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Posts posted by Mari

  1. Mari kicked up a loose pebble, which skipped twice along the ground before knocking into a very angry lookin player’s ankle, the player in question – a youth who looked to have a wild green Mohawk shot her a dark glare, shouting, mumbling about rocks, boulders, pebbles; cursing granite under his breath He pointed an accusing finger at Mari, “You’ll fall just the same! We all crumble! We ALL CRUMBLE!” He muttered the words as he stormed off, shoving her to the side as he passed her.

    Mari, never being one to hold her tongue, shouted out after him, “Hey, next time how about censored in the censored maybe then you’ll censored !” She snorted, “The heck was THAT all about??”

  2. “I suppose this floor hasn’t  got much to offer after all…” Mari murmured, turning on her heel to walk in another direction. She liked the plains, they were a pleasant temperature, the grass was soft; and the air smelt clean and crisp. She had heard words along the grapevine, about a dessert floor. Something she didn’t want to experience, at all. Heat? Sand? No thank you! She’d take sunshine, fields or the beach any day.

  3.  tpvRBdJ.png



    Cerulean Silence

    ‘Banding together to work toward our own individual goals. Most guilds are dedicated to power; strength in battle. Cerulean silence is created for the meek, the down-trodden, and the forgotten.

     United we stand, divided we fall’

    -Those interested we are looking for enough members to form a guild. 



    I need 4 Players to start up the guild; including myself.

    I would also like to note that for RP purposes Mari aims to attempt to grow her guild in numbers and strength to rival the Crimson Inquisition (Not in battle) but to show that they cannot stand at the top forever. 

    *This guild is NOT intended for PKers or initiating any form of PKing as the guild leader does not believe in it

  4. Mari turned and had to stop the battle for a moment, cupping her hands over her mouth she giggled as she watched the boar struggle to pull its tusks out from the ground, “Oh my, have a nice trip? “ Mari asked between stifled giggles. “I hope it wasn’t too much of a bore!”

    Still snorting Mari readied her dagger in an attempt to attack again.

    Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice SUCCESS

    Mari thrust the dagger into the boars backside, it burst into polygons. The girl was proud of herself, when she first started playing , it took her anywhere between 3-4 hits before one of the dimwitted beasts fell. Now, it was only half that. Soon, hopefully – she’d be able to wipe them out in a single blow. Mari leant down, checking for loot.

    Rolled a 14 on the d20 (loot) dice. Good Item
    Col + 25

    Mari didn’t expect much, a pittance in coal, but it was better than nothing. Which the girl seemed to get more often than not. With a sigh Mari dusted herself off and continued on her way.

  5. BOAR



    The boar whinnied, it’s body falling to the floor with an almighty crash, it scrambled to get up, hoofed feet pushing the large, bristly haired beast up off the ground. It’s crimson eyes narrowed, as it charged without warning toward the girl.

    Rolled a
     3 on the d10 (mob) dice. FAIL


    It’s angry charge was all for naught, as the girl gracefully sidestepped the attack – the boar’s tusks imbedded into the ground.

    BOAR 1/5
    Mari 15/15

  6. Mari twisted out of Argumail's grip, "Ugh, I am fine." She hissed as she shook him off. "familiar Huh?" Mari said, approaching the strange creature which appeared to be made of wood. It had just over half her health, despite looking like it was some useless lump of wood with eyes and a bad overbite.  

    "So you're just going to go down there and....what? Drive some out here?" Mari asked, but he didn't answer - he had skidded down into the  bowl, and the fray of ravenous wolves. "Guess that's a yes then, eh Mr Woody?" Mari asked, turning to Argumail's familiar.


    Wolf Hoard 46/46

    Alpha Wolf 78/78(Has not appeared yet)


    Argumail 37/37

    Cedar 34/34

    Mari 15/15

  7. Exiting the town Mari headed West, it could have been West, it may very well have been East – or North, Mari wasn’t good with directions. Be it taking them, following them or understanding them on those confounded maps. If it weren’t for modern technology and GPS tracking, she’d never make it to the grocery store. There wasn’t exactly much there, except a solitary boar, pressing its wet snout into the ground. One boar? Mari could take that on, she could probably take three on at this stage! Equipping her dagger the girl grinned; charging to the beast who had yet to notice she was there.

    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice. CRITICAL SUCCESS
    -4 HP

    "YEH!" Mari cried in excitement, as her dagger sliced across the boars torso, a large digital gash flickered across the creature before it disappeared.

    Mari 15/15 HP
    Boar 1 /4 HP


  8. Mari was restless, and wandering around on the second floor; she didn’t really have any reason to be on the first floor anymore. She had somehow began to snowball skyward with her levels. Soon, the second floor would be completely useless to her too. But before that happened, Mari told herself she’d at least try to explore the place further than the grassy plains and town.

    (bonus for all reading, count the puns!)

  9. ((Mari was on a rock near the middle of the lake, not on the actual lake!  She’d fall over heheheh)

    Mari, continuing the melancholy melody slowly stepped away from the lake, swaying with each step in a slow rhythmic dance.

    In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
    I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black
    And I held my tongue as she told me
    "Son fear is the heart of love"
    SoI never went back

    She paused in her tracks, voice raising to a crescendo, lilting across the snowy plains




    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs


    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    At this stage there was a musical interlude, and Mari began walking again, humming softly to herself as she slowly headed toward the nearby trees. Mari felt at peace, and somewhat forlorn. It was the first time since been trapped here that she was able to relax and forget about all that had occurred. So what if the performer profession was clunky? Or that she had to put up with Tristan to gain it.

    Thank the stars she was alone.

  10. "mmm..." Mari mused, unsure if Argumail was attempting to be nice, or if he was implying she'd shoot him in the back. If by 'shot in the back' he meant decieve, she had already done that. But her trekking partner was just as guilty of wearing a guise as she was. After a long walk, Mari felt like her legs were going to fall off. She stopped talking with the man, partly due to being tired, and partly due to being annoyed she had to walk out so far.

    Wouldn't it be nice if she had a car?

    They reached the lip of a large crevice, peering down it, Mari had to conceed that Argumail was right about one thing. It looked like a giant bowl, and in the centre of it sat an undetermined number of wolves. "Oh, Well Whaddaya know, you're right about something."

    Argumail said something, but Mari didn't hear what he said, she turned around to see a strange creature grow out from the ground, "ok What the censoredis that?" Mari cried out, almost jumping back and falling into the bowl.

  11. Mari sighed, In a sense, he was right - Mari would rather go out and get something than do nothing. "So, which of us is George and which of us is Lennie in your little scenario then?" She asked with a wry grin. She wondered how far away from the town this supposed Wolf Bowl was, Mari had been over the majority of the First Floor, and other than a few caves, she hadn't seen much else except flat, grassy plains.

  12. Mari yawned, slowly sitting up she stretched her arms high above her head, arched her back then cracked her fingers. "Oh dear..." She mumbled wearily to herself. Scratching her cheek she decided that she might wander down to the shoreline, the sound of the sea clashing against the rocks wouldn't exactly keep her awake - but it'd serve to be a tranquil sound. Mari paused in her tracks, noticing another player. Her eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in confusion. Surprise that she had ran into another player, in a place like this, at this time of night.

    Confusion because of what he wore, his attire seemed almost regal, refined - and then there was his sword. It dragged in the sand behind him.  The two stared at each other in a sort of dazed silence, crystalline blue eyes meeting crystalline blue eyes. The man was almost a head and a half taller than Mari, and she had to tilt her head slightly upward to meet his gaze.

    "Didn't expect to see anyone here."

    She finally said.

  13. Argumail didn't acknowledge her question, at least not with words. He just shot her a dark look, before his gaze drifted elsewhere, a small smile danced upon his lips. Mari tilted her head slightly, bangs of pink hair falling in front of her eyes. Was he remembering something? someone? A joke? She knew she wasn't the cause of the smile, with the way the two fought, it was a miracle they didn't part ways here.

    "So what's the deal? Why are you still going to this place with me, we clearly don't like each other."


  14. Mari eyed the girl suspiciously, "Oh - so you're a cook? The Cooking profession right? Why didn't you just say that in the first place? Geez..." Mari chewed her lip, she knew she had the performer class, beyond that she didn't have much else, what use was the class really? Perhaps she was too rash in her decision. 

    Mari followed Rebekah, silently at first, she was horrible at small talk. She generally just ended up being too blunt and insulting to the other person. "So, nice lass like you, walking about on her own, what's the deal?"

    Oops, came out as an insult. Oh Mari!

  15. Mari brushed off the snow from a rock overlooking ‘Frostbite Lake’ Thankful for the loot she had acquired once before; what seemed to be a useless wolf pelt served to be a perfect shield from the cold. She draped it over the rock, sapphire eye shifting over the horizon. The field was a winter wonderland of sorts, and void of any nearby players. She was, to the best of her knowledge, alone. Equipping the Performance Sphere; a violin appeared, after one last cautious look around Mari placed the Violin between her shoulder and neck and slowly started to play an intro; clearing her throat she began to sing; lilting voice reverberating off the lake before her.


    Love of mine, some day you will die
    But I'll be close behind
    I'll follow you into the dark


    No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
    Just our hands clasped so tight
    Waiting for the hint of a spark




    The song was a meaningful one, and despite her jilted feelings toward her ex-husband the song still held a deep meaning, it was played at their wedding, it was the first song they danced to. Such things, were not easily forgotten by the heart. No matter how much the mind wished it so.

    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs


    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    The song was sung, and performed at a slightly slower tempo than its original, and the girl swayed slowly to the tune.

  16. The foul mouthed woman had to admit she was surprised when she had bumped into Lotharian earlier that day in town, only to have him ask if she would join him in a quest. She was sceptical at first, but after the whole ordeal at the tavern she figured it would be nice to be able to talk to someone without being tearing into each other verbally. Her nose wrinkled when they walked into the armoury. Unlike her flirtatious companion, Mari vocalized her thoughts; "My god did something die and rot in here?" 

    Mari listened to the banter between the NPC couple, scratching her chin bored eyes roamed around the rinky dink shack. Finally, a menu popped up in front of her, asking her to choose what sort of material she would like her armour to be. Mari wasn't a fan of armour. Her first instinct would be to go for the leather, but noting that it raised evasion she figured she wouldn't need it. Her shoes already gave her the same stats - so the next step up from that was the light steel armour.

    As she selected it the Male NPC Chuckled

    "HO ho! Not too often ya see a fine lass coverin' herself in steel"

    "Now, Now sweetheart. Don't belittle the lady for her choice. You will need To travel to the furthest corner on F1 - there you will find a small cave filled with skeleton warriors. Slay them and harvest the material they drop. after returning with four chunks of Iron my lovely husband will forge you the finest quality scale armour."

    "Finest in ALL THE LAND" Griswald guffawed.

    Mari sighed, "Jeez..right, c'mon then." She turned tail out of the armoury, an annoyed look plastered across her features. "Why have a quest on the 3rd floor...that takes you all the way back to the first floor." She muttered. "Although I suppose that's a perfect floor for you, Cassanova."

  17. Mari shrugged, continuing to dust herself off. Carefully making sure each and every blade of grass was removed. "Hmm.." Mari thought aloud, "Frankly as long as its not bread - I don't care. I wouldn't mind some sort of meat actually. I've only ever eaten it once, and honestly - it was really pleasant, with the myriad of spices it had on it. But as I said; I ain't no cook."

  18. Mari was peeved, she was in the tavern to get away from death threats, and arrogant people, not have them congregate in large groups around her. It had been a number of hours since her run in with Lotharian, Yuji, Life, Alkor and the rest of the patronage of SAO it seemed. She hadn’t moved from her quaint corner in the establishment – and she hadn’t planned on moving anytime soon.

    “A drink Miss?”

    Mari gave a small nod, requesting an alcoholic beverage; it was the first time she had requested such in the game and honestly wasn’t sure if the game would allow you to get drunk; it wasn’t exactly real alcohol. But if monsters could hurt you, and crusty bread rolls could fill you up then surely liquor could give you a buzz.

    The waitress placed some sort of chocolate mead in front of Mari, who paid accordingly.

    - 25 Col

    Lifting the tankard to her lips Mari took a few hefty swigs, angrily slamming the half empty jug onto the table. “People…Ugh.”

  19. It was well into night time now, and Mari was propped up against a boulder, resting in the grassy plains, overlooking the horizon – dotted with the entrance of a foreboding forest. There was a slight chill to the soft breeze, but it wasn’t enough to require a jumper, or anything of the sort. The stars dotted the night sky above, the milky way streaking across the centre of the sky.

    Mari gave a soft murmur, half dozing; having an unsafe habbit of choosing to sleep outside, reminiscent of her time in the real world.
    It was well into night time now, and Mari was propped up against a boulder, resting in the grassy plains, overlooking the horizon – dotted with the entrance of a foreboding forest. There was a slight chill to the soft breeze, but it wasn’t enough to require a jumper, or anything of the sort. The stars dotted the night sky above, the milky way streaking across the centre of the sky.

    Mari gave a soft murmur, half dozing; having an unsafe habbit of choosing to sleep outside, reminiscent of her time in the real world.

  20. Mari was a tad surprised when Rebekah didn't reel, or even react to her rude demeanour. She simply smiled sweetly, introducing herself. "Are you daft?" Mari blurted out before biting her tongue. She hadn't expected to say it, she had only thought it. Wondering how the other girl could be so friendly and perky toward a someone who was so rude, much less a stranger.

    "I am so sick of that drivel," Mari muttered, getting up off the ground and dusting herself of. "Honestly, if they are going to trap us here they really should make it a little easier to obtain food. I'm not a cook, I would probably burn down whatever place I tried to cook my materials in." Mari mused, "I have all these mats but have no idea what to do with them."

    Crossing her arms she sighed, "Not sure about the restaurant, I'm not the most likable person around, you may just find yourself in the middle of a verbal war."

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