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Posts posted by Asen

  1. Asen lunges at the incoming swarm trying to get rid of them as soon as possible so that he could catch up with that group. However that just might not so likely to happen as Asen does indeed slices into one of them but his footing was a bit off. Before he could react, the swarm slams right into him stinging into his torso as he is sent off his feet backwards. Frankly he flips his body backwards mainly to land on his feet and leap to the side before the swarm could hit him again. That certainly did took a chunk of his health out, but at least he's still breathing. Frankly he got one of them at least as well, which is good kind of.


    Wasp(3) Killed

    Wasp(1): 9/10

    Wasp(1): 8/10

    Wasp(2): 7/10

    Wasp(1): 5/10


    Current Health: 36/41 (Took 5 Damage from 5 Wasps)

  2. Meanwhile....


    "Seraph! Hurry up!" The knight called at the Hunter who was looking behind her to witness partially a single player almost effortlessly taking down a swarm of mobs. She certainly was tempted to rush back and help him, but the knight, Rick, grabs her shoulder. "Hey come on, if we don't hurry we won't be able to get back before it gets dark. You know how its like out here during the night." Seraph blinked a few times at the player for a bit before turning her head towards Rick. She nods in agreement after she spent a moment thinking about her choices. "Yeah, I know. I just..." She looks back at the player again and that was when Rick understood what she really wanted to do. "Look, not trying to ruin your pure intent, but that guy seems more than capable on handling his own. I mean he wouldn't be out here if he wasn't."

  3. He looked at the damage that was dealt to him and saw that it wasn't much since his health heals back up due to his <<Battle Healing>> skill so it really wasn't big of a deal. So he pretty much shrugged it off as he stood up straight while the swarm turns once more to face him. Sure he can take a hit if he really has to or if its out of his hands, but he still has to watch out for one slip up could very well be the end of him. Plus... There were the pleasant memories of his siblings at his shoulders and in his mind that makes him smile. Not just from the thrill of combat, but he hopes that one day he could meet them once again. He knows that they're still alive for they still show up in his friends' list, but finding them is his problem right now. An outcast who lives solely on his wits and surviving his own, that's what Asen has had himself to believe. Sure he killed other players, more than he should've. He just knows that he can't really atone of having over a hundred lives taken by his hand. Even still he continues to live, though his heart is pretty much scarred deeply.


    The swarm charges for him only this time it splits up into two groups going for the pincer tactic. It was certainly a nice try to say the least, for it would simply be boring if they repeated the same thing over and over. Unfortunately, Asen was lucky as he slices at one group while spinning around into a deadly spinning multiple slash at the other group. The damage had been critical and thus had cleaved through a few of them while nicking the others. Those few shattered into pieces like glass once their health dropped. Then Asen stops as he did his damage and had to get his bearings straight even though he was dizzy only a little.


    Wasps(3) Killed

    Wasps(1): 9/10

    Wasps(2): 8/10

    Wasps(1): 7/10

    Wasps(1): 5/10


    Current Health: 41/41 (Battle Healing +2)

  4. "I wonder if you can give me more..." He spoke to himself as he still had the grin on his face. It's been literally months maybe close to a year since he last fought something. All because he had to throw off his pursuers, which worked mostly as they stopped looking for him after the 2nd month which was good news for him. The swarm of wasps hurls themselves at him even though they were only 20 feet away from him. Using his <<Sprint>>, he closes that gap and sliced into the first three of the bunch. He had his body crouched low as the swarm blows barely across his back. In fact one manages to sting him on the back making him wince slightly as he would react by slicing up as a retaliation. His blade slices right into the wasp in a upward arc inflicting not heavy damage but good enough to do its job.


    Wasp(1) Killed

    Wasp(2): 9/10

    Wasp(1): 8/10

    Wasp(2): 7/10

    Wasp(2): 10/10


    Current Health: 40/41

  5. Now the wasps came at him in a swarm trying to catch him from sheer numbers alone which yeah it would've worked if he was a normal low level character. Unfortunately for them, he's not. Not saying he's one of the best, but he was still formidable to these things. As such, Asen slashes at the swarm striking two of them as he simultaneously stepped to the side allowing them to pass by him as they were so intent on trying to pierce into him that they practically didn't plan on what'll happen if he waited to the last minute to move. Of course one did in fact tried to follow him but it was amongst the swarm that it couldn't change its trajectory. Now that he struck three of them, only five of them were at full health but they were already making a U turn while the first wasp attempts to weave at his blindside. Unfortunately for it Asen didn't forget about it as he stabs it through its head making it halt its movement as he swings again to launch the body into the swarm. The wasps lost their formation as the hurled one collides with the two that was injured. Asen merely smirks as he takes a deep breath while the wasps already began to regroup. "It's been too long since I had this kind of thrill." Then he coldly glares at the swarm as he got into a particular stance with his sword at the ready.


    Wasp(3): 7/10

    Wasp(5): 10/10

  6. Asen continues to follow them outside of the city, which just both makes it easier since he doesn't have to worry about the guards, and yet makes it harder because he's in a mixture of a forest and grass field. Sure he can climb on some trees if they're big enough, but majority of them are too small for him to hide. So he does his best to keep his distance at 127 feet away from them. With the Wind Wasps fluttering about it would be a little difficult for them to see him and even if they did all they would be able to see is another player fighting off some mobs. Speaking of mobs, Asen comes across what appears to be a nest of these wasps and they don't look too happy on how close he was. The buzzing sound of their wings flapping blurring motions to keep them what seems to be still in the air, was backed up by 8 other wasps that pours out of the hole of their nest up on the tree. Asen knew that he wouldn't be able to sneak his way out of this one, didn't matter how high his <<Hiding>> skill was. Plus he needed the diversion to keep the heat and the suspicion on the down low as he draws out his sword that reflects the sunlight from the edge of the blade as most of it was black. One of them flew straight for him, only to be met with steel as Asen successfully slashed into the Wasp causing it to redirect its trajectory to his left at a simple motion of his forearm. That's when the interesting fight would begin.


    Wasp (1): 9/10

    Wasp (8): 10/10

  7. Asen follows the group by stealthily jumping from building to the adjacent building doing his best to stay out of sight. His eyes were mainly focused on them, but he was also looking around to make sure he wasn't being followed at the same time. Not that anyone would recognize him at least not at first since his attire has changed up a bit plus his hair is a bit longer to the point to where it almost covers his eyes. "Well since its a wasp naturally it can fly, but don't you think we should get someone who's trained with a spear or something? That way at least one of us has some reach." The female spoke some wisdom, but the noble shook his head. "No need, as long as we keep doing what we've been doing we should be alright." Asen rolled his eyes at the arrogance in the noble's words as he leaps to the next building.


    Knight Character: 31/

    Noble Character: 27/

    Hunter Character: 29/

  8. "Hey! Have you heard of it yet?" One of the grouped players spoke to one of his buddies who merely tilted his head at the rugged looking man with only chainmail on his torso and has a diamond shaped shield on his back. "Heard of what Yaegar? Ye have to be more specific on what ye is preferring to, otherwise ye lost me." The knight like man simply sighs as he rearranged his belt around so that the dangling mace on his side would stop hitting his leg. "I meant have you heard about what happened to those players who hunted down those Wind Wasps? Apparently they woke something up and it scared them off." The noble garbed man merely smirks as his well groomed brown hair was oiled back. "And? What about it? Its not like whatever they said is actually true. And even if it was it probably doesn't have any value in it."


    Meanwhile up on the roofs just near to the group there was a young man with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed enjoying the soft breeze that's softly brushing amongst his cheeks. The weather certainly felt nice, but at the same time it was cold to him. "Even so, shouldn't we just try to take it down? If anything else we could use the XP." The noble garbed still smirked as he chuckled that unsettles the group. "Nay, if I wanted experience i'd rather take on a certain infamous PKKer. I'm certain you've heard about him at least once or twice." The knight grew a little pale as he knew what the noble was referring to. "That'll be suicide, besides the Terror of Death hasn't been seen or heard of in months. What makes you think you can just find him?" The young man on the roofs cracked his eyes opened upon hearing that name. The noble shrugged his shoulders as he didn't waver from his intentions. "Who's to say that he's dead? His name is still on the Wanted List, though last I checked he still has 1.3 million Col on his head. From what I've heard he's being wanted alive or killed by several guilds including the Laughing Coffin." The third one, dressed like a ranger or hunter, she was becoming uncomfortable just talking about this PKKer.


    "Pardon for my rudeness, but why is a PKer killing other PKers?" The noble didn't have an answer to that as the knight shifted on his feet. "Who knows? A lot says that he's in it for the money, but all of his targets I've heard has had a bad relationship with him too meaning that they knew him. But I don't really know other than theories." Up on the roof where the young man was who was eavesdropping on their conversation rolled to his side with a single handed sword that's slightly curved with some jagged edges on it was gripped firmly in the man's hand. Finally the noble shook his head to dismiss such things. "Anyways, you were saying about the Wasps?" The knight nodded in agreement changing the subject which was a reliever to the one on the roof. "Yes, apparently there's a Queen, much bigger than the other Wasps known as the Queen Wind Wasp. There's no telling what it's capable of, but if we can just somehow be able to study it I think we can stand a chance at least if we stick together and work well."


    It took them another few minutes before all three of them finally decided to scout the Queen out. Meanwhile the man on the roof who was really quiet the entire time with his eyes opened. There was no cursor above his head since he's using his <<Hiding>> skill to avoid detection while in the city. Yes the man is indeed Asen, the very same who disappeared a few months ago. "Seems like they're still after me. Stubborn bunch I guess." He finally spoke but it was more of a whisper than anything else as his eyes followed the group who were heading for the fields. After sighing, he stands up to his feet stretching his arms and legs to wake them up. "Best to follow them around. Who knows, they might find this Queen, but I can pretty much ensure that they won't be able to stand up to it." Asen was speaking to no one in particular not that he really cared anyways.

  9. Hey sup Clarence!


    Alright Zeke, i'll basically let everyone know in the thread that I edited it.


    Lessa alright, I sorted mainly my weapons out writing down their enhancements as 2 of them are indeed made by yours truly as an Uncommon Items. Plus I edited my Story Thus Far where Asen or NightShade as his former name just disappears for a while.

  10. Oh really? Well I suppose that's understandable, very well then. I promise not to double post, instead i'll just edit to add more.


    Edit 1:


    Just like this, though I pretty much need to redo my Journal to keep up with the newer stuff.

  11. No I didn't forget, see I didn't show up because of family stuff and two my tablet broke in midsummer. Only reason why i'm back now is cuz I finally got my laptop.


    Also its a pleasure on meeting a veteran as well Lessa

  12. (Okay beings it has been over a month now I'm just going to post to get this thing on the road already.)

    Rage didn't really answered me nor did he looked like he had the intentions to do so. So I shrugged my shoulders while resting my hand on my katana and started to walk into the Dungeon. It was a forest of course, and the vegetation can be shown as roots was literally climbing through the walls at a snail's pace and you could see multiple signs of plant life here and there. Most of them are lilies while other creatures such as wild monkeys hopping about and possibly even a small band of goblins? I couldn't really tell for it was a little dark in here despite the beautiful scenery here.

    Just as I was finally getting the chance to possibly relax without anyone coming after me, a group of adventurers had shown up around the corner. There was three guys and two females. Two of the guys looked like swordsmen judging by their weapon of choice while the third had a battleaxe that was disappointedly small compared what I had visioned it to be. One of the girls had a quarterstaff while the other had a mace and shield. All of them wore a uniform that's exactly the same as the other. 'Another guild perhaps?' He wondered as he came to a stop. They suddenly gasped and had the look of fear and bravery in their eyes.

    One of the guys drew out their long sword that was meant for one hand but the guy was holding it with two hands while trembling in his pants. "W-w-w-what do you want with us?! Money?! H-h-h-here take it and l-leave us a-a-alone!" He exclaimed in almost a bit of a panic as he opened his menu and sent me a trade. '4,000 Kol? Man these guys are desperate.' I complained inside my head as I reached up and was about to hit the OK button. But I stopped myself and shook my head while I pushed the cancel button. They all looked at me in a surprised look and even thought it was a threat. "I don't want your money nor your life. I'm just passing through." I stated in all honesty as I could tell that my soft heart had taken over now. Then I approached them and they backed off while hugging desperately to the earth wall. Honestly I didn't even paid any attention to them whatsoever when I passed them. So I kept on walking.

    'Man that was such a pain... can't they be more obviously?' I thought while I chuckled to myself. It didn't take long before I ran into a small band of Goblins that had so happen to be in my way. Cracking a smile on my face as I drew out my katana. "This had better keep me amused!" With that, the battle had commenced.

  13. Smiling at Aoi as it is the first time I've seen her since the game started and seeing both Aoife and her all excited actually warmed the atmosphere up a bit. I actually liked the air now, for it felt a ton lighter than it did a couple minutes ago. "Its good to see you as well Aoi, although I do have to admit that I'm rather surprised thatyou're even in this world. Nevertheless, its a pleasure that all four of us are together." I said with a grin on my face now. Looking at my younger brother with the same cheerful look.

    "Don't you think so as well? No need to be shy now." I teased him playfully while trying to get him to loosen up too. "You're going to have an ulcer if you keep that frown on your face." I teased again.

  14. The sounds of the crashing waves filled the air as my body felt cold and weak. I could feel a little warmth on the ground which I seem to have my face on. Opening my eyes I realized that it was just sand, and it was pretty sunny out here. Which means I've been here for a while. Moving my fingers as I slowly get up to my knees. Just about every bone in my body popped from the aching joints and such. Some of the sand stuck to my face and to my clothes as well.

    "Where... am I...? How long.... have I been out...?" I asked myself as I found that my throat was rather dry and felt like I haven't moved in ages. Looking around, I found myself at a shoreline, and I seem to be still in Floor 6. However, it doesn't explain how long it has been. Swiping my hand I noticed the date has jumped pretty high. It was the 20th of last month since that attempt was made, and now its the 27th of the next month. So I've been out for a month? But how? In fact how am I even alive? A series of questions started to come up in my head as I got to my feet and dusted myself off from the sand.

  15. "Yeah might as well, by the way I meant as in it was a relief to see an old friend just so you know. I'm actually hoping these Crimson Hunters would quit chasing me after suffering so many casualties, but seems like that's not going to happen." I complained with a sigh. Then looking at Rage's finger I noticed a ring was there. Cracking a warm smile.

    "I see things are looking up for you." I complemented him.

  16. Looking up and at first all I saw was the orange cursor and it made me get in a fighting stance, but after I looked at the face I recognized as an old friend. Calming my nerves as I sheath my katana, I smiled and waved at him.

    "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes! I was having one heck of a party over here!" I joked as the battle results came up to my HUD. After reading it I close the menu for I'll just sort out the stuff later.

  17. He yelped when I looked at him, but that's the kind of results I want. I want them to be afraid, especially if they value their lives. Approaching him in a slow pace, savoring every moment of his terror stricken cries and face. Then I picked up the pace a little and he was literally digging his fingers helplessly on the hard wall.

    "There now, is that anyway to treat your last breath?" I asked him and he stopped in his tracks. Looking back as he saw me towering over him. He was crying now.

    "No... please don't.... I don't want to die...." He whimpered. I raised my katana into the air, and brought it down on his head

  18. The other Hob swung his cleaver down at me and managed to cut into my ribs. It hurt a lot, but I knew that it would feel a lot worse in reality. Either way, I used this to my advantage my slicing into the Hob. Now all of the Hobs dead, and most of the Players dead. I turned my attention back to the fool with the intent to kill.

  19. Not really caring what happens to the guy that just died, I flipped my katana in a proper way and performed a cleave at the Hobs. I cleaved through 3 of them for they were in red, but the fourth and fifth slipped past me and went after the guy that was prone. He was speedily crawling away from them, and I turned right back around to thrust my sword through the Hob's back.

  20. Turning my attention to the fool who brought a dagger with no high stats and is no crawling on the ground.

    "You'll pay for that!" The Player behind me said as I thrust my katana that just brushed past my clothes and pierced into something that felt meaty and solid. I knew I struck the Player, and he let out a dying scream as the Hobs dealt the killing blow. Glancing back, I noticed that the Hobs were in red and yellow zones.

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