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Kiluia Seiko

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Posts posted by Kiluia Seiko

  1. Her enthusiasm was a welcoming sight to him. As she devoured the food that was presented, he could only think why she was so hungry to begin with. He would note that question later as he was approached by her next question. Children had a way of having this honest outlook on life and asking difficult questions. His situation was complicated, but he didn’t want to confuse her on the details.

    “I’ve been here awhile.” He noted. “I guess you would consider me a long-time member as an honorary one. But I believe I officially joined a couple months ago.” He definitely spared her the details of his strange situation. Footsteps followed her patiently as they headed into the woods to acquire their quest item. He kept close to her since the nepents were ugly. He wouldn’t allow danger to befall on her. As the walk continued, he would casually ask her a few questions too. “So, what build are you going to go with? Do you have an idea or do you need help? And finally, why are you so hungry?”

    He was straight to the point with the issue. If he could resolve the situation, he would offer what he had to assist her. Amber eyes gazed straight forward as he placed both hands behind his head. “Oh… I forgot, where are you staying at currently?” These were all vital pieces of key information.

  2. Watching the battle between the two, he wondered if the boar was in survival mode or if it had any real thought process that it was going to die. Vie had been doing this death dance between the boar and herself for quite awhile. She was slowly wearing down again. The battle raged on for her. A testament for her to see if she would continue down the path of adventuring or if she would be defeated both physically and mentally. He couldn’t intercept he mobs attack while she was fighting without killing it quickly. He stared quietly at it clearly irritated that he didn’t learn any aggro abilities. It didn’t fit his build he was going for and he would have to contemplate on whether redesigning his abilities or forgoing the situation and let others take care of the situation.

    “Its not over yet, Vie. You still have us so don’t give up.” He tried to urge her with encouraging words to stay positive despite missing.

  3. He looked at the treasure chest that seemed to be sitting casually around them. They hadn’t seen it before and he nodded. “Don’t worry about the lantern too much. If we could predict the things around us, we’d of won this a long time ago and not be in this stupid game.” He remarked as he pulled out tools. He placed a hand on the chest examining if it were warm or cold before beginning. He leaned in toward the lock with his picking tools and began picking and dismantling the lock now quickly. With a few quick movements, a click was heard and the lid opened up.

    “It wasn’t a great haul but its something.” He picked up the items and handed them to Freyd. Of course, they would be shared but he was not interested in the consumables. The man could use those materials and resell them to someone. “There ya go.” He nodded at him.


    +5 to LD from Picking and Dismantling Skill/MOD

    16x75 =1200 col
    3 T2 Materials
    2 T2 consumables #162131a, #162131b

  4. Seeing them set up camp, he decided it was time for him to at least break out some food. The nights were deadly in a desert when there was no sun. The game did not skip on that part of reality since at times a desert could go below certain temperatures. He fished out of his inventory some cocoa flavored brownies. Experimental flavoring that he came close to with the food. Haine was a fan of it, at least. He handed each one of the girls some and sat down. The sand was annoying but it was easy to deal with. He glanced at Hisa and made sure her health bar was still in the green. 

    "Enjoy the food while we can eat it with not much sand burning our senses." He took a bite of his brownie and shielded his face from the sand storm. No damage was done and he protected his food. A bottle of water sat in his lap as he patiently waited for anyone  who shower signs of dehydration.





  5. It seemed like Freyd had a handle of things. He didn’t see what the man’s face looked like nor did he have an inkling on how angry Freyd was. He, however, was pretty angry. The flames were already something that he didn’t like but to slash his back while he was in the flames made him angrier. Oh, and the flipping off part didn’t help. He took a deep breath and took off in a full-on sprint after Freyd damaged him. He was going to do something simply. Right hook to the face. It was all that was needed him. Hand drew back and clenched into a fist. His eyes locked onto the man’s jaw and crack.

    Burlock had unfortunately turned in the wrong direction and his head snapped back when Kiluia’s fist landed square on the jaw. Freyd had distracted him long enough for him to get a good close range attack in with Burlock. The man’s body slammed into the ground and shattered into thousands of pieces. “THAT’S FOR PUTTING ME IN THE DAMN FIRE” He ranted as he looked over at Freyd. The ship was burning but not as fast. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” (All might -14 EN)


    +4 ACC

    4+4-2= 6 Hit

    (3) Kiluia | 556/780 (780-224) HP | EN:38/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 3 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 Recovery Activates

    (4) Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows | HP:760/760 | EN:57/74 (-1 +1)| DMG:18 | MIT:48 | EVA:3 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:2 | BLD:12 (finesse 3)

    Burlock | 0/600 HP ) | DMG 165 | MIT 80 | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

  6. He was pushed into the flame unexpectantly. His eyes widened as he hated flames and being hot. The system was not cheap when it came to making him feel the flames and heat. To add salt to his injury, he felt the slash come across his back causing all sorts of irritation to him. He rolled off to the side and got up brushing all away the ash. Eyes looked up at his health and he was mad at the fact that he managed to do that much damage to him. He growled at the man running off. Kil couldn’t catch up since he had a head start.

    Really? REALLY?!” He shouted at the quartermaster. The man raised his middle finger as the duo ran after him after Kiluia got out of the flames. “Oh, I’m pissed now. I’m extremely pissed off right now.” He charged after the pirate. He looked at Freyd. It was his turn to hit him.



    (2) Kiluia | 556/780 (780-224) HP | EN:50/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 3 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 

    (2) Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows | HP:760/760 | EN:57/74 (-1 +1)| DMG:18 | MIT:48 | EVA:3 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:2 | BLD:12 (rested, finesse 3)


    Burlock | 289/600 HP | DMG 165 | MIT 80 | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

  7. With Haine cleaning up the elvish soldiers, their commander came rushing into the fray. “Who dares tressp…” That was the only part of the sentence that the commander managed to get out. Kiluia was in his face startling him before the commander could gather his bearings and the situation of the fight. Left fist struck into the gut of the commander. While the commander was leaning forward from the strike, Kiluia extended his palm forward into the front face of his enemy. He pushed forward with the commander’s face in hand pushing it straight into the ground. The impact sight was seen as soon as the crystals of the commander floated away into the air.

    “Where oh where can the king be..?” He looked over at Shay and Haine. Kiluia was extremely violent when it came to striking down monsters. No punches were to be pulled when it came to fighting. He didn't care if it was man or woman. If it was apart of kill quest, it would happen. "ChaseR is pretty chill. I like him."



    Shay | HP: 420/420 | EN: 27/42 -(9+6) | DMG: 9 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | BLD: 12 | REC: 2
    Haine | 
    HP: 1170/1170 | EN: 114/114 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36
    Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:64/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 1 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1 

    Elvish Commander 0/100 HP| MIT 55 | DMG:20

  8. Watching the flames spreading from one place to another, the ship was slowly burning up. With that situation in mind, he shook his head at Freyd. “Gonna end up burning to death. Or we can jump after we kill this dick” He grinned and took off after Burlock. He missed his first attack but he wouldn’t be missing his flurry of attacks. He rushed and slammed his right foot into the back of Burlock cracking the lower portion. While Burlock bent forward, he pulled back his left palm and hooked it into Burlocks nose pushing him backward into the ground. “Sucks to suck.” He looked at him as his head met full impact motion splintering the wood.

    He hopped back and away from Burlock and the approaching flames. “ I really don’t like flames. Heat and I don’t mix very well. I’m also pretty sure you don’t either.” He looked over at Freyd and back at their dilemma.



    (2) Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:52/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 3 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 Recovery Activates

    (2) Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows | HP:760/760 | EN:57/74 (-8)| DMG:18 | MIT:48 | EVA:3 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:2 | BLD:12 (rested, finesse 3)

    BD: 10

    Burlock | 289/600 HP (600-136) | DMG 165 | MIT 80 | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

  9. Kiluia ran up to the door after Jessamine disappeared. He swung the door open suddenly with his fist swinging. He could of sworn he felt the Quartermaster there. There was legitimately a person there but managed to slip by his fist. He was faster than he had imagined and swore under his breath. “Fuck.” He looked over at Freyd as Burlock laughed at the two. “You think you two are gonna best me without me fightin you little muggats?”

    He looked at Freyd again. “What the hell is a muggart?” He glanced over at Freyd before looking back at Burlock. “I’m trying to figure out if he’s fast and lucky…. Or if we are being played.” He frowned slightly.

    “You both may of bested my pirates…Lets get goin to yer graves. I’ll throw your body overboard and you’ll be floating out to see!” Burlock boasted at them while Kiluia was shaking his head.



    (0) Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:64/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 3 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 Recovery Activates

    (0) Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows | HP:760/760 | EN:65/74 (-9)| DMG:18 | MIT:48 | EVA:3 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:2 | BLD:12 (rested, finesse 3)

    Burlock | 600/600 HP | DMG 165 | MIT 80 | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

  10. It was time to continue their merry way in mowing these things own. He stood and brushed his clothing off. Their energy had been restored and he was okay with continuing now. “Sure. Haine and I will continue doing our thing and let you take care of the rest. I’ll also fund it so you won’t have to use your own col.” He looked over at the unopened door they hadn’t explored. He casually walked up to it but didn’t open it just yet. He pressed his ear against the frame and listened. There was someone breathing behind it. His hand pulled back and he smashed through the door. Palm cracked into the jaw of Boatswain Jessamine. Her head snapped back and he threw her to the ground in front of Freyd. (All Might -14 EN)

     “I believe is Carla.” He motioned as he looked over at Freyd. “Female of Carl.” He grinned.



    (1) Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:64/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 3 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1

    (0) Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows | HP:760/760 | EN:74/74 (-4 +1)| DMG:18 | MIT:48 | EVA:3 | ACC:4 | KEEN:1 | HLY:2 | BLD:12 (finesse 3)


    Boatswain Jessamine | HP  175/350 | DMG 175 | MIT 50 | ACC 2 

  11. The slaughtering was beginning as he watched Haine swooping in and sinking her blade into the golem. The strike was damaging despite it not being flashy. Perhaps it was the thought that the golems were not reacting that it felt that way to the two of them. He wanted  little bit more excitement when it came to attacking field monsters. Watching them roll over and die after being smashed by them seemed lack luster. That was until he slipped up after running around. He wasn’t paying attention to his surrounding areas. Despite being there for so many days, he figured he had a good grasp of the landscape. Bad move.

    He slipped up against the terrain and tumbled slightly into a column. He caught himself before actually doing physical damage. Whoops. The start of these battles were becoming slightly more dangerous for the two. Perhaps it was the wear and tear of it all. Or a sign they should slow down. Nah.

    The rock golem came at Haine and swung at her. However, it missed due to being so slow.



    Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:50/78 | DMG: 17 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 |LD +7 +3 Search Rank -20 MIT
    Haine |1170/1170 HP | EN: 72/114 | DMG 21 |MIT:66 | EVA:1 |ACC:4| BLD:36 -30 MIT

    Rock Golem #3 | HP 225/570 |DMG:171

  12.  The next strike that Vie would perform would hopefully be the last. If it wasn’t, his trinket would help her get a higher probability chance of receiving the item that was needed. “I highly recommend at least looking to see if our guild can offer products that have the ability to increase the RNG change of obtaining the items. Of course, RNG can be sweet and rude.” He noted as he watched her fluid actions in motion putting the boar in its tracks. He was excited. The adrenaline pumped in his veins as the girl trade and dodged the attack.

    He clapped his hands next and looked at Vie. “You almost got it!  You just have a little more to go” He commented on her ability to persevere. It was difficult for her despite being low level. Leaving it up to RNG was annoying to him. It was why he became a treasure hunter.

  13. He was impressed that Freyd was doing things with his profession. He hadn’t actually started yet. It was only testing of the flavors really. He would have to crack down soon on the other items themselves. Then he mentioned the grinding expedition for Nature’s Quest. He smiled at him and shook his head. “Those quests are so… grindy. I have been at them for days at a time to get all sorts of items. I will gladly send you any type of item you want to identify. Just hand me the order and I will send col and items your way to get things up and running.”

    He scratched his head slightly. It was always good to form relationships and business between people. This was how this world would work.  It was comparative to an ant colony. Everyone had a role and they had to fulfill that role. The thing was that it was a way again to find normalcy. A thing to do.

  14. “. . .” The little girl immediately received another head pat. This would be all the time for him. It was just so fitting. He squatted down to her level and nodded. “Sure… It’s what I am here for.” A smile formed on his face from her studder. It wasn’t that she was weak or anything. It was a unique sense for him and strong desire to want to protect this young one. When he protected Haine or try to, it was out of love. For Asmura, it felt almost like a duty. He had done this quest before already so this would easier for the two.

    He stood up and straightened himself. He started to work on getting things prepared for this quest. Inventory was opened and he pulled out some food for her. “Eat this please before the battle. It’ll help increase your evasion so you’ll less likely take any damage.” He firmly placed the food in her hands. “Wanna do my part in keeping you safe.” He smiled back at her. “Lead when ready.”

    158157-2 +2 EVA

  15. “. . .” He stared at this tiny little girl. It was an awkward moment for him. He had never seen anyone so young actually doing quests. His hand immediately went to her head for a head pat. “Yes. Yes I am.” He smiled. He felt this like magnetic force to put his hand on her head. It was the strangest thing for him. He used to do this to the kids at the orphanage. Oddly, it felt familiar and he spoke. “Want some help?” He also referred to the two others behind him. Well, three including the penguin. The man always had a crowd of people tagging a long since he always enjoyed doing things in groups. Today, he had some lower level people he wanted to assist. This was the perfect quest to meet other members in the guild. He noticed her guild tag was one of his own and an immediate attachment began. Oof.

    He glanced over at his rag tag group. Surprisingly, Haine was not one of them. He started with introductions first. “My name is Kiluia.” He pointed at the red haired lass. “This is Vie.” His finger moved to the green haired one. “And this is Elora. Oh… and the penguin is Pingu. Shes my familiar.” Squawk. She made sounds to introduce herself. She was a funny one thinking she could communicate just like that. “I see you are one of us in Firm Anima. Who are you?’

  16. The fighting with the boatswain drained his energy quickly. It wasn’t bad. At least he was hitting the enemy now compared to how he was originally when they had the Hoya quest together. When he mentioned rest, he laughed slightly and took the offer right away. He sat on the ground and relaxed a little bit. “Martial arts is really fun. Its giving me room to run around to distract opponents and strike them hard and fast.” He spoke speaking highly of martial arts. He stretched his limbs a bit out of habit. The behavior of cramping in reality kept him doing it in here in the game. The game mechanic sure triggered a lot of things that were familiar in the real world.

    He looked at the closed door. He wondered if anything would just come through and start poking them with their swords. However, they would have to trigger those things now. There were certain conditions that needed to be met. “How are things with your merchant skills? You open yet?”

  17. Seeing Vie struggle was upsetting. Disheartening to him really. He stood up and walked over to the boar and her, but not enough to get involved. He didn’t want to yell anymore. “If you don’t get the drop from this boar, you can borrow my trinket. It’ll help you get the drop” He was willing to offer any assistance he could for his new found friend. Hand twitched slightly as he wanted to smash the boar into the ground and into pure dust. The urge was resisted, and he found himself backing up a bit.

    Body straightened up and he held his trinket in his left hand. It was currently on stand by for Vie if the battle here did not yield what she needed. “We should also have an item tailored for you as well, Vie. It should help you for a lot of quests to gain items.” This was coming from an aspiring treasure hunter so he hope this would advice would be helpful.

  18. This was not disappointing to him. It was an irregular treasure hunt for him and her. Did he like the setting? Yes. Did he like the taunting note? Eh. It could have been better to him. He simply looked around and spotted a dusty rug in the middle of the floor. Odd. Why would you put a rug if everything was going to get dirty? He kicked the edge of the rug and exposed what seemed to be a trap door. Seemed is the key word here. He touched the edge of the floor and knocked on it. It seemed like it was a real door. Fingers traced the outline of the floor before he looked up her. “Maybe?” He shrugged.

    Eyes shot back to the stair well they had came from. The echoing of a dying flying monkey followed by the cackling and then screams of a witch was unnerving. This was on a whole new level. “May..be we should peak our heads?” Then again, he didn’t wanna be hit by a fireball. He glanced around and found nothing. No treasure chest of any sort.


    Failed in search


  19. The destruction of the golems seemed… lack luster. They had no real motive other than to mill around like he had thought before. Who developed this peaceful beings and why were they allowed to be chopped down so easily. It wasn’t long before he leapt into the air and kicked it straight in the face with the heel of his foot. He was trying all sorts of new attacks with sword arts being charged in certain areas. This would be the best way to do this against creatures that didn’t really fight back. (All Might -14 EN)

    When the golem shattered, he picked up the col and item. He looked over at Haine and spoke to her. “I almost feel bad. Then I remember they are feeding our guild up with proper materials needed. “He placed the item into his inventory for later usage. “I don’t feel as bad then when I think of it that way. But I still feel bad”



    Col - 6897
    3t3 Materials
    T3 Perfect Trinket #161804a

    Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:52/78 | DMG: 17 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 |LD +7 +3 Search Rank -20 MIT Recovery Activates 
    Haine |1170/1170 HP | EN: 86/114 | DMG 21 |MIT:66 | EVA:1 |ACC:4| BLD:36 -30 MIT

    Rock Golem #2 | HP 0/570 |DMG:171

  20. Haine attacked the foot of the Rock Golem. However, it apparently did not link with the other rock golems and the other golems didn’t attack as a unit. It apparently had no intentions to attack as a group. Perfect. He thought as he leapt in the air above Haine. He rose his left knee to crack the golem in the chin and his right palm collapsed the rock’s face in a devastating crack. It shattered immediately into pebbles and then into crystal shards. (All Might -14 EN)

    He collected the items and whistled looking at Haine.” We are off to a good damn start.” He grinned slightly before pointing at the next golem. They seemed to walk around without really doing anything. They had no real sense of urgency but to mill around and exist. That was odd to him. It almost felt like they were just puppets and the developers forgot about them. “You almost feel bad…”

    The golems | Wiki | High School DXD Universe Amino



    3 t3 Mats
    T3 Perfect Weapon #161779a
    T3 Perfect Weapon #161779b
    T3 Perfect Weapon #161779c

    Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:64/78 | DMG: 17 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 |LD +7 +3 Search Rank -20 MIT
    Haine |1170/1170 HP | EN: 100/114 | DMG 21 |MIT:66 | EVA:1 |ACC:4| BLD:36 -30 MIT
    Rock Golem #1 | HP 0/570 |DMG:171

  21. He would take her hand and guide her down the path. There was a rumor that there had been a swarm of golems taking residence in the cavern. He wanted to check that out before looking for trolls. They made it past the hot springs before he noticed something floating in the far distance. What he saw floating was its head. It seemed detached from the rest of the body but moved in tandem with it. He perked a brow before taking a step back from the edge. “Looks like golem is on the menu today love.”

    He hunched back down hiding until they were ready. He had no idea what a golem could or would do if they saw them. He didn’t think they were creatures that aggroed. Perhaps they would try one to see if it would attack on sight or link. He was thinking of a variety of game concepts as he awaited for her to strike.

  22. Well. He was left waiting due to the fact she acted on her rumbly tummy. He simply looked at her and took the consumables. They were gone the next instant and his eyes glanced at her up and down. He frowned slightly at her. He wanted some too. Oh but he would never tell her that. “So… Are they better than mine?” He gave a sweet smile to her. He was, of course, just picking on her. Pingu was dancing around in her little waddle until the cub appeared. RIVAL. Or one would think. The two were pretty much chill now as they discovered their groove.

    He slid his hand around waist and kissed a crumb off her lips. At least it was good. “Trolls, goblins, or spiders? We could also look for rock golems..” He handed her the protein he snatched earlier from the vault for her. “Oh this is for you, love.” He grinned a bit. “In case you are still hungry.”
    Accuracy +2: 157835, LD+3: 158148
    +1 to LD ( Kitchen Buff)

  23. The kisses were welcomed and so was her touch. It was nice being free and away from doing certain things. His own amber eyes followed suit after her but he made no real movement. The waves that were crashing around her were a little bit more violent than he would prefer. He could swim but he was not particularly strong about doing so. A frown slightly curved on his lips as he watched floating in the less active side of the water. “Don’t go too far out.” He was worried. He moved slowly as his footing was now gone.

    The penguin was zooming around in the water. It had yet to be free since it was running wild inside their home. She was not fond of the desert. She was not fond of the jungle minus the house. She hated the forest that had things that could eat her. Water. It was her life. She jumped up and above the water and then back into it diving in. “Haine. I don’t know if that’s stable for anyone to stand on.”

  24. All the noise above them was slightly disturbing. Between the shrieking of the monkey’s and the woman talking, which he assumed was the witch, made him curious what the scene looked like. The wizard of oz sorta drifted in his mind. It was the only flying monkey that really came to mind from any movie. He shook his head a bit snapping back to reality. Hearing Haine speak jolted him back to the present. He slowly walked over and placed two both hands on the book case and started to move it inch by inch. He wasn’t exactly sure what she had found but he would assist her doing the manual labor at least. “What exactly do you think you found?” He was curious and gazed upon his beloved. Another push and it kept moving to the right. “You think Raidou is gonna be okay?” He would glance at the stairwell back to where Raidou was.

  25. Ping. Who is messaging me today?  He hadn’t realized he had been absorbed in shopping before since he wanted to make a nice meal for those around him. He opened up the HUD menu and looked over the message. It was from the new girl he had met previously before. She was a little endearing young girl which was his first impression. He was on the 4th floor looking for frozen goods that was their specialty there. Upon reading the message, he looked at the NPC and smiled.

    “Two packages of the wild berries please.” He smiled at the NPC and handed him the col in exchange of the berries. Inventory was opened and the items were deposited. He walked through the freshly laid snow toward the gate teleport. The next moment he was on floor 01.


    On my way!  


    It was an unmistakable scenery. It was the same every day since he had left it. Nothing really was out of place, save a few new stalls and merchants. Otherwise the place had been like a time warp of nothing new happening. He made way through the streets to the meeting point of where Asmura had pointed out to be. The orphanage came into view and a slight smile crossed his face. It’d had been years since he had been there with Kana… but that was the way things were. People drifted apart and never came back. She even unfriended him so that he wouldn’t be worried about her.

    The little girl came into view and he spoke to her. “Hey there lil lady.” He waved at her and closed the distance between the two. “Need a hand with something?”


    Name: Kiluia
    Level: 41
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 82/82

    Damage: 15
    Mitigation: 41
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ra's Wrappings (T2/Perfect/Handwrap): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Rose Prism (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Eye of Rain (T2/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 2, Recovery 1

    Martial Arts [Rank 5]
    Picking [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 3]
    Light Armor [Rank 1]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar -Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Primrose Cross (T1/Perfect/Trinket): Loot Dice 3

    158157-2 +2 EVA
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Basic Training: +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


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