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[SP-F4] Feeding the Enemy (Complete)

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For the second time today, nothing has been as planned. Now, she had another battle on her sleeve, this time it was against a seal. It was quite strong, but it was not as strong as she was, and Rebekah knew that she was going to easily win this battle before anything else would happen. She drew out her rapier, and raced in to attack it before it could get the right idea once again. At the same time, she knew she needed to draw the agro away from the rest of the battle, so this was the fight that she had been yearning to do after procrastinating for quite a while. But as she attacked it, she missed and the seal who could see her attack also tried to attack, but Rebekah had easily dodged it once again.

ID: 34706
BD: 1
Mob: 6-3=3

Rebekah 71/71
Seal 36/36

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The girl had to fight yet another seal, and this time, she just wanted to get it over with. There was nothing worse than being stuck here on the 4th floor out all alone in the cold, trying to hunt for a familiar. After all, it was just too emotionally draining, being away from the comforts of being inside, but there was nothing that she can do. If she was to give up now, it would mean all her hard work would have been all for nothing, which was something that she did not want to happen. That was the downside to the whole dilemna, at what time was she going to call it quits, but it was not now, or at least not yet. The girl swung her rapier, and struck the seal.

ID: 35499
BD: 3+3=6
Mob: 10; Damage=4+2-3=3

Rebekah 68/71
Seal 26/36

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The girl knew that she was still a decent ways away from finishing the battle, specifically these monsters she was facing require about four normal strikes, and she had already landed one. That meant that there were only three more to go, and she was looking for ways to make it more meaningful, especially the practice from fighting these monsters get extremely stale over time. It was the same repetitive motion, but she knew that she could always find a way to improve by giving her a handicap, but that was also super dangerous in a death game. The last thing she wanted was to be killed by a problem such as that. The girl attacked once again, easily thrusting her weapon into the seal without any resistance.

BD: 6+3=9
CD: 12 (+2 HP)
Mob: 6-3=3

Rebekah 70/71
Seal 16/36

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If there was anything interesting happening today, then today would have been a waste. There were time much better spent clearing dungeons, labyrinths, or caves. Spending time on an already cleared floor was not the best use of their time, but she was here to finish up quests that she had forgotten along the way. Rebekah knew that this was one of them, as she wanted a familiar with the extra one damage, which would allow her to free up another slot for something more useful such as bleed or paralyze. That was the whole reason why she was here, but to not avail, as she could not find anything so far. It was feeling like a waste of time to visit this many floors, and not be successful. After all, there was nothing else she could have done, the girl was just not lucky today. Without much thought into this routine battle, Rebekah struck her rapier towards the seal once again, as she wanted the battle to be over as soon as possible.

ID: 33518
BD: 10
CD: 2
Mob: 8-3=5

Rebekah 70/71
Seal 4/36

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Just one more, was the only thing on the girl's mind. She knew that it was going to take one more quick strike before she can free herself of this seal, and move on to finding that evasive familiar that took her most of today. The girl was getting tired of course, but knew that it would be in her best interest to finish what she had started here today. After all, it was important for her to get it so that she could move on. Rebekah knew that most of the raid group knew that she was missing the last while, and it was now up to her to finish so she could return to the more important tasks at hand. That included clearing the rest of the floors, but she also knew that she needed to get a lot stronger quickly.

ID: 35560
BD: 10
CD: 4
LD: 15+3=18
Mob: 5-3=2

Rebekah 70/71
Seal 0/36

+ mat, 36*5=180 col

total: 7 mat, 360 col

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Now that the seal was out of the way, Rebekah can resume her job here, which was to find that familiar. But, she was in position to do so, she had heard that her chances are greatly increased at specific intervals. That had not been proven but she knew that everyone was doing so the same way. The blonde girl knew that she was not going to break tradition, but she needed to heal herself up first and foremost before continuing to do anything. As she waited, she thought about all the times that she has spent on this floor in the past, and how important it would be for her to finish this quest. As she kept walking, the girl waited for her health to fill up again, as she waited for battle heal to take in effect.

ID: 45564
CD: 11 (+1 HP)
LD: 2+3=5

Rebekah 71/71

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As the girl kept walking, she knew that she should reset her entire mentality. Rebekah was starting to feel drained not only emotionally but also physically from this tough expedition to find a familiar. That was not how she had imagined her day to go, but it was getting to a point where it feels absolutely tiring to continue moving forward. She had started to think if this was going to be a lost cause, or if they were ever going to be successful. This was the type of thing that she knew that she was going to have to handle by herself, getting a lot stronger without much assistance. If anything, the girl knew that she must have a clean slate to try again, or else she will be weighted down by all the negative thoughts in her head.

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Once her mind was completely reset, she knew that it was time for her to continue walking once more. She needed to cover the entire ice sheet on the frozen lake to be sure that she was going to find every monster to look for every familiar. It was the type of thing that she had wanted to avoid for most of today, spending as much time out here. It was more than necessary to complete this fast, but the earlier she did it, the better it was for her in the long run. Or at least it was how she had thought of it. It was an investment to her future, to have a familiar that can not only assist with battles, but also keep her company.

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Wherever it was, she knew that there was something for her out there. She just needed to continue to attempt to uncover what was out there. That was the problem for her, as she did not know what it was or when she was going to find it. Often times, it was a problem, but she was stubborn and she was not leaving here without one. That was what she had told herself at the very start of everything, why it was important for her to fight for what she felt was important. She knew that she had two choices, either spend her time trying to fight and clear the way out, or stay behind and not contribute to the forward progress. For her the decision was easy, it was to move forward, as much as she could.

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Whatever it was, trying to search for the very thing that she had wanted was going to take a while. It had already been forever since she had started searching for it, and the girl knew that the longer she was going to wait, the chance was going to have to be there eventually. She wondered if this was the correct decision she would have made, which was to continue. The opportunity cost was certainly raising as she could have spent days if not weeks out here looking for something that for all she knew, may not even exist in this game. But she was determined to get to the bottom of it and find out the answer to her question.

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Now that it had been forever since she had last found one, the girl knew that it was almost time to try again, but she needed every possible way to up her ante, and find that familiar. This time, she decided to go closer to the edge of the ice, and find where she could find water. Rebekah was not going to jump into those holes, but she was going to stay near them, because she wanted something that could both swim and walk on land. That was going to be rare, but she hoped that she was going to find it here today, or else she might as well try again some other time. But this was her golden opportunity to do it tonight, there was nobody out here to compete with her finding whatever she had wanted to find.

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This was dumb, but there was nothing else that she could think of to do other than spend the time here on this floor. She had been here for quite a long time, and she still have not solved the issue with making the right decision, on whether it was time to bail on the entire operation, or just continue until the very end. This was a problem that she had face consistently since the start, because her lack of sleep was starting to sink in. Rebekah had underestimated the fatigue factor in the whole thing, and was now scrambling to make sure that she was going to be able to do a great job in trying to minimize it from having a substantial effect on the rest of her day. She sat here and waited, but nothing was around.

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This was time to tell herself to get up and move. The last thing that she wanted was to fall asleep out here in the harsh environments. That would certainty mean death, even if there were no player killers lurking around in the cold elements. However, she knew that they do not feel pain in Aincrad, which made her relief, since she would have certainly received frostbite by now if not for the system. She wanted to return to somewhere warm, just like her cafe, where it was cozy, small but comfortable. It was where she spent most of her days these days, the training part will just happen when she wants to, and not when it was important to do it. The girl took a deep breath and wondered why not her, everyone else she knew had a familiar.

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It was not long before she found another hole in the ice. Rebekah made sure that she was not going to step in it to swim, because it would be near impossible to find a place out of it. The last thing she wanted was to drown, and this was the time for her to possibly find that super evasive familiar. But first she knew she had to set everything up, and she was starting to feel superstitious about the entire ordeal. Nothing was going to make it easier for her, after all she had missed many times previously of finding the right one, that she could just take the first thing she saw and leave. But that was not her plan, nor her goal today, there has to be something she could do. But her mind did not come up with a good answer for it to work.

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It was finally the moment of truth once again, as she laid out the food by the whole in the ground, and waited for a response. She was either going to get her answer, or fail once more. The girl was sick and tired of failing something like this and had wanted change, this needed to be very important for her. There was nothing else on her mind other than receiving this familiar, and returning back to the comforts of the indoors that she had left behind to be here today.

ID: 37230
LD: 20

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As she looked out into the hole in front of her, the girl could see, a tiny animal, a small penguin with a sharp beak. It had reminded her of what she had seen in the aquarium but it looked a lot cuter in real life. It looked at her and started eating the food, she looked at it and petted it on its head. She named it Penny because while she had hoped for it to a be a girl, and it was, it was a name that could have been used interchangeably for both genders, and she did not have to name it something else as a result. Rebekah had waited a very long time for this day, and the quest notification had appeared, stating that she had ended the quest, and now it was time to return home or back to her cafe on the freezing cold forth floor.


Name: Penny
Type: Penguin
Skill: Fighter | +1 Damage


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As she walked the super long walk back towards her shop, the girl wondered if she was going to have to add a brand new extension to her shop, to have a small pool for her familiar to swim and in. Furthermore, would she need some ice for it to slide down, but that was getting at too many information too quickly. Rebekah knew that she was going to have to act quickly, but after this exhausting search the first thing she would want is some rest. Resting now would help go a long way towards recovering how she feels as she was still a bit fatigued from all her efforts today, and she knew that that the best thing to do is to quickly rest, as she was going to start to do things sloppy the moment this happens, rather than doing things the right way.

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Now, as she was going to walk back, the girl knew that she was going to continue her material search on her way back to town. She was far enough away to see if anything had respawn for her to collect as it was better to try to find more things on this trip, rather than none. It was going to take forever, but at last she could finally see the town in the horizon, and knew that she was almost back. It had been a long and exhausting journey, but she knew that it was one that she was not going to forget, not for a very long time. As she looked at the ground, but the snow had blanketed the surroundings, and she could find nothing.

ID: 38276
LD: 4

total: 7 mat, 360 col

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As she approached the gates of the town, the girl knew that it was almost going to be over, treading through the snow with her snowshoes. It was a tiring act, but at least she knew that she had got her daily exercise in, more than what she planned for today. She could not wait to actually have something nice to eat, and a place to sleep. However before all that, there was still the case of looking for possible one more material that might have appeared in the snow. Rebekah did not want to make the same trip twice and knew that it was better for her to do all of it now, rather than do all of it at once. It was the type of thing that was going to take quite a long time, but the girl did not mind it that much. But nothing grows here on the fourth floor for her to even find anything.

ID: 38389
LD: 3+3=6

total: 7 mat, 360 col

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Now that it had taken her this long, the girl had finally decided not to continue searching but to walk quickly into her inn that she was staying it. It had a bath, and that was the first thing she dived into, after making sure the water was just right for her. She did not know how long she had spent out in the cold, but knew that it was now time to check her messages to see if she had missed anything important. She knew that it was a very long time since she had last responded to things, and there were a few issues that she will need to look into, but for now, Rebekah knew that sleep was next, and that was what she was going to do first. She was going to worry about everything else afterwards in the days to come.

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