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Posts posted by Kiru


    I can't....I...am you...so it's like you're wanting to get rid of yourself...is it not? The voice asked.

    M-myself? She realized what she had to do. She had to face herself to get rid of herself....

    (if that makes sense...)

  2. my favorite games would have to be Trauma Team and Sonic unleashed! (for wii) and for DS is PKMN Ranger (Dk which ver. it is)

    I like Trauma team and wanted to play it since i saw it in the store. Its sorta like your going through a comic and at the beginning and end of the section you play you get that person's say on what they thought of it. There's Surgeon, Diagnostic, Endoscopy, Forensics, and Optometrist. I don't think they sell them in stores but if you're interested in playing that kind of thing ask your Game stop...they MAY have it... The reason i got into it is because I DESPERATELY wanted to see which one was J. Michael Tatum. (he voices one of them and if u know the voice of one of J. Michael's characters then...Go ahead and see...)(Hint: Sebastian Michaelis from Black butler! Is one...)

    Sonic Unleashed....well i saw it in a lawn sale and got it because the cover looked cool and it is...(again ask Game stop for it..)

    PKMN Ranger...well i got that because i didn't want to buy Black or white...and i wanted something different than the typical "catching them all" which everyone knows you can't in one go of one game....>.>

  3. I....I'm not....I'm not useless... Cicila gripped her head. Where are you?!

    Look down...

    Cicila looked down and saw herself. Then the reflection turned into the same black haired figure in the reflection in the water. Cicila started to shake. She screamed when the figure laughed then ran into the rock behind the waterfall.

  4. .......you....a-.....loser....you can't even make friends... The voice became more clear.

    Cicila tried to block it out but couldnt.

    You have no friends. They all hate you...They all think you're a joke. The voice teased.

    You're worthless. Useless trash. No one can ever save you from yourself.

  5. Cicila took a deep breath and took a drink of water then made her way back into the waterfall. Putting her head underneath the falls she took another deep breath and sat on a rock in the falls. She folded her legs in like she would in her desk chair at home in the real world. Cicila put her hands on her knees and tried to stay calm.

    It was like she was in a shower....afrer a while she couldn't hear the voice anymore. She was totally calm...

  6. Cicila wasn't expecting anything like that. She remembered that she made an oath not to leave until she finished her quest so she slowly made her way back when she stepped on something. It was her flyer. There was something else written on it. "Defeat the fear within. But be calm and wise, wiser than it. Or you may become...the demon's treat."

    So...I...Gotta outsmart myself! Or...it...Whatever it is...? Cicila said and remembered what her mother used to say: A calm mind, lives within a calm soul, and a calm body...

    She smiled and walked to a rock by the water and thought of a plan...

  7. The girl admired the view as she trekked on. She then saw water and sprinted to it. I found it! She gasped happily. Cicila took her shoes and socks off and set her backpack and water down then walked into the water.

    She felt relaxed. The girl saw that there was no one here and changed into her swimsuit.

    Cicila was relaxed as she dipped her head into the falls. The rocks overhead glistened from the droplets. Are you relaxed?~ A voice asked.

    Yes...Wait who said that? Cicila jumped.

    I.....Am you...The relaxed you that is... The voice echoed.

    Wait. What are you saying? Where are you? She asked, on her feet now.

    Behind you... The echoing voice answered.

    Cicila turned around and saw....herself. But she had red eyes and black hair. She jumped back when the girl in front of her laughed. Cicila ran into the woods and tripped on a stone, falling on her face.

    That can't be me...Can it?

  8. Cicila walked through the woods on the hot day. She felt so hot so she stopped and pulled a water and a small orange out of her inventory. Cicila pealed the orange and let the peal fall to the earth to crystallize. She took a few sections and squeeze them into her water and shook the water up, making it smell and taste like orange. Then eating the other sections, She took out a strawberry or two and also squeezed them into the water. It now tasted sweet and tangy.

    She left the spot after a few minutes and kept walking, admiring the sounds of different birds and seeing geckos and lizards all around.

  9. Cicila was looking at the board of the town she was visiting and found one for "Waterfall Demon" She was interested in it and took the flyer. It read: "To whom who walks on water. The waterfall is your seek. Be calm, but not too. Or the demon of water my come and find you."

    She didn't know what that meant but she knew she had to go to the waterfall nearby. So she picked up her bag, put the flyer in it, and swung it around her back then was on her way.

  10. I loved it!!! OMG!! I found let it go in 25 diff languages! U all should listen to it and see if u can sing it in one go! I for without even knowing most if not...well almost all the languages!

    Chalange: Listen to "Let it go mult-language on YouTube once and then see if u can sing it after that...

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