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[SP-F1]Wasting Time And Forcing Progression [COMPLETE]

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With his new goal in mind he started towards the same tavern he always stayed on when he was on the first floor. The rooms were cheap, being the main reason. It occured to him he never ate here before, only surviving off of the bread and water that came with his spawning into the world. Grinning he moved and took a seat at one of the many table and waited for one of the virtual waitresses to approach him while he looked through the menu. When she, or it, or whatever arrived he listed off "Steak and Apple Cider, please!" He noticed even to an NPC he couldn't resist using his manners when ordering, smiling as the waitress nodded and left to prepare the food. He momentarily considered of they crafted like normal players or if they just spawned generic food. Eh, it didn't matter. Food was food!

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When his steak arrived along with his cider he happily smiled to the NPC out of habit and started to eat, first cutting a nice big chunk off of the meat and stuffing it into his mouth. As he bit down, he expected it to be a cheap knockoff, but no, it somehow both tasted and felt like meat. The profound realization that the game could realistically simulate meat had him fighting the urge to think about how it would feel to actually bite a boar or player. Shaking the thoughts from his mind he turned his attention to his cider. This was the second time he had cider, so it wasn't too much of a surprise to him it was spot on, it actually was tastier than before. He only had himself to blame for visiting a cheap place the last time he supposed as he drank his drink and scarfed down his food as if he had not eaten in days! He had a terrible habit of gluttony when he ate, not being a slow eater in the slightest.

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After having scarfed the last bit of steak into his mouth he smiled happily and set the col in its physical form onto the table as well as moving to the nearby counter and buying a room for the night. He figured he wouldn't have much reason to visit the first floor again so he figured he'd sleep in the cheap beds down here one more time before moving higher up at last. With the money spread around to the right people he headed upstairs and entered his assigned room, locking it behind himself and flopping onto the bed. It may have been the middle of the afternoon still, but he wanted to nap and relax until morning anyways. He had the time to waste and needed to sleep on what his new weapon would be appearing like and how he'd distribute its stats.

Summary: +400 Col, +4 Materials, +1SP, -1 Basic Greatsword

Edited by Kalesh
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