rhinosaurus

» ID : [[ 26798 ]]
» BD : [[ 6 ]]

» MD  : [[ *10* - 3(EVA) = 7 ]] (+2 critical damage)

» CD : [[ 4 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 41/55 HP ]] 
(4(DMG) + 2 critical - 5(MIT) = -2HP)

« Rhinosaurus »
[[ 14/30 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) = -8HP)

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Takao groaned as he picked himself up off the ground and shook his head. The impact hadn't done much to rattle him, as attacks from monsters rarely did. He turned to face the monster just as its massive tail was swung at him again, though he was fully capable of evading it this time. He dove, ducked, and tumbled off to the side in one swift motion. As he rolled back onto his feet and regained his balance with practiced grace, his sword was swung in a wide horizontal arc, biting into the monster's side to inflict a fair bit of damage before Takao put more distance between himself and the monster.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Rhinosaurus

» ID : [[ 26799 ]]
» BD : [[ 7 ]]

» MD  : [[ *1* - 3(EVA) = -2 ]]

» CD : [[ 2 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 41/55 HP ]]

« Rhinosaurus »
[[ 6/30 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) = -8HP)

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After successfully performing both the evasive tumble and the subsequent attack, Takao noted how low the monster's health had been dropped. He was eager to end the fight and have a moment to relax, since he had only ventured into the desert a mere forty five minutes ago and already fought two monsters. In a normal game, he mused, this would've been a pathetic amount of time, yet each fight in Sword Art Online tended to be a difficult battle. He stepped forward as the monster tried to regain its bearings and dealt the final blow, cleaving through the last of its health and reducing the monster to hundreds of colourful, sparkling polygons of data.

- -

« Battle Sequence »
Takao » Rhinosaurus

» ID : [[ 26800 ]]
» BD : [[ 8 ]]

» MD  : [[ *2* - 3(EVA) = -1 ]]

» CD : [[ 7 ]]

« Takao »
[[ 41/55 HP ]]

« Rhinosaurus »
[[ 0/30 
HP ]] 
(8(DMG) = -8HP)

« Result »
+1 Material

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Having vanquished the last monster in the area that he could see, Takao had decided to take a more peaceful approach to the time in between his familiar taming attempts. The desert was by far his least favourite, and by no means the best location to search for materials, but given that he was there already and his time was better spent doing something than just lounging around, he figured it was a fair alternative to fighting monsters.

- -

» ID : [[ 26802 ]]
» LD : [[ 8 ]]



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"Let's see..." Takao said aloud as his gaze shifted skyward in thought. He rubbed his chin as he walked and appeared to be deep in thought, barely even paying attention to where he was walking. He finally exhaled a defeated breath after a few moments of thinking. "Man, coming up with desert puns is hard... If only I had a dry sense of humour." He chuckled inwardly and shook his head before continuing on. "Nah, that one's terrible."

- -

» ID : [[ 26803 ]]
» LD : [[ 10 + 2(Vitamins) = 12 ]]

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Takao climbed to the summit of a large sand dune and crested the top, his boot pushing down some of the loose sand that rested at the very peak. He glanced around the desert and noted how barren and vast it looked. The things he focused on quickly rendered in the distance, providing him with clear - if not distant - pictures of what lay beyond the sands. "Hrm... Oh, I got one!" He said as he hopped over the dune and slid down the opposite side. "How many grains of sand are there in a desert?" He paused for a moment, as if to give somebody that wasn't there the chance to answer. "Thou-sand-s!"

"...I'm glad nobody was around to hear that."

- -

» ID : [[ 26804 ]]
» LD : [[ 3 + 2(Vitamins) = 5 ]]

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"Words that have 'sand' in them... hrm... How could I fit misandry into a pun..?" Takao muttered aloud to himself as he slid down another tall sand dune. If he'd been less preoccupied with thinking up terrible puns, as he was prone to do, he might have found more enjoyment in the action of doing so. But alas, his comedic tendencies, or perhaps lack there of, kept his mind preoccupied. "Heh, my puns are so bad, I hope I don't get pun-ished."

- -

» ID : [[ 26807 ]]
» LD : [[ 7 + 2(Vitamins) = 9 ]]

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Takao resigned to saving his energy consuming pun creation for later, and instead focused on both searching for a potential prospect that would make for a good familiar as well as looking for crafting materials. Both quarries seemed equally barren in the vast deserts of the fifth floor, though ever the optimist, Takao didn't seem fazed in the slightest at the enormity of the task ahead of him. He continued to walk along despite the heat, quietly thankful for the effectiveness of his <<Survival>> skill.

- -

» ID : [[ 26809 ]]
» LD : [[ 6 + 2(Vitamins) = 8 ]]

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