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Posts posted by Ruri

  1. I Ship

    Jace13 X Ruri:

    Cause they look cute together... OuO


    Saki X Grim:

    'Cause they would make a cute couple (Even though there ages are a bit apart....)


    Zeke X Zeek:

    They were meant to be together 'cause their names....

    As Well As

    Haine X Keith:

    I know Cilcia is with Keith but they would look cute together @.@

    Well I know that we met on an RP but really... -.-

    I ship

    Megumi X Miaki:

    Cause they have almost the same age and I feel that if they met in an RP when the two characters meet they would look in eachothers eyes and see their future... Probably only in my mind, but I can really see that...

    Wtf. I think you phrased that wrong and this dude's on the kill list. -.- I'm already taken and I never heard of Maiki XD You don't mean Miaki right? Oh my..

    Haine X Daeron:

    'Cause many good couples fight with each other first, then just accept each other.

  2. "Wolf? And great Idea!" She giggles... "Can Kanya battle?" She asks as Kanya looks at him... "I wanna battle! My first time!" She said excitedly.. "Yeah, can she?" Ruri asked her giggling coming on. She laughs... "Well is your favorite animal a wolf.. or maybe a boar?" She asks again... her giggling turning down... her hyperness and randomness just turned on... "Uhh... Flying unicorn wolves maybe? They are my favorite..."

  3. Kanya ran toward the hill, ran on top of it and turned around as I threw a frisbee... "I Got it, I got it!" Kanya said as she caught it in her teeth, she then twisted her head around and threw it back at me... "Good job Kanya!" Ruri said excitedly as she caught the now slippery bright red frisbee... She threw it back, yet it came right back to Ruri as if a boomerang... "Hey Kanya do you wanna stop now?" She asked as they threw it to each other a few more times... "Oh, Fine..." Kanya said slumping her head down... it was Kanya's first full day to spend with her owner... She had always loved to catch things... for she was very playful and talkative.... yet she could never really figure out to throw them.. When Ruri became her friend the possibilities of what they could do together where endless...

  4. "Nice to meet you too." She said as she made another snowman... "Well are we going to go on the adventure yet? Or not?" She giggled and couldn't wait to get the amazing dragon.... Her friends could get it in---- "We could go into a dungeon to capture your familiar!" She smiled and with the wave of her hand they were on their way...

  5. "Aweee..." She looks down upset... "Well atleast it's night now..." She looks up and says as she hears an howl and the perfect dark blue wolf... the snow right behind it... "Kanya!" She spoke aloud the name she wanted to name her wolf. The wolf looked towards her and jumped off the hill. Running toward her... "Kanya!" She spoke again.

    The wolf slowing down and sniffing her... "Will you eat this, Kanya?" She asked her unofficial familiar. she opens her inventory and put the food on the ground. She took a few steps back and waited for the magic, to happen. the wolf looked toward the meat... her mysterious blue eyes looked down at the meat and she ate it... "Kanya!" She spoke to her new familiar as she pet the excited familiar...

    She looked at a small mark on her familiar's side.. she smiled and patted it... The small mark had been a gray star... She giggled and pet her familiar... "Can you stay with me for a while?" She asked for she knew her journey wasn't over, but she just wanted to play with her newly found familiar.

    She threw a frisbee... it spun and Grim had catched it. Kanya looking toward the frisbee, then running back and forth between me and Grim. Playing catch was so fun with her... "Kanya Speak!" She giggled as the wolf had spoken to her in her head as she had first laid eyes on her... "Hiya Owner, I like my new name... Kanya!" She spoke her eyes glittering and her fur wild and alive...

  6. She runs in another direction becoming blurry... she giggles a bit more.. then stands quiet, with just breathing, she picks up another snowballs and throws it at his direction. She then runs around a bit more.... dodging plenty of snowballs... She giggled a bit more, then went back to just breathing... she ran in another direction just to mix things up... then settled down again...

  7. "Well i think I had a good one.. I say weird black faces talking to me..." She says with a scared face on.. she hands him a sandwich and heads outside.. "Can you look at the message I sent you?" She asked as she yawned and stretched... she sat by the campfire with logs beside it... She giggled as she hit a snowball at an large isical on a roof, it then came crashing down on some npc... stabbing it... "Uh..." she facepalmed herself as she camped outside "Lets wait outside until the wolf eventually howls or something of the sort..." she sighs and then throws a snowball at grim, as she uses her skill 'Hidden' around a corner in the village.

  8. She yawns... they starts to turn off the lights as she drifts into a long sleep... a howl coming from outside, and soon enough when she is to wake up she is sure to be woken up in an afternoon... She yawns as the sun enters her room, just barely... She sends an alarm to Grim to wake up, a message, saying


    Tonight we are to meet outside, so I can perhaps get my familiar tonight.


    As she gets ready she makes a few snacks.... Sandwiches...... with lettuce and tomatoes with cheese too. Her cooking skill.. Leveling up... She smiles as she walks over to the door and opens it as she walks down the hallway and goes outside. Waiting for Grim...

  9. "Ouch.." She says and frowns as she wakes up... and gets poked several more times... "Oh, come on lets discuss the problem in the morning..." She frowns.. Then lay on the bed as she walks over to it, she automatically jumps onto it... She growls... "Please, let us discuss this in the morning... I'm really tired." She says once again...

  10. She frowned..."Then i'm one of a kind?" Her frown turned into a grin again as she looked towards Angel and laughed.. Her giggle was some weird but sure giggle... "Hey I wanna play a game..." She says as she explains some rules "I ask you a question about myself, and if you get it right, you get to go next!" She giggled then started off the game "What is my favorite color?" She asked her eyes shimmering as the giggles how louder... and changing toward slowness again. "remember whoever gets it, gets to go next!" She giggled... "This will help us get to know one another!" She said-- again.

  11. "Well this is my first day in SAO so, I am traveling around...." She says as she looks around and smiles... They players had all been boys... "Hey, are the girls hiding or something?" She asks as she looks around at what seemed to her a lot of boy players... "Gosh," She thought...

  12. She yawns and stands up as she goes over to the campfire as she sits on one of the four logs. The beautiful snow raining down... "I just woke up, and as I found your message I came as quick as I could..." She stretches and giggles afterword... She narrowed her eyes and frowned as she looked at the snow around her... She took one of the cute small snowmen that she had mad as she sits it down, next to her.. She pats the snowman's head and giggles as she plays with him... making small snowballs... as she throws tiny snowballs toward it.. and she makes tiny snowballs for the snowman to throw back at her...

  13. I let Grim into my room... opening the door a crack, pausing then opening it fully up... She sighs and says "Come in!" As she stares at him coming in, She sits on one of the chairs in the room. She looks him... "So what up with the strategy?" She says as she goes into her hub and looks at the time... She awaits the answer... almost goes to sleep... then when the answer is spoken she hears it and is then fully awake....

  14. She had found him, finally he had messaged her a couple days ago to meet him here for his quest... She runs to him and gives him a hug... "Grim, where were you?" She questions him, now standing back again and crossing her shoulders, as she turns her head in disbelief. She shrugs, "Well it doesn't matter anymore, I should forgive you." She says uncrossing her shoulders and skipping around in her furry boots and small jacket and scarf. She sits in the beautiful snow.. and giggles as she plays in it, making small snowmen. She knew she hadn't seen him in a long time, the last time was when she had taken the same quest. She remembered the soon to be picture that she had seen. and the words spoken. After that she hadn't been to floor 4 in a while. She wanted to catch up to it, and play while she can out in the snow.

  15. "It's... amazing... Sure I'll go!" She giggles and points to the beautiful picture. She smiles... "Well what I'm going for is a dark blue wolf. and dark blue eyes.... it's only a smaller wolf, 1.8 m not a baby, but more 'average' height..."


    "Anyway it's only coming out tomorrow night, and it's almost sun-down. I want to catch some kind of inn so I can go to sleep before I go and feed the wolf, and complete my quest." She walks toward the village and evenutally finds an inn to sign into.... She gets the keys then walks into her room...

  16. She stretches then finds another person "Hiya." She says in a slightly giggling tone as the man jumps off the roof and his wolf follows after him. "Aweee! Such a cute familiar!" She giggles.. "Anyway, My name is Ruri." She says her split personality switching her back to serious mode.

  17. I looked at the man who had stood there only a moment before, saying something... "No fun, only quest work. I have a goal to get my familiar dark blue wolf. To call him? I have no idea. But if you would like to take this quest, by my side that would be great..." She says as she stands watching his breath disappear. The next day she was supposed to get the wolf. "It's almost sun up, so what do you say?" She puts her wrist in front of her.

  18. She smiles as she skips along a trail... and then runs into someone.... A mysterious gypsy...

    "I have traveled long and wide to find you, and to give you this quest"

    She begins to say as I stare into her meaningless eyes.

    "You must feed a dark blue wolf, just up that mountain at night. You must feed it... this"

    She points then gives me a pile of bones with meat still on them. She then crawls away without any other word. Ruri stares at the bones. Then put them into her inventory as she opens her menu and stares at some villages nearby. She starts to go towards one as she runs into another person. "Sorry." She says as she helps the dude up off the ground....

  19. "oh god, too many people..." She said in her head then forced her mouth to greet them. "Hi. My name is Ruri." She says her blue and purple hair waving in the wind, then coming back to it's original position. While no one was really doing anything she opened her hub and opened her starting package.


    Here are the things now given to her:

    Rayhono (Blue glowing iron sword)


    Few pieces of food such as:

    sandwiches + water bottles

  20. She giggled. "hello." She replied to the fast boy.... He seemed younger then herself but her warm, welcoming grin said differentially. "Hello, my name is Ruri!" She giggled as she looked down towards the boy a few inches smaller then herself. She giggled at his nametag above his own head and friended him. "May we befriend each other?" She asks him. Her short blue hair whipped around, then came back to it's original place. her light ocean eyes looked toward him. her smile had faded into a normal face, her serious face came into play.... she had been serious now... Now he had to choose from a red X or a blue circle, the X being No, the circle being a yes.

  21. She cheerfully dances around outside the village walls, skipping and dancing around. they winds breeze her hair, and then move it back... The wind sways the trees, left to right and left to right one more.... She giggled as she looked around and sat in the middle of the field. Her happy/cheerful self had played in the grass... She giggled at how the clouds looked, up in the sky... they had been in a dance competition, or something of the sort, rather.... An ice cream cone, a sword, and a cute kitty.... This had all been so funny to her....

    As she kept looking up in the sky she had made a mental note of what she wanted to do today.... at look for some friends. She stood up, looked around, and opened her hub for the map... as she walked toward the village she saw plenty of players... However she was to shy to really talk to them. She wanted to make friends by simply being herself, not walking by them and saying "Hi....". So she walked forward and sighed as she reached the hard-to-find village.

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