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Posts posted by Ruri

  1. Ruri had been walking along a path near floor one, noticing a new shop, she just had to see what it was all about, maybe even order something. She looked at the sign, then went inside... "Hello, anyone here?" She said as she looked around...

    She filled out a small order forum near the counter as she entered...


    Blade Name: Skulldem

    Look: Blue ored sword

    Pic: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/6147 ... -55585.jpg

    Description: If you want to PM me with a quest, I shall get material for you to make this sword, One thing if you could do however, I would like to deal extra damage to the opponent.


    Kanya wags her tail at the small slip I had written as I finally see the owner, working I lay the slip near him as Ruri now goes outside, Kanya following close behind...

  2. "Dirgun, it's okay that I had lost." She said as she nods her head toward Kanya. "Thank you." She said as she shook hands with him, and as he moved on. Kanya barked once to show that she was happy for Ruri. "It was my first fight anyway, me and Kanya didn't expect to win." She said as she looked up at Dirgun again. She then pet Kanyas head in return to the barking, and good fight. She had also given her a small piece of steak.

  3. Her expression was warm, as she danced around the crowds. She saw someone who wasn't wearing the grayish fashion everyone else had. It was a dark black. She started dancing but started to wonder, as Kanya stood on her shoulder, almost asleep. Ruri had stepped forward as someone had moved between her and this man. She wondered curiously. "Hi. My name is Ruri..." She introduced herself, in a nice fashion.

  4. She finds the dude missing. "Good Try." She said as she looked toward him. "But good luck taking me on." She narrows her eyes and they both attack. Kanya starts to growl as she raises her paw.

    ~Dice Roll~

    Result: 4 and 3

    They both miss.

    She narrows her eyes more in anger and Kanya growls.

    (OOC: you cannot attack them both in one turn. You must wait until someone else posts/ if I do.

    And you cannot interfere in battles/duels.)

  5. I looked at the group. "Anyway, I feel like you don't need me anymore. You have more group members then needed, so may I be excused?" She asked as she looked at the group leader. "Grim, so, shall I be?" She asked again, repeating herself. She doesn't wait, she walks off with Kanya as she reaches the main village and teleports elsewhere.

  6. She looked around, some people cheering for her, and Dirgun had begun to watch as well. "Hey, we've collected a crowd too. Looks like you will be getting cheered on as well perhaps..." She giggled as she waited for his next attack.

  7. She walks upon a new floor-- never seen before by herself. the jungles vines and canopied leaves --- had inspired her. Her wolf circling her tail trying to always catch it... "Kanya, stop." She orders her wolf, her wolf now stopping it's childish ways. Ruri steps forward finding a mysterious NPC with no name, in front of herself. She looks forward, scratching her forehead...

  8. Kanya felt the pain. "No, get out of here I can't sacrifice my familiars life." I said as her Hp went down. She backed up, and ran a bit away from her, to not get attacked. "Good girl." Ruri said as she attacked, Kanya not really running away but running up a bit again to get the first hit (If it hits..)

    She heard a girl cheering for her as the three HP off the dude-- went down.

    Jace Hp: 9/13

    Ruri Hp: 9/11

    Kanya Hp: 6/7

    "Kanya-- I told you not to..." She said narrowing her eyes down at the dog. "I knew you would need extra help-- besides the point you're a lower level then him-- and you can revive me anyways you can't be revived. I don't want my owner dying on me..." She sighs as she looks back towards the man.

  9. "Grim, I'm going to use my hide skill... and snowball her. Not my fault if she falls to the ground, Kay?" She asks as she runs off, meanwhile Kanya helps Grim up. "I'm as fine, as fine could be." She laughs as he gets up... And.. back to... Ruri chases Yure and throws snowballs, forcing her to dodge... she then slows down for a breather. Ruri Laughs "You slow poke!" She giggles as Yure attempts to find her, as she is hidden.

  10. "Uh, nice to know." She says as she turns her head and walks more into the forest. "Time to adventure?" She said as she looked around. "hmm. No snow" She thought to herself as she unequipped her jacket and took the jacket off her familiar. She looked around at the warm terrain/biome. they were now out of the horrid blizzard and into somewhere nice, and cozy. The air smelled of wondrous fruit. she picked 4 oranges and put them into her inventory.

  11. "Yureka, shivering will do you no good." Ruri says as she gives her a warm sweater with fur. Her dog (as well as herself) having a dark blue furred coat with the inside being a light shade of blue. She shuffles forward in the snow. "Looks like we have this out for us." She says as she steps forward and Kanya wagging her soft silky tail back and forth. "Ugh... at least we are here now." She steps forward and looks at the bright side.

  12. Kanya looked toward Miaki now. Tilting her head. "I'm Kanya, this here is my owner, Ruri." Said Kanya as she tilted her head. "Yes, indeed, who might you be?" She asked as she lifted her hand out, to welcome him. Kanya ran over to my side. and licked my other hand, that was more towards the ground. her dark shiny blue fur shifted toward the winds new direction, her gray star-like patch of fur, doing the same thing as the rest. Her dark blue eyes shimmering with curiousness.

  13. "Hmmm.... I'm thinking a forest-maze." She says as she captures it in her mind and Kanya jumps on her shoulder. She giggles as she walks forward and looks in her menu for a forest nearby. "Hmm... must be SOMEWHERE near here..." She says while looking around on the map. She then spotted a forest called 'Dragons Blood Canopy' She clicks it for a better view. "Yup this is it, let me look at the name of those berries--" She took one and put it in her hand. "--Yup, just as I suspected Blood Berries." She points forword toward where the forest was. Kanya howled at the word I had said--- "Blood"...

  14. "The question is, are you going to be okay?" She says narrowing her eyes and running at Jace.. Kanya raising her claw at him.


    Loot Dice = Kanya

    Battle Dice= Ruri

    [0-1] Miss -1 Hp

    [2-4] Dodge for opponent

    [5-7] Hit! -1 Hp to opponent

    [8+] Crit! -2 Hp to opponent



    Ruri- 1

    Kanya- 16

    Ruri misses and gets hit by the back of Jace's arm... as Kanya crits and does 2 damage to Jace.

    "Heh, Good Job Kanya!" Ruri says weakly as she stands up.

    Kanya - 7 Hp

    Ruri- 9 Hp

    Jace- 11 Hp

  15. "Okay, Jace I think the two others are off doing something else for the time being, so me any you, you ready?" She asks eyes narrowed and her skill on "Holy Sword"... She grinned... "ready..?" She was.. ready as she ever could be. She grinned and took her sword.. as she challenged him to a duel. Kanya growled as she took her stance. I took my sword into my own stance and grinned.

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