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Posts posted by Asen

  1. He was listening to her the whole time, but he laughed when she said that she was taking up his time. "Taking up my time? Who would call this a waste of time listening to someone who's clearly in need of some help?" He lifts his feet off the ground so that he could plop on his hunches next to her. "Besides i'm not really in any hurry." Plus he has a slight weak spot for attractive girls though he won't admit it. Still keeping his cursor hidden since his status would send a red flag to everyone around here including her.

  2. "Hm..." He rubs the back of his neck as he kneels on the ledge placing one hand on the edge to make sure he doesn't fall over. "Well sometimes it's best to be alone than hanging around with the wrong crowd. But I get where you're coming from." He admits as he can recall when this death game started. Though he probably was one of the most calm minded at the time, deep down he remembered how scared he really was at first. But after many hardships he kind of just got used to it and adapted to what's happening to him. "Being alone is never fun though, because then no one will be able to hear your jokes or when you laugh."

  3. "Wynter eh?" For some reason he had a terrible joke formed in his mind but he refused to let the mischief slip past his calming surface. Though he was a bit concerned when she said wait, but he dismissed it since she seemed to be quite curious about something. At least that's what she appears to be in his eyes. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, would you mind telling me what the waterworks was for? At least just the basic term." He asked out of concerned though he still had a hint of a smile on his face.

  4. "Your name, since I told you mine." He pointed out as he still had the calm expression about him. Even though he probably should be blushing even a little on how close they were. His eyes were a bit those of who analyzes everything, yet still radiated the same calming vibe. 'Seems like she's not one of them.' He thought to himself as normally when he introduces himself most players would attack him on sight for the large bounty that's on his head. However, he hasn't encounter those type of players in a while so he can only assume that he and any others that's come in contact with him are safe for now. Especially this young girl standing before him.

  5. He raised his brow at her when she practically flipped her way up to where he was at. He simply shrugged his shoulders as he lets his left hand rest on the pommel of his sword which was slightly curved. "What would you do if I did tell you my name?" He asked her with a slight hint of tease in his tone, though he's also not so sure that if he should tell her. Not because that she's a player or that she's weak. He's thinking about future wise since he's had a rather... unique journey to say the least. "Either way, the name's Asen. Care if I ask you the same thing?"

  6. He shrugged his shoulders as he takes another bite of his apple. "That really depends on you, but eh. That's just my opinion anyways." He admits to her as he slips the stinger into one of the slots strapped to high right thigh. "This isn't exactly the place for that kind of stuff anyways. At least not from my prospective anyways." With that being said he slips his sword under his belt of his left side of his hip and takes the last bite out of the apple as it shatters like glass in his hands. Besides he only came to this town to get some supplies, since the monsters out here are a lot tougher than the ones on the lower floors like five or two.

  7. "Sounds good enough for me, i'm in for it." He admitted as he really wasn't going to jump in the cave guns blazing or anything. That'll be too reckless and a quick way to die out here. If this was an ordinary game then sure he might've done just that, however this is a death game. Asen just wanted to hear Souske's suggestion, plus it's better if two minds work on the plan rather than just one. Needless to say, Asen agrees on that as he turns on his heel and begins to walk in the direction where he said the cave would be located. In a way he's glad that he's a Player Killer, since he can't really stay in towns due to the guards he pretty much has to take refuge in places like caves. Even then he has to sleep with one eye opened or else either another player can kill him or a monster can spawn. Though lately he's taken the liberty on sleeping on the roofs of other buildings in towns. A lot safer that way and hardly anyone checks on the roof anyways.

  8. "You know tears should be shed of joy not by sadness." A voice spoke to her that sounded like a male though it was coming from above her. Sitting on the ledge of the roof of the building as what appears to be a young looking man about late teen at best wearing a trench coat that had a black wool collar that kind of gives him the cool aura. His gem is not above his head for some reason, so it'll be rather difficult on what he is at first glance. He also wore a pair of boots that looks to be leather with a stained white shirt that needs some repairs to it. Laying on his lap was a sword whose hilt was wrapped in a black leather strap that's studded with brass that give's off a orange hue thanks to the sunlight. In his right hand was a twirling pick that looked like a stinger of some kind while in his left was a green apple that he was casually eating. His silvery short hair highlighted with a streak of black on the tips blowing softly with the wind as it gently blows through them.

  9. "The Sabre Cat moves from one hideout to the next, usually up to the next floor or the one below them to throw off anyone such as us to get to them. Unfortunately for them, regular players has been keeping track of their movements and are now aware of when and where they usually strike at. From what I have gathered, these PKers doesn't go any further than two thousand feet from where they hold up unless they're moving out. The most recent attack took place somewhere in the 48,258,85. The closest spot that would be suitable for hiding is a cave that was infested with monsters or was last time I checked. So I was planning on going there and see if they've taken residence there or not." He explained in detail as he wanted to make sure that Souske knows what they'll be doing and where this will take place. "As for you, I would like to suggest that you just stick close to me, but if you have a plan of your own then I wouldn't mind cooperating with that."

  10. He has a grin that spreads on his face as he extends his hand to shake the man's hand. "Aye, that would be most helpful. Though I only have one condition." It's more out of concern for this type of stuff can get real nasty very quickly. To be perfectly honest even Asen can't exactly predict on what's going to happen, and since Souske is now his partner he doesn't want to risk the chance of having him captured which he doubts it'll happen. "I don't mind that we're partners, I only ask that you don't do anything that'll get you killed. Though this mission kind of contradicts that, but i'm referring to unnecessary acts while in espionage." While he was talking he swiped his hand in the air to open his menu and sent him a friend request and a party request.

  11. "Well earlier this morning I sent them a warning to straighten up on their acts. Unfortunately they didn't respond politely as they just increased the bounty on my head by another million col. Which drove those people earlier to chase after me. So I figured that I... Pay them a visit." Asen's previous records would show what happens when he 'visits' dark guilds. Majority of them wind up dead, some actually listened to him and straightened up so he left them alone. The Sabre Cat however didn't get the memo however.

  12. "Well..." His eyes drifted to the horizon as the sun was setting on the tree line. It didn't even occurred to him that it was already dusk time until now, though this just means he does indeed have somewhere to be. "Originally I was just trying to find a peaceful spot where I don't have to worry about these people coming after me. Unfortunately, it would seem that my presence is being needed else where. Have you ever heard of Sabre's Cat?" He asked Souske turning his eyes back towards the man. Sabre's Cat is one of the infamous dark guilds that has recently been formed or just recently revealed themselves as murderers and thieves. Fortunately for Asen their hideout which he managed to obtain from eavesdropping on a couple of players that seemed to have some connection to them.

  13. That Asen could believe in, though its not like he didn't trust the man. Of course he still had to be wary of how one responds since anyone can lie to his face. "Is that right? Well, to be perfectly honest i'm rather glad that you didn't step in back there otherwise one you can be a possible target for those that's been chasing me and two you would've given them a moral booster. Either way though, I wouldn't kill them unless I really have to." He admits quite honestly, I mean what's the point on lying now? Plus he's trying to make as less enemies as possible since he already has problems with the dark guilds which one in particular has been acting up of late. He thought about taking the guild out right now, but he simply sent them an unknown warning to straighten up before Death comes for them.

  14. "Indeed they don't, where one war ends, another is on the brink of starting up. Ending in a almost endless cycle, though that's just my perspective." Asen was rather glad that this man wasn't out for revenge. Made things easier for his young mind to rest at least a little bit. He's had a lot on his plate since the very beginning it seemed, soloing through the dungeons, taking out bosses, fighting off bounty hunters, and such. However Asen was also thankful that his brother hasn't fallen too deep in the pits of darkness, least that's what he's guessing as of right now. Now that he's heard of his brother, he now wonders just what his sister has been up to. But that'll have to wait for another time as he now brings up a question. "So what brings you out here of all places?" Sure Souske could've been out farming monsters out here and heard the ruckus, but Asen has the feeling that's not the case here. Or at least not at the moment.

  15. "I really did enjoy this little dance of our's, but i'm afraid that I must end it rather short since I can't afford to lose my guide." Asen spoke to the Wasp not that it can respond back to him since it wasn't programmed to do so. But Asen didn't really cared since the Wasps seems to be the only thing he can talk to besides himself though that'll just make him sound crazy if not already. Asen charges at the Wasp watching it's movement to the best of his ability. However he might've been too focused as he danced a bit in a zigzag pattern as it tried to get around him. He would've smacked face first into the tree that was in his blindside except that he planted his foot on it and uses it to flip his body backwards while he simultaneously throws a pick at the Wasp. It smacks right into the main body though unfortunately it stung it just a little less than he had anticipated. Before he knew it, it charged at him and slammed right into him when he was in mid flip and pierced his body right through his chest. He winced a bit as it felt weird to him rather than hurt, but he grabs the wing of the Wasp and pulls on it to move to the side while he simultaneously placed the keen edge of Xilanvale right next to the Wasp's head. With a quick pull, he sliced clean through the Wasp's head and uses the momentum to spin his body around in order to land on his feet.


    Wasp(8) Killed

    Battle Concluded


    Current Health: 40/41

  16. He merely shook his head slowly since he had no clue really on what happened. "I haven't really spoken to anyone let alone fought in the past 6 months, so I can't really tell you on who it was. I just know that after I went into hiding it just seemed like my friends were getting picked off one by one. As for Zelrius..." He sighed as face palmed himself. "I'm sorry about your twin brother Souske, and as much as I would like to ask you, I can seriously doubt you would forgive my brother." He's not really sure how Souske would react to the fact that Zelrius is his younger brother, but Asen had been so distant from everyone that he doesn't know what his brother did let alone his younger sister as well.

  17. Asen a bit amazed both on the fact that this guy who doesn't look any older than himself was already sent out on dangerous missions back in the real world and also the fact that the game copied that scar as well. "To be honest i'm surprised the game got that on your avatar, but I think it looks cool on you. Kind of gives off the feeling that you're more experienced in combat." He admits as he couldn't help but think about what Souske said. To him it sounded more like equivalent exchange, take one life to save a bunch of other's lives. He tries his best not to dwell on it though as he slides the pick out from his sleeve and slips it in one of the slots that had a patch wrapped around his thigh where it shows four other picks that looks just like it. "Well I do like the fact that I saved others from oblivion, however because of that I have a rather... large bounty on my head to say the least. Players both orange and green have been coming after me left and right. I wouldn't be surprised if they stoop low enough to use my friends as bait, though they're fewer than they were before." A few months ago one of his friends suddenly disappeared from his friend's list, at first he thought he got blocked or something. But no matter how hard he tried to track the player he couldn't get a lock in for a whole week. There were many others that happened in that same way.

  18. "Something like that." He rubs the back of his neck as this next part is not a brag rather more of a fact. Though finding the right words without sounding like bragging proved to be a challenge. "Least to say in more basic terms one of my... friends was killed by a group of Player Killers. I..." He took a deep breath as he hasn't really explained this to anyone until now. "I got my revenge on them, along with many others. I started to hunt down a bunch of Player Killers mainly the dark guilds such as the Laughing Coffin for example. Before I knew it I eliminated at least 10 good sized dark guilds leading over to one hundred and fifty people total." That was also the reason why he came to bear the nickname of Terror of Death since he had once taken down a guild of close to one hundred players. "So basically I did it out of revenge." Even as he said that, he doesn't look the type to hold a grudge against anyone.

  19. Asen smiles slightly as he extends his hand to shake Souske's hand. Before he did so one of the picks slips up in his sleeve of the hand he extended so that it wouldn't accidentally stab the man. Last thing he needs is to make unwanted enemies and right now he's not really in the mood to deal with one let alone create one. "Name's Asen, it's certainly an honor and pleasure to meet somebody that's in the military." His eyes radiated the sense that he has killed before, but he certainly didn't have the look of a killer for if he did he would've killed those people earlier a long time ago without batting an eye at them.

  20. Asen's coat began to sway a little as the wind begins to blow against the tree amongst the open fields. He wasn't trying to fall asleep, but the wind had successfully coaxed him to sleep as he drifts into a slumber. Even though some of the creatures, mainly wolves and such, were snarling at him they kept their distance away from him. It just seemed so peaceful around here without having to worry about any players getting the bright idea on hunting him down or having to worry about the creatures getting ten feet in the air to reach him. It felt nice out here to him, and he was taking his time enjoying it while it lasted.

  21. "Hm?" Asen turns his head to look over his shoulder at the man leaning on the tree. Asen at first thought it was another player attempting to take his life as well, but Asen would later realize that wasn't this man's intention at all. So his shoulders relaxed as he grew less tense. "Oh really? I was just trying to prevent pointless deaths." He stated as he has his hands tucked in his pockets of his trench coat that has some black wool on the collar area. "Who might you be if I may ask?"

  22. Why can't I use Battle Healing when I clearly had it before this whole thing? Even then I would just recover 1 point. Now with the ranks up and running its 2 upon the CD being 10+. But eh, whatever I guess. It's not like i'm picking fights with anybody anyways. Everybody would kill me in one hit anyways.

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