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[SP-F4] Feeding the Enemy (Complete)

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Rebekah consumes her fried chicken. This grants + 2 LD for the remainder of the thread.


Rebekah was bored, as there was nothing to do. As she looked around on her friend list, there was something that she had noticed about all the players on there. Each of them had their own familiar, and it was about time that she was going to start looking for one. It was the type of thing that she knew was very important in this game, as it grants an additional bonus somewhere for her. She knew that a lot of players had either a fighting or healing one, and those would come in handy. The blonde decided it was time to eat that item that she had created a while back, that fried chicken as it grants her a bonus whenever she tries to search for things. Besides, it is a lot easier to find something the luckier she is. As she took a step out of her cafe on floor 4, and headed towards the wilderness, she thought about the types of familiar she could train, and she wanted something small and cuddly.

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As she walked by a nearby shop, she had learned from others was that she had to buy a common food item, even though she was a chef, which was redundant. Nevertheless, she decided to follow through with this idea and buy an item from a nearby shop before continuing on her journey. She had dressed for the weather and would not be blindsided by any unexpected snowstorms or blizzards. This was a safety precaution, but since she spent so much time here, these types of adverse weather does not affect her as much as other players. Besides Rebekah enjoyed the snow, and the nice views here. As she thought back to that night on the glaze, such an amazing scenery on display. She had to be brisk leaving the town, as it was before dawn, since she did not want to attract anyone following her, but more importantly anyone stealing her familiar that she wanted to catch.

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As she left the town, she saw the snow ahead as it covered the entire floor. Rebekah was lucky enough to have snowshoes, as it would be annoying to trudge along in her boots. The snowstorm last night made it impossible to walk in boots anyways, as the lightly powdered snow was not packed down at all. That would mean for every step she had to lift her leg really high to walk. She did not know where to go but decided to first head towards the frozen lake, as that was where all the animals are found. But she had to be careful, as there were polar bears around and it was ill advised to get too close as they are very protective of their own territory.

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The blonde made her way closer to the ice, and as she got to the frozen lake, she could see there was a vast variety of animals just sitting here. She wondered how many mobs were on this floor, as she rarely tried to kill these monsters, electing to let them run free normally. However, today was different as she quickly looked for that monster, not before seeing a polar bear right in front of her. She knew these would respawn and instantly drew out her rapier. Besides, she needed to sharpen her skills in case anything happens, and she had a few new techniques she wanted to try out, so now might as well be that time. She dashed towards the bear and made a quick strike at its upper body before waiting for it to retaliate.



Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear 26/36

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The bear did not see the blonde approach it at all, but it knew a player was nearby due to its sound. Because of that it could not dodge her attack at all, and as a result was struck right in the middle of the chest. It knew that it had to react immediately before she got out of range of a quick swipe with its paws. The white bear looked around and when it saw her launched one of its claws to attack her. It managed to swipe her and land a critical, but her shield was able to block the majority of the attack saving her from being harmed even further.

ID: 30599

Mob: 9 (1+4-3=2)

Rebekah 69/71

Polar Bear 26/36

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The polar bear had lunged at her right away, which was what she had expected. But she knew that on this floor, like many others, is that an even trade gives her the full advantage, as she is a lot stronger than almost all monsters found around these parts of the wilderness. As she quickly assessed the situation, there were no polar bears coming to rescue it, so she was able to freely attack it at will. There was nothing stopping her, unless a huge pack of them showed up. She was not in any big danger anyways, as she could always escape or kill it easily. Rebekah was overthinking it, and that caused her to hesitate just enough to miss her attack. Why must her head be thinking about other things at this moment.




Rebekah 69/71

Polar Bear 26/36

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The girl had missed her attack, and this allowed him a chance to fight her at the current moment. There was nothing it can do other than hoping that the polar bear would miss the attack as well. It knew very well that this was a free opportunity to attack her again, as she was weighted down by the snowshoes, something that made her lose a bit of her speed. It sprinted towards the girl, attempting to see if it could strike her once more, but she had saw the attack coming the entire time, and was easily able to side step the attack to dodge it. The girl thought, that was not so hard was it?

ID: 30916

Mob: 4-3=1

Rebekah 69/71

Polar Bear 26/36

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Because she was able to dodge the bear with ease, she knew this was the time to land an attack before it was going to expect anything again. This was what the girl had been known for, speed. That was the defining attribute about her, was that speed in combat able to dodge and strike any monster with ease. Nobody had an easier time than this girl right here who was one of the best strikers in Aincrad. Her raw damage output is one of the highest that she knew but she still had a lot to learn, as tanks were able to easily roll over her in a duel. But something about her was lacking right now, as she swung and missed yet again.

ID: 30917

BD: 2

CD: 5

Rebekah 69/71

Polar Bear 26/36

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The girl was clearly not on her A game as of yet, and that gave the bear another chance of striking her. These were free opportunities that it was getting because it could sense that the girl was a lot stronger than it was. However, he was programmed in such a way where they continue fighting until the last moment so that did not affect its mentality especially when fighting a player a lot stronger than it was. As it turned and looked at the girl, it made another attempt to lunge directly at her in order to make a move, but again she was fast enough to dodge, and it was starting to turn into a stalemate.

ID: 30918

Mob: 6-3=3

Rebekah 69/71

Polar Bear 26/36

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After that opening move, both of them were able to dodge the other's attack creating a standoff but she knew that she had the power to attack. Rebekah was fast and needed to find someway to use that speed to overwhelm the enemy to land her next attack. What she did not know was how long it was going to take for that to happen, but she might as well start now, as there was nothing better to do than to find out what her options are at this moment. She needed to kill the animal to move on to find her familiar and despite this minor setback so far she was still confident. She gave a quick breath before sprinting towards the bear, knowing that she had found her speed.

ID: 30996

BD: 7

CD: 11 (+2 hp)

Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear 16/36

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The bear was now starting to struggle a bit, as that strike had hit it directly in the chest. But it knew that it had to find a way to out maneuver her. It was quick, but it has been a long time since it had seen a player that quick before, and that skill with precision accuracy. It was what had made her a deadly player to encounter, and it looked around but no other bears are coming around to its aide, so it will do the only thing that it can, to attack. On top of that, she had managed to regenerate the health that she had lost in that last encounter. It lunged at the girl, but she was too quick and with ease managed to dodge its sharp claw once again.

ID: 30998

Mob: 8-3=5

Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear 16/36

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That strike had reminded the bear that it had to fight, as the girl had already healed up passively during this timeframe. As it turned to face the girl, it had only one option, which was to strike her with as much power as possible on this frozen lake. The layer of snow on top made it difficult for her to run with her snowshoes, but she was still quick. The only thing that she had was her speed, and nobody is going to be able to stop her from being one of the fastest players in this game. Everyone comments on her quick speed which she used to her advantage, but she knew that she had to get her endurance up or else she would not last long in this game. Rebekah still had enough energy to easily dodge the strike, and she could keep up all day if she wanted to.

ID: 31278

Mob: 6-3=3

Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear 16/36

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The girl had successful dodged the attack, and it was now her turn once again to fight the animal. She knew what she had to do, the specific location, where her strike had to hit. As she envisioned in her head, she made her move following the exact same steps as what she envisioned in her mind, Rebekah made another clean strike. That was what she was practicing for, clean smooth strikes. It does not have to hit hard, but as long as she had her accuracy, as she knew that in a high pressure situation, she had to be on point with all of her movements. There was the most important training that she needed, how to turn the smallest of openings into an advantage for her. Against this bear, it was easy, but her speed was a lot slower than usual with her snowshoes which made it good practice today.

ID: 31281

BD: 8

Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear 6/36

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The bear continued to fight even with its health dropping into the yellow, but not into the red just yet. It still had about a sixth of its health, judging by the amount that was left in its health bar. However, all it was going to take was one strike, even a weak tap to kill the bear, but that would be anti-climatic for a girl as strong as her. She wanted to fight until the very end, and that was what was going to allow her to make the most out of this practice. There was no other reason she was here today other than that. But her speed was still too fast for the bear to gain ground on her, in fact, she was out running the bear in a race, as she decided to toy with it, while she was dodging its attack. Now, that was a challenge worthy of her to try, as it had just become too easy.

ID: 31285

Mob: 3 - 3 = 0

Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear 6/36

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Right at this moment, she had stopped running and turned to face the polar bear chasing after her. She knew that his momentum will keep it charging right at her, so it was the right time for her to take out her weapon and run right back. There was no way that the bear would be able to dodge her attack as she struck it right in the middle of the body. The bear exploded into pixels before disappearing, and she felt relived. Rebekah still had her skills in this snow, with snowshoes. She had forgotten why she was here today, but knew she was here to find a familiar, and continued moving forward towards the frozen lake up ahead. She could see a variety of animals, but which one was she going to pick?

ID: 31445

BD: 6

LD: 11+3=14

Rebekah 71/71

Polar Bear -4/36

+ (36*5=180 col), 1 mat

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Rebekah looked onward, and made her way closer to all those animals. Many of them were hesitant to approach her but she knew she had an ability to bribe them with food. Yes, that was what she had brought here today, but she knew that was not going to be likely. She had to prove to them that following her was a wise decision, and besides she needed to find the perfect fit for her. It was going to be impossible but she knew that she just had to find something that she liked, and that was the hard part. Decisions was not her forte at all, she struggled making the right decisions at times since there are many consequences of what she choose. But what else were they going to do about it, nothing much.

ID: 31452

LD: 12+3=15

Mat: 1

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Rebekah decided to approach the group of seals, but she knew they were too big to be a familiar. There were specific sizes that they had to fit when she registered them, and the baby seals, while cute, would one day outgrow and become too big. That was not something that she could choose, but at least she could admire their appearance. But she needed to stay far away to avoid the angry glare of the mother seal, which was going to be a problem. As she turned and face the them one last time before moving on, the blonde knew she had to keep searching this cold floor for the perfect familiar. She started to feel tired but her motivation kept her going, besides she could build an igloo and rest later if she needed to.

ID: 31457

LD: 4+3=7

Mat: 1

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The girl continued walking around, as if nothing had happened with the bear. The last thing she wanted was yet another fight with an animal, but she had no other choices. If they we're going to Attack, she was going to have to defend herself. There was just no other way around this situation, other than doing this. As she found out, there was nobody else around which meant she could take her time. As she continued to search for mats between looking for animals, she knew that this may take a long time.

ID: 31526

LD: 5+3=8

Mat: 1

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There was nothing else she could do, as she was having no luck on the barren cold ice sheet of the 4th floor. Perhaps nothing grows in the snow, or everything was buried underneath. There was a heavy layer of loosely pack snow making everything difficult all around. There was no way around it, she just had to live with what had happen and continue moving on forwards. As she turned and move towards the next group of animals, she wondered why she was not feeling cold at all. Most people will get frozen in this weather, but was it her shield, that was dropped from the legendary frosty. It was something that she had not brought with her to this floor, but it made this floor a lot more warmer than it ever has, even though it was snowing outside. At least the ice was not slippery with a layer of snow on top.

ID: 31530

LD: 14+3=17

Mat: 2

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The girl continue to trudge in her snowshoes, there was nothing else stopping her from continually moving on. She did not feel cold, as she could never be frozen because of her trusty shield today. Rebekah knew that she had to be active, or build an igloo. Staying still was the last thing she wanted to do on this baron floor, as that would mean she was going to stop her blood from moving as fast. That was going to prevent her from staying warm, which was going to be the primary problem with that situation. She could start building it here, but the problem with sleeping in the wild, was that she was vulnerable to pvp, but nobody was sure to find her out here, she thought. There were tradeoffs with each decision, and it was going to take sometime before she was going to figure out what to choose.

ID: 31532

LD: 19+3=22

Mat: 3

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