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Posts posted by Asen

  1. He listened to her just as he always has been, keeping his mouth shut as she was talking and took her words to heart. While she was thanking however he couldn't help but crack a smile. "You're very welcome Wynter, not everyone can survive on their own out here. Sometimes some people just wants someone to talk to, laugh with, and hell even love with. This world can be a cold and dark place being alone, but it can be a lot better world when you're with other people that you can actually call friends."

  2. "I think you should know by now that if you want to ask something go ahead. I'm all ears either way." He offers to her as he shifts his gaze up at the night's sky to look into the stars above them. If anything, despite that he's pretty much secretly a PKKer he listens more than he does acting when he wants to be.

  3. "If that's what you're wanting to do then go ahead, just don't come blaming me when you have to fend off over a hundred players like one time." He warns as he turns on his heel and begins to walk towards the north where the sun is on to their left now meaning that it's close to evening now. Though he was a bit against on anyone following him, he can't exactly force someone to not come especially when one seems to be able to handle herself.

  4. "I stay in multiple spots, mostly just spur of the moment type spots. But I normally stay in caves after I clear it out or sleep on trees. It's more... fun that way." He excused himself as he sees that she leans back from the corner of his eye. Looking back at her, he snickered when she said that he was lucky. "Oh trust me, i'm not as lucky as you might think I am." He corrected her though he too leans back with his legs dangling over the ledge as well as laying next to her. He can't wrap his finger around it, but he feels like he's needed around her. Perhaps it was just the feeling of loneliness that he's been getting from her, but he kind of wants to stay by her side and let her know that she's not alone out here.

  5. Asen nodded as he swipes open his menu and brings out kind of a cloth like face mask to cover his mouth and nose to keep the sand out. He would have to rely on the coordinates, though there was also a reason why Asen had come to know of this cave. It was because Asen himself took refuge there because of these sandstorms that kicks up quite often making it difficult to find if they don't know where it is and lowers the chance for players to find it and him when he was in it. The only part he didn't know was that somebody else had called dibs on that cave as well, as a certain Player Killer had shown up and attempted to kill Asen. The player didn't make since Asen was given no choice but to do what he had to do in order to survive. Closing his eyes, he let's his body lead the way since he pretty much has this area mapped to where the cave was.

  6. "Uhh...." He pondered on it for a moment before he answered that. "I hunt monsters and often bosses, and I only come into safe zones maybe once a week if that." He admits as he makes it a point to come to these places as little as possible. That's if he can help it of course.

  7. His left eye slightly twitched but eventually he let out a sigh. "I'm hunting a certain dark guild that's been eluding me for quite some time now. Sabre's Cat, if you call them your friends then you have a rather... unique choice of friends to say the least. In any case I doubt you have any connection with them or else you would've attacked me on sight since my face is known to them now. As for my name.... It's probably best that you don't know it for both your sake and anyone else that you're associated with." With that being said he swipes open his menu and scans through it right quick to open a message that he had just received. After reading it, there was a slight hint of a smile on his face and he dismisses it. "Speaking of the devil, i'm rather in a hurry now."

  8. "I'm usually like this when i'm not out hunting, i'm only serious when it comes to any life or death situations or any over emotional moments." He admits though he was a bit glad that she thought of him that way. At least he was doing his best to be as nice as can be without suspecting anything. It's kind of grown into a habit ever since he became a Player Killer Killer, always had to be on his guard, never trusting anyone no matter what they said. By nature he's a really fun person to be around with and is very caring at heart, but he had to make a few changes that pains him to do so.

  9. He shrugged his shoulders as he slips the pick that was hidden in his sleeve into the strap on his right thigh which contains four other picks that looks like stinger of some kind of bug. More like a scorpion if anything else. He still had the casual look about him though his eyes were on alert. Seeing that she sent a message to someone, his eyes were a bit locked onto it until she sent it and he finally blinked after he just had a mental debate on whether or not he should try to call as less attention as possible. "It's not really who, but whether what i'm after. I'm just making my own merry way up the carrol and trying to keep idiots from getting the bright idea of hunting me down. PKers especially." To be honest he's rather tired of being constantly on the run as he has eliminated several dark guilds mostly single handedly. It's a good thing that he hasn't told her his name or else things could get very out of control very quickly.

  10. "You're welcome, though..." He poked her on the head to indicate her to look out from her shirt. "You don't have to hide your face from me, I mean I know my face is ugly but I know its not that ugly." He joked on the last part as he chuckled a bit on it. He's just trying to lighten up the mood and basically just trying to get her comfortable around him. If anything Asen knows what its like always on guard and alert, and he also knows how much of a blessing it would be to just be able to laugh and talk without the care of the world.

  11. He simply looked over his shoulders to see that a girl was behind him rather rudely shouting at him. Then he plugged one of his ears with his hand to block out half of the noise since she was so loud at such close of a distance. "Can you be any louder? If I wanted a death wish I think I would've jumped on someone's sword a long time ago." Not that he had any plans on doing so, but yeah that's what he could've done if he really wanted to end his life. "Anyways, you can drop the whole icy glare look. You're not my target anyways, least not that I know of." He was rather casual and calm about this whole thing, not once did he snapped or even raised his voice in anger or any type of negativity in his tone.

  12. He just shrugged his shoulders and left it at that while he goes to try to change the subject. "I'm not all that smart either but I can't ignore what one says especially when it comes from your lips." He admits though it took him a moment before he realized that sounded more like a flirt than a statement. But he just shrugged it off as he finished eating the apple and it shatters into million pieces like glass in his hand.

  13. "I know they're a band of sorts, so it's more likely going to be a number ranging from ten to twenty. If not more. Their weapons are a little hard to pick out individually, but I know of their leader's name Levia. She has a rather... unique sense of pleasure to say the least." From what he's heard Levia is more of a sadistic person, which means she enjoys pain and making others suffer. "Other than that I can't exactly say how well skilled they are, but they're not a bunch of newbies either for they know what their stuff."

  14. "Man, it gets way too cramped up in here." Asen mumbled as he opens his eyes and stretches his arms and legs trying to wake his body up at least. However he was a bit unaware that someone was beneath him as he grabs his sword that's still sheathed in it's scabbard and his coat in his free hand that still holds one of the picks. Then he jumps down to the ground and once again fully stretches his body. "I wonder if those idiots are still looking for me, wouldn't be surprised if they're planning on trying to ambush me." He mumbled to himself as he slips his coat on and slips the sword into the belt of his left hip. What he isn't aware of is that there was somebody leaning up against the tree that he just jumped from.

  15. "Let's just say that i'm tired getting poked with sticks and steel. It gets annoying really when you're trying to do something." That's half of the reason of what he's worried about around here, but at least he only told her half of the truth. Though at least that'll keep her asking about the other half of the reason that he's worried about. Plus he has to be rather stealthy around here for he never knows when someone is hunting for him.

  16. "Trust me, it's not the money that i'm worried about but alright then." He admits and kind of didn't think it through when he said it. Not that it really mattered at the moment since the sky is indeed magnificent and would be a waste to head inside now. "I certainly don't mind staying out here for a bit longer, in fact i'm rather enjoying myself. By the way are you seriously cold? Because last I checked we can't really feel much in this game unless you're really sensitive."

  17. "Erm... Well..." He was a bit iffy on going inside a building around here. Hell he hasn't been in a house in close to a year now. He's more of an outdoor person now anyways, though in her case it might be different. So after taking a deep breath as he was more likely never going to hear the end of it from the guards. "I guess we can. I can pay for a room for you in the meantime so that you won't have freeze your butt off out here." He used that as an excuse but also because at least in the Inn's room he can hide there from the guards for a while.

  18. "Hm?" He turned his head towards her from the corner of his crimson red eye. He was listening to what she was going to say, though he can also sense that she's having a confliction upon herself. When she said never mind he kind of frowned upon it. "Hey not to pry or meaning to come off rude but if you have something you want to ask me go ahead. Trust me you can ask me about anything and I won't lie to you." He ensures her as he really hasn't lied to her, she just didn't ask the right question yet.

  19. He smiles again as he closes his eyes while shaking his head. "No, you didn't know. Though I think you might be underrating yourself about your traits. Of course I would love to trust everyone in this world, unfortunately there's a lot of things out there that doesn't need trust or rather can't be otherwise it'll be considered as a weakness against PKers." He speaks from experience, though he neglects to tell her that otherwise that'll just cause her to pop the question on what he's doing with PKers.

  20. Asen was about to bite into the apple again but stopped when she asked him that. He pretty much paused for a few seconds before lowering the apple and takes a deep breath as he was trying to find the right words. "Let's just say... That I got into a bad crowd once... And because of that, there are fewer friends than I once did." He painfully remembers of a party he was once a part of. Sylphardis, Rose, Claudis, and Yuma. However, he also remembers on how they died as well and that sorrow radiates from his eyes along with guilt.

  21. "mmm... I guess you can say that, I just hunt monsters a lot and not stay in safe zones for very long if I can help it." Taking a bite of the apple after he said that, he opened his eyes as he is hiding the main reason why he doesn't stay in safe zones more than he should. Both of his siblings are trapped in this game, and even though some might he's a bit lucky that he has some family here, it worries him and drives him more to complete this game.

  22. He smiles as he closed his eyes for a moment. "Nah, don't worry about it. I kind of bought a whole bunch on my stay here. Got a whole week's worth of them plus some other food items." He explained as he takes a bite into it. Green apples are also his favorite fruit to eat, mainly because he likes the sweet and tangy flavor in them. Which now that he thinks about it he wouldn't be surprised if his little sister got it from him since he pretty much can go through a whole can of sour candy in a day if they let him.

  23. "Well, I suppose everyone likes to stay up late like me. Of course then again I prefer to sleep outside anyways." He stated as he swipes open his menu and scans through his inventory which was a lot of stuff. Mainly materials and some food ingredients, however he takes out two green apples and winds up handing one of them to Wynter. "Here, you can call it like a treaty of friendship or whatever you want to call it." Though as he said it his cheeks grows slightly warm. It's not really rare that he's nice, in fact he's nice to just about anyone except for a certain group of people.

  24. "Anytime." Asen spoke as his smile gets a little wider for a brief moment before he takes a deep breath and looks away to look at the nightly sky. He enjoyed watching the stars, it kind of gives off a mystical feeling to him. Especially with the full moon out, as it shines down its eerie yet beautiful light upon the them. "It would've been a waste fighting in a night like this. Granted I kind of figured most of the players would stay in doors or at the inn at this hour."

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