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[PP-F2] Beyond Brawn <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> (Emerath) complete!

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ID: 32825

BD: 2 (Failure) 

Flints listened to Emerath try to comfort her but to no avail. She started to feel more flustered at the thought and she ran to the rock and attempted to land a flying kick towards it but suddenly she felt a little self conscious and collided with the rock then falling to the floor and curled into a little ball.

"ah.. It's no big deal I swear! I understand where you're coming from..I'm not one for hugs..hah" She tried to laugh it off as she got back up and shook herself off not meeting Emerath's eyes after that move.

Rock: 16/50


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Flints & Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 32826
  • BD: 5 (Failure) -2 EP

Emerath had been throwing himself at the rock pretty hard in hopes of finally ending this, very similar to how he had acted when he had done this quest solo. Man, that had been a grind, he had thought. At least Flints was lucky enough to have a friend to do this with. It made things somewhat faster, since he had actually put points into his martial arts skills. Emerath had stopped making progress though, as he noticed Flints launch herself wildly into the rock. It came across with her falling on the ground in a crumbled up ball and he gave a bit of a cringe. He looked down at her, but she assured Emerath that she was fine as she stood up again. Emerath stared at her and suddenly found himself poking and checking her hands, arms, legs, and feet for any damage, despite that he hadn't seen her HP bar move. He... wasn't really sure why he was doing it. It didn't even look all that painful. Was it just his healer instinct kicking in? Emerath then realized what he was doing and let go of her arm, which was what he was holding onto at the time. He gave a blush and a nod as he confirmed, "Yes, you are... uh, in fact, okay. Doctor approved."

Combat Results:

  • Rock: 16/50
  • Emerath:
    • Passive Energy Regen +1
    • EP: 5/6 -> 6/6 -> 4/6
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ID: 32827

BD: 4 

Flints watched as Emerath checked her over, she relaxed and closed her eyes waiting for the medic to finish checking her over. When Emerath released her arm she gently tapped the inside of his wrist instinctually and smiled up at him. He would never get the meaning of it but that was okay. she was ready to try to hit at the rock again. "Okay let's give this another shot.."  She hit at it repeatedly but she just couldn't seem to dent it again. "I guess I'm getting a little tired of this rock" she laughed.


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Flints & Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 32831
  • BD: 6 (Success) -1 EP

Emerath was a bit surprised that Flints hadn't protested or moved at all during his examination. And was then confused as she tapped the inside of his wrist. Wasn't he supposed to be the doctor? What did that mean? As Emerath puzzled that out, he watched as Flints tried on the rock again, but to no avail. He smiled at her and then came up next to her and said, "C'mon, we're almost there. We can do this." And then he started to hammer away at the rock again with his fists, sending a few chips flying for results.

Combat Results:

  • Rock: 16/50 -> 14/50
  • Emerath:
    • Passive Energy Regen +1
    • EP: 4/6 -> 5/6 -> 4/6
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ID: 32835

BD: 10 (critical success) +2 dmg

Flints giggled at Emerath's confusion and before walking back up to the rock she reached out again and gently rubbed his wrist to further confuse him, and calm herself a little. She looked up at the rock and let out a small growl before she launched herself into the air to attack the rock, this time her attack was successful and loud cracking came from deep within the stone. She gasped a little shocked that it actually worked this time and she turned to face Emerath her body shivering in excitement.

"did you see that?! I think I did something?!" This has to have been the most excited she's ever gotten in the game so far, her little body shivering and her eyes darting about Emerath's face looking for approval like a small child. She felt silly but at the same time she didn't mind so long as Emerath was the only one to see it. 

Rock: 14/40 ~> 11/50 

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Flints & Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 32839
  • BD: 8 (Success) -1 EP

Emerath was still confused by what Flints was doing with his wrist, but he tried not to pay it any mind. He watched as Flints hit the rock with a solid strike and heard a rumble from within as the thin crack split a bit wider. "Almost there," he said with a smile. Emerath took a step back and then did a running charge, but rather than leaping into the air, he just did a punch into the rock, widening the gap just that little bit more. He smiled, and brushed the rock dust from his hands as he started to walk away. He sat down on a smaller nearby stone and looked to Flints, "Well, that's it for my help. I don't want to accidentally take credit for your quest. It's all you now, mi'lady."

Combat Results:

  • Rock: 11/50 -> 9/50
  • Emerath:
    • Passive Energy Regen +1
    • EP: 4/6 -> 5/6 -> 4/6
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ID: 32840

BD: 3 (failure)

Flints watched as Emerath walked over to a near by stone and sat upon it to watch, the large boulder was near its end. She wanted this mission to be over quickly so that she too can have the ability to use her fists well in battle. She began to hit at the Boulder repeatedly trying to whittle it down as quickly as possible but nothing changed. It sure wasn't going to let her have this victory easily. She roared and kept hitting it faster and faster not giving up despite her failed attempts. 

Rock: 9/50 


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OOC Gathering

  • ID: 32848
  • LD: 8 (Failure)

Emerath watched Flints go at the rock intently for a bit before realizing that she wasn't actually doing much to take it down. This might end up taking a while since he wasn't really helping anymore. Emerath sighed and decided he may as well make the time useful somehow, and so he started rooting around on the ground for some materials. Unfortunately, and most likely due to it being a quest area, this place wasn't exactly ripe with materials. At least not any that he could see from where he was sitting. And he really didn't want to get up to look around right now. He had been going all day and he was tired. He looked back to Flints as she beat down on the rock. You got this, Flints. I believe in you.

Additional Notes:

  • Passive Energy Regen +1
  • EP: 4/6 -> 5/6
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ID: 32857

BD: 3 (failure) 

Flints refused to stop hitting the rock, her yell got louder In desperation, but it felt more like she was chipping away rather then the rock. Her battle cry eventually fizzled out to a whine but she didn't give up, she switched between jabbing the stone and kicking it. Once again her anger started to boil over. This rock would break. Hopefully before she did. But Flints refused to show weakness before Emerath. She refused to disappoint him. 

Rock: 9/50

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OOC Gathering:

  • ID: 32867
  • LD: 20 (+1 Crafting Mat) (1)

Emerath watched Flints for a bit longer before he decided to kick some rocks around. He stood up and kicked one rock until it went rolling up against another rock. But wait, that wasn't a rock, that was a mushroom! Emerath ran over and examined the mushroom before yanking it out of the ground. He smiled and stashed it into his inventory before turning back to Flints. He watched her start to run out of steam, and then he walked over and decided to massage her shoulders a bit as she punched. "C'mon, relax. You got this! Don't let this rock get you down!"

Additional Notes:

  • Passive Energy Regen +1
  • EP: 5/6 -> 6/6
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ID: 32368

BD: 2 (failure)

Flints glanced over at Emerath and his kicking of things then him chase something. Whatever it was it seemed far more interesting that trying to break the rock. She kicked it with pointed toes in anger and almost yelped at the failed attack when she felt Emerath's hands grasp her shoulders and start to work out the kinks. She got slightly distracted and nearly purred at the feeling, and started to redden at the thought that this was making her melt like putty in his hands. She chuckled and shook it off knowing it was just a very kind gesture from Emerath. "Thanks Emerath. I really needed that." She was happy to feel a little less sore from the day spent hitting at the rock. "Just a little bit more..I know I can do this!" She assured herself. 

Rock: 9/50

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OOC Gathering:

  • ID: 32872
  • LD: 18 (+1 Crafting Mat) (2)

Emerath nodded at Flints and rubbed out a few more of the kinks before letting her go and letting her resume her attacks on the rock. As Emerath stepped back, he said, "I know you can!" and then he was back over where he had found the mushroom. He poked around at some of the other rocks in that area, and sure enough he managed to find another one hiding under a larger rock. Emerath just about squealed with glee as he scooped it up into his inventory. And then he realized that he was in the company of Flints and quickly caught his composure, putting the rock back down and smiling at her innocently.

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ID: 32877

BD: 7 (success) 

Flints kicked the rock a few more times and when it gave way a little she turned to seek Emerath's approval but instead caught him..squealing? Before she could say anything he smiled at her innocently after placing something into his inventory. "Almost done! Sorry this is taking so long" she groaned the last part out as she turned back around to prepare to launch more attacks at the rock. 

Rock: 9/50 ~> 8/50


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Flints & Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 32889
  • BD: 10 (Critical Success) +2 DMG -1 EP

Emerath considered that Flints seemed to be having some trouble, and thought it might be time to actually give her a push in the right direction again. So Emerath had a fun idea. He smiled at Flints and then made a running start for the rock, before leaping up into the air. He hit the rock with his body, and then made a mad scramble up the face of it using the crack they had already made as handholds. He managed to make it to the top of the rock, and then he looked down at Flints. He waved at her and said, "Let me help!" and then he bent over and began to pull the rock apart with his bare hands. It wasn't quite at the point of fully giving way. The crack wasn't running clean through, but pulling it apart would help Flints finish the job. When he felt he had done all he could do, he waved back down at her again, "Alright! Finish her up!"

Combat Results:

  • Rock: 8/50 -> 4/50
  • Emerath:
    • EP: 6/6 -> 5/6
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ID: 32890

BD: 6 (success) 

Flints watched as Emerath climbed up the rock and soemthing she didn't think was possible, he began to pull the rock apart, it protested at his actions and flints quickly fired off punches at the seam of it hoping to finish the rock. It began to flake more and more with the effort of them both. She growled at it "hurry up rock, might as well break already! I'm not going to stop until you do!" 

Rock: 4/50 ~> 3/50

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OOC Gathering:

  • ID: 32897
  • LD: 12 (Failure) (2)

Emerath was well and truly done helping now. If he had helped any further, he risked actually taking credit for the quest. Something he didn't want to do. So Emerath sat down on the rock as he felt the vibrations run through it from Flints punching the rock. He hoped that maybe his weight, as insignificant as it probably was, might help to ease the rock apart. As he sat he looked around for anything that might be useful for crafting, but who was he kidding? He was sitting on top of a massive rock waiting for his friend to finish her quest. He wasn't going to find diddly squat up here.

Additional Notes:

  • Passive Energy Regen +1
  • EP: 5/6 -> 6/6
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ID: 32917

BD: 1 (Failure)

Flints was growing more and more tired of the stone. After this she would be glad to never see a large stone again! She started dealing heavy, slow blows in hopes of splitting it that way, the first heavy strike shot a shockwave of pain up her arm, she winced but didn't say anything and prepared for another heavy punch, maybe if she focused herself enough she would be able to split it in half in one go. "A girl could dream" she thought to herself. 

Rock: 3/50


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OOC Gathering:

  • ID: 32969
  • LD: 14 (Failure) (2)

Emerath watched as Flints continued to beat up on the rock from up on his new perch. He was a bit surprised that she had seemed to run out of steam, and he was a bit sad. He didn't want her to give up. Emerath knew he almost had, that was for certain. He sat cross legged and looked around. He wondered if there was anything that Flints may be able to use as leverage to get her to finish this. Although, now that Emerath thought of that, it might be cheating, so he figured he might not want to actually mention anything there. He intently watched Flints, rooting her on internally so as not to break her concentration.

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ID: 32979

BD:8 (success)

Flints snarled at the rock. This was it. She was pissed beyond belief. The fact that all her effort was almost going unnoticed by it. She placed her small hands into the crevice and started to pull. The rock groaned in disapproval but began to split. She cried out as she felt her nails splinter into the rock but she didn't stop pulling with all her strength, she was to be the victor in the match, not the rock. 

Rock: 3/50 ~> 2/50 

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OOC Gathering:

  • ID: 32995
  • LD: 6 (Failure) (2)

Emerath had drifted off a bit into daydreamland when he felt the rock begin to shift underneath him. Sure enough, Flints had taken the same approach that Emerath had and was now trying to pull the rock apart forcefully. Emerath thought it might be best to get down at this point, and he slid down the side of the rock, down to the ground once again. After landing with a bit of an "Oof!" he made his way over to Flints and smiled at her. He could hear the rock protesting, but it appeared to be giving way nonetheless. "Looks like you got the right idea! Keep it up!"

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