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Posts posted by Kasumi

  1. 2/28/20

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience  
    1 136873 CD: 7 +1 LD: 16 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
    2 136874 CD: 3 +1 LD: 18 Salvage Success - 5 (+3 Ambition)
    3 136875 CD: 8 +1 LD: 1 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
    4 136876 CD: 8 +1 LD: 3 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
    5 136877 CD: 12 +1 LD: 17 Perfect - 11 (+3 Ambition)
    6 136878 CD: 1 +1 LD: 6 Failure - 4 (+3 Ambition)
    7   CD:   +1 LD:         (+3 Ambition)
    8   CD:   +1 LD:         (+3 Ambition)
                  Exp Total: 38  

    136873, Intended to Junk (Uncommon)

    136875, Intended to Junk (Uncommon)

    136876, Intended to Junk (Uncommon)


    Name: Reinforced Chisel Head
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136877
    Roll Result: 12+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A strange attachment designed to be attached to the head of a war hammer, to aid the wielder in mining stone and the like. Attach this and let her rip and see how easy it becomes to shatter rock.

    Items to be junked given to Simmone Here

  2. "I am glad you understand." Kasumi said with a word to Gaius still working the patch under her feet, retrieving another tuft of green from the earth. This one also had a quest tag, showing Kasumi that the group was on the right path. Looking to the rest, they seemed to have little issues doing the same. Surprised a bit at the capability of the more brutish among them being ahead of the curve. "I would be lead to believe that Raidou set us up to succeed this much simpler. I found that questioning his motives is foolish. He has his reasons, and though they may not always be clear they are good ones." She spoke sternly as she wrapped some of her orange locks around her ear. "You all do him an injustice in questioning him after all he's done. My cousin has only your best interests at heart, if you don't believe in that then why are you here?" Kasumi was a bit shaken at the notion, for she believed in his intentions why couldn't they.

    ID# 136845 results: Loot: 14+3=17, Success!

    1*T1 [Quest] Material Obtained!

    Total [Quest] T1 Materials: 2

  3. Pulling herself up from her stooped position with a small heave of her arms, Kasumi stood up. Leaving the others where they were, stretching her legs before taking paces away from them. While they were hard at work collecting a yield of the green, Kasumi aimed to seek out another location just in case this patch ran dry before they had attained everything they had needed to. Shuffling away from the pack, Kasumi made her way through shrubs and across rounded stones that littered the area. Combing the area Kasumi happens upon a few more comparable strips of the same greenish tufts. With each discovery, she takes her HUD open and makes a note of the coordinates of them one at a time. A backup plan was not a bad idea to have, and Kasumi expanding her skill set a bit aimed to keep the task simple through a bit of premeditation.

    ID# 136841 results: Loot: 5+3=8, Failure!

    Total [Quest] T1 Materials: 1

  4. Taking her place with the others, her orange hair flowing softly around her shoulders. Subtle winds tore across the emerald green grass and with it Kasumi's orange hair taken aloft. It appeared the others were right at home gathering pieces from the soil underneath them, Kasumi moving in just beside Setsuna and taking a careful inspection of what she was doing. Her hands seemed to mimic Raidou's which was noticeable as it stood out, Kasumi believed that maybe the girl was copying his methods before she remembered that Raidou had shown her once before what he was doing and more than likely the girl was recalling this information now given the situation. Shuffling around in the patch, Kasumi finds one in a silent reflection of what Setsuna had been doing and with a bit of effort manages to retract a piece of a green plant, tufts gracing its top for her own.

    ID# 136837 results: Loot: 17+3=20, Success!

    1*T1 [Quest] Material Obtained!

    Total [Quest] T1 Materials: 1

  5. Trying her best to remain focused on the small crags of stonework she'd aim to deal with a sliding of her hands over its smoothed surface that reflected the sunlight back as it beat upon its surface. Not seeming to find a stop to work on removal, Kasumi finds herself distracted as Quinn moves to Raidou's side and begins to speak. The words were difficult to make out, and Kasumi found herself staring trying to see what was being spoken. Shaking her head and trying to keep set on what she was doing and let Raidou handle that which Firm Anima had damaged, but she found herself interested and unable to find anything in her divide of attention.

    Kneeling down to break line of sight with the pair, Kasumi begins scouring the lower half of the rock while trying to advert her interests back to what she was intended to be here for, but it was a fruitless endeavor. 

    ID# 136809 results: Loot: 1+3=Failure!

  6. Transferred to Raidou:

    Name: Onyx Spectacles
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136638
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A pair of black-rimmed glasses, a slight sheen of light dances across an almost glass appearing frame. Slightly magnified to improve eyesight at a distance without compromising close-range visibility, good for if you're looking for something in particular

    Transferred to Simmone:

    Name: Gilded Lotus
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136643
    Roll Result: 12+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A small glass flower, embossed with a slightly garish purple trim. Confidence of the crafter's abilities bleeds from the piece, its fine work

    Transferred to Shiina:

    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136637
    Roll Result: 9+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you


  7. Continuing her routine inspection of the stones, it seeming as though Raidou had made it through the discomfort and reached her. The grin still attached to her face Kasumi scans through the crags of rock and through her consistent circles finds a small nugget of light. Retracting her small silver pick and tapping on the stones surface in a few soft pops as if shaving ice as pebbles rain down from the impacts. Cutting a decent size circle around her quarry Kasumi takes her hands to it, a glowing red gemstone reflecting sunlight back. Shifting her shoulders and heaving back, it takes some effort before it finally breaks free from its container. A rough jewel ready to be cut down and would make a fine piece of jewelry if processed properly.

    Shifting the piece after a slightly closer analysis of its quality, Kasumi adds it to her bag and begins to rub her hands along the surface once again aiming to find another.

     ID# 136727 results: Loot: 18+3=21, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 5


  8. 2/26/20

    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136637
    Roll Result: 9+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.

    Given to Shiina Here

    Name: Onyx Spectacles
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136638
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A pair of black-rimmed glasses, a slight sheen of light dances across an almost glass appearing frame. Slightly magnified to improve eyesight at a distance without compromising close-range visibility, good for if you're looking for something in particular

    Given to Raidou Here

    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136639
    Roll Result: 9+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.

    Passed to Zajcica Here

    Name: Gilded Lotus
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136643
    Roll Result: 12+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A small glass flower, embossed with a slightly garish purple trim. Confidence of the crafter's abilities bleeds from the piece, its fine work.

    Given to Simmone Here

  9. Kasumi did her best to focus on the task she had been doing before Quinn happened upon the group, but she seemed unable to focus on what she was doing prior. Her heart wished to extend to the girl and help ease her pain and discomforts, looking in her direction she saw Raidou sitting there his robe pooled around him as it appeared she was speaking but was unheard given the distance between her and the pair. A slight smile on the corner of her mouth in a silent relief, Kasumi turned back to the jagged rocks letting Raidou do what it was to be done. Stepping around and between the sphered rock carefully purveying the surfaces with her amber eyes looking for a familiar sparkle of light reflecting across embedded gemstones amongst the crags, Kasumi spends a fair amount of time kneeling and scanning each of them to no prevail.

    ID# 136721 results: Loot: 3+3=6, Failure!

  10. Her attention focused forward at the wall of rock, her orange hair soaked in sunlight and draped over her shoulders. Kasumi continued scanning the stone, her ears perking up to Raidou's explanation with a softened grin on her mouth. Another analysis that proved how his mind worked, a mind she'd respected from years past. Quinn still seemed troubled and although it shook Kasumi wanting to aid the girl, it seemed a group of people would just increase the problem and left the response to Raidou. Scanning the stone with a passing eye, rubbing her hands along the surface as she does so she cannot seem to locate any more gemstones on this node and would have to seek out another.

    Placing the small silver pick back onto her hip, Kasumi readjusted the ribbon that kept her hair out of her face. Pulling a quick tug against her clothes to allow them a breath Kasumi scanned the area for another.

    ID# 136693 results: Loot: 10+3=13, Failure!

  11. 2/26/20

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience  
    1 136637 CD: 9 +1 LD: 9 Rare   8 (+3 Ambition)
    2 136638 CD: 11 +1 LD: 5 Perfect   11 (+3 Ambition)
    3 136639 CD: 9 +1 LD: 20 Rare   8 (+3 Ambition)
    4 136640 CD: 2 +1 LD: 8 Salvage Success   5 (+3 Ambition)
    5 136641 CD: 1 +1 LD: 13 Failed   4 (+3 Ambition)
    6 136643 CD: 12 +1 LD: 16 Perfect   11 (+3 Ambition)
    7   CD:   +1 LD:         (+3 Ambition)
    8   CD:   +1 LD:         (+3 Ambition)
                  Exp Total: 47  


    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136637
    Roll Result: 9+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.


    Name: Onyx Spectacles
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136638
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A pair of black-rimmed glasses, a slight sheen of light dances across an almost glass appearing frame. Slightly magnified to improve eyesight at a distance without compromising close-range visibility, good for if you're looking for something in particular


    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136639
    Roll Result: 9+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.


    Name: Gilded Lotus
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136643
    Roll Result: 12+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A small glass flower, embossed with a slightly garish purple trim. Confidence of the crafter's abilities bleeds from the piece, its fine work.


  12. It seemed everyone was here, pointing and counting them up before the final tally pointing to herself. Everyone was present Kasumi assured before targeting them one by one and inviting each of them and after they all accepted the party invite she slides open her quest journal and taps the small button labeled 'Share Quest' to update their respective logs with the same task. Taking point Kasumi begins to trail off toward where the description was leading her, to a man named Zackariah within the walls of the city. After a short jaunt around some of the entrapping rings of the building's Kasumi finds her query.

    An older gentleman of silver hair and a long beard hard at work scrawling on paper and swirling a bottle of liquid in a stream of sunlight finding its way through a window. Kasumi asks "What would you have us do, sir?" in her sweet tone, which he responds "Oh yes, you found my ledger then? Collect me 5 materials and bring them back and I'll teach you the basics of crafting." What the NPC wasn't aware of is that she and the guild had already skipped over this and went straight to the advanced lessons with owning their own shops.

    A soft nod Kasumi accepts "Alright, we will be back shortly."

    Hoping the others were close enough to get the precipice of what they were having to accomplish, Kasumi exits the city and gets to work letting the others catch up to where she was.

    ID# 136623 results: Loot: 4+3, Failure!

  13. Removing a small parcel from the front of the quest board in the town of beginning's reading the description carefully before the menu open with a flick of the wrist. Kasumi was sure this was the one she was after, the one that was a trivial quest to complete but yielded quite the rewards. As the wheel spun with a few upward swipes causing it to ascend, Kasumi finds the aptly titled quest on the boards roster and taps it causing a small audible beep as the bar lights and the whole screen vanishes. In tandem her HUD notifies her of its acceptance, a grin drawing on her face as the first step was complete in her taking it. Now she would just have to wait for the others to move to join her, when they were in the party she could use quest sharing to update them into it as well.


    Kasumi, The Blossom:

    Level: 9

    HP: 180/180

    EN: 18/18

    Weapon: Master White Hand Wraps (T1/Perfect/Hand-Wrap) +3 Damage

    Armor: White Red-Trimmed Gee (T1/Perfect/Light Armor) +3 Eva

    Misc: Orange Hairband (T1/Perfect/Clothing): +3 Loot Dice

    Damage: 8

    Evasion: 3

    Loot Dice: +3


    Martial Arts Rank 2 (+4 Base Damage)

    Concentration [Extra]: +1 Accuracy on next attack, 3 turn cool down

    Battle Ready:

    Mugen Tenshin Decree (T1/Perfect/Clothing) +3 Acc


  14. Given to Griswold:

    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136546
    Roll Result: 10+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.


    Name: Forgemaster's Chains
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136548
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition (Blacksmith)
    Post Link: Here
    A heavy-duty set of cobalt chains, links with a latch at the end. This, when attached and pulled tight around a smithing mallet, keeps your grip strong and firm making working metal much easier as more of the momentum is carried into your strikes given the reduced movement of the hammer.

    Given to Raidou:

    Name: Bronze Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136547
    Roll Result: 8+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 1
    Post Link: Here
    A bronzed snake, that wraps around your finger, finite glass eyes seem to eerily stare at you.


  15. 2/25/20

    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136546
    Roll Result: 10+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.

    Given to Griswold Here

    Name: Bronze Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136547
    Roll Result: 8+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 1
    Post Link: Here
    A bronzed snake, that wraps around your finger, finite glass eyes seem to eerily stare at you.

    Passed to Zajcica Here

    Name: Forgemaster's Chains
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136548
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition (Blacksmith)
    Post Link: Here
    A heavy duty set of cobalt chains, links with a latch at the end. This when attached and pulled tight around a smithing mallet keeps your grip strong and firm making working metal much easier as more of the momentum is carried into your strikes given the reduced movement of the hammer.

    Given to Griswold Here

  16. 2/25/20

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience  
    1 136543 CD: 1 +1 LD: 10 Failure - 4 (+3 Ambition)
    2 136544 CD: 3 +1 LD: 1 Salvage Failure - 5 (+3 Ambition)
    3 136545 CD: 5 +1 LD: 6 Salvage Success - 5 (+3 Ambition)
    4 136546 CD: 10 +1 LD: 4 Rare - 8 (+3 Ambition)
    5 136547 CD: 8 +1 LD: 12 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
    6 136548 CD: 11 +1 LD: 8 Perfect - 11 (+3 Ambition)
    7                   (+3 Ambition)
    8                   (+3 Ambition)
                  Exp Total: 39  


    Name: Silver Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136546
    Roll Result: 10+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 2
    Post Link: Here
    A small silver snake, that wraps around your finger, finite sapphire eyes seem to eerily stare through you.


    Name: Bronze Covetous Serpent
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136547
    Roll Result: 8+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 1
    Post Link: Here
    A bronzed snake, that wraps around your finger, finite glass eyes seem to eerily stare at you.


    Name: Forgemaster's Chains
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 136548
    Roll Result: 11+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition (Blacksmith)
    Post Link: Here
    A heavy duty set of cobalt chains, links with a latch at the end. This when attached and pulled tight around a smithing mallet keeps your grip strong and firm making working metal much easier as more of the momentum is carried into your strikes given the reduced movement of the hammer.


  17. "At any rate, let us get this settled and enjoy a bath afterward. I know I can use one." Kasumi remarked with a smile toward Simmone feeling soaked to the bone, finishing up the untangling of her orange hair it was still strung together but not quite as much. Pulling her uniform from her skin, it almost peels off as the air bleeds into the opening in a rush of cold. Shiina seems to produce another material from the dust underneath her, and this one holds as she projects it toward her and Simmone. A soft smile from Kasumi shows her excitement at Shiina's success, wrapping her arms around her back with a lean forward instinctually projecting her approval. "Only one more Shiina, I believe in you." Kasumi expressed giving more soft words of encouragement in honesty toward the small girl who had done so well, given the odds stacked against them all.

    ID# 136509 results: Loot: 5+3=8, Failure

  18. The storm seemed to finally fade, rays of light began to peek through the clouds overhead. Kasumi took a deep breath and begin to brush the water from her hair with her fingers in a makeshift comb "That was surely something, what crazy weather." she spoke to Raina and Simmone finally being able to relax some. Shiina hadn't seemed to notice the storms passing just yet, still laser-focused to the pile with a scowl on her face trying her best to finish this in earnest. A soft smile graced Kasumi's face with a soft shake of the head, the girl's courage didn't falter the entire time they were buried under the rain. It went to show her that even the smallest one can be as strong as the largest. Keeping her eyes peeled as she kept raking the moisture from her frame, Kasumi couldn't help but keep that smile as she watched Shiina work.

    ID# 136506 results: Loot: 2+3=5, Failure!

  19. The rains showed no signs of stopping in an unceasing flurry. The sun was gone against a darkened sky, Kasumi fought to keep her vision clear her focus on Raina Shiina and Simmone as to not get lost in the shade taking shelter under Raina's umbrella. Simmone was doing her best to keep Shiina encouraged, Kasumi could barely make out every other word or so under the sounds of mother nature's wrath in the formulated sky of Aincrad. it seemed sickening that the game would drop such a heavy rain on such a quest intended for new players to be able to do alone, Kasumi wasn't convinced that without Raina's, her's and Simmone's support that the young girl would have stayed and finished this. The wind tears one of the stones from where Shiina was pulling away feverishly, and with a quick flick of her arm, Kasumi snatches it out of the air. The stone she expects to break, like the others before it but time shows that it is in fact usable.

    ID# 136498 results: Loot: 17+3=20, Success!

    1*T1 Material Obtained

  20. Kasumi followed suit as Raidou passed, a thought at her family may have just rectified the situation. "Alright, I trust your judgment." Kasumi whispered to him as she trailed along behind him. He took back to what he was doing, so in a mirror, she had to do the same. Returning where she was working her attentions still split between the stone filled with varied glimmering stones, and the girl still struggling from Gaius being so well 'Gaius'. Retracting the small silver pick and smacking against another glimmer as pieces of the stone broke free in small clumps of rock, Kasumi pushes her fingers into a gap she makes between the solid stone and the gemstone and with a bit of effort manages to pop it free from its enclosure. Glaring back at her with the reflection of sunlight is a small diamond, the rainbow colors of the spectrum blaring as the light hits it.

    ID# 136477 results: Loot: 18+3=21, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 4

  21. It seemed the others had this handled, so she kept to her devices working on the stone she'd been harvesting. Laden around the surface of the rock was still the glitter of uncut jewels. Pulling her hair tie tight and cracking her small pickaxe against it like a pry bar she manages to pop another glimmering gem free from the stone with ease. Dropping to the ground in a small *thud* a purple gem rough but usable none the less. Catching the expression from her cousin, she retracts a small ring from her pocket and moves to Raidou's side. "Here you go, as you asked." handing the small silver serpent band from her hand to his. A quick "EEEK!" snaps her attention to Gaius and Simmone, Kasumi yells "Don't do that you are going to scare the life out of the poor thing!" It appeared that tact was neither Gaius nor Simmone's strong suit, with a shake of her head she looks to Raidou "Great, what an excellent way to approach someone. You sure we need that baboon?"

    ID# 136462 results: Loot: 18+3=21, Success!

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 3

    [Kasumi Hands Raidou: Silver Serpent Ring: ID#136066] +2 Loot Dice

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