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[SP-F6]Keep Hitting Yourself, KEEP HITTING YOURSELF!! - The Gemini [Complete!]

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Kalesh gasped as another surprise attack was sprung, bringing the sword high and to his throat just out of spite to ensure he didn't get her there. Instead the Gemini's blade went low, cutting across Kalesh's belly! He felt the sudden desire to puke but held it down as the NPC backed away to dodge his counter swipe, leaping Kalesh to regenerate his vochal chords and yell "Cooooome ooooon!" He was getting rather annoyed and frustrated at the entire scenario, the Gemini dodging death over and over again.

[ID# 31579][BD: 3][MD: 10]

Energy: 1/10
Kalesh: 27/37 -1HP ((Ten times four... If he had my damage and I had no mitigation, I'd be dead.))
Gemini: 8/37

Edited by Kalesh
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Finally fed up with the NPC's shenanigans he goes on the attack this time, he slashed once, missed, he slashed again, another miss! He raishes his scimitar high over his head and slashes downward with as much might as he could muster. A moment later he heard a clang as the NPC's sword arm fell to the ground! He laughed happily at the little victory and watched the NPC's red HP and noted the bleeding debuff that had been inflicted! The now left handed NPC picked up the sword as Kalesh unequipped his and just watched. "Well, you are just boned."

[ID# 31581][BD: 9][MD: 3]

Energy: 1/10
Kalesh: 27/37
Gemini: 3/37 -5HP +Bleeding(Two Rounds)

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Kalesh smiled in victory as he just watched the NPC attack him repeatedly thanks to the fact it was bleeding. He was not threatened, so he happily just watched and waited with a contented sigh until the NPC would pass on. He did keep his arms lifted to his throat just to ensure it didn't pull any fast ones and give his throat issues like it had before. He watched the Gemini's HP ticking away and shrinking. For a moment Kalesh looked down at the creature curiously, taking note that this creature was not capable of despair it seemed!

[ID# 31582][MD: 10]

Energy: 2/10
Kalesh: 26/37 -1HP
Gemini: 1/37 -2HP +Bleeding(One Round)

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Kalesh sighed in satisfaction as he watched the NPC shatter apart into nothingness, leaving the game and possibly being respawned elsewhere if enough time passed. He watched as the crystal-y pixels dissipated and he was left to heal his wounds and regain his energy, looking down as he heard a tone. "Quest Complete?" He read aloud as he started to go through the rewards he had claimed from killing the NPC. He whistled as he got a a nice shower of SP, those would prove useful, and even a skill! "Concentration..." He smiled, it sounded very helpful so he happily hit the accept button, taking the Col rewards and materials from the kill. Feeling safe he happily let his muscles go slack and he looked around lazily for an inn. He had worked hard enough he figured, deciding he'd explore outside of town another day.

He made his way into the first inn-like building he found and sighed happily as it turned out to be exactly what he wanted it to be! With a tired look he drops off some excess Col to pay for his room and headed straight up while removing his armor and accessories. Upon reaching his temporary room, made of wood much like everything else on this floor, he happily flopped into his bed and shut his eyes tightly so he could recover from his ordeal. Before he fully fell asleep though he figured out what went wrong with the last fight. He took too much damage, and missed too many times. He would have to fix that!

[ID# 31591][LD: 14+1=15]

Energy: 3/10
Kalesh: 26/37
Gemini: DEAD -2HP -Bleeding [Drops 1 material and 185 Col]

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