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Everything posted by Zelrius

  1. Ent Dodge/Counter The Ent was actually quite astounded by Zelrius' ability to quickly react and move to dangerous situations. But now was not the time to respect your enemy. No, now was the time to end that Enemy's life. The Ent turned around, now ignoring what the wolf had just done as it knew that Zelrius would do more damage than the wolf would. However, by the time the Ent was looking in the Direction of Zelrius, he was already hacking and slicing away the wood far below the Ent's field of vision Zelrius 20/37 Miles 28/32 Ent 16/50
  2. Zelrius Attack Zelrius, after dodging the water, got up and drew his sword again. This time instead of coming up with something elobrate to do ,since that seemed failed almost every-time on the Ent, he simply went forth and cut the trunk of it head on. Nothing special just a boy cutting the base of a tree with a sword.
  3. Zelrius Dodge/Counter Zelrius re-focused. He knew that it was either keep fighting, or die like a coward. He wasn't going to let the latter happen; not after all he had done so far in the game. Little by little he noticed the water to slowly disappear. Even the drops of water on his clothes seemed to vanish. Using Critical thinking and Deduction skills he was able to determine what exactly was about to happen. When the water came shooting back out with unimaginable strength Zelrius was ready. He slid his body around so that he would be covered in mud and used the slickness of mud as a way to
  4. Ent Attack The Ent wasn't going to let the human boy escape battle, or death. The tree this time used its roots to suck up the water Zelrius was soaking up. Zelrius continued lying there, even as the water around him dried. Finally, all the water was gone and stored deep within the roots. The tree pumped the water back through with enormous force and shot the water back out in a Hydro-cannon sort of way.
  5. Ent Counter/Dodge The Ent didn't feel the wolf crawling up his spine. It was kind of like a spider prowling about on you, depending on how they moved, you didn't know they were there. And also like a spider, if they wanted you to know they were there, you knew. How you knew was generally not a kiss on the cheek, nope. It was more or less a sharp pain that might leave even the biggest of men in tears, of course again, depending on the spider. It just so happened, Miles was like a Black Widow to the Ent, the claws from the wolf leaving scratch marks and pain on the Ent. (3 High = 2 damage,
  6. Miles Attack Miles was done lounging around and began once again to attack. This time Miles ran up the side of the Ent while it was holing Zelrius in it's tight rough grips. Miles' quick paws and soft touch allowed for an extremely fast movement up the three's jagged surface.When Miles' reached a point he deemed worthy, The wolf began to claw at that point. All this while Zelrius was now lying face down in a rushing stream of water.
  7. Yeah, gotta admit, it is a bit on the weird side how that turned out to be.
  8. Ent Counter/ Dodge The Giant tree was done with hugging this boy with his hand and threw Zelrius back against a nearby wall. Zelrius landed with a thud into one of the rivers that fed the Ent. He sat there, soaking in the water as it was quite luxurious compared to the heat of battle. This was not being enjoyable as most battles were. No, this one was becoming life threatening very quickly. Zelrius 20/37 Miles 28/32 Ent 26/50
  9. Zelrius Attack Zelrius calmed down a second. Then within another instant was back to struggling to get his weapon to cut the Ent. However, The Ent wasn't going to have any of that and just went back to squeezing the life out the boy. Miles was down below, regaining breathe and rebounding from constant battle. Even with the sleep in between, they weren't very well rested beings they slept on a stone floor.
  10. Zelrius Counter/Dodge Zelrius was unprepared for this boredom of the Ent. He tried to jump off the hard stone, but the Ent was faster. It gripped him with a strong holding. He sturggled and tried to wiggle out, but as this went on the Ent only squeezed harder. Zelrius grunted and wheezed, as he was still a bit tired from the Barghests. Zelrius 23/37 Miles 28/32 Ent 26/50
  11. Ent Attack The Ent was just about done with these two by this point. In its boredom, it reached down a hand to grab Zelrius, in order to squeeze the life out of the boy.
  12. Ent Counter/Dodge. The Ent would've laughed if it had the capability to do so. The Wolf and the Boy seemed funny trying to beat this powerful being in the Jungle. However the Ent had no idea just exactly how much these two had worked to live. The Ent withdrew its roots back to the ground in order to avoid getting them slashed at some more.
  13. Miles attack Miles just kept on dodging, getting out of reach of the needles and always just staying out of danger from the small pricks that guarded the roots. The Wolf went on to slash more and more at them, hoping to finally get them all away so that they could focus on the tree itself.
  14. Ent Counter/Dodge The Ent saw Zelrius coming and threw some need pricks at him. Zelrius deflected them as the Ent used that as a distraction to get some Roots from Miles to him. As anticipated, Zelrius with his low hanging blade cut at some of them, but didn't get them quite cut off. (3 higher = 2 Damage, +3 Damage for Level 17 = 5) Zelrius 32/37 Miles 28/32 Ent 30/50
  15. Zelrius attack. Zelrius charged forward with his blade hanging a bit low in order to cut at the ground if the Roots tried to sneak up on him from other directions. As he surged on, The Ent was busy with Miles who was cutting away the tree.
  16. Miles Counter/Dodge Miles was prepared for the attack. He turned around with lighting force and instead this time used the bare end of his claws to cut the Root, then picking it up with his mouth used it to swat away the others that were aiming for the small wolf. (C-C-CRITCAL HIT! Level 15, 4 higher = +6, +2 for Battle roll, plus 3 for Level = 11 Damage.) Zelrius 32/37 Miles 28/32 Ent 35/50
  17. Ent Attack The Ent didn't hesitate to attack the oncoming invaders. With little to no effort, it pulled roots out of the ground using its untold control of the earth around it and whipped one straight at Miles
  18. Ent Counter/Dodge Miles got a single slash on the Ent's Roots, as it was bust with Zelrius, however the Roots had a defense mechanism; Small pinprick pines that would hurt anything touching it, Damaging both of the. Both Level 15, 1 Damage for same Battle Die, + 3) Zelrius 32/37 Miles 28/32 Ent 46/50
  19. Miles Attack Miles wasn't up for another fight but went on anyways, He ran forward, with his claws out and began slashing at the loose roots near the bottom of the Ent's 'feet'.
  20. Ent Counter/ Dodge The Enormous tree simply swayed its foot a tiny bit and hit Zelrius, knocking him back away from the Ent not too far. Zelrius could already tell how hard this was going to be. [3/2/2014 5:27:53 PM] Zelrius: Battle System: C = Critical = 1+Level/5 (ex, Level 20 would be a +5 Crit Damage) Damage = D = Ex Say Attacker rolls 6, And Defender rolls a 3, The attacker does 2 damage If you roll 1-2 higher it is 1 damage, If you rolls 3-6 it is 2 damage, 7-9 higher is 3 damage Attacker: Battle die is the only that counts, a 10 is automatically C + D Ex, If attacker rolls a 10 a
  21. Zelrius attack Zelrius sighed as he saw this coming. The place had looked a bit too peaceful and was a also too quiet and sound to be in this hell whole of a jungle. Gripping his blade even tighter in his left hand he ran forward to get a nice chop across a foot.
  22. The tree began to moan and groan. Zelrius got up and rubbed his head. "Jesus" he thought to himself. "That hurt." Looking at Miles, who was now barking to his heart's content at the tree, which at this point was wobbling like mad. Zelrius wasn't sure what to expect and hurried to retrieve his sword. When he looked back, The tree lifted an enormous amount of roots and formed a leg. It shortly did the same on the other side, and before Zelrius knew it, there stood the Giant Ent, a Walking and living tree. BOSS FIGHT Zelrius 37/37 Miles 32/32 Ent 50/50
  23. He went over and put his hand on it. Nothing. Next he walked over and kicked it. Nothing. Now growing even angrier in frustration he ran up the tree in a flash. At the top stood nothing. He couldn't handle it anymore, He took his sword and lifted it. Down the blade came with all of his force behind it, Just before the blade struck a sort of bubble came from the tree and stopped it. Zelrius grew wide eyed as he watched this happen. Suddenly he flung forward, the door shut with a thud and he hit it hard, surprisingly with no damage.
  24. Zelrius didn't like it one bit. It just all seemed to gay and happy to be real. He looked around, it was much brighter in this room then any other room in the jungle. He walked and wandered, eventually he gave up looking around and looked toward the tree erected in the middle. Zelrius strolled over and put his foot in the streams around the tree, luckily he didn't sink in. Now, Zelrius was frustrated, something wasn't right about the tree.
  25. Shard, that timing explains ALOT. heh, I always thought you were like in Singapore and just had the misfortune of never seeing us during a good time of the day.
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