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(PP-F4) Like A Boss (Sousuke, Koumori) COMPLETE

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Manta's eyes widened as he put the skirt on. She had absolutely not expected that. Still, from the glance she had gotten, it actually looked good on him. Her eyes went back to normal as he rushed to cover up though. That glimpse was enough. If there was anyone she knew that would make a convincing trap, it was Koumori. In the skirt, there was no telling, he looked absolutely like a girl. She'd only gotten a glimpse though, and she wanted to see more clearly. She was trying to think of an excuse, but Sousuke came up with one for her. She didn't even pay attention to what he said about it being a present, she just wanted Koumori to model a bit more so she could maybe get some evidence.

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You bast***. That's all I thought when Sousuke asked me to show him how it looked for whatever stupid reason he had. I justed wanted to go over there and knock that dumb look right off his face, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't think of what to do, I just sat their flustered. Then I saw Manta. Her eyes had gone wide when I put the thing on and now I could tell she was hungry for more. She really liked to torture me didn't she? How could I get back at her? But was I even aloud to? I mean technically she was getting back at me? Ugh, revenge is too complicated. In any case, I already did it, I couldn't stop half way. I would hear even more about it if I chickened out half way. And I was no chicken. And I was no girl! Although you apparently wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me, especially then. I let go of my coat and clenched my fists. I bolted straight up and stood there with my eyes slammed shut. "Don't...don't look too much." I was scared at how naturally I said it like that. As I stood there waiting for them to say something I felt what it was like to wear a skirt for the first time. The air touching all of my legs. It felt really weird. Like there was a permanent draft. How did girls wear these things? Seriously? But the uncomfortableness of the garment was nothing compared to that of the situation. Here I was, a guy, standing in the middle of a restaurant, wearing a skirt. Oh well, maybe I should just own it. I opened my eyes and began examining the skirt myself. I took it between my hands like a girl would and lifted it just slightly (I think you know what I'm going for) "Maybe it's not so bad...after all, hehe" I said shyly. Then I looked up and made eye contact with Manta with a look that said "do your worst"

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Sousuke started taking notes on the skirt from the hem to the waist to the way it was pleated. He could feel Mantas gaze on his work so he guessed she would see how much work he was putting into this and she received it she would be extatic but now he needed to concentrate. He worked frantically scribbling down numbers here and there and took a tape measure out. Leaned across the table and measure the waist to the hem before sitting back down and scribbled more notes down. Satisfied for now he looked up from his work and decided to have a little fun.

"Well then? Give us a twirl." He said chuckling to himself

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Manta turned her head to look at Sousuke after he said for Kou to twirl. She was no longer sure whether or not he knew what gender Koumori was, but if he did, this was a sadistic side of him she'd never seen before. She hadn't really been looking at Koumori in a hungry manner per se, she was just both curious and astounded by how he looked. It was a transformation of sorts. She was actually a bit shell shocked. With the skirt on he looked like a cute girl. Anyone who saw him would think he was a girl. When he just wore pants he looked like a guy with a girlish face. It truly was a superpower. She was actually a tiny bit jealous. "See, I told you it wouldn't look bad." She commented.

Edited by Manta Gaul
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I stood there patiently as Sousuke examined the skirt. He sad some sort of pad out and was recording notes or measurements or something. As he did it I stood and smiled right at Manta...until he reached over the table with a measuring tape. Again, in  a voice that surprised even me, I had a strangely girlish reaction. "Kyah" I said as I tugged at it for a second. I quickly let go and snapped out of it to let him finish his business. When he sat back down he decided to make it even worse for me: he told me to twirl. Manta seemed oddly intrigued by the idea and piped up saying it looked good after all. I couldn't tell if she was genuine or not but if she was I could only imagine what she was seeing. If they thought I looked like a girl normally I must've completely sold the part with a skirt on. They wanted me to give them a twirl? The only thought that went through my head was "f*** this!" I opened up my menu and unequiped my cloak, leaving me in only my vest and the skirt. I put the menu away and twirled in the most girly way I could possibly think of. When I stopped facing them again I smiled and clapped my hands. "Yeah! It's not bad after all! Actually it's kinda fun, you try it with me, Manta!" I was hoping she'd do it. She wasn't the girlyest girl but she was no tomboy. Hopefully she's feel kind of awkward. It was at that moment I realized something: this was some sort of super power. My acting over the past few days brought up something I never knew I could do. With just a simple change of clothes I could completely become a girl. Dear god was I cursed. How was I supposed to find a girl if I practically was one? Ugh this was going to become a nightmare I could tell. 

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Sousuke watched as Kou twirled around in fact it was quite possibly the most feminine think he had seen her do all day. If he wasn't convinced she was girl he certainly was now and the way she getting excited about it all also made chuckle. When she asked Manta to join in he grinned at her nodded as if to say go for it. 

He also dropped her a message in her interface which he thought would also be great fun. It's subject was open this while your standing next to Kou. The messege said should we tell her we are engaged?

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Manta quickly pulled out a recording crystal, and discreetly snapped a picture of Kou twirling. That was going online when they got out of here. She quickly made sure it saved into the internal memory of her nerve gear before starting to pay attention again. She stood up and moved over next to Koumori and did a little modest twirl, her hands above her head in an elegant pose. She finished spinning and checked the message Sousuke had sent her. It took a few moments for it to register. That was right, they were engaged. "Yeah... That might be best." She quickly sent back, before looking over at Koumori.

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(Online? You're vicious haha)

Manta and Sousuke both looked at me amused as I went through my routine. I was 100% sure that Sousuke was convinced that I was a girl. That was a good thing and a bad thing. Whatever. Manta made no objections to my request and came over to twirl  next to me. We did another one together and I had a nice laugh in my head watching her do it. But that was probably nothing compared to the fun she was having. At that point she pretty much owned me. When we finished I noticed she looked at something on her system menu before giving a serious look to Sousuke and then to me. I was confused when I saw it and obviously had no idea what was going on. She typed something so I assumed it was some kind of message. I put my hand on my hip and turned to her. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

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Sousuke looked up and saw the reply Manta sent back saying it was most likely a good idea so he decided to go about it the best way possible. He was sure she still had the engagement ring just had it UN equipped because of recent circumstances but he had an idea.

"Manta maybe you should equip it to show her what we mean." He suggested 

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Manta's eyes widened. She realized that she should have been wearing that since they'd gotten back together. Granted, she had completely forgotten that they were still engaged, so she had a bit of an excuse. She pulled up her inventory and equipped her engagement ring. "Yeah, everything's fine. He was just reminding me about this." She held her hand out and showed Kou the ring. Sousuke had probably just been reminding her about their engagement, while incorporating it into his little revenge scheme. She hoped Koumori didn't feel too guilty.

(sorry, don't remember the description off the top of my head)

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Manta and Sousuke exchanged looks before he told her to equip "it". What was it? I turned to Manta with a confused look on my face. "Equip what?" She looked down for a second before holding her hand out to me. After keeping my gaze on her face for a few seconds I looked down and saw a weeding ring. Holy crap! They were engaged! First he came out of nowhere and now they were engaged? Did anybody tell me anything? Well that would definitely explain why he was so angry when I kissed her. Oh boy I was right to continue hiding my identity. My being a boy would make him way more pissed. Speaking of which, I had a skirt on, and I was a girl, how would a girl react to this news? "You're engaged?! Oh my god why didn't you tell me?! Oh gosh now I'm really sorry that I kissed you, haha." I walked forward to Manta and grabbed her hand before pulling her back to Sousuke. "We have to celebrate. I'll get you guys a cake. Waiter!" The waiter came over and I ordered them the cake I had promised. When he left I sat back down and put my elbows on the table and rested my hands on my palms and stared at them. "Spil it" I said with an eyes closed smile. I think I may have forgotten I was wearing a skirt. 

Edited by Koumori
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Wait spill what? Sousuke thought to himself? Did she mean the details of the engagement? He wasn't sure since he was a bit dense at times and sometimes you just have to roll with it.

"Oh erm right there was a quest you have to do and you do it together and when you beat the boss it drops an engagement ring for who ever is going to wear it and you get col and a reward." He explained UN sure if that was what she meant.

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To be honest, Manta couldn't figure out how long she had been in the game, meaning that she also couldn't figure out how long shed been with Sousuke. She just knew that it had been a long time. "Well, Sousuke and I were dating a long time ago and we got pretty close. So we started dating, and one thing led to another. Then he left for a while, and now he's back. So weve been engaged for a very long time." She said. It wasn't a very exciting story as a whole, but Sousuke and her had been on some pretty cool adventures and done a lot of fun things before he had left. Kou was trying to act again, and he seemed to be getting really into it. If she hadn't know better she would have thought Kou was one of those gossipy school girls shed read about before coming to SAO.

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I sat and listened intently to their stories. They pretty much matched what Sousuke told me earlier when I bumped into him. They had been together in the past and got separated by unforeseen circumstances and now they were back together. The fact that they were engaged back then made a lot more since than them getting engaged in the last week. Well in any case it was a pretty big surprise. Since I met Manta it had practically been one thing after another. First our duel, then Sousuke came into the picture, then I was mistaken for a girl, then they were engaged, and now I'm wearing a dress. Never a dull moment anymore, huh? I smiled brightly at them and kept up my now perfected girl act, "That's great. I'm happy for you too, I really am. Ohh, the cake's here!" The waiter walked up and placed the nice white cake on the table. It looked delicious. "Eat up you too, I don't need any." Oh god what was I doing? Watching my weight?

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Sousuke took a slice of cake from the the main bulk and took a bite out of the slice he had taken and grinned. That was one of the best cakes he had ever tasted and wondered if Manta could bake a cake as nice as this.

"Oh wow Honey you have to try this cake it's amazing." He said offering a piece to Manta.

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Manta knew that she kept thinking the same thing, but Koumori might be taking the stereotypical girl thing a bit too far. Still, she wasn't going to say anything, mostly because it meant more cake for Sousuke and her. She didn't noticeably react to Sousuke calling her honey, but it certainly felt a bit weird. It was the first time hed ever called her that, and she couldn't tell if it was to stress to Koumori that they were engaged and make him feel guiltier, or because he wanted to. "Um. All right." She accepted the piece of cake and picked up a fork, eating a small piece of it. It was very good, and she ate another piece.

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I watched as Manta and Sousuke happily ate their cake, slice after slice. It must've been really awesome. Dammit why did I have to say something? I really wanted some.  "Hey slow down guys." When they were finally finished the waiter returned and we paid for our meals. When he left for the final time I stood up. I stretched out a little bit and pushed my chair back in. It was getting late, way too late to start the boss fight, so I figured it would be best if we just called it a night and headed home. This time I didn't do anything crazy with my hands and just put them at my sides. "This turned out to be a crazy night, huh? Definitely wasn't expecting all this. But it's getting late so we should probably forget about taking that boss tonight." I was going to wait for them to respond but I had one more idea. I let a sly smile appear on my face and I leaned forward on the table and looked directly at Sousuke. "So, you won't insult me by second guessing my gender again right? That kinda thing really hurts a girl's ego ya know?" At this point I'd probably have to just submit to acting like a girl whenever that guy was around. That was the hole I dug myself into. Whatever I didn't care anymore. It was definitely my ultimate prank so far and it was kinda fun in a way. You really can do anything in a video game. But I wondered what Manta was thinking. Probably she thought I was laying it on too think. I mean she was a girl so she could probably tell those kinda things. But I thought I was doing pretty well. Looks like I now had a double life. Yippee. The girls would be falling all over me now. It'd probably be best to keep this a secret from anyone I was interested in. Yeah...

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Sousuke shrugged at what Kou said and looked her up and down he had no reason to second guess her in the first place and now it was just solidified. He did need that skirt back though.

"Its not a problem now can I get the skirt back and if you like I'll make you one more your style?" He asked her wondering what she would say.

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Manta smiled. "I can loan you one of mine for now if you want to keep wearing one." She found it surprisingly cute. She'd always thought that cross-dressers were extremely weird, but she knew Koumori, and she didn't think of him as weird, just kind of cute. In fact, she was kind of starting to think of him as a sister, however strange that might sound. "And just be yourself. I don't think your weird." She said, a whole lot of hidden meaning behind those words. She couldn't say anything explicitly, because Koumori didn't seem to want her to.

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Sousuke examined me up and down before confirming he was certain. I got him. Nice work Koumori. But it wasn't over yet. He asked for his skirt back but wanted to make another one for me. Manta quickly piped up and said that I could borrow one of hers while I waited. Oh how kind of you two. But I noticed that Manta seemed a little excited when she said that. She was no longer judging or angry, but she was definitely enjoying it. Why wasn't she freaked out by what I was doing? She was actually encouraging it. And I could tell she wasn't playing around. But still I didn't like skirts even though I was wearing one without any issue. "Oh you guys are too nice. You don't have to go through the trouble just for me." I brought up my menu and switched out the skirt for my pants and returned it to Sousuke. That was when Manta spoke again. "And just be yourself. I don't think you're weird" What did that mean? Was she talking to me or girl me? Was she encouraging me to cross dress as a girl? There was no way. What had gotten into her? She knew this was all the result of a misunderstanding right? Or was it? I could've just corrected him. Why hadn't I? Why am I asking so many questions in this post? I didn't know the answers to any of those questions. But I did know that I had been silent for awhile. "Thanks, Manta. I'll try and take that to heart." That was meant just for Sousuke. He seemed pretty deadset on girlifying me so I had to at least pretend.

Edited by Koumori
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