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Posts posted by Yuji

  1. (OOC: LD: 20  CD: 12  Dayum perma roll be trolling with me.)


    ID 3111  BD: 5  MD: 3


    Despite his fear, Fallen still fight the spider. He charge at the spider and swing his sword at the spider .However he put too much energy in his swing and miss the attack by a hair thread. He run past the spider t the right.


    "Don't worry about it, Fallen. Everyone make some mistake."


    It's my turn to attack. I run in a zigzag pattern as the spider spit its web out of its mouth. That way the spider can't aim properly, increasing my evading chance. I aim for the leg this time and swing my sword upward diagonally. The system detects the motion and my sword glows pale blue. The spider jump backwards to avoid the attack.


    "Ehhh, it can jump?! Not fair..."

  2. "Ehh, so you're a blacksmith too. So we have something in common~ I never heard of Osmium ore, must be hard to gather one."


    I always used different types of ores too craft armors because each ore can produce different and unique equipment, especially the rare ones. The proof are my sword and my armor, but that would bore him if I tell him the story of how I got it.


    "So you ran out of material because you want to craft a heavy metal armor ..I know that feeling. It doesn't take me long to create it though, it's just that I have lesser material in my storage. My luck isn't that good when it comes to gathering."


    As I talk, Moartea rubbed his chin as if he is thinking about something.


    "Why don't we walk around. There must be something to do. It's better than standing idly in this plaza."

  3. ID 3107  BD: 9  MD: 4-3




    The frost giant doesn't seem to be happy getting its crystal face got attacked by me. It raise both its fist high in the air and slam swing it down. It slams the ground and icicles appear from the ground everywhere. I have to run and roll everywhere to avvoid myself from getting pierce by the icicles. 


    I look to the giant and its fist is still on the ground. I run towards it with caution and jump on top of it. I run to the face across the arm and slash on its cheeks two times with a downward slash and horizontal slash from right to left. The giant roar and I jump down as it raise back its fist.


    Yuji: 33/36


    Avalanche: 36/50

  4. Although he hesitate a little, he accept my hand and shook it. He introduce himself as Moartea. He suggest some activities to do like hunting. It seems that we two need something to do other than idle talk here in this plaza. I cross my arm and ponder on what to do.


    "Well material gathering doesn't sound bad. I to have a shop and I need to restock my material as I ran out of it last week.... What is your profession anyway? Mine's blacksmith."

  5. I was just about to charge at it again when Fallen appear next to me. He join the fray and begin attacking. However something is wrong with him. His leg tremble too much and his sword makes clattering sound which gives me a weird impression. He attack nevertheless but miss. He then started screaming and run to my back.


    "Don't tell me you arachnophobia, Fallen. If you can't handle it then don't push yourself.


    I spin the sword in my hand and adjust my pose. I lower my pose and jump up. The spider attack with its fang but I somersault in the air to evade. I swing my sword down to slash horizontally. A good blow to the head will confuse it momentarily, if it hits


    ID 3106  BD: 2  MD: 2


    "I shouldn't have think like that... Now I miss my chance to confuse it."

  6. ID 3105  BD: 8  MD: 7-3


    I jump up as high as I can. Fortunately for me I can jump high thanks to my Acrobatics skill. I stop right in front of its head; I swing my sword down horizontally on the face. The blade graze the face. Finally its HP went down. The boss try to grab me with its both hand; I swing the sword upwards again on the face, making it stumble. It gives me enough time to land on the ground safely.


    Yuji: 33/36


    Avalanche: 43/50

  7. ID 3102  BD: 1  MD: 9-3


    The huge animated ice shook the ground with every step it take. I struggle to balance myself. It raise its fist high and slam it down on me. I block the attack with my sword. The sheer power from the giant is overwhelming for me to handle, and I got thrown backwards. 


    "Tch..so strong."


    I stand up and pick up my sword next to me. I rush forward and attack again with another slash. However it seems to be useless; its HP doesn't decrease. I step back a bit and look up.


    "I'll just hit you there then."


    Yuji: 33/36


    Avalanche: 50/50

  8. He turn at me and I got myself his first impression. His personality really match the weather and atmosphere around here; cold as snow. However, when he start talking I got thrown into confusion. My English skills isn't that great to begin with. When someone have unique way of talking or use Old English to communicate, I always struggle to understand their words.


    "Uh..There must be something entertaining here, right? I understand what you feel though as I too can't find that 'something' in this floor. My name is Yuji by the way."


    I hold out my hand at him with a smile. It's something I always do with someone I newly meet,except for person with worse attitude. My meeting with him must have something to do with the lack of thing to do we both have today. 

  9. "This town....it does bring back some memories.."


    I walk the main streets littered with snows that fall. The cold weather never bother me today as I get used to it in my precious journey on this floor. I wear hooded black fur coat today to gain myself some warm in case the weather gets brutal. I don't have any particular destination in mind. I just wander around, one of my unpredictable behavior when I'm bored.


    Snowfrost Town, the main settlement in Floor 4. As the town name suggest, it always snow here. I have been here once or twice to do some quest. I walk the streets until I reach the town plaza. I look around and see a player that suits the snowy background perfectly. His face however doesn't seem to be showing any sign of happiness.


    "That person..Certainly is unique."


    I approach the guy clad in purple outfit. I don't know why I did that, but a certain aura from him attracts me. New people to meet is something I should done anyway to throw away my shy behavior. I walk steadily towards him.


    "Hi there. You seem to be down or something."

  10. ID 3089  BD: 4  MD: 5-3


    I jump to the left and roll on the rocky ground. The..thing stomp its feet down and the cave shakes violently. Icicles on top of the cavern fall down, each is as sharp as needle. I run to the left and right to avoid the falling ice.


    "What the hell is that? Don't tell me this is the boss?"


    I draw my sword and charge forward. I swing my sword up, but the blade bounce back when it hits the thing. I step back to ready myself for its attack. I look at its HP bar and notice the name.


    "This is the boss...<Avalanche>"


    Yuji: 34/36


    Avalanche: 50/50

  11. I wander the Tundra for a while. The snow gets heavier as time pass. My vision gets darker. I can't see the view in front of me properly. I almost give up hope. I just want to lie down in the snow and let whatever beast out here attack me to death. However I found a big cave entrance. I quickly enter the cave to get away from the blizzard.


    "It's...cold..in here. But at least I won't freeze inside this cave..."


    I was just about to settle in when the ground tremble. The sound of heavy footsteps can be heard from my behind. I look behind and see a huge block of ice with its leg raise up high.


    "Not good!"

  12. "Alright, I finally meet the quota. Now then..I should go the place where it spawn."


    I try to remember back the detail of the rumor. After the players defeat the Ice Elemental, they go to a cave and found the snow beast there. I put my sword back into my scabbard and hug myself. It's cold but I need to go through it. I begin walking to find for the said cave.


    "I hope it's somewhere near..."

  13. ID 3086  BD: 8  MD: 9-3


    I charge forward, not wanting to let the momentum fade. I grab the elemental with my left hand and throw it to the ground. I hold my sword with both hand and thrust it down at the elemental. The blade went through and dig into the ground. I readjust my wrist and swing the sword up. The elemental thrown to the air.


    The elemental turn into polygon and shatters.


    Yuji: 34/36


    Ice Elemental 2: DEAD

  14. ID 3085  BD: 8  MD: 3


    I put my sword on the shoulder and feel its weight. The sword glows red as the system detects the motion for the skill. I wait for 1 seconds to gather some energy. Confident that I have charge enough power, I swing the sword down diagonally at the elemental from top right to bottom left. I knock the elemental away with the slash upon hit.


    Yuji: 34/36


    Ice Elemental 2: 2/9

  15. I shake hands with Zelrius a little. He introduce himself in a more appropriate way than his usual arrogance way. I hide my surprised expression from him at his sudden behavior change. He introduce himself and reckon us to do the same.


    "Well I'm Yuji, Level fifteen and I'm here today to relax. Sorry if I ignore you just now Rue, I didn't notice you there."


    I look forward; the clouds and blue sky makes me yawn. The weather tempts me to sleep on the spot.

  16. "What's this unknown object?"


    I call the menu and scroll through my inventory. I take out the item and it materialize in my left and. I put my sword back into the scabbard and check the thing.


    "Hmmm...it looks like potion. What's the green liquid inside?"


    I uncork the potion and drink it without hesitation. It taste weird and gooey. I can feel some sudden change inside myself. I draw my sword and use it as a mirror; my real face reflected at the surface of the blade.


    "Yesssss! Finally got what I wanted.  So you're the rumored beast huh... Well thanks for the potion."


    I whistle and begin my walk back to the city. It's been one heck of a day. At least I gain something valuable.



    Col Gain: 400 col

    Material gain: 1 blacksmith material

    SP Gain: 2

  17. ID 3080  BD: 6  MD: 7-3  LD: 1


    "As much as I enjoy this fight, I can't prolonged it. Everything that begin will end, that includes our fight...and your live. It's over for you!"


    I spin in the air and swing my sword down. I fall down with the sword aim at the head. The beast cover its head with both its arm. My sword dig into its arm; deep red gush formed at the area. I put in more energy into my sword and push through. The sword cut through its left and right arm, severing it from the body. The sword hits the head and cut through the head. It travels from the top until the bottom part of the body as I fall to the ground until I land.


    The beast turn into blue polygon and shatter.


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: DEAD


    (Gain 1 mat. Gain 1 ???)

  18. ID 3079  BD: 4  MD: 6-3




    The sound of my sword swinging in the air can be heard many times. My skills with my swords improved a little in short times as I fight with this beast. I can make difficult maneuver in narrow space and improve my attack speed. Although this beast isn't my teacher, it definitely allowed me to use it as a training doll.


    We were pushed backwards by strong impact when my sword collides with the leg. I use its body as a stepping stone and jump high in the air.


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 6/40

  19. ID 3078  BD: 5  MD: 4-3


    The second round of blow exchanging begin. This time it gets trickier as the beast change its attack pattern. Instead of scratches, it includes some kicking. My stomach almost get kicked when I stumbled from the claws barrage. I increase the speed of my sword swings.


    My sword clash with the claws. Orange sparks fly everywhere as both collides. Every time I thought I could get my sword through, the beast blocks it. I have to move from one place to another to avoid getting kicked.


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 6/40

  20. ID 3077  BD: 2  MD: 1


    We glare at each other. If we can melt each other with our eyes, then that'll probably happen. That's how intense our gaze are, full of hatred. My hatred towards it because it must have claim some of the player's life. Its hatred towards me for putting it in terrible state. 


    I lower my body forward and step forward. I swing my sword downward, the beast move to the left and charge at me. Again with its claws, it slash randomly again. I use my sword and block the scratches while avoiding some of it.


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 6/40

  21. ID 3076  BD: 3  MD: 1


    I pull out the sword and spin it around. I jump back to gain myself some space. The usage of the three skills in row tired me, any attack the beast throw at me will surely hit me. 


    I watch the beast fall to the ground. It's all beat up from the attack just now. I laugh at myself, it really took everything I had to make this beast fall to this state. Its HP is now in the red zone. One or two attacks should finish this fight. I still need to find the cure for the witch's curse.


    I readjust my pose and enter back my stance when the beast stand up.


    "Time for the finale."

  22. ID 3072  BD: 9  MD: 3


    Th beast fly and hits the tree. The impact is so strong the word <Immortal Object> appear in black font and purple window on the tree, implying that the hit is strong enough for the tree to break. I lower my body and bent my body forward, my sword in the back. Just before the beast fall to the ground, I charge forward with my sword glows blue.


    "Hyaaah! <Rage Spike>!"


    I swing the sword down and bring it to my right. I manage to close in to the monster just before it hits the ground. I thrust my sword forward and aim for the neck. Blue trajectory follow the sword in straight line as it travel through. The sword pierce the neck and hit the tree. <Immortal Object> appear again on the tree.


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 6/40

  23. "Ehh, you two already knew each other? Not fair~"


    I laugh a little when I found out they two already met each other. The world isn't that big after all, or to be accurate SAO isn't that big. What's the odds of two people meet each other again? I watch them as they talk to each other.


    "So you two go to a dungeon together. Sounds like fun."

  24. I walk around to look for other material. As I walk around, I found myself a mini boss. Its HP isn't that much. It has fur in every legs. 




    Six legs? I look up and see the two sharp fangs and six red eyes. The whole body is furry too.


    "A mini boss,and it's a spider? Now this will be interesting."


    I store my pick and equip my sword. Finally I have something interesting to fight with. I lower my pose and hold my sword with both hand. I put some energy into my leg and jump up. My target is the head. I swing the sword down from upper left to bottom middle.


    ID 3061  BD: 7  MD: 1




    My sword form a red gush on its head. The spider lets out a weird shriek and lock its gaze to me. It spit some web from the mouth which I dodge by jumping to the left.


    "Miss me~"


    Yuji: 36/36


    The Red Eyes: 28/35 (Stats: 2 base damage)

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