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Ourian Clemmens

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Posts posted by Ourian Clemmens

  1. Before he could dive into the bushes and run for it, his foot gets wrapped up in the webbing again and is pulled towards the blue spider. Swearing, he makes a grab for a low-hanging tree branch. Getting a hold of it, he uses his dagger to cut the webbing and climbs the tree.

    Not wasting any time, the first black spider crawls up the tree and cuts the branch Ourian was holding on to, causing him to fall with the branch

    [Ourian] 3/9 [/////////] (Target)

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  2. Unable to pull himself down to his leg to cut the webbing, the spider pulls him in close enough to stab him with its sharp, pointed leg in the calf. (Huge Critical: 2 Damage) Fighting through the pain, Ourian grits his teeth, punches the spider to make it stagger back, then runs for the bushes, trying to escape.

    [Ourian] 3/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  3. Before the slash made contact, the blue spider knocked him back with one of its legs. Scrambling to his feet, Ourian finds himself surrounded by all three spiders.

    "Oh crap..." He said, noticing his chances at survival were becoming slimmer by the second. Keeping a close eye on all three, he waits for them to attack. Suddenly, the second black spider spits some webbing at him, catching him by the ankle and starts dragging him in.

    [Ourian] 5/9 [/////////] (Target)

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  4. Using his dagger, Ourian cut the weebing and rolled out of the path of the spider's pounce. Recovering from the roll, Ourian spins around and blocks the blue spider's bit by making it bite the dagger instead of his arm. Quickly, he spins around, pulling the dagger out of the blue spider's grip, and aims a slash at its midsection.

    [Ourian] 5/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////](Target)

  5. As Ourian brought the blade of his dagger down, he is pulled off of the spider by a sticky, gooey thread that wrapped itself around his wrist. Following the thread, he saw that it came from the first black spider's mouth.

    Damn it... Webbing... Ourian cursed as he was brought back down to the ground. Suddenly, the second spider jumped out of a nearby tree at him.

    [Ourian] 5/9 [/////////] (Target)

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  6. Thinking quickly, Ourian punched the spider in the jaw, causing its pincer to only graze his neck. (no damage) He then kicks the spider off of him, making it land on its back. This time, Ourian got on top of it and prepared to kill the spider with one last stab to the head.

    [Ourian] 5/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////](Target)

  7. As he slashed, he quickly realized his mistake as he slipped in the mud and fell backwards. As soon as he fell to the ground, the blue spider jumped on top of him. Hissing, it opened its pincers and attempted to bite him in the neck.

    [Ourian] 5/9 [/////////] (Target)

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  8. Unable to recover from being tossed off the blue spider's back, the black spider manages to sink its pincers into Ourian's shoulder. (Huge Critical: 2 Damage)

    DAMN! Ourian shouts, kicking the spider off of him and slashes at it.

    [Ourian] 5/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////](Target)

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  9. Landing on the blue spider's back, Ourian stabs it in the head, causing it to thrash about and screech in pain, throwing Ourian off of it. As he hit the ground, he heard the second black spider rush at him.

    [Ourian] 7/9 [/////////] (Target)

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 1/5 [/////]

  10. Still recovering from the landing, he was defenseless as the spider sunk its pincers into his thigh. (Huge Critical: 2 Damage)

    "AAAGH!" Ourian cried, struggling to get away from the blue spider. Eventually, it let go and Ourian quickly jumped away from all three of them. Spotting the boulder to the right of the second black spider, Ourian got an idea as he ran towards it, jumped on top of it, then used the extra height to jump over the black spider to aim at the blue spider.

    [Ourian] 7/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 3/5 [/////] (Target)

  11. Before Ourian could land the attack, the black spider quickly moves to the side to avoid the attack as Ourian lands.

    Damn it! He shouts, spinning around to find that the blue spider moved in to bite his leg.

    [Ourian] 9/9 [/////////](Target)

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 3/5 [/////]

  12. "Oh no you don't!" Ourian shouts, rolling to the side to avoid the spider's charge. Recovering from the roll, Ourian rushes at the spider that just attacked him and jumps into the air, his dagger above his head for a stabbing attack.

    [Ourian] 9/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////] (Target)

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 3/5 [/////]

  13. The preemptive strike being successful, Ourian manages to cut the blue spider's leg (2 Damage), causing it to screech in pain. My presence now known, the other spiders begin to attack. The closest black spider starts to run at me, its pincers open wide for a bite at my arm.

    [Ourian] 9/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 3/5 [/// ]

  14. "According to what Ether told me, I should be getting close..." Ourian whispers to himself, grabbing the Dragon Claw from his waist and approaching slowly. This was his first true fight in SAO. One false move could mean life and death... Slowly, he crept into the bushes in front of him. Cutting a few branches out of the way, he could see past the bushes while he was kept well hidden.

    "THERE you are..."He whispered, staring through the hole and observing a mob of spiders, three in total. Two of them were black and the third one was a blue color.The blue one must be the mob leader... Ourian thought, waiting for the right moment to strike... As soon as they all turned away, Ouian took the opportunity and rushed at the blue spider, slashing at one of its legs.

    [Ourian] 9/9 [/////////]

    [black Spider 1] 4/4 [////]

    [black Spider 2] 4/4 [////]

    [blue Spider] 5/5 [/////]

  15. "Thanks, Ether. I'll see you around."I tell him, getting to my feet and start heading east. Sure, I was a little scared, but I knew that this was my only option to become strong enough to assist everyone. This was something I had to do... Hang on, Nell... I'll find you... I thought to myself, remembering the first day we came to this world...

    (Leaving current RP)

  16. Apparently unnoticed, possibly ignored, I put my dagger back on my belt and walk back to the tree and returned to my spot next to the stream.

    "Hey Ether, you know of any easy spawns near here that I can practice on?" I ask, still laying down with an arm in the stream, the cool flowing water around my fingers relaxing to the touch. "You wouldn't have to come with me or anything..."

  17. "If you lived the kind of life that I have... you would understand me being jumpy, Ether." I say, laying down next to the stream. Realizing that I am still holding my dagger, I start to put it back on my belt when I hear something further down the stream.

    Hehe you win Shadow!

    "I think I heard something... I say, walking towards the source of the voice, dagger still in hand and at the ready. Eventually, near some bushes, I find a boy playing with his familiar. The first thing that I notice is his white hair. Slowly, I approach the boy.

    I knew I heard someone over here. I say to the boy, keeping a cautious distance from the stranger.

  18. "I'm doing alright... however I can't seem to find those boars that everyone told me about at the tavern..." I admit, noticing Ether staring at the Dragon Claw he loaned me. "Thanks again, by the way. This is what is making it possible for me to even start training." I told him, smiling.

    Suddenly I hear what sounded like an animal running. Instinctively, my hand snaps to my dagger and I take my battle stance (Left side of body facing the source of the noise, right leg bent at the knee for quick reaction, right hand holding Dragon Claw near my chest with the blade facing the ground, left arm extended with palm facing forward for defense) and search carefully for the noise.

    Good boy... You get a treat.

    Upon seeing the boy and his dog, I relaxed slightly, but I still remained in my battle stance.

  19. "Hmmm... I know they spawn around here somewhere..." I say to myself, getting frustrated as I continued to look for the boars that everyone at the tavern said to look for to get combat experience. "Floor two, two miles west of the warp point near the large oak tree at the stream... Where the hell are they?!" I yell out, my temper getting the best of me. Finally, I decide to walk over to the oak tree to take a break.

    As I approach the tree, my anger fades as I see the familiar tailored coat of my new friend, Ether.

    "Hey Ether! How's it going?" I ask him, stopping about ten feet away from him. Although I knew I could trust him, old habits die hard...

  20. Results

    Loot Obtained


    Dragon Claw: +1 Damage (Gift from Ethereal)

    Dragon Tooth: Poison on BD 10, Fire Resistance (Gift from Ethereal)

    Each Player has obtained 200 col (Utukashii abandoned the topic)

    Each player has earned 1 Skill Point

    Ourian has trained 2 Skill Points in Leather Equipment, upgrading Skill to Novice Level

  21. "Likewise." I tell him as he gets up and walks out of the tavern. Once he was gone, I look at the two daggers he gave me. I don't know what it was about these daggers, but there was something about them that kept my attention fixed on them. Even as I left the tavern I continued to stare at them. Finally, I figured out why they were so interesting to me...

    "My first gift... Ever..." I whisper to myself, smiling as I equipped the two daggers and wandered the streets of Starting City, only now I felt as if my new friend walked with me wherever I went as long as I have these daggers.

  22. As Ether pushed the daggers closer to me, I couldn't help but shed a tear.

    "Thanks, Ether." I tell him, accepting the weapons while wiping the tears from my face. "I'm sorry... I'm just not used to people being so nice to me... Back in the real world... I'm constantly picked on, bullied, and even mugged... To find that there are still nice people around is a nice change of pace." I admit, offering my hand out by means of making our friendship official.

  23. After about five minutes of wandering around, that feeling of loneliness comes back. Maybe I was a bit too hasty about leaving... I thought, cursing my judgmental instincts as I walked back into the tavern to find them still sitting at the bar.

    "Hey, I'm sorry... I'm not used to having a friendly conversation with someone... I just kinda got uncomfortable..." I admit, sitting back down and ordering another glass of water.

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