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For me, the best way to get rid of writer's block is to read other people's writing until you get inspired :D Or sleep. 90% of the time I get my inspiration from either my prolonged daydreams or the regular ones.

If I were to steal a line from a movie with Sean Connery "You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head." so basically just type nonsense in the form of a rough tale and then expand on that later!............ I apologize if this does not help but I can only speak of my own methods :P

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Zerva actually has some very valid ideas. Reading other people's RPs is actually a great idea. I personally like to try and act out the scenes that are taking place and see where it goes from there. I hope this is helpful and if not I'll see what else I can think of. Also getting a second opinion of how an RP is going is very helpful. I've on several occasions sent a link to someone to get their idea of what I could do next.

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Here's what I usually do!

The best way I bring myself out of writers block is music! Thinking of something tragic? Maybe some eerie flute and violin sounds! Thinking of mysterious and whimsical? Soft sounding music. Overall, listen to the genre of music that you want to write a post or story of. Get in the feel of the atmosphere!

What I do next is put myself in the situation, and engage myself into the material being written. What would I do if I were in a situation? I like to imagine the scene in my head, with various possible outcomes to each situation. Then I go with what is the best in my opinion.

Now when it comes to planning or making a plot, I do whats called paper and pencil plotting! I list the main characters, the personality, time setting, genre overall, and then pinpoint what the theme or big idea of the story is. What do I want the story to end up like? What are some major storyline cliffhangers and climaxes that would occur? And here is the biggest thing: DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF TO WRITE MORE OR PUSH YOURSELF TOWARDS A GOAL. This encourages slack and doesn't result in a very satisfied result. I know this from experience, from reading all my literature and comparing between them.

-Is Currently Listening To Some Upbeat Tunes-

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Okay, sadly, I'm still having problems even after taking some time off and doing others things to help. This may take awhile, but at least this thread is helping people!

Wll this sucks, all I can say is listen to music that yo love, watch a sope opera, or something with alot of emotion behind it, the best writers always look at others works and try to see what they did to get that, im more darker and twisted because if my literal hero's Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, and ad well as Shakespear, they have many dark but also good writing that bring alot of emothing and thought to peoples mind, many here call me scary or creepy, but its all because of my liturature heros that helped me be the wirter i am today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Might be later for this topic, but here are some things I do!

Aside from listening to my own music, I usually go to 8tracks and search for playlists that have either to do with writing or with my fandom interests as well as classical music! Many of the playlist are build with awesome songs and usually whenever I find one that pulls the strings to my muse- the words begin to pour out!

I also try to keep myself active with either doing some meditation or running, since it helps clear my mind and after a good session I am usually feeling great for writing.

Aside from that! I get on tumblr for either seeking pictures or for practicing with prompts. The prompts can vary, but they are good way to develop ideas or just at least give you some inspiration! :D

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