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Posts posted by Yuji

  1. I left the store with Tom. On our way out, we meet with Arekkusu. I'm surprised when I see him, he looks stronger compared to our previous encounter.


    "Yep,it's me. Not some ghost. Anyway what are you doing here? I thought you were in your room?"


    It has been a while after I last seen him. I have been going to various place alone. Therefore I forgot that I have friends and acquaintances. I need to meet with them to say sorry for forgetting them later. But first I need to introduce Arekkusu to Tom.


    "Arekkusu, this is Tom. Tom, Arekkusu."

  2. ID 2932  BD: 10  MD: 7-3


    "I'm not done yet!"


    Adrenaline rush in my blood. Everything seems to move at slow pace. The cooling period for my previous skill end just in time. The beast jump up and somersault in the air before diving down. It swing its arms randomly. Red trajectory follow the claws as it scratches the air; the claw barrage attack it use that gives me limited space to evade.


    However, the beast are too slow. I just stood there and watch as it gets closer. I lower the sword parallel to my right leg and the sword begin to glow red. I adjust my grip on the sword and swing upward.


    "Too slow! <Uppercut>!"


    I swing the sword up like an uppercut. The blade went through the barrages of claw with ease and hit the beast in the center. The beast thrown away from the impact and crash on the tree.


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 14/40

  3. "This sword is special. I don't think I can create weapon like this one again. You can craft weapon like this, I have no doubt in that. You know...."


    I talk and talk non stop, sharing some of my stories with him. Without realizing, I forgotten all my problem that day. Talking with someone can make you feel better. It's something that I lacking in, getting friends. All these times I have been doing nothing but going solo. I thought joining guild would change that, but it's still the same.


    "You know, I really need to make more friends...like you. All this time I have been giving excuses when I want to meet people. You made me realize that."


    I need to trust people more. It's true that some people are PKer, but some PKer didn't want that kind of title like Mari. I punch myself in the face.


    "That hurts, but worth it."

  4. ID 2926  BD: 10  MD: 5-3


    "Let's do this!"


    Excitement build up inside. It's been a while since I found a strong enemy. I inhale and exhale deeply while the beast in front of me howl as loud as it can. The birds inside the forest fly away, scared by the howl. I didn't let its little action affect me. I shoulder my sword and lower my pose.  I activate the Concentration skill as I readjust my focus to one thing and one thing only, the monster in front of me.


    "Eat this!"


    My sword glows blue. I close in at the beast and slash the chest diagonally from top left to bottom middle. The chain didn't stop there though. Before the sword could touch the ground, I readjust my grip on the sword and slash diagonally again, this time from bottom middle to top right. Red gush appear in its chest in the shape of "V".


    "One Hand Sword Skill: Vertical Arc!"


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 23/40

  5. ID 2925  BD: 7  MD: 10-3






    I spin hundred and eighty degrees backward, facing the wolf with my sword high in the air and swing it down in an arc. The beast thrust its right claw forward towards me.




    We both pass each other. I look down and see the red gush in my chest area. Red polygon can be seen, replacing bloods and wounds. I hold the gush with my left hand and turn backwards. The beast receive the same wound except that it is in its left cheek.


    "This is where the fun begins, right?"


    Yuji: 33/36


    The Beast: 33/40

  6. ID 2923  BD: 5  MD: 2


    We didn't budge from our spot. Both of us are equal in terms of power. I want to test it stamina, but judging from how the beast doesn't seem to be faze even by a little a bit, I know I will lose in that battle.


    Avoiding the direction of the battle to go there, I pull the sword away and sidestep to the left. The beast stumble forwards for a few metre due to my sudden action.

  7. ID 2921  BD: 1  MD: 4-3


    The beast recover quickly from its fall. I still need some time to plan the next action but its quick reaction force me to go on defense the whole time. With a howl, it charge forward at me I stood firm on the ground and put the sword straight in front of me. The head of the beast meets with the blade, and the battle of power begin. We both push forward, determined to make the other party succumb to their power.


    Yuji: 35/36


    The Beast: 40/40

  8. ID 2918  BD: 3  MD: 9-3


    I fail to scare the beast away. It pin me to the ground and lets out a huge howl. I cross both my hand and protect myself from the its barrages of claw with my arm. Although my defense is high, the fact that he landed a critical hit and the surreal feeling of pain is more than enough for me to handle. I push the beast away and escape from its lock. I jump back as far as I can.


    Yuji: 35/36


    The Beast: 40/40

  9. ID 2839  BD: 1  MD: 8-3


    I tried to push forward to regain my position. Being pushed to a tree can be fatal. My sword went left and right, blocking all the attacks. I was too busy concentrating on blocking I didn't watch my footstep. I slip on a rock and fall down. The monster leap to me and thrust its long and sharp claw, aiming for my head.


    I tilt my head to the left just in time to dodge the claw; I could see the ground crack a bit from the attack. I swing my sword from right to left to chase away the monster that is now on top of my body so that I can stand up.


    Yuji: 36/36


    The Beast: 40/40

  10. (F5 or F8?)


    Today is a great day for me to walk around. It's been a while since I take a break from all the grinding. The place is less merry compared to they city in floor 1, but the view and relaxing nature of this place can't rival any place near that floor. I look to the left and right, enjoying the views of house and shops on top of branch.


    Florenthia Village, the main village in Floor 8 that is supported by huge tree trunk. It's a popular place for someone to relax around due to the cool and quite nature. I can feel all the fatigue from my body disappear just by breathing in the fresh air here.


    I reach the center of the village as I walk and see my former opponent from the duel that I lost. I approach him and stand next to him.


    "Hello there,Zelrius. Been a long time since the duel."

  11. After hearing a brief explanation on our next event from Aurora, the NPC that will become our guide to where the fight will begin, I pick an empty bench and sit down. She left us with a warning, not that I would care about as I will arrive in the designated place on time. 


    A player step up and volunteer himself as the leader of this group. I don't have any qualms with that, and same goes for the others. Then the next discussion are  tanks for each group. I look over to my stats; for now I'm adding the finishing touch to my final piece of equipment before I can use it in my shop. I also need to gain some skill points to be spent in my skill. There are some quest that I have completed, but I forgot to report it... Now would be a good time to do that for this upcoming boss battle.


    "I'm not much of a tanker, but I can deal decent damage. Put me in any group that you think is suitable and I'll carry out my part."

  12. ID 2838  BD: 1  MD: 5-3


    I roll on the ground. The heat inside my body begin to fade. The cold is getting unbearable with each time passing. I have to stop myself from shaking as it is getting stronger. I stand up and brush the snow off my cloth. I swing the sword to left and right and close my eyes.


    "Enough.IS. ENOUGH!"


    I run forward, sword placed in my back. The elemental shower its icicle at me again which doesn't bother me at all. Reaching its place, I make a three hundred and sixty degree spin vertically.


    "Eat this!"


    I miss my strike by just a few inch, but it is enough to stop the elemental from attacking. I prepare myself for a sword skill to attack it next.


    Yuji: 34/36


    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  13. ID 2837  BD: 4  MD: 6-3


    Seeing it up close, I can see the whole body covered in fur. It smells like sweat too; I hold my breath so that I won't faint from the smell. I thrust upward from the right, confident I can make the first strike. The beast pull its right leg upwards and shield himself from the attack. My sword rebound when the sword make contact with the leg. The beast jumps over me and land on the ground. 


    He doesn't end it there though. With his two hand, it swipes left and right in fury. I block the attacks with my sword but I got pushed backward. The strength of this beast can't be made a joke.


    Yuji: 36/36


    The Beast: 40/40

  14. ID 2836  BD: 8  MD: 10-3


    I pull out my sword from the snow and spin it around before I shoulder the sword. I keep my body low and bent my body forward. I place the sword parallel to my right leg. With a pale blue glow on my sword, I charge forward, closing my distance in instant. I don't have much time before they start attacking. I have to at least take down one of them to reduce their attack. 


    I slash upward from the right at the first elemental. The sword went through the crystal-like body, and turn into polygons before shattering into pieces. I swing the sword back ward and face the second one. An icicle fly straight to the center of my body. I didn't react fast enough and got thrown backwards from the impact.


    Yuji: 34/36


    Ice Elemental 1: DEAD

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  15. "Okay then. It's been a while since I polish my blade."


    I catch the rag that he throw at me with my left hand. I put my two fingers from my right hand in the air and pull down. Then I equip take out my sword. The sword in the scabbard materialize behind my back. I put my right hands in the air and slide it to the right, closing the menu.


    After opening and closing the menu, I draw my sword from the scabbard. I put it on my lap and begin wiping the surface of the blade. I put in some energy into my work, and after three minutes of polishing the blade can clearly reflect my face. I lift up the sword and show it to Tom.


    "What do you think? This is my beloved sword, <Nietono-no-Shana>. It suppose to be a katana but I reforge it to become a long sword."

  16. As I walk around to search for valuable ore (hard to find one because it's just floor 2), someone I didn't recognize approach our group. He introduced; Kosan was his name. Our guild are gathering members slowly but steadily, which is a good sign. After introducing himself, he charge at a boar and begin fighting.


    "Well, looks like he can handle it for now. Why don't you join him ,Fallen?"


    I found a rock which seems to contain some good ore inside. I swing my pick for a few times as hard as I can.


    ID 2835  LD: 16


    "Alright, got one!"


    (Obtained 1 blacksmith material)

  17. "I can't hear what they said...I need to get closer..."


    I look down from the cliff; the height from the land to the cliff is high enough to scare anyone. However this is SAO. On top of that, I have Acrobatics skill. Without hesitation I jump down from the cliff. I want to shout out loud as jumping down from high place excites me, but I hold my mouth. I land down with no difficulties. I look to the group of players; they didn't notice me, except for Mari that is.


    I walk to a nearby dead tree and hide behind it. I can clearly hear what they are talking now. Would be more helpful if I train my hiding skill. I make a mental note and focus on hearing.

  18. "Sorry leader. I'm sorry too Tom. I won't be so hasty next time."


    I call back the menu and remove my sword. It's true what she said, I need to read situations more carefully next time. I back away from the group and decided to watch the group from far. My presence there would probably worsen it. I lean my back on a tree and sit down. 


    "If it gets out of control...nah. The high level player will prevent that."


    With that words, I ease my somewhat scared feelings. 

  19. ID 2729  BD: 3  MD: 8-3


    There's nothing much I can do but watching as both elemental gets closer. As they get closer, they begin firing more icicles towards me. I slash the icicle that would hit me. The elemental aim for my head next. I have to shake my head around like an idiot to evade the ice. However in this situation looking like a stupid person won't become a matter. 


    The ice on my leg finally shatter. I run forward just in time as both elemental gets near and spin rapidly. Then they both lets out a massive ice burst. Both burst collides, and the impact knock the three of us away. I bury my sword deep into the snow to preven myself from flying away.


    Yuji: 35/36


    Ice Elemental 1: 2/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  20. I shout those words and wait for any reactions. The forest is too quiet than usual, which worries me. From my experiences, this kind of situation usually happens when someone strong appears. I hold my breath and focus on my surrounding.


    "This hostility...where did it come from...Focus, Yuji..."


    The sound of rustling from nearby bush surprise me. I raise my sword and hold it proportional to the center of my ody. I lower my pose and open my legs; my usual combat stance. I breath slowly,trying to calm down my fear inside.


    Then it jumps out.


    The half humanoid, half beast with the same height as mine come out from its hiding. It show its big fang to me as it leap down towards me. Not wanting to be devoured by the beast, I step forward and close in to the beast. I am directly under it and its chest area are full of openings.

  21. ID 2727  BD: 4  MD: 10-3


    I reverse my hold of the sword and run back to the center. However my feet refuse to cooperate. I look down and shocked to see that my feet turn to solid ice. 


    "No wonder it's too cold down there... When did it hit me though..must have been during the time I miss the slash."


    I look at the green line on the upper right corner; my HP has been reduced by 1 and next to the bar the <freeze> icon appear. I curse myself for clumsiness. I struggle to free myself, but it seems to be useless.


    The two elemental approach closer.


    Yuji: 35/36 (Freeze, 1 turn left)


    Ice Elemental 1: 2/9

    Ice Elemental 2: 9/9

  22. The forest feels the same, no matter what the season is. This month is the season of fall judging from the drying leaves outside the city. There are no leaves like that in this forest though. In spring there are no flowers inside the forest while in summer the forest are cool as usual. 


    "This is one of the boring dungeon type I always fund in RPG.. Endure it..for the sake of myself.."


    i stop walking and place my right hand on the hilt. I draw my sword out from the scabbard as I feel the hostility towards me. It's not a skill, this kind of sensing are honed through sheer training. I look around, trying to detect the enemy that are currently hiding.


    "Show yourself! You won't like it if I look for you!"

  23. "Well if you offer it, I won't reject it then. I'll just use one materials."


    We both open our menu and trade the material, or to be accurate give and take process as I don't have anything to trade. I take out the ore and heat it inside the furnace in the mold. Then I equip my trusty hammer and begin hammering.


    "Well then, let's see what will come out!"


    ID 2725  CD: 5


    "Well, today is not my lucky day, Tom."


    My mood always affect my work. Being down like this, I can't concentrate well. I feel sorry for his lost material. I open the menu and put in 400 col in the trade menu.


    "Sorry for that. Take this as a compensation."

  24. "Ehh, you got some col. My luck isn't that great today.."


    I kick some pebbles away from the undergrowth. All my grinding today didn't bag me any col. I decide on saving some col in case of emergency. At this rate though there will be none in my savings.


    "Why don't you look around for some monster Fallen. I'll find some materials here."


    I turn around and watch the three people near the forest entrance. They seem to be doing fine there, so I ignore them. I equip my pick and go near big rock.


    "Well, give me some ore will you?"


    ID 2724  LD: 11


    "Nothing here. Alright, next stone."

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