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Posts posted by Mari

  1. [No worries sounds good to me, Avalanche quest a go!]


    Mari had taken up Zelrius' offer to help her gain equipment and level up; because lets face it; at her current equipment level, and skill set. She may as well season herself with spices and crawl into one of the many Hydra's mouths. Mari hadn't really gotten the chance to talk To Zelrius, the meeting was all about formalities; leaving little time for social banter. From her first impressions of the man, she noted that he was self-absorbed. It'd be interesting to see how she'd manage to interact, and if the two would butt heads or not. 

    Speak of the devil, and he shall appear; as Mari had entered the inn, her eyes were directed toward him - not that you could miss someone so fancily dressed amongst those clad in dirtied armour. 

    Mari noticed the blonde, fixing his tie; and smoothing down his suit. She couldn't blame him. The woman had a bad habit of doing that exact same thing. STill, Mari being Mari, just had to have her say, and add some sort of quip. "Puttin' yourself on display there?" Mari chided, "Is that how you are going to push yourself forward on this trip? By pattin' yourself on the back?"

    The other, who hadn't arrived yet; was Alkor. Someone she had met a few times, and new to be close friend with Life. "I'd rather get this started sooner than later." She muttered.

  2. Mari shrugged, running her finger over the rim of her glass. "There wasn't a lot he would be able to do to me in a starter village, maybe if we were to be in a field - but I am pretty sure he is a lower level than me." 

    Mari shrugged when he asked what she was doing. "I am begining to make preparations to form a guild, called the Cerulean Silence. There are a lot of guilds out there already, but censored it. May as well give it a shot. Anything to rub that smug ass smirk off of that blonde twits face."


  3. ((I am ending this PP here; if we want to continue the trek into the cave elsewhere then excellent I am all down for that.))

    Mari gave a small shrug, watching Alkor quickly dismissing her and heading toward their next destination. "Man of action eh?"  Mari followed behind Alkor. Keeping in line with Life; "yer head ok there Blackbird? Don't go crazy on me now." She mused, it was her way of admitting that she was still on friendly terms with him. 

    The three travelled past the lake, and the starter town and tread deeper into the encroaching blackness that threatened to burst from the horizon. The air grew colder, and the frosty bite of the air tickled her skin. Mari shivered, but she liked the cold. She almost thrived in it. Alkor pointed to the entrance and asked them to prepare; warning of the dangers that they faced. "Dying there is better than dying at the hands of some rabid Crimson Inquisition member, right?" She said, nudging Life in hopes that the morbid joke would lighten his mood.

    It'd be interesting going into this, especially with her present company. They seemed like adept fighters and Mari could sure learn a thing or two from them.



    Mari - 133 Col +1 SP
    Life - 133 Col +1 SP
    Alkor - 133 Col +1 SP





  4. Mari grinned, giving Rebekah a small, congratulatory clap. "Kudos girl. Clearly, ya got more power than my widdle ol' blade right now." Mari said, somewhat sincerly as she twirled her dagger around in her hands. "Sometimes I think I should have gone with a bigger weapon. But I love this little thing. It's darling."

    The other girl asked how Mari wanted it to be cooked, Mari chewed her lip, thinking for a moment. "Not sure how cooking in this game works. Steak? medium rare with some sort of garlic sauce?" Mari asked,
    "If not then just slice n dice it. Sh*t I'd eat it raw."

  5. Alkor came in not long after her; Mari knew him as Life’s friend. She had bumped heads with him a few times, but it seemed they had come to some sort of silent, mutual, understanding. Not long after him came the white haired man Mari knew as Zero, the corners of her lips turned up into a slight knowing smile as she watched him enter. It was somewhat comforting, seeing familiar faces.

    Comforting and terrifying.

    These people, are the people she could very well be going into a battle with, a battle she was grossly unprepared for, even more so her guild members. Who were all lower leveled and none struck her as the fighting type. She wanted to discuss the matter at length with her guild, but with the time constraints she may just have to leave it as an announcement on the guilds board. Mari gave a small sigh, running her hand through her pastel fringe.

    It seemed that everyone had gathered for Zelrius started to talk. She had to agree; Mari was already liking Zelrius. Despite the arrogant way he held himself, and the narcissistic tone in his voice; he was blunt, and seemed to be able to back it up. Mari scratched her cheek, considering the welfare of her newly formed guild.

    “Ehh…I’m happy to join but my guild is a day old. It’s members aren’t prepared for this. I think if any of them were put into the fray – it’d be an instant KO for the poor b*astards. Yuji IS the highest level; but he’s fairly meek.”

     Another man had entered, and grunted; Mari didn’t bother to look his way, mumbling under her breath about how he sounded like a hungry pig, Mari and her blunt, ill placed humour. When the stranger addressed the crowd Mari’s cerulean eyes danced over to him, since he did have something to contribute other than animal sounds. “Never heard of you.” Mari commented, not exactly meaning to be rude; but if one were to look at her, and her nonchalant manner of speaking; they’d most certainly perceive it as such.


    “I’m guessing I’m the weakest Guild Leader here, let’s face it – right now I’m just cannon fodder.” Mari started cleaning the dirt out from under her nails. “so any help I can get, is much appreciated.”

  6. Mari gave a mock pout; speaking in a whiny voice; "You don't know what I mean by handsome?" She cleared her throat, changing her tone to that of a more instructive note; as though she was a keynote speaker addressing a large audience. "Handsome-Adjective; to be perceived as attractive or good looking to the observer."  Mari gave a small salute to h im before adding, "You're welcome"


     Mari started on the new drink placed before her, listening to what he had to say about her. She was enjoying the buzzed feeling in her head, and the heat of the alcohol sitting in the bottom of her gut. Mari hummed happily to herself, swaying side to side in time to the tune, before swinging too far one way, and sticking her head onto Zero's shoulder. Mari whined; "Oh geez- for someone who looks sorta like a cotton ball, ya sure don't feel as soft as one."

  7. Mari grinned, noticing that Zero had began to smile. "There ya go!" She cried, giving the man a tad too enthusiastic slap on the back. Mari sat back, triumphantly crossing her arms across her chest. "Thought your face was broken." She joked

    Zero noted he wasn't much of a fashion guy, Mari- seeing an opening, and partly because it was true, and partly because she wanted to see his reaction spoke in a sly tone, "coulda fooled me, handsome." She chewed her lip, trying to think of her good qualities, "I can easily make enemies- it seems. Hah." She laughed quietly to herself. "Mmmm perhaps you could say I have a way with words." She thought, tapping her lip. "What do you think my good qualities are? Mr attentive?"


  8. Mari shrugged, "I think one member is after my head." Mari flinched when Moartea mentioned he was part of the guild, she felt her chest tighten; she didn't want to worry or upset the man any more than she already had but it was clear she was visibly shaken by it. "I'm not mad." She said quietly, glancing down into her lap. "How can I be mad at you for joining the largest guild?"

    She looked up at him giving him a wry smile. "blacksmith huh? So you may very well forge the weapon that kills me one day." She joked half heatedly.

    She shrugged when Moartea showed his disgust, "It happens : I was quite rude, and insulting, but hey... You get what you dish out with me."

    Moartea seemed worried that she would hate him, his words filled with both anger and anguish. In truth it did make her more wary of him, and she could feel her heart beat faster within her chest. But she was on positive terms with Life, and he was a member of the guild. He didn't seem too fond of it either. Mari had to wonder why people stayed within guilds they hated. pride? Lust for power? Loyalty?

    "I don't hate you." Mari began, voice still quiet, "I'm..." She paused, hesitant of her next words. "I am wary of you."

    It was then that Moartea said he wished they would remain friends, maybe something more- Mari wasn't able to answer that right now. Her head still reeling from the information she just received.


  9. Mari gave a shrug. "It's weird to be like this." She commented thoughtfully, "I don't often get the time to just, rest - so...peacefully I mean..." Mari bit her lower lip, giving a slight scowl. "I've had so much trouble with this guild lately... the Crimson Inquisition; I've had multiple members threaten to kill me. I act like it doesn't bother me." Mari paused to flick a glowing bug off her leg. "And in a way it doesn't - some of the members are arrogant, and rude; but at the same time. To  be blatantly threatened like that?" Mari sighed. 

    "I have a sharp tongue, and yes I am very rude; but is it really worth it to kill someone over? What kind of stupid ideals does that guild have anyway?" Mari asked as she looked up at Moartea - who was leaning back against the cavern wall, staring at the ceiling. Mari frowned. "I'm sorry. I'm ranting."

    She rested her head against his chest, muttering in a tired voice. "That's why I am uncomfortable, because I'm not used to being able to have a moments reprise like this. How can you rest when it feels like an entire guild is after your head?"

  10. Mari tapped her finger, it seemed that the last guild member was still running slightly late.
    “Alright, since most members are here; I’m going to start. A guild needs to be balanced. Equal. I don’t know many of you very well, so I am unsure if any of you have professions.” She paused, ensuring that they were all listening. “I am a Performer myself. Orhalimi is a Merchant. Our guild would profit from having at least one of each profession, so what we still need is a Blacksmith, a Tailor, an Artisan, a Cook and a Fisherman. Of course, we can have more than one of a profession. If you have yet to gain one, I would like you to consider one which the guild does not yet contain. Naturally, the decision lies with you.”

    Mari paused, finishing her hot chocolate; and ordering another from the staff at the Tavern.

    -5 Col

    She wanted to wait, to allow the information to sink into their heads, to allow each of her guild members to discuss what their professions are, and what their desired skill sets would be.  “If you all can state your profession so I can update it on the Guild Roster that would be splendid. If you have yet to get one, we can discuss how to aid you in your quest to achieve one. Don’t be a lazy ass and not have one at all, that’s useless.” Mari mused, as she glanced to her hair, absently twirling it around her finger. She may not be the most versed person around, but she got her point across; however blunt it would be.

    “I also want to discuss the guild Emblem, our colors are cerulean and white. None of that typical red and  black bullsh*t.”

    Mari sighed, arching her back as she stretched.

    “Once we have that discussion I will move onto different denominations I would like to have in the guild; primarially the Military force…” Mari paused, glancing at Terrence. “Who will be proficient in fighting, and the Passive; those who would rather not fight, but will be able to aid both themselves and their militant counterparts, but I’d rather wait for all members to be present.”

    Mari wanted to mention her invitation to the 9th Floor to discuss the future battle of the Hydra boss; but too much information presented at once would be counter intuitive, she would mention it soon. Today. Once all members were present.  

  11. Mari grinned, “See Blackbird; that’s better.” She added as she gave him another nudge with her elbow. Mari let Life wander ahead of her, so he could exchange words privately with Alkor. She figured it was the polite thing to do. Once she thought enough time had passed she  let her violin turn back into a small grey ball and put away her sphere of symphony. Mari dusted off her hands and approached the two, glancing at Alkor warily.

    Alkor’s gaze met Mari’s and she simply stared back with a vibrant, resilient look. She could tell, that he seemed to be at an ends of what to say; was he going to tell her no? Or was he going to threaten her again? Finally, he seemed to settle on a sort of acceptance; not exactly saying yes; but more so saying if she wanted to.

    Mari glanced over at Life; noticing he was out of sorts.

    “I think I do; and I’m ready.”

  12. Mari slid closer, hopping on the barstool to inch closer to him. She finished off her glass and signalled for another. She accepted it almost too enthusiastically, her fevered mind well and truly under the intoxicated influence. "Ok, fighting." Mari began, "But what about the others?" Mari mused, taking yet another sip of the sweet wine before placing the glass down beside her. Absently running her finger over the rim of the glass. She paused, cerulean gaze intently watching Zero's reaction;

    His cheeks flushed, and he quickly glanced away before taking another sip. His eyes landed on her again and Mari tilted her head. "Mmm? Did I say something to embarrass you~?" She teased, "Or you just bit off more than you can chew?" She asked, pointing toward his glass, she waited a few seconds before leaning right over; helping herself to the rest of its contents. "There - I'm your hero." Mari added with a cheeky grin.

  13. ((There is no possible way Argumail would know Mari plays the violin. Please edit to reflect that: how are you not hurt from the wolf hoard?))

    Mari sighed, noting that she wasn't getting all too far with the wolf hoard. She was begining to regret the decision on going out on a quest with him. She and Argumail continually seemed to bump heads. They didn't know how to read each other; and both communicated poorly with one another. Mari felt frustrated that the strange lump of wood tried to point toward the wolf hoard; acting as though she didn't know what to do. Mari tried hard not to kick it.

    Turning back to the pack of wolves Mari noticed that one tried to attack her.


    Rolled a 7 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    -1 HP

    The wolf bit into Mari's arm; Mari gave a yelp and kicked it off, retaliating. 

    Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice 


    Mari cursed her luck, it seemed that she just wasn't able to land a hit on these things.


    Wolf Hoard 42/46
    Alpha Wolf 78/78(Has not appeared yet)
    Argumail 37/37
    Cedar 34/34
    Mari 16/17
  14. Moartea walked around the cavern, acting as a sort of tour guide; the two of them glancing over the odd yet serene scene before them. "mmm there are many other types of a person other than a gentleman." Mari began, counting them on her fingers. "You got your player, you got your angry type, your arrogant type, the meek type..." She paushed giving a shrug. "What gets me is that you seem to be a bit of them all, all jumbled up into the one neat package."

    Mari glanced away when he complimented her humming, she wasn't aware she was doing such a thing, "mmm..." Was all she said in response, unsure what to say on the subject. Generally she kept her singing or in this case 'humming' to herself. She should get used to the attention, especially positive attention. As she held the Performer Profession, and would need to rely on it to obtain Col.

    Moartea sat down, near the back of the cavern on a small boulder; he ensured that she was nestled safetly in his arms. Mari wasn't sure what to feel, whether she should feel uncomfortable about how close he was to her or not. He complimented her eyes, and how they almost glowed -reflecting the natural lights of the cavern. Mari simply brushed her hair out of her face in response. 

  15. Mari laughed, "Hey - if it does backfire at least we can look back on this moment and know that's where we both made that horrid mistake." She took a sip, giving a satisfied 'mmm' She used to enjoy a glass of moscato every so often, and she enjoyed the sweet -fruity taste. A light hearted wine for the not so enthusiastic wine connoisseur. 

    Zero mentioned that he bites; and Mari almost snorted the contents of her drink back out through her nose. "That is one strange pick up line; cotton ball." Mari chided. She was beginning to feel light headed, perhaps slightly tipsy. Mari leant on the bar, leaning closer to Zero. "Oh? What other things? Fighting? Tactics?" She paused, giving his attire a once over with her eyes, 

  16. Mari headed to a table along with MacGrath; they both sat down, Mari had her drink handed to her first; the food not ready yet, Mari gave a small shrug. "He was being leecherous - but it was a crowded area and a starter town. The fact that he was there shows that he wasn't a PKer." Mari tapped her lip with a finger in thought. "Perhaps... he was just doing it for the attention. You know the types; they thrive on the attention of others."

  17. Mari gave a nod, with a small sigh; "Col is nice and all, tis a shame it wasn't a mat." She mused. "I could use them to improve my skills. I am beginning to run out."
    She picked up her violin and began to play;  '
    Brothers' on the violin. 

    Rolled a 8 on the d12 (craft) dice
    +1 Good Monster Grenade
    -1 Mat
    2/3 Crafts Left 10/11

    The slow lilting tune played through till the end, it wasn't a perfect song; but it was good. And at that moment, another walked into her humble store. A young girl who seemed awed at her collection of violins - she approached Mari, who looked up at her and gave her a nod in acknowledgement. "Welcome to my store. Can  I help you with something?"


  18. Mari had never travelled up to the 9th floor; she hadn't been past the 5th floor. She had heard the floor was some form of volcanic ranges. Mari already wasn't too fond of the heat. At least it wasn't Volcan Village; Mari didn't particularly like the idea of crossing a large metallic bridge that swung precariously over the mouth of a volcano. Naturally Mari knew that the whole thing wasn't going to collapse into the molten mess below; the game simply would not be designed that way. Still, it'd be a daunting thing to do. Mari had a new found respect for those who frequented the floor. It was simply far too hot for her tastes.

    Moving away from Volcan Village the pink haired girl headed toward something called the Phoenix City. It didn't take a genius to figure out why. With each step she took, ash lifted up off the floor. It didn't take long to find the building that housed the hall that she had been invited to. This was the first official guild business she'd undertake as a guild leader. Mari was honestly surprised that she had been invited. Her guild was very new, and had little members. The member she did have; didn't seem like the type to venture as high as the 9th floor.

    Mari entered the hall; the large double doors creaking open; she wasn't the first to arrive. Zelrius; a blonde haired man sat at the head of the large table. He was the man that had invited here. Then there was the blonde girl; Lessa - who Mari knew was friends with Lotharian. Then there was Primrose; a girl she met briefly on the 4th floor; and of course Argumail. Mari couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw him.

    Mari made her way to one of the seats at the large table and sat her self down, she patted down her hair and clothes before addressing the others in the room.

    "Mari, from Cerulean Silence."

  19. Mari felt herself shift, as Moartea allowed her to slide off of his shoulders and into his chest, he held her close; one arm looped under her freely dangling legs the other secured fast to her back. "If I didn't know any better, Moeartea..." Mari teased, "I'd think you were trying to get in my good books, acting such the gentleman."

    Mari was in unusually good spirits, it wasn't often she was feeling this pleasant. She started humming softly to herself, unaware that she was even doing so. She gave a small yawn, resting her head against Moartea's chest; hearing the slow rhythmic beat of his heart. She lifted her head slightly when she heard him speak, saying something about an amazing sight. She rubbed her eyes with another yawn. Blinking a few times.


    The view around them was unique; it was as though they had stepped into a cave made with the very essence of light itself, the soft silvery hues of the moonlight, the twinkling white of the stars - the warm yellow glow of the sun, the array of colours was truly a sight to behold; "Oh wow."


  20. Whilst waiting for MacGrath to reply; Mari picked up her violin. Playing once more; this time she chose to go through, arpeggio; sounding off the chords one by one, it was good for her to keep in practise. She had done this several times over, pouting Mari felt she was out of practise as she had hit the bow against the bridge of the instrument not once, but twice.



    Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice
    +1 Good Monster Grenade
    -1 Mat
    1/3 Crafts Left 9/11 

    Sighing Mari turned her attention  back to her shop patron and fellow guild member. 

  21. Mari laughed when Terrence said he was an a**hole. "I suppose we will get along fine. I'm known to be a real b**ch." She mused as she watched him spill his drink, biting her lower lip she sniggered at the action, "Oh dear.." She muttered, "It's a good thing we don't have to clean up around here." 

    She turned her gaze to Fallen, who had introduced himself using his real name. Jun. Something Mari thought wasn't the best idea. She personally preferred to keep her real name hidden. These people, despite it all; won't be around forever. Half of them could very well die; and the rest may just live on the other side of the world. Fallen spoke about how he had chosen that name, and how he felt he was laid back and aimless.

    "I suppose," Mari began. "Once everyone has finished their formalities I will address one of the issues we have within the guild. Since our last member isn't exactly required to partake in it." 

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