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Posts posted by Ruri

  1. She looked towards Dirgun saying, "I would never hate you!" As she picked Jace up by the other arm helping him to stand up...

    She smiled as she looked around at all the restaurants and food places, her face brightening as she found a sign saying 'The Catsup Wagon' She giggled at the funny name as she looked around some more at all the food choices.


  2. She hugged her boyfriend she was happy she had completed it. "Hmm, pretty good! But you could complete the skill by learning about some hoops or jumping skills." Said her Aunt... Ruri smiled at her, "That seems alright!" She giggled as she found some hoops in a corner along as some free space to do some somersaults... Doing all these tricks was very fun for her, she loved to do tricks and insane flips... She could only do a few but her Aunt could probably help her out! maybe even teach her how to play the violin!

  3. She thought to herself she wanted to help, she didn't care if she became a PK... She hated him. She was mad now... She understood that she could never be included but she knew she could at least help in some way, or some kind of form...

  4. She sighed as she tried once again out of her mad self. She began to sigh hoping that she got it this time. She would hope that she would get it this time...

    P.S. Level 3 for last few turns...

    ~Dice Roll~

    [1] You fell on the first Obstacle.

    [2-4] You missed on the third obstacle.

    [6-8] You missed on the second to last obstacle

    [9-10] You finished the obstacle course perfectly!

  5. She took her blueish green glowing sword from her inventory. She took her hood up as the group got closer to the hologramic image the image turned to a face she had remembered "was it that girl from the picture?" She asked herself

    as she girl talked to Keith, "Well Keith it seems you have found my hologram!" She had laughed in his face about how he thought it was herself.

  6. I looked at my Aunt as she told me a trick on the third obstacle, "Try not to go over the crawling obstacle next time.." She spoke as Ruri took the Advice and tried once more, Perseverance!

    ~Dice Roll~

    [1] You fell on the first Obstacle.

    [2-4] You missed on the third obstacle.

    [6-8] You missed on the second to last obstacle

    [9-10] You finished the obstacle course perfectly!

  7. "Gosh what was all of that?" She asked as she stared at the guy now disappearing from her vision. She sighed as she turned to Kanya panting at her leg. She gave her a treat... "But, good job with the fight, Dirgun." She said as she looked over at the hurt figure she bend down toward him, helping his wounds as they started to heal...

  8. Her Aunt looked at her in utter surprise as she said, "Y-You could make it over the charts, with that fantastic voice, Not much I can help with that-- but I could help with your Acrobatics skill-- if you have it you could max it out, and you over there you can keep the guitar, it fits you and your music skill!" She said as she looked back toward Ruri in utter surprise, once again. Ruri smiled, "Indeed I have the acrobatics skill, if you could max it out that would be AMAZING!" She said as she looked at her Aunt as her Aunt showed her a course, "Try it out, and I will help you train your skills!" Her Aunt said with a smile as Ruri started the course...

    ~Dice Roll~

    [1] You fell on the first Obstacle.

    [2-4] You missed on the third obstacle.

    [6-8] You missed on the second to last obstacle

    [9-10] You finished the obstacle course perfectly!

  9. "Hmm... I've seen her running around in the darkness as I ran this way.." She said as she pointed to a hill, where way at the top was a small mansion, "I think she ran that way..." Ruri said as she looked in the darkness with her <> Skill finding the blonde haired figure running up the tall slope of the upbringing mountain.

  10. I found a PM telling me to join Dirgun here, I ran towards the known figure I knew, seeing another person near him. It was a high leveler... I've never seen anyone higher level then level 8! I was surprised that Dirgun was talking to him... As I reached my boyfriend I saw a closer image of the higher level. "Sorry for no introduction and coming at you like this, My name is Ruri." She said as she put her hand out in friendship. She knew she would never find anyone higher level then this and it had been an honor to run into him!

  11. She had thought it all was amazing "Dude, this is so cool..." she says as she looks around the room and finds her coat near the checkout, as she does to the 'changing' room and puts it on herself, it fit perfectly. "Thank you Grim!" She smiled toward him... She twirled, as she smiled and giggled in the circle formation. Her eyes shined as she looked down at her amazing hand-crafted Item.

  12. "No, she seems to be having the best of times with you, I've heard about fun times, and maybe even weirder.." She said as she sat down on a bench that she owned, along with a huge gym to train in, as well as an obstacle course. "Any way I am a master of the arts, and Ruri said that you used to play the guitar, perhaps you and ruri should perform first, so i can get the feel of how well she sings, and how well I could perhaps even teach you." She says as she takes a seat and watched the two gather up their things around the room there was a microphone, and a large guitar, with flames. Ruri began to wait for Dirgun to hook up his guitar, "So what song?" She whisper-asks him as she finds the on button in the microphone.

  13. She stood up... "Hey, i'm here to meet my new mentor, my Aunt." She says as she knocks on a red door on a white house with a blue roof, as soon as she does so she hears a "Door is open!" and Ruri opens the door, inviting her boyfriend inside. "Hello Auntie!~" She said putting her hand out in a welcome. She smiled as her Auntie shook her hand. "Well Ruri, who is this?" She asked Ruri as she turned her head toward Dirgun. "That is my boyfriend, Dirgun!" She smiled at her Auntie as she said, "My-my so you're the one Ruri has been talking about!" Said 'Auntie' as she put her hand out in welcome.

  14. I find Grim finally as I sit there in wait for any other repliers "So, I hope they all get here..." She says as she sits in wait... and in agony will Dirgun come, what about the bride, will the wedding become a fail if it were to proceed? she sighs as she looks out into the nothingness of mountains and death of heat. She rocks back and forth, shaking her feet. She felt pity for Grim, having to wait for his beloved bride...

  15. I had frightened thoughts about both of them, one my love, one my friend I felt like I wanted to get in the middle of the fight and just say 'settle down' but I was far too afraid to die if I was standing in the middle of the fight as more and more people started to surround them, handing in bets at a bet counter near the fight.

  16. She stared at Chained, "So are you staring into his soul, or confused?" She said as she took a look at him.. Finding him staring into the Golem's soul.

    (OOC: Lets try to post a bit less so he can catch up Dirgun, you can post one more time and we will stop for a while so he can, you know.. catch up.... ^ ^)

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