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F5-PP) Braving the harsh sands (The Traveler)

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He was dumbfounded by the fact she actually had the cargo. It meant that they wouldn't need to go searching in this sandstorm. He smiled, managing not to get sand down his throat by some weird miracle. He sort of, ignored what Aster had said about him findign a new friend, just suprised that they had met someone who had the cargo!!! He was quick to send her a party invite, that way they could all get this done together.


ID# 87785 results:

 Craft: 8

"I think you have it!!! And Aster, this friend seems good!" He calls out to both, looking around, wondering how the hell they were going to get out........ 

It took all night, and most of the next day, however they managed to wait out the sandstorm, making it back to the settlement! They had just managed to survive the harsh wilds, and now back in the settlement, they returned the cargo. With a smile, it was accepted, and the party got a great -Quest Cleared- message appear.

"Thanks you two, see ya later!" Sky said, smiling as he ran off, once again ready to face the world.

Quest Finished - 

1 SP @Hirru 

2 SP Aster, Stryder, Telrenya @Yuurei

Survival Skill - Aster, Stryder, Telrenya, Yuurei

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