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Posts posted by Kiru

  1. I looked up at Zero, her tears still wetting her face. She then looked at the bear and threw it. I don't want to be here anymore...Just....Kill me! If I'm not worth Ryu's time then I don't want to be apart of this death game anymore! Just...kill me! She yelled and Zero then slammed her face into the table again.

  2. Wait! Please? I am having fun and I want you to please stay. Stay with me. Please? It was hard enough to ask you out as it is...A-and I really like you... I yelled then blushed. I'm sorry you aren't having fun and I know you're going to leave me after, like you always do...but even though you're gonna leave I want you to stay...a little longer. For me? And....I really want you to have my bear...to always remember me. Plus it fits in your pocket... I tried to lighten the mood and giving him the bear key chain.

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