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Posts posted by Zahra

  1. It had slipped by her the first time, but just then it occurred to Zahra that Rolland was using a nickname. Zaza. The shock of realizing it allowed Rolland to grab her hand and lead her to the main floor of the Inn; where they stopped by the Inn Keeper's desk to return their keys. Once that business was down both players headed toward the door that led to the town. The sun shined brightly overhead the town. Zahra had to blink more than a couple times before her vision readjusted to the bright light. Apparently, she wasn't the only one who was having trouble. Rolland was blinking and rubbing his eyes, making a comment about how the sun had blinded him. Laughing lightly, Zahra reached out and grabbed his hand proceeded to gently lead the "blind" players toward a shop. The entire time that not once did she look back. If she had, Rolland would have witnessed the redness that decorated her features. 


    A couple minutes later they arrived at the shop. By that point, Zahra had all but gotten use to feeling of his hand in hers and forgotten that they were even linked. "We're here." Zahra grinned, excited about going to beach with Rolland. "Your eyesight better?" By now the blush had faded her normal color had returned. She seemed to grab hold of her emotions and push them down; for now at least. 

  2. There was a moment of stillness between the two players. Then the male player killer waved his hand in dismissal. Zahra had expected something to happen and that was definitely not it. The male then went on to say, ""If I really wanted to kill you I would've done it already, besides I'm not in a fighting mood today." Keeping the dull end of the spear raised toward the male figure, the black-haired female studied him. He was correct, after all. If he had wanted her dead he could have done it in those crucial moments when Zahra had been lost in thought. Instead though, he brought attention to himself. Perhaps there were some people who liked the challenge of facing a player before killing them, but as of right now he didn't seem like that kind of person. 


    Then, as if to prove that he was really was not going to kill her, the male sheathed his weapon right before her eyes. Muscle that had been tense and ready for a fight eased as a wave of relief washed over her. He was serious. Exhaling, Zahra rested the dull end of the spear in the shallow tide of the oasis. Finally, after another second had passed between them the female opened her menu and placed the spear back in inventory. "I have no reason to fight you." Zahra reasoned, while scrolling down on her inventory and reapplying the bathing suit. With that said she turned her back on the male and dove into the water. Normally, Zahra would never make a decision like this, but instinct was telling her that she could trust him. Plus, she didn't even know if he was planning on staying or not. 

  3. There Zahra had been, just off daydreaming while lounging in the oasis without a care in the world, when she should have really been paying attention to her surroundings. Her thoughts roamed toward her life in the real world as memories flew through her minds eye. The night that her sister and she would chase each other through the camp under starry nights moonlit nights. Or the way the wind felt while playfully tangling through long obsidian locks. Even the nights where her mother would stay up after being out hours on a dig just to read them the longest bedtime story possible before they both passed out from the exhaustion. 


    Suddenly, a deep male voice brought her out of her memories. Head snapping around Zahra found a male player standing about ten feet away. That wasn't what caused her pulse to start racing though. It was the bright orange cursor that hung over his gray locks. A player killer. "It would appear to be," Zahra mumbled more to herself than him. Slowly righting herself, as if facing a predator, Zahra turned toward the male player. Judging by his armor and weapon he was a powerful player;  if that was truly the case then she had no chance against him. . With a flick of her wrist, the HUD was brought down and her gear equipped. Now to wait and see what he was going to do. Although the raven haired women found it strange that he had brought attention to himself before actually approaching her. 

  4. As soon as Rolland mentioned getting a swimsuit the one that Zahra already owned came to mind. Upon entering the game one of the first places she had visited with the oasis, meaning that a swimsuit had to be purchased. At the time, it had just been with Celes, but this time was different. This time was with Rolland. Suddenly the black and gold bikini that had been bought seemed too revealing. A blush rose to her cheeks at the thought of wearing just that in front of Rolland. Although. maybe instead of buying an entirely new swimsuit she could just get a cover up. Something like a skirt or a tunic. Liking that sound of that idea Zahra smiled, "I have one already, but if you don't mind I would like to go look for some kind of cover up?" 

  5. Blinking Zahra sat up rubbing her golden orbs as she took in her current surrounding. Funny, she didn't remember renting a room at an Inn. Suddenly the memories of last night came flooding back. She had been with Rolland, who was giving her a piggy back ride. Zahra remembered being tired, but actually falling asleep around someone was not common for her. The only time that has ever been known to happen is if she is comfortable with someone. Meaning that she was now comfortable in Rolland's presence. Speaking of Rolland, he was waiting for her to answer the door. "Yeah," Zahra called back, her voice still laced with tiredness from just waking up, "Give me a second." Shoving the covers off of her body Zahra crawled out of the bed and stretched. Outside her window the sun had just started to peek over the horizon, meaning it was still early. Given her late night last night Zahra wasn't surprised that she was still sleeping. Probably would have slept longer too if Rolland had not come knocking. Luckily he did though because if memory served her they were suppose to go to the beach today. Smiling at the thought, Zahra quickly tidied herself up and then went to answer the door. "Morning." Zahra greeted, much more awake than a few seconds ago. 

  6. At the mention of the Snowfrost Village Zahra inwardly shuddered. The snow. It was something that the women was not particularly fond of, even if she had visited the frozen tundra before. "You know, I have been thinking lately that I need better armor..." Zahra mumbled sheepishly, while taking a glance down at her outfit. It was still the cloth one that had been given to her when first starting the game. It was definitely time for an upgrade. "You can count on me coming to see you soon." Zahra finished, laughing lightly at the comment about buying something. It was obvious that Ariel loved her little shop. It made Zahra want to visit it, and add her support, even more. "Also, does he do this often?"

  7. The dry, hot wind brushed across the desert floor bring with it a seemingly unbearable heat. Most players disliked this floor for the pure reason that it was a desert. Even though they could not technically "feel" anything the mind liked to play tricks. Meaning people felt hotter than they actually were. That was what drew so many people to the location of the oasis that lay inconspicuously in the middle of the desert. That is, if they could find it. Currently, there was one person occupying said oasis. Zahra, who had been under the water only a moment ago, popped up and made her way to shallow end of the oasis. A black and gold two piece decorated her body as she sat down in shallow water. Stretching out she enjoyed the feeling of the sun against her skin and the cooling sensation of the water. In reality, she should have been paying attention to her surrounding, but the blackette was so content that it just...slipped her mind. Humming to herself she closed her eyes and leaned back on her hands; face toward the yellow ball of fire in the sky. 

  8. Right as the snowflake landed out her outreached hand something in the back of Zahra's head told her to turn around. Always one to listen to instinct her head whipped around to find another player. His sword glowed cast a warm glow around his being as the he orange cursor stood out brilliantly in the white covered land. Automatically the defenses went up. In on motion the spear that had been ideally stabbed into the snow was in her hands. Only then did she turn to face him. Now it became apparent that he wore a pure dress suit and a accenting bow tie. Strange...Zahra thought while placing the blunt edge of the spear in the ground. It appeared as if had not noticed her yet, but once he did, what would his next move be?

  9. Without a thought Zahra accepted the party request. Ariel was right, every question that had wound it way through her mind had been answered in that instant. They were only one level higher than her and definitely more outfitted than herself. I should really buy more gear...the women thought while looking over both figures. Shaking her head to ban those thoughts Zahra proceeded to answer the question. "I was curious to see what was here..." Zahra smile sheepishly. Then they were off. Before long they were back in the safety of the town, where Shinex decided to lay down and take a nap. If someone was going to take a nap this way the best place to do it. With that said Zahra took a seat on a patch of grass near the bench. Bending one leg up and resting an elbow on the black-haired women turned a curious gaze toward Ariel. "You said you owned a shop, right?" Zahra questioned, a light smile on her features.   

  10. Zahra exhaled when Rolland agreed to not pull the same stunt as before. Winding her arms around his neck the blackette leaned her chin on his shoulder and observed as night slowly began to shift into day. It wasn't long until amber orbs began to slide shut. Zahra was trying--in vain--to stay awake until they got there, but with the rhythmic sound of Rolland's feet hitting the ground and the warmth he provided it was becoming harder and harder to stay awake. Right as she was on the the edge Rolland's voice rolled through her mind. He wanted to know if she was still awake. "Mhm," Zahra hummed, obviously not that awake. After another two minutes past Zahra eyes slid shut and her breathing evened out. Right then the fall wind blew past. Instinct took over as the female buried her face in the crook of Rolland's neck and then settled back down.

  11. Dusk had settled across the land; signaling the transition from day to night. White puffs of rain littered the air as the wind gently blew them to and fro. Frostbite lake was serene as always. Even quieter as the night took over. Zahra used this time of silence to think and ponder what had happened so far in SAO. The people that had been met, the people that had kept in contact, and finally those who seemed to fade into nothing. Normally, standing in the snow would have bothered her, but the most recent present from her partner--his jacket--had prevented the cold from leaking in. A small smile leaked onto her features as she thought about the owner of the jacket; Rolland. Funny how she had met someone like him here. Exhaling, Zahra reached out and caught a snow flake.

  12. In the process if putting the jacket on Rolland had pulled her close to him; so close that she could feel the warmth rolling off of him. It was a little more than slightly distraction, but Zahra managed to keep herself focused as she accepted the familiar feeling back across her shoulders. Rolland then suggested that she keep the jacket because it looked good on her. Part of her wanted to accept the gift, but the more practical part of her kicked in. Rolland wasn't hearing protest though because he suddenly steered her around and out of the shop; all the while asking her if she had fun and stating that he would pick up the tab from now on. Not of she could help it. Zahra would not be the kind of the girl to make a da-friend pay all the time. Then he escorted her to the field once more, suggesting they return to the Inn. At the mention of an Inn the tiredness that had been being held at bay suddenly washed up and over her. "That sounds like a good plan to me." Zahra nodded, blinking tiredly. Rolland then kneeled on the ground and asked her to get one once again. "Piggy back only, got it?" Zahra cautioned while climbing on. "Because their is no way you can move fast if I am sitting on your shoulders." It was only logical. 

  13. Almost visibly Zahra relaxed when both players decided to introduce themselves instead of attacking. The male--now known as Shinex--was suggesting getting out of the area due to fact that more snakes would possibly come. Zahra wasn't going to argue. "Nice to meet you both then. I'm Zahra." The female greeted, a soft smile on her lips. Just from the quick observation of the two the woman had come to the conclusion that they were either a higher level than her or more outfitted. Even possibly both. It would be impossible to tell unless a party was formed. "And thanks for letting me join you." So far Zahra was not fond of this floor, but knowledge was a strong motivator and Zahra wanted to know more. Especially about the two players that she had just met. 

  14. Just then there had been a glimpse of Rolland's life outside of SAO. As it turns out, he too was an older sibling. Perhaps they had more in common than just their taste in music and books. "I think if my family were to having anything in common it would probably be our love of history." Zahra laughed lightly as a memory passed across her minds eye. "My younger sister, Kya, would always as me to read from my school history book and then reiterate the lesson. She's a good kid with has a bright future." Upon mentioning going to the beach and then oasis, Zahra nodded her head. She didn't want to miss the sunrise. As she was going to pull up the transaction tab, Rolland did; paying for both of their's. Didn't the males out one dates pick up the tabs? Shaking her head to get it out of the gutter Zahra realized the Rolland was waiting for her. Smiling, she took his out stretched hand and stood. "Yep. We don't want to miss the sunrise." Mentally, she was reminding herself to thank him for picking up the dinner tab. 

  15. This had been the first time Zahra had been past floor five. With trees as tall as buildings, the smell of fresh foliage and the heat the blackette found this floor to be impressive. Akihiko Kayaba and his team had done a wonderful job at recreating the environments of the real world. Although, if this looked real, then the dangers that lurked in it had to be somewhat realistic too. Zahra had read some books on the rain forest and her biology professor seemed to have a love for it. Personally, Zhara was more interesting in the cultures around the rain forest and not the actual forest itself. As she contiuned on there was the sound of fighting. Amber orbs narrowing, she continued forward pushing past some humongous leaves; leading her to a clearing that was filled with two players. It appeared as if a fight had just been missed by movements. "Um," Zahra murmured, going back and forth between the two players, "Hi?" 

  16. A popstar?! That had certainly not been the expected answer. Suddenly, there was a jab to her foot, causing a curious gaze to jolt up and lock on mischievous amethyst orbs. "Music talent?" Zahra mimicked, raising a delicate eyebrow, "I can't sing for the life of me. And I've never had a lot of time to try and learn anything." It was true. Being the mother figure, and sometimes even the father, was not an easy job. It took time and patience, but Zahra loved every second of it. "Funny enough I became a performer in the game anyways." At that she shrugged. Hearing the comment about her name and the complement that came with it triggered the pesky butterflies in her stomach once more. She had no idea what to say to something like that. Before she could even say anything the male started to hum once more. Almost instantly the butterflies in her stomach came to a rest, and a calming wave washed over her. "Thank you." Zahra murmured happily, as to not disturb Rolland's performance. Whenever Rolland was ready Zahra was ready.  

  17. Hearing mention of going to both the oasis and the beach caused Zahra to hum in agreement. She didn't mind going to both. "Really? It's quite nice. I don't wouldn't mind going there either."  After all, the fifth floor was her favorite floor. Taking another bite of the noodles Rolland then addressed the fact that at some point she had leaned forward. Of course, being Rolland, he was quick to call that it was most likely due to the fact that it was most likely due to the fact that his voice was pleasant. There was also a strange sense of comfort drawn from it that Zahra could not even begin to explain. "Um," Zahra started, starting to unconscionably stir the noodles, "I did. It was very pleasant to listen to. Did you do anything singing wise?" Zahra herself had never been gifted with the talent of singing, but she could play an instrument--as found out in her becoming a performer quest. Taking a chance the girl took a glance up, only to find him watching her. Automatically Zahra turned a gaze back to the green tea, where she took a sip in an attempt to calm her nerves. It was suppose to do that, right? 

  18. Zarha was a bit shocked when her bowl was set before her, but none the less the turned a pleasant smile to the NPC as a thank you. Then she went for the chop-sticks and broke them apart. Using the chop-sticks she stirred the noodles and then took a bite. The chicken broth they used to flavor the broth flooded her taste-buds. The food was absolute delicious, just like last time. Definitely her favorite restaurant. "It's wonderful." Zahra smiled, "And that is what most people say. I went with a couple friends to the oasis. It was quite nice." This time Zahra took a sip of the Green tea. About that time was when Rolland started to hum and tap his foot against her. She didn't mind. Instead, she founded herself leaning on the table and closing her eyes; just enjoying the the sound of his voice. "The beach?" Zahra murmured, opening her eye and staring into Rolland's, "That sounds like a good plan." Maybe she could find out more about him and his life. There was a part of her that was concerned about bringing up something painful though, but if that happened then she would deal with it.   

  19. Turns out those weren't the only reasons that Marisa was hear. With her curiosity peeked Zahra listen in anticipation as to what was going to be said. Unfortunately, they were interrupted before the blonde could even say anything. The next thing Zahra knew she was being pushed. Using the momentum to her advantage Zahra rolled and landed in a crouch; spear standing up straight. "I do believe that you are right." Zahra murmured, eyes narrowing at the nearest one. Without much thought Zahra launched at the wolf nearest to her. In the process the spear had leveled out to being horizontal to the ground, impaling the wolf in the shoulder blade (DAMAGE 1). With a jerk the spear ripped out of the wolf's shoulder. Zahra stayed close, but keeping the spear out to keep the wolf a bay. 


    [iD# 7781] [battle (1+4) 5] [Craft 7] [Loot 6] [Mod 5] Zahra


    Marisa: 13/15

    Zahra: 15/15


    Wolf 1: 10/10

    Wolf 2: 4/8

  20. Floor four. While never having been to floor four herself Zahra had heard that it was a place covered in pure white snow and below freezing temperatures. It was somewhere that the girl did not plan on visiting anytime soon. If there was one thing that the Egyptian girl did not enjoy it was the cold. One of the few reasons why wearing Rolland's jacket was so nice. "I do," Zahra remarked, grinning slightly at the question, "I'm just going to wait for it to cool down." That technically wasn't even necessary since they couldn't feel pain the game, but some habits just die hard. Wrapping her hands around the glass cup to warmth she then started to respond to Rolland's earlier question. "The highest I've been if floor five, or the Desert Floor. Much like you it reminded me very much of before SAO." At the end of that comment Zahra smiled softly. Perhaps that's the reason why I love it, yet hate it at the same time. It took a second to bring herself out of memories that flashed through her mind, but once she did she stared back at Rolland remembering that being alone didn't wasn't the only option. Now, she had a partner to rely on. At that, she smiled. 

  21. Being lead by Marisa the duo started on the adventure. For some reason, as they were heading towards the woods Marisa asked if Zahra remembered the blonde had joined SAO. It had been a while. Zahra remembers finding out during her mini adventure with Crow and his gang. Marisa had said something...then it hit her. "Kind of," Zahra stated, unsure of where this was leading, "You had said something about being bored and...wanting to get stronger?" The more she thought about the more she recalled. "You had also said something about helping other's who were stuck in this death game." A noble cause. Although curious. Maybe Marisa was going to expand more on her story. Of course, Zahra would never push her and listen to what Marisa wanted to tell her. 

  22. Now that Marisa was back to her hyperactive self Zahra found herself relaxing. It was odd to see the blonde so serious. Strangely enough both personalities seemed to fit the girl perfectly though. "Nah, I'm good to go." Zahra beamed, resting the spear on her shoulder. Just because her excitement wasn't outwardly shown didn't mean that she wasn't excited; she was just more calm about it. In fact, to have the company of someone so expressive was kind of relieving. There was not guessing what Marisa was thinking or feeling; she would just say it. Zahra got the feeling that Marisa would become a good friend. Someone that could be relied on and dependable. Waving her hand Zahra gestured for Marisa to lead the way. Zahra was never much of a leader type anyway. 

  23. Getting seated, Zahra picked up the menu in front of her and began to search something to order. One of the best aspects of this restaurant was the variety of flavors it offers. Right as the blackette got about halfway down the first page Rolland got her attention by starting to talk. He then proceeded to explain that he had this strange quirk where he didn't like to wear sweaters or hats inside a restaurant and that the coat would be returned after the meal. The whole time he was playfully nudging her foot under the table."Fair enough." Zahra smiled, glad to hear that the coat would be returned to her. Once more her gaze was returned back to the menu. Minutes later the waiter came over and asked for their order. Rolland went first ordering Hozuki Special. "The Hakata Special please." Zahra stated. The waiter than picked up the menus and started back to the kitchen. Zahra then turned her attention toward Rolland. "Tell me Rolland, what's the highest floor you've been on? What was it like?" Zarha question, leaning forward and resting against the table; curiosity shining in the amber orbs.

  24. Suddenly glad that she was a player who wore pants Zahra slipped gracefully off of Rolland's shoulders and on to the ground. Once both feet was placed firmly on the read the blackette took a breath and tuned amber orbs toward her partner. "While that may be true, just give me a warning next time. I almost had a heart-attack." Zahra commented, placing her hands on her hips and giving Rolland a pointed stare. Then again, there probably would never be a next time so the blackette dropped the subject. Pivoting toward the restaurant she then started toward it when Rolland mentioned getting his coat back. Pretending that she didn't quite hear that she let Rolland tenderly lead her into the Noodle Shop. Zahra knew that he had not forgotten about getting his coat back; as if to prove it he tapped her shoulder and held out his hand expectantly. Sighing, the women shrugged off the jacket--a chill running along her spine as she did--and hung it on the outstretched hand. Now that the jacket was back in it's rightful hands Zahra took a seat at the open table; opening up the menu and taking a look. 

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