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Everything posted by Zelrius

  1. Barghest 1 Dodge/Counter The whole time the beast didn't let Miles out of his sight. And he didn't leave a single thing out of his sight either, even the unsheathing of claws and the drawing of a claw. The beast simply bowed to Miles in order to lower it's head enough to not get hit by him.
  2. Miles Attack Miles watched as one backed up but one stayed right on top of him. This would be the one he attacked, and he would keep on hitting it until it died. This in mind, he brought his claws through his paws and tried to slash the Barghest.
  3. Yea! Send this to Erron so he can see how many like it!!!
  4. I would so go for this! It would give New Players a recurring chance to get to know the battle system and make it so that players can keep up.
  5. Winner was Zauis, I do not really care, but oh well.
  6. Barghest 3 Dodge/Counter The Barghest unlatched his jaws from Zelrius' leg in order to move and get in another attack. In quick antcipation of another attack coming the boy, Barghest shifted it's feet to move. He pushed off and landed a bit off to the right just far enough to not get hit, but also close enough to attacked back.
  7. Zelrius Attack Zelrius grunted in pain, though in the game there was no pain, Just the thought that there was going to be from the bite made him think there was. He lifted his blade and turned it upside down and was ready to lower the sword into the Barghest.
  8. (Killing Blow, 4 higher is 2 damage, Times 2, 4 Plus 2 points of poison because of the 25% of poison, 6 Damage, dead.)
  9. Zelrius laughed hard at the girl who simply sat there. He moved Forward, sticking a posion pick on the end of his blade and ready to attack, First he stuck his blade into her back, to let the Poison pick take it's effect, then pulled out and swung his blade around "Goodbye," He said without emotion in a monotone voice. He spun around, using his sword detach her head from her body.
  10. Miles, after letting go to let Zelrius maneuver and dodge then strike, He backed up and then leaped up, claws out, to get a scratch right across her torso.
  11. Zelrius wasn't sure what to do, he kind of just went through the motions now, He planted his left foot down and pushed off to the right to move fast and try to swing back at her. His blade reached her barely and scratched at her side, doing some damage. Zelrius 23/31 Miles 26/26 Atenea 6/15
  12. Miles managed to clamp on her arm while Zelrius took a poison pick and stuck it in her side. Zelrius smirked as he guessed that she was at right about half health. (Healt update) Zelrius 23/31 Miles 26/26 Atenea 8/15
  13. As Zelrius stuck a poison pick into Atenea's side, Miles jumped up on his two back legs in order to bite her arm. With amazing force he leaped forward and hoped up on his hind legs, Reaching his jaw out, he chomped down at he forearm.
  14. While Zelrius merely bent his knees to dodge her attack, an arrogant smirk spread across his face as he took his blade and stuckk it up and out to stab her again since that seemed like the most logical attack
  15. Zelrius saw her coming and anticpated her next move. Using logic he guessed that by he movement and line of sight that she was aiming to chop at his head, Knowing this, he ducked. Health Update Zelrius 24/31 Miles 26/26 Atenea 13/15
  16. (Miles attack) Miles wasn't going to sit back and let his master, Zelrius, get attacked by some girl. Miles charged forward, while Zelrius was already attacking her, and stuck out his paw in order to scratch her leg.
  17. Zelrius Attack Zelrius grew annoyed with the Girl who had just attacked him and. with his sword ready, used the same move he had just killed the little boy with and turned around and struck his sword out to stab her. Before she could even move. Zelrius' whippet quick hand moved his blade right into her.
  18. Zelrius Dodge/Counter Zelrius wasn't fast enough to evade the axe that swining at him and was struck by it in his back. He grunted and turned to face the girl, readying his sword to begin attacking her back and with Miles by his side, shouldn't be an overly huge problem. (Damn that crit) Zelrius 25/31 Miles 26/26 Atenea 15/15
  19. Zelrius, still under affects of greed and want for more power and money began, again, attacking people he was hired to kill. This time he was to seek out and just out right kill a young boy who had stolen some money. He resided in Floor 3 and, without knowing it, was already sought out and planned to be killed. Zelrius smirked at the thought of another kill to his name. He abandoned all the dilly dally it took to learn schedules and such to find when he was alone, So Zelrius was going to just find him out of a safe zone and Kill the poor boy. Zelrius tracked down the boy and found surprisin
  20. Zelrius Dodge/Counter Zelrius saw the moving on to the bite and only had about .5 seconds to react. With sleep deprivation he wasn't sure if he was fast enough, but he stuck the side of his blade out and went for it anyways. Unfortuantely, The lack of sleep did slow him down, and, although he would of normally been right on it, was too slow to be able to stop the Barghest from biting his leg. Zelrius 21/24 Miles 12/20 Barghest1 5/10 Barghest2 9/10 Barghest3 6/10
  21. Barghest 3 When he maneuvered to dodge the Poison pick he also went ahead for a leg chomp on Zelrius. Quickly the beast opened it's mouth and went to close it again around Zelrius' leg.
  22. Miles Dodge/Counter Miles wasn't hardly paying attention and was simply moving to dodge the first Barghest. However, Unlike the Barghest, Miles wasn't use to fighting and being weakened over longer periods of time, Not to mention he has to out match two of these Beasts that were far larger than he was. Zelrius 23/24 Miles 12/20 Barghest1 5/10 Barghest2 9/10 Barghest3 6/10
  23. Barghest 2 attack The second one wasn't going to let the First get alll the glory and he too went for attacks. This time he took his teeth and when to snap at Mile's leg and try to cripple him so that The Fast little puppy couldn't move as fast anymore.
  24. Miles Dodge/Counter Miles Saw another claw swinging right at from another angle. He was panting and worked all out but couldn't stumble now and had to keep on fighting, Again he tried to move his head back down to avoid the attack. This failed Terribly. He wasn't fast enough as he was all worn out by the fighting was simply slashed right across the snout and whimpered Zelrius 23/24 Miles 13/20 Barghest1 5/10 Barghest2 9/10 Barghest3 6/10
  25. Barghest attack The First Barghest got angry as Miles just seemed to constantly dodge all of his attacks, Finally he too took a slash at the Smaller wolf and was hoping to get a nice hard hit in order to distract the human from the others so that they could all 3 gang up and kill him.
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