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Posts posted by Asen

  1. The Armor does indeed have the same effect, but its categorized as Light Armor such as Leather, Chain Mail, Scaled, etc because they don't pose a threat to one's speed. Heavy Armor such as Full Plate Steel Armor and such would obviously be heavy like how a knight would be. But yes there's no starting Col, you have to earn it through RP. You can do it this way though, 1 page = 400 Col or somewhere around there I think.

  2. "Can't you guys just call it for the day? You're all really getting annoying." Asen asked the group of players that thinks that they have him surrounded since there's 7 of them on all sides of him as he sits on a female player's back basically pinning her down while he rested his head on his chin dying of boredom. Twirling around his finger was a pick that looks similar to a stinger like a Scorpion or Wasp of some kind. One of them was a rugged looking man as he seemed to be the one in charge around here in this group sneered at Asen as the female struggles against his weight but winds up failing on that. "You really expect us to walk away from a 2.3 million bounty that's on your head?! You must be out of your mind." Asen simply shrugged his shoulders as he still had the look of boredom about him which really seems to annoy these guys. "Maybe I am, but let me ask you this. Why is it that I have such a large bounty on my head?" Some of them had the look of uncertainty as the leader one refused to respond. To further prove his point he slowly moved his arm to where the pick was pointing straight down at the woman's neck. "If you've read through the cause, I've killed over one hundred of your kind and one hundred more from other PKers. What makes you think that I won't do the same to you?" The woman started to grow afraid as she tenses up as well as freezing. Muttering prayers under her breath, the group around him starts to grow even more edgy.


    Finally the leader raised his hands in surrender just before Asen had the pick hovering just over her neck. "Okay! Okay... Let's just talk this out okay?" Asen for once grinned as that was what he was hoping for the man to say. He removes the pick from her neck and looks at the leader of them expecting a deal. "You can let her go, and we can let you go. No one dies, and no one gets hurt that way." Asen couldn't help but clap towards them as a congrats while he gets up on his feet and steps away from the terrified girl. "Good, because I would really hate to have to kill a pretty girl, let alone anybody in particular. I'm not in the mood for it anyways." One of the men scurries to the woman's side as Asen takes his leave further into the fields.

  3. @Kiru: I may be a PKKer but im not stupid enough to try to take on Keith. Least not yet. I mean for one he has way better equipment than I do, though if it were just skill alone I might have a chance. But then there's his Battle Healing which I have as well. If anything I can just hope for a miracle to end a draw at least in my current state.



    At best I can maybe deal 4 points of damage per hit with either Anaithsol or Xilanvale which i'm tempting to sell or combine the two weapons in the forge. Either way, it would still be a miracle just by stat difference if it ended in a draw.

  4. "So now it's just you and me eh buzz?" Asen spoke to the last Wind Wasp as he straightens up and assumes a defensive stance while locking eyes with the insect that buzzed angrily with its almost invisible wings. Bringing Anaithsol up to his cheek while aiming the point at the Wasp like he was aiming an arrow at it. With the keen edge facing away from his cheek, he waits patiently for it to make its move as his eyes follow its movements. Even the slightest movement, Asen's ruby red eyes follow the Wasp like he has a lock on screen implanted in his brain. Then finally the Wind Wasp charged up at him in a zigzag pattern possibly trying to throw Asen off. Unfortunately his eyes followed it all the way through as he was timing his next strike. Then when the Wasp was just about to be upon him with it's stinger out, Asen steps forward slightly to the left as he rams his sword into the creature's body. With a push, he rips the blade free by slashing out on its side only to slash almost at the same spot but a little higher dealing double damage just before he jumps back to quickly switch Anaithsol out to bring out Xilanvale which was mostly black with a bright orange outline on the blade where the straight sword glimmers in the sunlight.


    Wasp: 5/10

  5. Asen remains on the tree as he takes out a pick that actually looks like a stinger of something like a scorpion and casually twirls it around his fingers. Asen was pretty much almost driven to boredom as he has been hunted once again by his pursuers and thus forced him to avoid attention to himself. Which also means not going into towns and picking on other players. Sometimes he reveals his presence which his cursor is forever orange so naturally most players that's still green would become uneasy around him. Even more once they find out his nickname. "In a way I do kind of wished I didn't went on a killing spree. Would've knocked down the popularity a good bit anyway." However he sometimes uses his nickname to discourage players from getting the bright idea of hunting him down. Sometimes it works and they would run away, but often they would be too arrogant to listen and thus he had to prove his point. Sure he's been not killing players of any sorts recently, and not to mention he doesn't even attack players or retaliate.

  6. Battle Dice: 11 = 10+1


    'Three more eh?' Asen thought to himself as his mind was mainly blank as he was too focused on fighting mainly relying on his instincts to take over. Of course he's conscious about his actions, but he's just letting his body work its magic on these monsters. Some might say he would do better with a rapier, but he's more suited with the weapons that he has in his hands. His trained eye follows the wasps' movement like a hawk would at its prey. Then before the wasps could make their move, Asen quickly closes the gap with a burst of his sprinting skill and ram his sword straight into one while flipping over it. Using the momentum of his body, he wrenches his blade free and cleaves straight into the wasp behind it as he came down to his feet. Winding up killing both of them, the final wasp flies at him with it's stinger out trying to hit him with it. However Asen was just as quick and light as before since he goes to fall on his side but slaps his palm on ground to send his foot up smacking the body of the wasp as he flips to the side. Since he doesn't have the Martial Arts skill, he can't do any damage to it, but the least he did was stagger it back enough for it to stop its assault.


    Wasp(7) Killed

    Wasp(1): 7/10

  7. Battle Dice: 10 = 9+1


    Asen then spins around the blocked wasp with a blurring motion as he slashes straight through it's body. Just before the other wasps could react to his action, Asen flips backwards while lashing out his sword to slash at a nearby wasp just before he lands on his feet. Then the instant his foot even touched the grass he lunged back at the wasp that he had slashed earlier and delivers a heavy strike upon the wasp's body. Then he leaped to the side like his feet and body is light as a feather yet graceful like a cat.


    Wasp(5) Killed


    Wasp(1): 4/10

    Wasp(1): 5/10

    Wasp(1): 7/10


    Current Health: 41/41

  8. Off in the fields kicking back and relaxing upon a tree while the monsters snarls at him from below. Asen was looking up at the skies watching the clouds slowly drift across the horizon with his trained and focused eye. His coat hanging on the other branch beside him revealing his light brown tunic as his curved sword sheathed in its scabbard rests on his torso. His cursor hidden as he's using his <<Hiding>> skill which he finds to be an expert on to avoid unwanted attention. Or rather try to anyways. His throat a little dry as he swiped the menu open and takes out one water and drinks it to quench his thirst.


    Asen didn't feel like dealing with the guards constantly harassing him today so he pretty much avoid safe zones for today. Besides he had enough supplies to last him for a few days maybe even a week if he conserves it well enough. So its not like he needs to make a trip to a safe zone not far from here, plus he has no business in those type of places. In a way he missed having a bed and feeling safe for a change, but all of that changed to where he can't enjoy such luxuries. He let's out a quiet sigh as he figures it's the price he has to pay for taking out various dark guilds.

  9. Well I mean, he did kind of tick off a lot of dark guilds since he was the one that pretty much eliminated.... 12?15? somewhere around there of guilds.



    Plus I might increase the bounty on his head to 2.3 since he shows his face and the Pursuers would be back on his tail.

  10. The four wasps divides themselves into four to circle around him so that they would cover all four sides of him. They charge at him from the front, right, back, and the left as they were trying to minimize the room for him to evade. Asen leaps at the one in front of him and barely slashes the wasp's wing throwing it off from its trajectory. Unfortunately, the one behind him slams into him with a sting on his back. It didn't hurt him persay, but he managed to spin around with his leg out and kicks the wasp away from him while he flips his blade in order to slice into the stinger while simultaneously blocking the third's stinger with the flat of his sword.


    Wasp(4) Killed

    Wasp(1): 7/10

    Wasp(1): 6/10

    Wasp(2): 5/10

  11. Hmm... Tempting....But i'm actually interested on how Asen would react to this situation.



    No what would really be interesting is if she's one of the players trying to hunt him down for the large bounty on his head. That would quite a story I think.

  12. Asen felt like he was back on his feet as he does his best to maintain the fact that he was controlling this battle. Which in all honesty he really was since he can easily switch weapons to something that'll really make this battle go a lot quicker sort of. However, he was rather enjoying this since he was almost dying of boredom for the past 5 months or so hiding from his... pursuers you could say. Anyways, the remaining wasps are a bit damaged and Asen could easily draw this to a close.

  13. Asen spins around kicking up the dust as he was moving fast since he didn't want to get struck again. The pairs curved their trajectory to follow his movement as they were going for the pincer tactic now. Which could've worked if they were a bit more in numbers as Asen steps to one side to slash at one group while simultaneously dodging the other group. His strike hits home as it connects with two of them dealing both some damage to them while the other group tries to follow him but misses by a finger length and winds up zipping pass him. Least to say that he's still at the top of his game, which is good in his sense.


    Wasp(4) Killed


    Wasp(2): 7/10

    Wasp(1): 6/10

    Wasp(1): 5/10

  14. Asen could only give the swarm a small grin as they were giving him the drive he needs to survive at least. Though he didn't anticipate that he would receive this much damage by a swarm nor did he anticipate for him to slip like that. For now he'll just take this as a warning that getting too reckless can lead the ultimate fate of death. That was something that he wasn't willing to face just yet, as he still has a lot of things waiting for him to complete. So Asen gets in his fighting stance as his health was already regenerating smoothly while the swarm divides into three groups this time. Two went around to lunge at him from the right while the other two went around to lunge at him from the left. And the fifth one lunges at him at front. Seems like these things are trying to get smart and try to attack him from both of his blindsides. It was certainly a good tactic, one that Asen would have to keep note of the next time he faces a boss in a party. If there will be a next time. Asen simply lunged towards the one at front and slashes at it right after he kicks himself into the air to flip above the wasp. Seems that he dealt another critical as he struck the head as it shatters into pieces before he lands on his feet.


    Wasp(4) Killed


    Wasp(1): 8/10

    Wasp(2): 7/10

    Wasp(1): 5/10


    Current Health: 38/41 (Battle Healing +2)

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