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Kiluia Seiko

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Posts posted by Kiluia Seiko

  1. 1 163967 CD: 10   LD: 19 Rare (2) 9 (+4 Ambition)
    2 163966 CD: 8   LD: 17 Uncommon (2) 7 (+4 Ambition)
    3 163965 CD: 12   LD: 12 Perfect (1) 12 (+4 Ambition)
    4 163964 CD: 10   LD: 1 Rare (1) 9 (+4 Ambition)
    5 163963 CD: 4   LD: 11 Salvage Success (1) 6 (+4 Ambition)

    Exp Total: 43

    Combined EXP:140


  2. Choices needed be made. He was fed up at trying to strike one of those lionesses and decided to go after the lion himself. He pivoted his heel and gazed upon the direction of the lion. He felt his muscles tense and release running at full speed at the lion. Body felt lighter as he leapt into heel kick into the lion’s cranium causing it to crack down hard on the king of the jungle. His full weight came down hard with a sickening thud. When the dust settled, he had ripped a chunk of its health bar away. (All Might-14 EN)

    He leapt back several feet away from it so it wouldn’t counterattack him. Finally, an attack that landed. He was feeling a little better knowing he actually hit something this time around. “Nice moves, Raidou.” He spoke to him since now he had time to talk for a little bit til the next round of strikes.



    (1-3)Kiluia | 900/900 HP | 62/90 EN | DMG: 19 | MIT 48 | ACC 4 | EVA 4| BLD 24 | REC 1 
    (4-6)Setsuna | HP:520/520 | EN:25/52 | DMG:16 | EVA:5 | ACC:3
    (7-9)Sam | HP:520/520 | EN:8/52 | DMG:19 | ACC:3 | REC:2
    (10-12)Raidou | HP:1331/1490 | EN:100/134 | DMG:23 | MIT:76 | EVA:6 | ACC:5 | TAUNT | BH:74 | BLD [30/3]

    (0,0,2,7)Nemean Lioness #1 | 1/512 HP | DMG 180 | MIT 47 | ACC 1 | EVA 2 | BLD [20/3] (9-10 [30/3])
    (0,0,0,4)Nemean Lioness #2 | 331/512 HP | DMG 180 | MIT 47 | ACC 1 | EVA 2 | BLD [20/3] (9-10 [30/3])
    (0,0,1,2)Nemean Lioness #3 | 407/512 HP | DMG 180 | MIT 47 | ACC 1 | EVA 2 | BLD [20/3] (9-10 [30/3])
    (0,2,2,7)Nemean Lion | 53/838 HP | DMG 145 (Phase: 60) | MIT 82 | ACC 3 | EVA -1 | BLD [55/5]  | CALL [0/2]

  3. They had to think about her wants and needs. What did they want when they were that age? He thought about it and tuned into her once more about the art. “That would be a great idea for her to start painting. Or something to that extent.” He looked around for more materials. It seemed the area they were passing didn’t have any materials he would find useful.  The area seemed to grow more barren as the any type of vegetation was becoming scarce. “How about after we are done, we should ask her to come out and just have a family dinner? Discuss what we are thinking about?”

    The familiars were running around trying to keep themselves entertained. Despite the dark cavern, they seemed to be growing accustomed to the fact that their masters liked going to creepy places. If only their masters could hear or understand what they were thinking or talking about to each other.




  4. Watching Raidou fight was like poetry in motion. No waste movements and they were maximized to their fullest potential. Damn, he thought as he ran forward to the lioness in front. He pulled back his fist but before he could swing at it, the lioness came at him with ferocity as well causing him to slightly flinch. That was unexpected as he pulled back to the rest of the group. He frowned slightly at the moment. Normally they didn’t fight back but lions did have their pride to protect. It was a wasted effort on his behalf as he looked at the group in disappointment. It wasn’t his day apparently. 

    “My bad.” He proclaimed as he watched the movements of the felines and how they were walking in a pattern ever since they started this battle. He would have to regain his focus somehow as they were more agile than he had anticipated.



    (1-3)Kiluia | 900/900 HP | 76/90 EN | DMG: 19 | MIT 48 | ACC 4 | EVA 4| BLD 24 | REC 1 (Recovery Activates)
    (4-6)Setsuna | HP:520/520 | EN:36/52 | DMG:16 | EVA:5 | ACC:3
    (7-9)Sam | HP:520/520 | EN:16/52 | DMG:19 | ACC:3 | REC:2
    (10-12)Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:112/134 | DMG:23 | MIT:76 | EVA:6 | ACC:5 | TAUNT | BH:74 | VENGEFUL

    (0,0,0,3)Nemean Lioness #1 | 375/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 | ACC 1 | EVA 2 | BLD [20/3] (9-10 [30/3])
    (0,0,0,3)Nemean Lioness #2 | 375/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 | ACC 1 | EVA 2 | BLD [20/3] (9-10 [30/3])
    (0,0,0,1)Nemean Lioness #3 | 512/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 | ACC 1 | EVA 2 | BLD [20/3] (9-10 [30/3])
    (0,0,0,3)Nemean Lion | 736/838 HP | DMG 135 (Phase: 60) | MIT 82 | ACC 3 | EVA -1 | BLD [55/5]  | CALL [0/2]

    Mating Call: A howl that will permanently increase the lion and the lionesses Damage per Attack by +10. Used every 2 turns (once every 3 turns) before any action. This ability does not use a post action to use, the Lion uses it from its first turn.

  5. The lighting of the rocks glowed for them. The looming Tartarus was closing in as they walked. It wasn’t going to be much longer as he looked around. He perked a brow as he snatched up another material that he thought could be of use. He was excited for this as he kissed her head. “What’s on your mind?” He wanted to hear her thoughts as they were walking and not in danger. Of course, he would prefer a field of flowers instead of a path of rocks leading to hell, but to each their own. Eyes of amber watched as the two familiars ran ahead only to run back when they thought they saw something scary.

    He stifled a laugh as he squeezed Haine’s hand. He wanted to ensure her that they would be together for as long as they could. “I’m thinking of buying her toys if I can find them on the first floor.



    T1 Material gathered 

  6. Name: Strawberry Parfait
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 3
    Roll ID: 163840
    Roll Result: 11/LD:7
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Accuracy 2
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19929-f4cookr3a-taste-of-frost/?do=findComment&comment=619716
    A sweet and delicious parfait. Designed with a fluffy breading at the bottom, it is stacked with strawberries and creme. To finish it off, there is a cookie straw that is flavored chocolate on top of the whipcream.
  7. 1 163842 CD: 1   LD: 10 Critical Failure (1) 5 (+4 Ambition)
    2 163841 CD: 7   LD: 10 Salvage Success (1) 6 (+4 Ambition)
    3 163840 CD: 11   LD: 7 Rare (1) 9 (+4 Ambition)
    4 163839 CD: 4   LD: 12 Failure (1) 5 (+4 Ambition)


    Exp Total: 25

    Combined Total EXP: 97

  8. He smiled as he watched the two get along better than usual. He walked with Haine away from the town entrance and toward the place where Tartarus was. He looked at her and spoke softly. “Don’t worry about looking at the ghosts. They won’t attack us. We are looking for a banshee. According to the info brokers, the banshee has a few ghosts with her we must kill when we spawn her and that’s pretty much the gist of it.” It was short and sweet as he walked with her. Tartarus was slightly farther than he anticipated.

    He pulled her closer to him. He was over this fear as he had plenty of other challenges on his mind. What to do with Haine, how to be a dad, and how he is going to adopt her just to name a few. He looked at the looming area named Tartarus. “Greek Mythology…I actually like it.” He bent over and picked up something that looked edible.



    1 t1 material gathered 

  9. He wasn’t all that happy that this quest had to deal with going into hell which involved going into a building but it didn’t matter. He just had to live with the quest and move on with it. It was a quick quest for the most part, or at least he had hoped. He looked at the time and then watched as Haine approached. He knew that this place wasn’t their favorite place to be, but it had to be done. He straightened himself up and moved to her. Hand slipped around hers and he looked at the surroundings. He gave her a slight smile and spoke. “Well. Might as well get this stuff done and over with” He opened up his HUD and sifted his equipment. He replaced his one trinket for the other for the time being. The quest was simple but perhaps finding it would prove difficult. Or not since he loved searching for things.

    Unequipping Eye of Rain, Equipping Primrose Cross

  10. The group began to migrate to the scene and quest marker. When approaching the cavern, he looked into it and perked a brow. Immediately, his field of vision was dimmed as he moved closer to the gaping entrance. The penalty was already in effect as he only took on step into the cavern. “Well isn’t that just dandy.” He spoke as he looked back at the rest. He wasn’t alarmed just annoyed at the effect. “Just watch your step ladies and penguin.” The penguin traveled in between Asmura and Vie trying to feel slightly taller than beside her master. She was always goofing off since it was her nature to just have fun.

    “Freyd and I didn’t join the guild at that point when we met you Elora. We had recently met back then too.” He commented on her previous remark. Eyes homed in on the stone path before them as he continued to speak. “I been working on my cooking. I did promise you some Chocolate Mint Mousse if I recall.” He hummed slightly as the group started to plateau off into a slightly flat and rocky terrain. With little breaks of light, he could still see the rocks and the fauna that grew and were displayed. “Anyone hear anything?

  11. He watched as the little one tumbled back into him. A slight smile crossed his face as he patted her head. “Good. You have an excellent form.” He could see the fire in her eyes, a fire that showed him that she wasn’t about to give up anytime soon. “How about I end this now…?” He gave her a warm smile and removed his hand. Watching her for a moment, he was happy about the outcome that was to be She was an extremely diligent girl. But that would have to wait until after combat where he would praise her.

    The man slowly started walking to the Variant. It was a different approach from the usual fast and furious destruction he was used to, but he offered the Variant a subtle angry smile. He lowered his hand and snatched one of the vines that had attacked her earlier and violently pulled it causing the Variant to lurch forward suddenly. As it closed the gap, he closed his fist and threw a right overhand punch into the squirming plant causing the ground to shudder. A massive amount of crystals shattered around him to reveal the item that was needed for her to complete the quest. (All Might -14 EN)

    Here we go.” He walked over to her and handed her the quest item. “All that’s left is to turn it in and head home, Asmura.”He would have to get busy getting her room set up.


    +2 ACC HIT

    Kiluia |820/820 HP | 46/82 EN | DMG: 15| MIT:41 |EVA:1|ACC:2| BLD:24 |REC:1 

    Asmura| 20/20 HP | 2/2 EN| DMG:2| MIT:9| EVA: 2| Hate: 1| 

    Variant Nepent | 0/15HP | MIT:5 | DMG: 10 |

  12. He was always interested in legends. This one particular legend was about a banshee on the 10th floor that he wanted to see. The rest of the information was based off of Tartarus. This was basically hell. Hell in a hand basket. He tapped his chin lightly as he patiently waited for Haine to come to the 10th floor. He shot her a message since they had separated earlier to go shopping. He happened to already flag the quest but it was time for them to hunt it all down.

    “Pingu, don’t get lost.” He stood waiting at the entrance of where they had to go. Pingu was rolling a rock out of boredom. She was scared of the dark of this place. It as gloomy. She was already terrified of the woman that he had to speak to about the quest. He had a clue about what was going to happen since he had previously spoken to an info broker. For this, he was ready.


    Name: Kiluia
    Level: 47
    HP: 940/940
    EN: 94/94

    Damage: 16
    Mitigation: 48
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ra's Wrappings (T2/Perfect/Handwrap): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Rose Prism (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Eye of Rain (T2/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 2, Recovery 1

    Martial Arts [Rank 5]
    Picking [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 3]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar -Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Primrose Cross (T1/Perfect/Trinket): Loot Dice 3
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Basic Training: +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  13. You ever wonder why traveling home seemed faster than going somewhere?  The sight of the town was nearing as they traveled through the desert waste. He would stretch his arms and nonchalantly place his arm around her. They had gone through hell and back pretty much when it came to doing these things. They survived for a good chunk of time as well. He glanced at Haine and then back ahead. “Still. I’m a little nervous. I always wanted a family with you.” The town was growing closer and the warm air began to chill as they walked casually. “I think we should figure out if she wants to come fight with us or not. That way we can keep an eye on her at all times.” He was protective of people he loved and he had a growing fond over the little girl. They eventually made it to the gate and headed home.


    Thread Complete

    Haine 6 SP ( 3 Completion, 1 page bonus, 1 slime farm, 1 event) 200 col
    Cloak of the Sand
    Kiluia 5 SP (3 Completion, 1 page bonus, 1 event bonus) 200 col




  14. He whistled right back at her. They made short work on everything and it was evident they had teamwork. “Damn. Really don’t want to be the receiving end of that.” He looked around the area for materials, but nothing seemed to be there. He walked over to the creature and picked up the cloak it dropped. He looked at his love and walked over to her. “We can give Asmura this until we can get her fitted with something better.” His words were soft and filled with a strange sense of parental love. It was but also wasn’t foreign to him. He became a little softie when it came to her. A light smile crossed his face as he began walking with her. “Let’s head back. The sun is setting.

    He pressed the lever and it opened for them to leave out of the arena. This place would probably disappear since they had taken care of the lizard. He shrugged slightly as he began walking out with her. “You nervous?” He looked a her slightly.




  15. His face reddened at the fact she said the word mom. It was literally their own little family. Just had to tie the knot but how did it really work here in SAO? He had to go to the first floor and talk to the orphanage to see how that all worked here in SAO. But then again, he could just ask for Asmura’s consent when it came down to it. “Yeah. You’d be mom.” A smile crossed his face.

    The big arena came into view and it was rather crude in construction. It mattered not as they had reached their destination. They entered the arena and immediately their exit was blocked. Good. He didn’t want the damn thing to run of screaming after the pounding it was going to get. He looked at her and smiled. “You’ll be great.” He took off without another thought. Feet raced toward the Giant Lizard man and his fist drew back. He smiled widely as he threw one punch to the creatures jaw shattering its front teeth. The second fist came from the right as he punched downward, an over right hook, into its snout causing it to fall forward. (All Might-14)



    Kiluia | 840/840 HP | 70/84 EN | DMG: 15 | MIT 41 | ACC 2| EVA 41| BLD 24 | REC 1

    Sando Satsu | 130/350 HP | DMG 100 |20 MIT ----> Enraged 150 DMG 30 MIT 

  16. He started eating that shaved ice that had been melting away. He wasn’t exactly sure where his mind was as he looked at her. “Yeah I want to adopt her. You and I.” He ate the shaved ice before starting their walk. He grinned at her as she seemed happy with the decision. “She’s the youngest I have met in the game that I can remember. I don’t want her to suffer. Not in the least.” It wasn’t fair for her. She had only started life and to be here was absolutely a nightmare.

    Quickly, he ate the food and started heading north of the town with Haine. It was almost time to go now. He glanced at her after finishing up their shaved ice. “We are building a home for the three of us. So…. I’d like to be her dad…”He muttered slightly walking through the sand. "If that's okay with you."

  17. Eyes locked on the remaining two Lioness after the one shattered away. He took one step with his right foot and leapt at the weaker one of the two remaining. Unfortunately, he overshot his mark and landed behind the lioness without ever connecting with any type of physical altercation. Oh well. It wasn’t meant to be this time as he hunkered down waiting for the next opportunity to attack. He was weary of them attacking but it seemed that Raidou was able to control their movements. Now if only the could keep this up, it would be a straight forward fight with minimal damage taken from everyone.

    His eyes looked over at the remaining four lions. Their heads had perked a bit watching the ongoing battle but made no attempts to interrupt their movements. Cocky bastards, he thought as he managed to stay by his friends. His eyes never left the enemy at all as he want to ensure that they would be under watch and key.




    (1-3)Kiluia | 900/900 HP | 76/90 EN | DMG: 19 | MIT 48 | ACC 4 | EVA 4| BLD 24 | REC 1 Recovery Activats
    (4-6)Setsuna | HP:520/520 | EN:47/52 | DMG:16 | EVA:5 | ACC:3
    (7-9)-Sam | HP:520/520 | EN:34/52 | DMG:19 | ACC:3 | REC:2
    (10-12)Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:122/134 | DMG:23 | MIT:76 | EVA:6 | ACC:5 | TAUNT | BH:74 | VENGEFUL

    (1,1,1,0)Nemean Lioness #1 | -26/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 | ACC 1| EVA 2|  BLD 20 on successful atk BLD 30 on Crit
    (0,0,0,3)Nemean Lioness #2 | 375/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 | ACC 1| EVA 2|  BLD 20 on successful atk BLD 30 on Crit
    (0,0,1,3)Nemean Lioness #3 | 156/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 | ACC 1| EVA 2|  BLD 20 on successful atk BLD 30 on Crit

  18. He had already finished the investigation he wanted to hear about this quest. It wasn’t hard to figure out some information since the floor did not have many quests on it. He gave Raidou a smile back. He was happy to lend Asmura a hand and to teach her the ropes. He had a soft spot for her since she was so young. They had to figure everything out just like the ones who just recently emerged had to. This time, they were ready to assist them in any shape or form due to the fact that they were well versed in the field.

    They approached the area that held the kings and queens of the animal kingdom. The intense ferocity of the creatures was very interesting. They were exactly the same as the ones in reality as he stared them down. Three of the lionesses stood up while the four stayed back. He grinned as he leapt down and took off running at the beasts. Both hands were pulled b)ack as he bared his own teeth at the beasts. He was in his element as he was under the first lioness and grabbed her snout. With his right hand glowing, he slammed its head into the ground for maximum impact causing a loud crash. He hoped this caught their attention. (All might -14 EN)



    (1-3)Kiluia | 900/900 HP | 76/90 EN | DMG: 19 | MIT 48 | ACC 4 | EVA 4| BLD 24 | REC 1

    (4-6)Setsuna | HP:520/520 | EN:52/52 | DMG:16 | EVA:5 | ACC:3

    (7-9)-Sam | HP:520/520 | EN:52/52 | DMG:19 | ACC:3 | REC:2

    (10-12)Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:130/134 | DMG:23 | MIT:76 | EVA:6 | ACC:5 | TAUNT | BH:74 | VENGEFUL


    (1,0,0,0)Nemian Lioness #1 | 274/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 |ACC 1| EVA 2|  BLD 20 on successful atk BLD 30 on Crit

    (0,0,0,0)Nemian Lioness #2 | 512/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 |ACC 1| EVA 2|  BLD 20 on successful atk BLD 30 on Crit

    (0,0,0,0)Nemian Lioness #3 | 512/512 HP | DMG 170 | MIT 47 |ACC 1| EVA 2|  BLD 20 on successful atk BLD 30 on Crit

  19. Game.png.11ccd790dc4cecf8eb6f882e5a7b6691.png

    Finding the cork game was damn near impossible. He didn’t think that the game would make it. Instead of the cork game, he found the balloon game instead. This was fun as he reached over and found a spot next to a kid. A grin was seen as he paid his col and began to started trying to hook balloons. This was hard for him as he didn’t have a steady hand. Eyes of amber were focused heavily at the orange balloon. The balloon was hooked and he pulled it with a grin. He pulled it and it stuck with him. Soon he placed it in front of him. He won himself a little tanuki doll. He would save this for someone.

    He walked over to the table and noticed that Elora and the rest of them were closer than he had expected. No matter, he would find a table and set the tanuki doll in front of him. He began writing down his last of his wishes and sighed. It would have to happen sooner or later.


    What would you wish for someone you would like to know better?
    The thought of this question made it difficult for him. Who would he like to know better? What would he do in order to make that happen? The only person he could think of was Asmura. Despite just meeting her, he wanted her happiness to take precedence other anything at the current moment. Then again, he wished for everyone’s happiness. Was this unfair of him? No, he was just wishing for the best for everyone but she felt… almost like a daughter. It was a strange new feeling.

    I wish for Asmura’s safety and happiness for the of her stay here in SAO.


    What would you wish for yourself?
    The thought of wishing for himself seemed extremely selfish. He sighed softly to himself as he looked at the question. He knew one thing he wanted to wish for. His wish changed since he had been with his beloved. He slowly started writing.

    I wish for the courage to ask Haine to marry me and to say yes.

    He was looking at the answer and stared at it for the longest time. He did not want to write anything else but felt foolish for asking for such a request. Was it foolish? Was it childish? He wanted to ensure that he had optimal success when it was time to ask the question. Will you marry me was something he was scared to speak about, but he would have to conquer that fear.

    He stared at the wishes and then slowly hung up his wishes. Amber eyes softened as he felt this wave of happiness and sadness. It was the first time he had ever done this, so he was happy that he was with all these people. He was sad because he knew inside that their fates could end at a drop of the hat. He sighed and soon headed away from the group once more. Would they spot him? Maybe but he was trying to win as many toys as possible!
    @Elora @Haine @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows @Vie @Setsuna @Asmura

  20. He looked at the foods and then dropped a bomb on Haine. “I was thinking of adopting her…” Her words about normalcy rang true. It was hard for someone so young to fight in a death game. It wasn’t real to most people in the world that this was a death game but it was indeed what it was. He wanted to ensure that these two would never find death and hoped they would find themselves alive out in the real world with him. He wanted to see their smiling faces when this horrid game was over and say one day he loved those two very much. Amber eyes traveled to the blue haired lover and he smiled at her.

    “Don’t eat too much of those sweets. We have a lot of things to do soon. Too much will make you sick.” He took a bit out of his own watermelon as he packed the rest of the melons into his inventory.

  21. He knew she loved strong sweet flavors. Watermelon was one of the things that they enjoyed in reality and the treat to having it here was just the same when in dry heat. The wind gust had blown some sand around them but it wasn’t too bad yet. He nodded slightly as he looked at the rest of the goods that were being sold at the stand. It seemed it was a variety of thirst quenching fruits that would allow the customer to feel satisfied. The NPC was onto something. He was already doing this at his shop on the 4th floor with the warm cocoa’s and the desserts he wanted to start piling up in his shop.

    He looked over at Haine and pointed at the other items such as cantaloupe and honey dew. “We will take those as well. ”He could also make a variety of other things such as fruit salad and things for when Asmura would move in and Haine would just purely enjoy. Strange… He felt like a caregiver more and more. “Are you excited about Asmura..?”

  22. 1 163396 CD: 6   LD: 20 Salvage Success (2) 6 (+4 Ambition)
    2 163400 CD: 1   LD: 20 Critical Failure (2) 5 (+4 Ambition)
    3 163399 CD: 7   LD: 1 Salvage Failure (1) 6 (+4 Ambition)
    4 163398 CD: 2   LD: 2 Failure (1) 5 (+4 Ambition)

    Exp Total: 22


    Combined Total Exp:72 EXP

  23. This was what he was going to live with for the rest of his life. It was okay for her to change and stuff. She was already perfection in his eyes. There was no need to over do that since the world might actually go after her. This would worry him from time to time as they would be out in public. They were off the next moment as he slipped his hand into hers. Their house was conveniently located by the gate which was nice. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as they were teleporting.

    The arrival was met with instant heat. It was chaotic since Pingu really didn’t like the heat and instantly whined. He would pet her head and give her some water. They would have to go due north if they wanted to reach the quest marker. ” The NPC’s don’t really mention it to the adventurers so they don’t go running to their deaths.”

  24. The mats were coming in at a good rate. The exchange rate he was doing with a variety of other people was working well in his department. He would look at the ground and spot something that would help him. A material that was missed by his beloved was snatched up into his hand. He looked over at Freyd and shook his head. “I’m still working on using them. I have a few items for sale but I’m still working on my cooking to be honest.” He looked at his beloved catching up and he snatched her hand up before seeing the town in the distance. “She is my taste tester so when she comes into the shop, I’m pretty sure the food is just a means for her to just eat sweets.” He grinned before looking at Freyd.

    “How’s the merchant business? You doing well there?” He was hoping they were all doing okay an making progress in their respective fields.



    T2 Material Gathered

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