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Posts posted by Kasumi

  1. The words were spoken and fall to silence, with no response from the eyes that were tearing holes through her back. Fighting through the uncomfortable feeling they had brought to her, she would lunge again to keep her routine. Heading more north across the ever expansive network of connecting wires of wood, with deft hops and slides that proved she was suited to the task given to her. Kasumi pauses again and offers another activation of her HUD's minimap revealing a few more tiles from the fog of war. She felt a little exposed and vulnerable, alone in this forest it seemed and with whatever was watching her she was finding it difficult to focus. The sense of urgency was the only thing keeping her moving despite the fact, Kasumi was not one to dawdle taking a page from her cousin's book he had a way of rubbing off on her.

  2. Noticing nothing that showed any idea of what it may been the girl props it up to her imagination. Kasumi begins to travel forward again, she had a few more hours of daylight left and as such no time to waste on superstition or the feeling like she was being watched. The blossom could not shake it, however, and as she traveled from branch to branch it was ever present, but Kasumi had tried to push it from her mind. A few more long strides from vine to moss to wood, with adept dexterity she would pause upon another tall spire. Fiddling with her orange locks for a moment as her comfortability began to fade, she would ask to the forest directly "Who's there?" to no response. She was beginning to feel a bit spooked, starting to feel the conversion from a titan to a mouse bubbling from within her breast.

    ID# 164754 results: Loot: 6+8=14, Failure!

  3. In an almost defiance of gravity, the girl clings to the log for a moment before dropping down to the branch below her. Again the slides her menu open, taking the map to a larger size before a tap of her index finger creates another blue ring around where she was centered. A couple of tiles in a circle from her position become unobscured, showing topography as she etches them as safe for travel. With a smile as the HUD blinks closed, her attentions shift as she catches something on her peripheral amongst the leaves. Her eyes dart up to where she was sure she had seen it but finds nothing more than leaves swaying softly. Her amber eyes fixated on the spot, trying to deduce if it was truly a figment of her imagination or if it may have been something more. She would begin to lean in closer, being braver than she'd ever hope to be.

  4. In the distance, she could swear she could hear a male toned voice yelling, but couldn't make out what it was. "Ominous." she offers a single word response as she tilts her head trying to decipher what was being said from the echo. She then chooses to ignore it unless it happened again, Kasumi could not afford to be sidetracked. Usually, these kinds of extended stints ended up doing more harm than good if they went on for too long. Leaving her tapped the next day and unable to perform to her full potential, she'd only done it once during fourth lessons although that was more of a result of becoming seasick. Kasumi uses one of her hands to twist her orange hair around her ear and out of her eyes, before lunging to the next tree eager to keep moving and map even more of the floor. A slide of her feet as they connect with a tree, folding under her as a form of shock suppression.

  5. Once the mapping sequence completes, Kasumi slides low before springboarding to the next tree with arms outstretched. Her hands clasp around a branch and like a gymnast she spins upright, folding her legs and pushing up to the flat of her feet. She doesn't look down for she knew it would be the quickest way to folly, instead always looking forward and trusting in her abilities that she had honed on the daily. She had no way of knowing that the world's loudest buffoon was also present in the forest, and could quickly draw all hostiles away from her with one screech. It remained uncertain if they would encounter each other at all given the distance from where she stood and the base of the trees, which was probably for the best for the last time they were alone together she punched him and failed a quest they went on.

  6. Latching her hands around the base of a tree, perched high enough she could see the sky above her. The pillars of living wood on this floor were truly huge, only those deft enough to catch themselves should they fall should be upon them. Although risky the vantage point they provide was rather unmatched from anywhere else, as she could see above a ton of the emerald green rainforest upon the top of one. Although slick, the moss provided quite the footing in a form of suction. Latching on tight to it, Kasumi begins to slide down to a lower branch looking for where they would connect up so she could move between them. Easily enough she manages it, activating another pulse to help build upon the information the guild had readily available. It was what it meant to be an intel division member and she had no trouble doing her part.

  7. Sliding through the floor at a rapid pace with a tinge of her memory of the pale reflection known as Gemini racing through her head. She had come leagues past then, growing immensely from a girl that needed constant supervision. Spinning around a branch before a soft landing as she spreads wide to break her fall, showing her athletic prowess matched with the lack of restriction in her clothing. Kasumi opens her menu and taps it, like sonar it pings outward and reveals some of the grid from the fog of war. "Just a little more for today, got to keep going." Kasumi mutters looking to what she had scouted and it still was obvious there was a staggering more to do. Swallowing her growing exhaustion, she kneels low before hopping into the trees once more for she'd not risk pulling attentions on the ground floor that would end up slowing her down or worse.

    Kasumi Consumes: Pheromone (+1 CD while Taming Familiar), Familiar Sight (+2 LD while searching for Familiar), Lemon Berry Palmiers (+3 Loot Dice/Food), Spyglass Charge [1/3] remaining, Yui's Grace #1 [1/2]

    Effective Search Modifier: +8

    Kasumi | HP:540/540 | EN:54/54 | DMG:12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | LD:6


    Kasumi, The Blossom
    Level: 27
    HP: 540/540
    EN: 54/54

    Damage: 12
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Master White Hand-wraps [T1/Perfect] (3 Damage)
    Armor: Orange Hair Tie [T1/Perfect] (+3 Loot Dice)
    Misc: White Red-trimmed Gee [T1/Perfect] (3 Evasion)

    Martial Arts [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  8. Moving of her own volition she picks up the completed wishes and moves to begin and hang them up on a tree among the others, taking the time to read some that swayed in the wind. She could not help but notice how morose some of them had been. Kasumi gets only part of the way through before a scattering of trailing stars above draws her attention elsewhere. The mystical lines drawn fill the girl with awe as those around her share gasps with her like mass hysteria. It was beautiful and was as if all of Aincrad melted away into the moment as the stars drew reflections upon her eyes. Still holding half of the slips of paper her hands stay from movement, she'd be holding them struck stupid until the stars were through in a light show of myriad color. How could something so magnificent stem from something so cruel?

    [Tanzaku Hung]

  9. Hyperactive [1/3], Sharpness fades after this action, Conc [1/3]

    One more powerful palm strike later as she is surrounded by all sorts of effects from the other members of her party, she had little time to process exactly what was happening. The golem shatters to pieces with the impact, dropping a small shard of its body for her to claim. As she lifts it from the ice and turns to the others with it held high, the quest fades to grey and strikes itself from everyone's HUD. "Good job team!" Kasumi exclaims as Shiina tosses her hands into the air and immediately falls to her back, listing across the ice while yelling "WHOO!" like an ice hockey puck. Simmone shakes her head and simply watches on as Griswold rushes to claim the girl from her prone position. They had done it entirely on their own, and the vanguard captain would more than likely appreciate their initiative. Especially that of Shiina.

    ID# 164729 results: Battle: 6+3=9, Hit! dealing 240 damage to Frost Beast, Killing it!

    Shiina | HP:520/520 | EN:41/52 | DMG:1 | MIT:27 | EVA:1 | MENDING:1 | REC:2
    Kasumi | 
    HP:540/540 | EN:44/54 | DMG:12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3
    Griswold | 
    HP:460/460 | EN:44/46 | DMG:5 | MIT:47 | THRNS:18 | PARA:1
    Simmone | 
    HP:500/500 | EN:41/50 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | KEEN | REC:2 | LD:2

    (0,2,0,0) Frost Beast | HP: -200/250 | DMG:160 (Phase: 24)

    Quest Complete:

    4*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 1 Quest Reward, 1 Grace)

    3*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 1 Quest Reward)
    Essence of Steel (Last Hit Reward)

    3*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 1 Quest Reward)

    3*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 1 Quest Reward)
    400*Col (Thread Closure)

  10. One heavy blow from the crashing wave as she almost teleports forward, her momentum being halted dead as she impacts the creature. The sound is titanic as a spray of shards of ice pulse out of its back with her elongated palm. She could feel the power behind the blow being fueled by the girl, as she pivots and pirouettes around a reciprocated attack in attempts to follow hers. It was painfully clear the focus of the beast was now upon her and her alone, and to those who would look on could immediately draw comparisons to her style with that of her cousins as she coldly seems to watch every attempt and proceed to wiggle between them. Her hands still ablaze with energy as Shiina was continuing to amplify their output into obscene levels. Sliding to a halt as like a skater she turns herself to keep from moving without the input as her hand's parade about the front of her in sweeping circles to a trail of pink.

    ID# 164723 results: Battle: 3+3+1=7, Hit! dealing 210 damage to Frost Beast!

    Shiina | HP:520/520 | EN:40/52 | DMG:1 | MIT:27 | EVA:1 | MENDING:1 | REC:2
    Kasumi | 
    HP:540/540 | EN:40/54 | DMG:12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3
    Griswold | 
    HP:460/460 | EN:46/46 | DMG:5 | MIT:47 | THRNS:18 | PARA:1
    Simmone | 
    HP:500/500 | EN:50/50 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | KEEN | REC:2 | LD:2

    (0,1,0,0) Frost Beast | HP: 40/250 | DMG:160 (Phase: 24)

  11. Joining the young songstress on the ice, much more stable footed then she was she easily keeps up with Shiina as she makes for the activation object in the form of a skull. "Keep it up your doing great!~" Kasumi offers to the girl as she slides upon the surface, with a slow and steady walk upon the same. She could not help but wonder if perhaps the girl may have been making it more difficult by treating the ice as unstable footing. However, she would not correct the girl but instead support her endeavors as an attempt at bolstering her resolve. Placing her hand to the skull as Simmone and Griswold made their own respective ways to it, she would have Shiina wait until they were all in position before activating the trigger. They had some vague statistical analysis from Raidou but it still left much to the imagination and they would not take any chances, as the virtues, the swordsman had imbued within them held ever strong.

  12. Now that Shiina had traveled down the floor, Kasumi looks to Simmone and asks of her "You think this is a good idea? Shiina can be a little...strange." staring into Simmone looking for an answer. "Well, she will never be different if we assume she won't be." The black cat with long black locks explains, shifting her hair into a tie off her shoulders. "Duty calls dear, best not fret on the small details and look at it with some optimism." the woman speaks with a waved hand showing that Kasumi should proceed on. "I suppose your right." Kasumi remarks as she hops onto the gate "Everyone deserves a chance to become better." but the words she speaks don't seem to point to only Shiina. Calling out the floor as a destination the same flash of energy takes her to the others, leaving Simmone the last to take the plunge.

  13. Taking to the table while Griswold and Simmone did their best to prepare for the journey ahead, she listens to the others "Floor 4, Essence of steel got it." she looks down at the table and begins to dig through the leaflets upon it. It takes her a moment before she finds the quest description and breakdown upon it. Turning toward the rest of the group, she would read it aloud. "No defenses, moderate damage, and moderate health. Drops an item that needs to be collected repeatedly for the guild. The difficulty is minimal with preparation. Ice golem." the notes instantly sounded like a breakdown as spoken by Raidou. "I guess it should be doable." she comments to the others who seemed ready enough to proceed onward. Kasumi then tightens her decree around the palms of her hands, heading for the door and beginning to lead the others toward coral as she accepts Shiina's party invite.

  14. Having just finished a scouting of floor 16 she was making a stop at the guild hall to place down her mapping data when Kasumi notices little Shiina playing with the guild quest log that Raidou had kept. It was obvious that Shiina was trying to do something on her own, which would be a bad idea as she'd already seen what the girl had a habit of doing even in her dreams. "I will go with you if you really want to go." Kasumi remarks with a hand to her chest and a smile to the tiny songstress, the blossom would hardly discourage the girl from going entirely. She then looks to Simmone and Griswold to see what they thought, curious if any of them would step up and tell the girl it was a no go. "Let me get my gear." Griswold barks as he vanishes into the workshop.

    Kasumi | HP:540/540 | EN:54/54 | DMG:12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3


    Kasumi, The Blossom
    Level: 27
    HP: 540/540
    EN: 54/54

    Damage: 12
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Master White Hand-wraps [T1/Perfect] (3 Damage)
    Armor: Mugen Tenshin Decree [T1/Perfect] (3 Accuracy)
    Misc: White Red-trimmed Gee [T1/Perfect] (3 Evasion)

    Martial Arts [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Orange Hair Tie [T1/Perfect] (+3 Loot Dice)
    Teleport Crystal*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  15. Hearing a detonation in the room above she looks to Simmone and Shiina still fighting over the girl trying to go up the stairs. "You think he's alright up there!?" Kasumi pleads of Simmone, wanting to rush up and aid him to which the black cat offers her wisdom. "I think it would be unwise of you to attempt to aid him when he has entrusted all of us with an important task here, all you will do is put him at risk trying to protect you. Do as he asks of you and trust in his abilities, I've seen them myself." Simmone answers with her two cents that causes Kasumi to nod, understanding completely what she had meant from a time before this game "Hang in there Raidou, we will get the vials. Stay safe and come home." she remarks as her stare leaves the stone rise and moves back to looking through the shelving about the entryway.

  16. As Raidou heads in so do the girl, Simmone and Shiina. Simmone seems to ebb on the side of caution as a flare of gold in her eye keeps her rather focused on the task at hand, Shiina on the other hand rips an empty bottle off the shelf. As soon as Raidou makes it up the stairs toward the next floor, Shiina slams the glassware upon the stonework "This is the best!~" she screeches as Kasumi rushes to cover her mouth. "Shiina, we need to not draw attention." blocking most of her face as she looks intensely into the crazy child's eyes. They separate and begin to peruse the varied dusty tomes across multiple platforms, Kasumi could not help but be a bit skeptical of if Shiina could be tame enough for this task. She began to question if Raidou had foresaw this or if it was some test for the girl or those tasked with watching over her.

  17. Traversing the cobblestone walkways of Coral, Kasumi was the first to meet up with Raidou outside the cathedral of the forgotten hidden among the trees but a couple of leagues from the safety of the city. "I am here and ready, Raidou. Is it just us?" she would ask of the boy in red, pulling the hand wraps around her fists snug as she saw him fondling his own equipment. Raidou simply pays her a nod and a raise of the hand, seeming as though he would wait until they all arrived before an explanation was in order. "Alright." Kasumi exhumes with understanding, taking a position of propping herself against one of the walls of the building. She'd wait as he was patiently, eager to get started after the specifics had been explained in the typical analysis he had always provided on these journeys the guild would take alongside him.

  18. Cutting a blackened stone for preparation to set it into an awaiting golden band, Kasumi was fast at work with a grindstone and an intent stare. The sounds of scraping fill her quaint little store on floor 2, keeping ever productive and playing her part as with the other members of Firm Anima. Her HUD pulls her attention as she finishes the sharpening of the jewel, placing it to the side before she slides the menu open. It was from Raidou, becoming more commonplace than it had prior. She jumps at the chance to accompany her cousin again, rushing into the back room and getting her clothes changed into her combat attire. The last, a tug of the orange ribbon that kept her hair up allows it to galavant down over her shoulders, and with a grin she exits the trinket shop into the fields of crossing with surprising speed.

    Kasumi | HP:500/500 | EN:50/50 | DMG:11 | EVA:3 | ACC:3


    Kasumi, The Blossom
    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50/50

    Damage: 11
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Master White Hand-wraps [T1/Perfect] (3 Damage)
    Armor: Mugen Tenshin Decree [T1/Perfect] (3 Accuracy)
    Misc: White Red-trimmed Gee [T1/Perfect] (3 Evasion)

    Martial Arts [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Orange Hair Tie [T1/Perfect] (+3 Loot Dice)
    Teleport Crystal*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  19. With a nod in agreement they were wrapped up for today having felled the giant without difficulty, she was a bit reticent that they would have to part. Then it hit her, Raidou was petting Setsuna's hair. Normally rather composed even Kasumi flinches and takes a step back. After a few seconds, it seems there was no response like the one she foresaw happening. A thought rung through her head I knew it something did happen, I would have never seen this being possible as she turned her back to the pair, rushing on toward Shiina as she was slipping away by the second. "Shiina wait, it's dangerous to go alone. Let me come with you." she shouts but over her shoulder, she looks back to Setsuna. The smile on her face returns, as it seems that Raidou may have found the girl's heart under all that pent up anger.

    Quest Complete:

    6*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 4 Quest Reward)

    6*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 4 Quest Reward)

    Zero Degree Icicle: (T2/Rare/Katana): Freeze 1, Accuracy 1
    6*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 4 Quest Reward)

    6*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 4 Quest Reward)

    Simmone (Guild Treasurer):
    10400*Col (2500*4 Quest Reward, 400 Thread Closure)

  20. Being the last to join the celebration, Kasumi spins a loose strand of her orange hair around her ear and flashing a grin to the rest of the group. Listening on to Shiina and Setsuna the words 'My master' get stuck into her head. What does she mean master? is she referring to Raidou? her eyes advance to her cousin and then back to Setsuna who was paying no one but him any mind. Her thoughts trail back to blood in the sands, this must have been a result of what the final message she had received from Raidou. I hadn't noticed but she seems...different. another thought races through her mind as she loosens the hand wraps on her fists to let it breathe a little. It seems as though the task was more than finished which beckoned the question of what to do next, she looked forward to joining her cousin again on his journey even if it meant she'd need to be so violent.

  21. 8/8/20

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
    1 164360 CD: 3 +1 LD: 19 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    2 164361 CD: 12 +1 LD: 13 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    3 164362 CD: 6 +1 LD: 5 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    4 164363 CD: 1 +1 LD: 11 Critical Failure - 6 (+5 Ambition)
    5 164364 CD: 11 +1 LD: 20 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    6 164365 CD: 5 +1 LD: 8 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    7 164366 CD: 7 +1 LD: 16 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    8 164367 CD: 10 +1 LD: 18 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    9 164368 CD: 10 +1 LD: 12 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    10 164369 CD: 2 +1 LD: 1 Salvage Failure - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    11 164370 CD: 4 +1 LD: 20 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    12 164371 CD: 6 +1 LD: 6 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    13 164372 CD: 3 +1 LD: 11 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    14   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    15   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    16   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    17   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    18   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
                    Exp Total: 127  

    164360, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164361, T3/Perfect/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164362, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164364, T3/Perfect/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164365, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164366, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164367, T3/Perfect/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164368, T3/Perfect/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164370, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164371, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164372, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage

    Junk Given to Sam Here

  22. 8/7/20

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
    1 164247 CD: 1 +1 LD: 15 Critical Failure - 6 (+5 Ambition)
    2 164248 CD: 6 +1 LD: 4 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    3 164249 CD: 8 +1 LD: 5 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    4 164250 CD: 5 +1 LD: 10 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    5 164251 CD: 7 +1 LD: 9 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    6 164252 CD: 8 +1 LD: 3 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    7 164253 CD: 3 +1 LD: 11 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    8 164254 CD: 11 +1 LD: 18 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    9 164255 CD: 8 +1 LD: 5 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    10 164256 CD: 5 +1 LD: 20 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    11 164257 CD: 3 +1 LD: 7 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    12 164258 CD: 10 +1 LD: 8 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    13 164259 CD: 10 +1 LD: 18 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    14   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    15   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    16   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    17   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    18   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
                    Exp Total: 127  

    164254, T3/Perfect/Trinket

    Name: Rose of Truth
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 10
    Roll ID: 164254
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: ACC 2, REC 1
    Post Link: Here
    Simple, silver hoop earrings that are 5cm in diameter.

    164248, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164249, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164250, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164251, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164252, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164253, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164255, T3/Rare/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164256, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164257, T3/Uncommon/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164258, T3/Perfect/Trinket Intended to Salvage
    164259, T3/Perfect/Trinket Intended to Salvage

    Junk Given to Sam Here

  23. Conc [1/3]

    Mirroring Setsuna to which they seemed so similiar, as she cleaves one side of its head it shifts toward the side she was standing. Kasumi's hand parade about her for a moment in long sweeping circles as the light builds. Shifting her foot forward and using her left arm as a pointer, her body in one fluid motion slides forward and extends one powerful palm with her right hand from her hip. The side of the titan's jaw seems to snap and dislocate, causing hairlines of red to form on the ice that composed its face as pieces fell free in sections. "It's up to you, should be easy now that its weakened." she flashes her cousin a smile before becoming ethereal and getting out of the thick of it. She'd not put herself in harm's way, it was what Raidou would want and he should be able to handle the rest.

    ID# 164193 results: Battle: 7+3+2=12, Hit! dealing 240-75=165 damage to Avalanche the Absolute Zero!

    Shiina | HP:480/480 | EN:39/48 | DMG:1 | MIT:27 | EVA:1 | LD:3 | REC:2 | Antidote:3/3
    Setsuna | 
    HP:520/520 | EN:29/52 | DMG:16 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | Antidote:3/3
    Kasumi | HP:480/480 | EN:25/48 | DMG:16 | EVA:5 | ACC:3 | Antidote:3/3
    Raidou | HP:1390/1390 | EN:125/136 | DMG:21(+3/2) | MIT:106 | EVA:7 | ACC:2 | TAUNT | BH:69 | Antidote:3/3 | VENGEFUL

    (0,2,3,3) Avalanche the Absolute Zero | HP:58/850 | DMG:200 (250/300) | MIT:75 | EVA:-2 | ACC:3 | FRZ 2 (8-10)

  24. Kasumi looks over as Setsuna shouts, drawing her attention as Setsuna was making the first move. "I hope this is the correct decision, but I will follow your lead." Kasumi remarks slamming her hands together as they take a hue of pink, sliding her feet as she fuels them as well with the same energy. Placing her hand and one foot to the smoothed surface her back was placed to she ascends it quickly, sprinting down the length before leaping from where it breaks. She moves into an extended leg as her heel carries her through the air, as the titan looks down at Setsuna and the arm she wasn't attacking raises. Her foot connects with it as it begins to swing it down, and like a bullet Kasumi and the pink lance she was producing punch entirely through it. It shatters and the beast bellows as Kasumi spins and rights herself, landing to the ground and sliding on her feet. A twirl of pink and some cherry blossom petals fall as she vanishes from sight.

    Kasumi uses Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 164177 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical dealing 255-75=180 damage to Avalanche the Absolute Zero!

    Shiina | HP:480/480 | EN:36/48 | DMG:1 | MIT:27 | EVA:1 | LD:3 | REC:2 | Antidote:3/3
    Setsuna | 
    HP:520/520 | EN:40/52 | DMG:16 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | Antidote:3/3
    Kasumi | HP:480/480 | EN:36/48 | DMG:16 | EVA:5 | ACC:3 | Antidote:3/3
    Raidou | HP:1390/1390 | EN:131/136 | DMG:21(+3/2) | MIT:106 | EVA:7 | ACC:2 | TAUNT | BH:69 | Antidote:3/3 | VENGEFUL

    (0,1,2,0) Avalanche the Absolute Zero | HP:505/850 | DMG:200 (250/300) | MIT:75 | EVA:-2 | ACC:3 | FRZ 2 (8-10)

  25. Beside Setsuna, she listens intently to what Raidou had to say with a nod and a fiddle of her hair. Seems it was going to be more bloodshed and with a turn of her head she looks into Setsuna's cold blue eyes and see the disdain in them. "We can do this." she mutters softly to the girl with silver hair before they turn from another and separate. With her back pressed to the flat of an incline, she peeks around to see Raidou standing out in the open as the sun began to rise and cause the sky to shift in color to a brighter tone. She could feel her spine jerk from the cold, not quite used to such a bitter place. Kasumi would do her best to remain out of sight and keep her eyes peeled to the field, waiting for the opportune moment upon which to strike.

    Kasumi consumes: Titan's Strength (+3 Base), Well Done Steak (+2 Base/-20 Mitigation), Lemon Lavender Bar (+2 Evasion), Antidote (3/3 Charges)


    Kasumi, The Blossom
    Level: 24
    HP: 480/480
    EN: 48/48

    Damage: 16
    Evasion: 5
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Master White Hand-wraps [T1/Perfect] (3 Damage)
    Armor: Mugen Tenshin Decree [T1/Perfect] (3 Accuracy)
    Misc: White Red-trimmed Gee [T1/Perfect] (3 Evasion)

    Martial Arts [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Orange Hair Tie [T1/Perfect] (+3 Loot Dice)
    Teleport Crystal*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


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