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Vayrin's Journal

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(All credit to Koumori for the awesome picture!) 






Username: Vayrin

Real name: Vaia Nim

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5


About: History/personality


HISTORY: Vayrin was pretty much your average teenager, with a few exceptions. At least, that's what she tried to believe. Vayrin was a single child, and an adopted one. Her mother unfortunately died shortly after childbirth, and Vayrin’s father had left her mother long before. After these events, she was then relocated into her aunt’s care. She had been raised by her aunt since, living with her and her two sons. Cale and Jack. During the time that they lived together, she became very close to her cousin Jack. They never referred to each other as cousins, only brother and sister. She loved him like a brother, and he loved her like his sister. Although, Vayrin never got along completely well with her aunt. Something about the two felt disconnected. Vayrin began to think that her aunt secretly blamed her for her sister’s death. Ever since she began thinking this, Vayrin suffers from her own secret depression, silently blaming herself for her mother’s death. Despite her sad history, she still is a kind person, trying to forget her past as best as she can. Her life drastically changed though when she moved from her home country Canada, to Japan. This happened when her aunt’s job required the move to Tokyo for an upcoming business plan. They had moved to Japan a couple years before the Nervegear was released on the market, and during that time Vayrin adjusted to her new life. She studied Japanese as much as she could and tried making friends at her school. She needed to be on the same page as everyone else there. The last thing she needed was her grades in school to plummet due to this move, so she studied hard. For Vayrin, fitting in was the best option. Always trying to act like everyone else, blending in. It seemed like the best idea after moving halfway across the world. During her childhood and teen years, she was mostly into art. Drawing, and painting various things, mostly scenery, though. And she became really good at it. This hobby led her to the gaming industry. Seeing fascinating landscape paintings from fantasy themed games convinced her to try a couple of them out. She was hooked and started playing multiple MMORPG’s. The idea of being able to create your own character, and go off on an epic adventure with them, slowly getting stronger and doing it with others was just a thrilling idea for her. She combined her two favorite hobbies, by constantly drawing and sketching scenes from her adventures in the online world. When she heard about SAO, she couldn't wait to try it. When they had moved to Japan, Jack was 24, working on a university project, one that would affect Vayrin in ways she could never had predicted. It was Jack who had gotten the Nervegear along with a copy of SAO. To her excitement, the next thing he said to Vayrin changed her life forever, without even knowing it. He asked her to test it for him when SAO was supposed to launch. His university project was supposed to take an innovative piece of technology, and explain all its inner workings and effects by hand on experience. Part of it involved moderating a live test subject while using it. Without hesitation, she happily accepted his request. Since he was studying it for his own uses, he made her an account on SAO... It was supposed to be a five-minute test. She would just walk around and interact with the game while Jack monitored her body and brain. She simply put the Nervegear on her head and lied on her bed. Waiting for Sword Art Online to launch…


"Choose the right path by judging the one that got you here."


    PERSONALITY: Serious and calm are the best two words that describe Vayrin’s personality. Never falling short on courage, in battle she manages to keep her cool, and remains active, not stilled by fear. She is almost always a calm and collected person, rarely showing signs of distress. Although, this does not make her completely emotionless. Even though Vayrin can act quite serious, she is still a kind girl, often helping others if she can. Her belief that everyone wants out of the game, has driven her to become an active fighter. In her mind, she fights for everyone, not just herself. She believes her courage can inspire others to take up their weapons and join the battle to get out of SAO. Despite her behavior in real life, Vayrin does not try so hard to stay the same as others. Because of her rebellious nature, she prefers to be alone, rather than be involved in a guild. This is mostly because of the fact she is stuck in SAO. Even though Vayrin was devastated when she learned they could not get out the normal way, she still had a positive outlook on the situation. She took her state as an opportunity to erase her insecure nature she had in the real world. She strives to be her own person, instead of copying others. This in result makes her a solo player for the most part. Even though she prefers to be solo, Vayrin still limits herself. She will occasionally team up with others, to complete a common goal, or just to help troubled people out. She knows soloing has limits, and she puts them to a smart use. Vayrin’s serious nature is what she expresses most when meeting new people. (mostly when the new person talks to her first) Because of this, she may come off as rude, but it’s mostly her trust issues. Vayrin figured that similar to her, others treat SAO like a different life. She knows other people are not afraid to perform certain actions they would not do in real life, for example PKing. So she always tries to limit herself from trusting new people too easily. To earn her trust, she usually tries to get to know people as best as she can. Vayrin came up with a question that she will always ask those she is considering placing her trust in. She will simply ask them why they fight. What are their motives for getting out of SAO. This question acts as a final test in her mind, to those she wants to trust. And she judges them based on their answer. If they pass her mind test, she has no problem becoming friends. Vayrin is a player who can be controlled and manipulated by her emotions. If she is pushed far enough, Vayrin can burst into a fit of rage, often not thinking while doing it. Because of this, she tries to keep her emotions in control as best as she can, avoiding making a mistake that will haunt her later. All in all, Vayrin can be a very complex, or simple person depending on how you look at her. Just try not to piss her off and you'll be fine around her.


“Seeing the world you live in is one thing. Knowing it is a whole different story.”




Courage- “I’ll hold em off…” Vayrin is very brave for someone of her age. Her bravery is mostly fueled by her determination. She will do anything in her power to help clear the game, even if it means attending every boss raid, or hunting for rare items, she will almost be willing to do anything, as long as it has a good possibility of succeeding. She won’t hide herself from challenges, she embraces them. Vayrin thinks by acting brave, she can inspire others to do the same.


Determination- “Not giving up...Not yet...” Vayrin is extremely determined when it comes to SAO. If she knows where a rare item that can guide her through a labyrinth of a dungeon, she will go and get it by any means necessary. When the job is important enough, she will not let up until it is complete. Doing everything she can in her power to get it done. She will often come up with plans for every possible outcome of a certain situation for extra insurance.


Tactical Prowess- “Heh. Wrong move buddy.” Vayrin is no fool when it comes to real life situations, and what helps her is she treats SAO like the real world. This is a valuable virtue that Vayrin uses as often as she can. Since SAO is a life and death situation, it operates at its max whenever it is needed. She can often think of her next move in the middle of a heated battle within milliseconds before her opponent’s. She can study her foe’s moves and figure out what the best course of action next should be. Often exploiting their weakness as soon as she learns them.




Bold- “I can think of many words that describe you…” In a bad sense, Vayrin’s courage can get her into trouble. She is not afraid to speak her truly honest opinion on other people, especially if she dislikes them. This in turn helps the fact that she is currently a solo player. As she does not like to depend on others, and she may have made some enemies because of her mouth.


Rebellious-”Let me know how that plan works out for you. I got something else to try.”  Vayrin can sometimes act out against others. This is mostly due to her solo player state of mind. If something bothers her enough, say a battle plan she does not think will work for example, she may ignore the plan altogether, attempting to put in her tactical prowess to find another one. She never liked taking orders from others. No matter their intentions Vayrin is often annoyed when people are constantly telling what to do and she may openly defy them to prove a point.


Impatient- “How long is this gonna take?” Vayrin often has trouble waiting when people can’t make up their minds. She is always on the go, and she often thinks other people are wasting time if what they are doing is not useful. She has developed a low tolerance for patients and expresses it often.



Total SP earned: 35

SP available to spend: 20




» Survival




Weapon skills:

» One-handed straight sword [Rank: 2] (10 Skill Points)

 Base DMG: 3




»  The Anneal Blade [One-Handed Straight Sword] (DMG:2 ACCURACY: 1)

Col: 5703

Mats: 1





[OP-F1] An Escapist's Worst Nightmare

[PP-F3] Field Trip (Macradon)

[OP-F1] The new and the old

[PP-F4] The essence of damn it's cold <<Essence of Steel>> (Vayrin, Zandra)

[PP-F3] "Do Our Work For Us" <<Worn Out Welcome>> (Vayrin)

[PP-F2] Moar Grinding (Vayrin)

[PP-F5] Fetch Quest <<The Traveler>> (Calrex)

[PP-F1] In the Shadow of the Clock Tower (Helios)

[PP-F4] Frostbite (Vayrin)

[PP-F2] Dust in the crater (Shizuka, Jevi)

[SP-F1] Thinking About The Future >>Earning A Living<<

[SP-F1] A walk through the Forest >> Secret Medicine of the Forest <<

[PP-F1] First Time For Everything (Manta Gaul, Koumori)
[PP-F4] <<Avalanche>> (Zelrius, Shizuka)

[PP-F4] Ice To See You Again [Vayrin]

[PP-F1] A Violet Among The Tulips (Manta Gaul, Koumori)

[PP-F2] Small World (Greg Baxen)

[PP-F2] The Buzzes In My Head <<Long Live The Queen>> (Jomei)



These people have acted as Vayrin's random encounters, in which she has gotten to know a little, and feels more at ease with them then strangers.





Greg Baxen




Spots reserved for those Vayrin has truly trusted, and have stayed by her side through many adventures.

No one yet


That Special Someone:

Acting as her love interest, Vayrin trusts this person more then anyone. She plans to stay with them throughout SAO, and in the real world when the game is cleared...

No one yet

Irrelevant Info:

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Flower: Violet

Favorite Weapon: TBD

Favorite Floor: TBD

Despises the color yellow.



Story Thus Far


Edited by Vayrin
Adding some stuff.
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