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Posts posted by Yuji

  1. ID 2723  BD: 2  MD: 7-3


    I charge forward and shorten the distance gap between me and the second elemental. With the help of the system assist, I avoid all the icicle generated by it. The sword skill <Sonic Leap> is useful in this kind of situation. Within seconds I face the monster; I swing the sword down. Yellow trajectory line follow the sword as it go down.


    Much like the first one, the second elemental avoid easily. I can't do anything about it as it already predicted my next course of action.


    "Tch, I need to change my attack pattern if I want to land a hit."

  2. I memorize the map of Floor 1 on the back of my head. I'm not exaggerating when I said that I can walk to the village with my eyes closed. Of course I won't be doing that because there are monster everywhere on the plain. Not to mention there are bandits and PKer everywhere, waiting for their preys.


    I reach the village after walking for 10 minutes. I don't have the time to enjoy the scenery as I will usually do during my journey. I just want to get this over with and go back to sleep. I steer away from the village to avoid any players inside there. 


    I finally reach the entrance of the forest. I open the menu and look at the map of the forest. The forest is as big as plain. Getting lost inside will be deadly. I close the map and decided to travel to center of the forest.

  3. ID 2722  BD: 7  MD: 3


    I smirk at the monster behavior. The A.I perfectly predicted my attack. However that didn't bother me the slightest. I raise my sword quickly and made a full three hundred and sixty degree spin while swinging my sword. I can see the world spin and I go "whoo" as I enjoy the little spin. The sword spin and hit the elemental in the center, throwing it forward. I shoulder my sword and my sword begin to glow yellow. I turn around and face the second elemental.


    Yuji: 36/36


    Ice Elemental 1: 2/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  4. I wait for five minutes before I hear the sound of ringing. On my upper right screen the system notify me that I receive a message. I call forth the menu and check my mail. My message have been reply. I open it without any wait for every second I spent with this face is a second worth of leveling. 


    " [so you have been cursed, huh. Sucks to be you XD.] "


    "When I meet you somewhere in the city, I'll make sure I'll give you a good beating..."


    " [ Somewhere in the forest near the Tolbana Village on F1, there's a monster that said to be able to cure the curse given by the witch. Many players that have been cursed fight it and receive a chemical solution (read potion) that cured them out of their misery. Why don't you go there and see it for yourself? ]


    I send a reply, saying my thanks to her. A sense of relieve comes over after I read the message. Without further delay, I begin walking to said forest.

  5. I straighten my pose and swing the sword left and right. Taking a deep breath and exhale slowly helps me to focus. I riase the sword to eye level, left hand placed near the blade..




    Both elemental lets out a weird noise and begin firing. I quickly step to the left and run towards the first elemental. By now, the elemental must have read most of my movement. Therefore my next attack will probably miss.




    I close in easily and swing my sword down. A basic downward slash would be questionable because it won't do anyone any good in this situation. As I predicted earlier, the elemental spin to the left, avoiding my slash.


    ID 2721  BD: 2  MD: 2

  6. I send a message to my information broker. She usually knows what to do in case of something strange happen. 


    " [i have been cursed by a witch. Do you know how to break the curse?] Alright,send. Now let's wait for her to reply."


    I look around the plains, there are no players in the vicinity which is a relieve. The last thing I wanted is to be chase again while rock fly from my behind. I tap my left foot while cross my arm, waiting for her to reply.

  7. "As much as I want to craft, I don't have the materials needed."


    I shrug my shoulder. All the materials I gain will be keep inside my shop's storage. Well there is nothing but dust inside the storage now. I have used up my materials yesterday to craft Zelrius''s custom order boots. I remember myself jumping up and down in excitement as I hold the pair of boots in my hand.


    "Sorry my friend. I won't be able to show my skill."


    If I can, I would run out and go buy a material out there. But it will be rude for me to do that because leaving so suddenly will show my lack of attitude. I'm not that kind of person in front of someone I newly met.

  8. Well from what I read in wiki, you can dual wield sword without the skill. But it will be pointless because you can't use sword skills and receive bonus from the weapon.


    Waiting for the GM to settle the problem with the site. After that the rumor board (yes,we have that) will be open and we can attempt the rumor.


    Right now, Tristan manage to find the rumored dual spear. Zero appears to have an unique skill too.


    -Jelly intensifies-

  9. I watch Fallen slice through the boar's body from left as he run towards me. Despite his level, he can fight way better than most of the player I saw during my journey. I turn around and slap him with my left hand on his shoulder, not too hard as my strength stat are higher than his.


    "Good one, Fallen. Alright, my turn right?"


    I face the boar. Its abnormally high HP doesn't bother him as it is the most easiest monster to fight. I lower my pose and raise my sword. The system detects my pose and my sword begin to shine yellow.


    ID 2710  BD: 6  MD: 6-3  LD: 3




    With a small shout, I charge forward at the boar and swing the sword down. Yellow trajectory follow the sword in the air as it goes down. The sword cut through the boar's face, reducing its HP to zero. Its large body shatter like glass and black text appear. I get a tailoring material this time. After reading the message, I close it.


    "What did you get Fallen?"


    Boar: DEAD


    (Gain 1 tailor material)

  10. The player that sigh doesn't seem to like all the people that have gathered here. Even I myself wouldn't like it when there are many people watch me so I know how she felt. At least that's what I come up with when she sigh after seeing me. 


    "All the ruckus here will attract people, whether you like it or not. I come here to know what happen, that's all."


    As I talk with the seemingly high leveled player which I know judging from how she talk (her arrogant way of talking reminds him of Zelrius, one of the high leveled player in SAO) and her gear, Tom draw his sword upon seeing Mari. Even I would do that if I see a red player in front of me. I raise my two finger in the air and pull down, calling the menu. I switch to inventory and equip my sword. After a few second it materialize near my left side of the belt.


    "Well then, if you people have anything to settle, proceed then. I won't be bothering you all. However if you lay a hand on this pink girl, then you'll be my enemies."


    I want to avoid whatever problems in their hands to get worse, but seeing Tom's reaction I realize that I need to imply some sort of warning. With my right hand on the hilt of my sword, I glare at Tom.

  11. I close my eyes and ears with my hands, blocking every sound and sights as I run. I let my leg carry me to somewhere else. I didn't care where I will end up, as long as I escape from the brutal treatment. 


    I stop myself from running after a few minutes. I open my eyes and remove my hands from my ears. I look around to see where I end up; the green plain greet my view with wild boars roam the plain.


    "How did I end up here....Whatever,as long as I get away..."


    It's a miracle I didn't run into anyone during the moment I run. I can hear people screaming everywhere even while my ears are closed during that moment.


    "-Sigh..why did they scream when they see me?"


    I call the menu with my two finger in the air pulling downwards. I equip my armor and my sword. Both materialize, the armor cover my whole body and the sword with the scabbard on my back. I draw the sword and lift it in front of my face.


    "What the...?!"


    Now I know why they scream when they see me.


    The curse must have turn my face into this ugly form. I hold myself from puking when I look into my new face when for a long time. I lower the sword and and curse the witch.


    "Alright, how to remove this curse. I can't go anywhere like this!"


    Name: Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child)

    Type: Pendant (Light Armor)

    Quality: Perfect

    Source: Shop- Twilight Vanguard

    Perma Roll ID: 2701

    Enhancement: +2 Accuracy, +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A pendant exclusive for Yuji, this pendant gives him the focus he needed in battle. It also wards off regular attacks from hitting him. The real power of this pendant can't be reproduce due to system restriction.



    Name: Iron ring

    Type: Ring (Light Metal)

    Source: Shop- Twilight Vanguard

    Perma Roll ID: 2702

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancement: +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A basic ring for your everyday fashion. Don't give this as a present to your girlfriend or you will suffer.

  13. Now that he sorted out his custom orders, Yuji go upstairs and sleep. Today he manage to increase his rank. "With this, I can craft more item, provided I have the materials... -sigh-"


    -The next day-


    "Alright,let' see what I can craft with my newly attained rank!" He took out the <Dark Ore> and the <Iron ore>. He melt them in different molting and begin hammering.


    ID 2701 CD: 12

    ID 2702 CD: 10


    -3 hour later-


    "Wow, perfect Yuji!" He cool down the new pendant and the ring he crafted. He keep the pendant for himself and put the ring on display.


    Crafting success! Gain 11 EXP! Lose 2 mats! 2/4 crafting chance left for today!



    Name: Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child)

    Type: Pendant (Light Armor)

    Quality: Perfect

    Source: Shop- Twilight Vanguard

    Perma Roll ID: 2701

    Enhancement: +2 Accuracy, +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A pendant exclusive for Yuji, this pendant gives him the focus he needed in battle. It also wards off regular attacks from hitting him. The real power of this pendant can be reproduce due to system restriction.



    Name: Iron ring

    Type: Ring (Light Metal)

    Source: Shop- Twilight Vanguard

    Perma Roll ID: 2702

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancement: +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A basic ring for your everyday fashion. Don't give this as a present to your girlfriend or you will suffer.

  14. I approach on of the stall run by a player I didn't know. It's a stall that sells ingredients for cooking. The apples on the shop attracted me with their bright red color.


    "Morning, can I have 2 apples please?"


    The player took his time to respond to my call. He was busy doing something as he look down. After he finished whatever business he have there, he lift his face. He looks to young to be in this game. 


    "Good morning mister, how can I....huarghhhhhg!"


    Surprised by his sudden act of screaming, I ask him what happen. People begin to turn their attention to us. The feeling of being watched is something I didn't enjoy. People begin to scream however when turn this way, some even faint.


    "Go away from here, you monster! Someone kill this monster!"


    Monster? Where? I look around to search for said 'monster' and didn't see anything of that sort. Something solid suddenly hits my head and the pain kicks in. I rub the place where the thing hits me. Without warning, the people around me begin to throw stones. Their target? Me..


    "Stop throwing..I'm not your enemy. Why everyone start throwing stones at me?!"


    "Go away monster! How can you enter the safe zone?! Go away!"


    Staying around won't do me any good. I run away from the place, pushing away people that blocks my way.

  15. I shrug my shoulders and begin walking. Nothing seems to happen, so I ignore the message. The street in Floor 1 are full of noises and activities. Since this is the biggest city in <Aincrad>, there are many people gather here for many reasons. Usually the reasons are buying and selling items or rumor information exchange. 


    Roaming the streets can be fun. I can see a lot of people and their behavior. This situation felt surreal, like I'm living in the real world. Despite that, we, players and everything else in this games are just datas. Even our actions and behavior can be regarded as data. The term <Full Dive> really meets up to everyone's expectation.


    "While I'm here, I better buy some fruits."

  16. It's been a while since the riddle event. I wait for the result of the event. When it comes to something that requires your brain to think out of context, some people shine, others not. I fall in the latter category. Joining a fun event once in a while won't hurt.


    Or that was I thought at first.


    I read the translucent message in red font that appeared in front of me. It seems to be a system message, but in red font? Now that's new. Usually it is black font letters. I read the content:


    [ You answered 1 riddles correctly out of 3. Congratulations ]


    "Not bad. I'm not that bad went it comes to riddles after all."


    The message doesn't end there though. I read the last part....and my eyes went wide.


    [ However, you failed to answer the other riddles correctly. Therefore you will be cursed ]


    "Curse? What curse? At least tell me what kind of curse will I get!"


    I close the message and check the green line on upper left of my view. The line shows how much HP does a player have. Right now it's full. I look next to the line. Any status ailment inflicted by monster on a player will be shown there.


    "Nothing there..weird. I don't think the system would send a message like that to player."

  17. It's an unusual day today, I can feel it. My senses tingles, as if something dreadful will happen. I make a fist with my left hand and clench it tightly. 


    "It's just the usual First Floor, nothing here can threaten me. But why did I...."


    Roaming the plain that stretch endlessly without no objective seems pointless. I have been here countless times during my early training. The lack of floor begin to bored me to the point that I need something out of normal to satisfy myself.


    Roaming the plains on the F1 is a foolish way to do that.


    My pair of eyes watch the surroundings, from far I can see the pink hair and slender body I recognize. Decided on greeting her, I walk casually towards her.


    "Hey there lead..."


    I shut myself, closing my mouth and went dead silence. I stand next to Mari and watch the scene that unfold in front of my eyes. A group of people, usually this kind of group will are parties. Their purpose would be mainly grinding or material gathering.


    This one though seems to be like a fight among some of the people.


    Still undecided on what to do, I stood there and become a spectator before I decide on my next course of action.

  18. (OOC: Nice profile pic)


    What Tom said is true.Dwelling on this kind of thing won't do me any good. He invited me to his shop, a blacksmith shop. I myself is a blacksmith. Accepting his invitation will be good for me. Besides maybe I can relax more that way.


    "Sure, lead the way then. Going to your shop will be more fun than sitting here."


    I stand up from the warm bench. Looking around, the number of players in the area have decreased. Its noon, they must have went out for their usual grinding. I look to the buildings and see Arekkusu on a balcony. Pretending not to notice him, I begin walking forward.

  19. ID 2568  BD: 1  MD: 7-3


    The second elemental begin to spin rapidly. Taking it as a sign for him to get far from it,  Yuji struggle to stand up. The snow are too slippery for him to step. Having no choice, he put up his sword in front of him and kneel behind it. The elemental lets out a blueish-white explosion out from its body, throwing Yuji to the center of both elemental. Using his sword as a shield prevent him from being damage. Standing up by supporting himself with his sword, he prepare himself for an all out attack.

  20. ID 2567  BD: 1  MD: 5-3


    "Almost there..I can hit it this time!" He bend his body forward, ignoring all the ice that fly at him from his front and behind. He close in with each second.


    Misfortune fall upon him just as he about to strike down the monster; he slip on the ground and fall. He land on his back with a loud thud. Defenseless, he roll around on the ground to dodge the lethal ice. 

  21. ID 2566  BD: 3  MD: 4-3


    He jump up and take cover behind a rock. Ice fly everywhere and some hit the stone. He try to take a peek, but each time he try to do that he almost get hit by one of those flying ice. He wait for a while behind the rock until he can no longer see any flying ice. He inhale and exhale; he can see his breath when he exhale. He stand up and kick the ground. He run as fast as he can towards the second elemental.


    Yuji: 36/36


    Ice Elemental 1: 9/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  22. ID 2565  BD: 3  MD: 5


    Missing his attack, he quickly pull away his sword. The elemental begin to spin rapidly. Not wanting to stay around it any longer, he jump back and change target to the second one. The first elemental lets out a huge ice burst from its body. Cold waves each him from his behind; he ignore it and keep running. Both elemental begin shooting again, leaving Yuji no choice but to focus on evading.


    Yuji: 36/36


    Ice Elemental 1: 9/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  23. ID 2564  BD: 5  MD: 6-3


    Landing on the ground safely, he run to left and right, evading shots fired from both elemental. The place becomes a battlefield as ice shots fly everywhere past him. His reaction time improves from all his training, therefore this kind of attack won't hit him. He duck when the first elemental let out a huge ice orb and shot him. He can feel the sheer cold of the bullet as it fly past his head. Yuji slide forward and slash down on the first ice elemental, just to miss again.


    Yuji: 36/36


    Ice Elemental 1: 9/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  24. "Alright, 4 left before the boss." Yuji walk to the center of the field and stop behind a huge rock. Hiding behind a rock covered in snow, he observe the elemental that roams the area. Lucky for him the elemental didn't make a huge group. He can see many elemental in groups of two. "This will make my quest a whole lot easier. Alright, let's go!"


    He run out from his hiding and run towards the first group. Due to his bold actin, he succeeded in surprising the enemy. He slash to the left, aiming for the first elemental.


    ID 2555  BD: 3  MD: 2


    He miss his aim however and ruin his perfect moment. The elemental attack with their ice shot. The projectiles come from his left and right side; he jump up before it hits him. The shots collide and white burst occur.


    Yuji: 36/36


    Ice Elemental 1: 9/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

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