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Posts posted by Zahra

  1. Now that Zahra was on his back she could see further, but not by much. "Honestly, not that different." Zahra murmured, her breath hitting his neck. Seconds later Rolland suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. Confused the blackette sent him a sideways glance, but he didn't say or do anything. Then he started walking again. Furrowing her eyebrows she just decided to ignore it and continue searching; although she didn't miss the smile that lit up his face. Another question, this one asking about markers. "Yeah, there is a re--Rolland!" Zhara never got to finish her sentence due to the fact that Rolland suddenly move her so that she was sitting on his shoulders. Right as she was about to say something else a red banner caught her attention. "There! Take a right at the next street!" Zahra explained. Once Rolland had followed that one direction she then told him another one. In all the commotion she momentarily forgot about her current position and her nerves. Before they knew it the duo found themselves in front of a little shop that had a red banner on the reading 'DOC CHEY'S NOODLE HOUSE."

  2. They were nearing the woods now. Suddenly, the atmosphere around the two became serious as Marisa turned around and leaned against one of the many trees; saying something about promising to run away if her HP got to low. Before Zahra could control it a frown marred her delicate features and her eyebrows came together. "Marisa, I'm glad that you consider me a friend, and know that the feeling is mutual." Zahra evenly stated, "but I can not make the promise. We are in this together; whether that is to live another day or die trying." Amber orbs locked onto golden ones; trying to make the blonde understand that their was no way that Zahra would leave her. It was against her moral code. Plus, they would have better chance surviving if they worked together, not apart. 

  3. While Rolland was searching Zahra was trying to remember where to go. It was one of the harder restaurants to find due to it's back corner location. "It's a noodle shop named Doc Chey's." Zahra added, "It's in a back corner somewhere around here..." The last part was mumbled to herself as she scanned the streets Horunka. Right as she was about to turn to peer down another street, Rolland's shoulder bumped into her's. Zahra was about to tell him that it was alright and that she was sorry that she didn't know where she was going, but Rolland had suggested a lift instead. Before her he crouched down and gestured to his shoulders. It wasn't that she didn't trust him because strangely enough she did. It was her nerves she didn't trust. Never-the-less, he was right about the height advantage. Taking a breath, Zahra wrapped her arms around his neck and then placed herself on his back. She was almost positive that he would be able to hear her heart beat that was going a thousand miles a minute. "Okay. Ready when you are." 

  4. There was a brief moment where Zahra closed her golden orbs and took a breath--reigning in the overactive emotions. Suddenly, Rolland lightly nudged her forward toward the town prompting her to start walking. This time, instead of leading the way, he stayed by her side. This brought a minute smile to Zahra's features. It may have been a simple thing, but what many people didn't realize is that they were unconsciously playing a power game. People who walk side by side consider each other equals. This also allowed her to view the tank top that he wore underneath the jacket and the tattoo on his left shoulder. It was beautifully inscribed on his skin and complemented it. Before he could catch her studying it Zahra jerked her orbs back ahead of them. "Good guess. There's a nice restaurant in Horunka that's exceptional." Zahra grinned happily, "And you mean I don't get to keep yours? Yeah, it's big, but it's comfortable." Of course, Zahra was just messing with him. There was no way she would keep just a nice piece of clothing. By the time they made it to the next town it the moon was starting to fall. He stood by and ushered her in with a "Ladies, first." Laughing at the remake Zahra then continued on. As she passed him though, she slowed down so that he could return back to her side. "Now, it should be around here somewhere..."

  5. It took every once of self-control that Zahra owned to keep her face from getting even redder. Luckily, Rolland credited her flushed features to the weather and not her increasing heart-beat. That in itself caused him to take action though. Within seconds the male had stripped off the midnight colored jacket and gracefully placed it on her shoulders. Instantly her small frame was dwarfed. Taking advantage of that fact that it was warmer than what was currently being worn, the blackette tugged it tighter around herself. Strangely enough, the jacket itself was scented like freshly fallen rain. Drawing her attention back to the owner of said jacket, Zahra found him sending a smile and a wink in her direction. She tried to shrink into the jacket even further. Right after that, Rolland stated that he would go anywhere she wanted, that Aincrad was theirs. The weight of his hand settled on her shoulder. With some thought, she pointed toward the next town on floor one. As of right now she was starting to get kind of hungry, and there was a really good restaurant in the Horunka Village that was open all night. 


    For the next several minutes Zahra gave into the strange feeling. Closing her eyes and letting herself get carried away by the music the blackette failed to notice the as more wolves appeared in the cavern side, all watching at their leader and then young performer shared a duet. When the music finally came to an end, Zahra finally opened her eyes to find her predicament. Not one of them moved though. The Old Wise Wolf turned a pointed stare at the ocarina. It then began to glow. Before golden orbs the tiny instrument deformed and then shaped itself into a sphere. A screen suddenly flashed in front of her reading, "You have completed the Earning a Living Quest to become a performer. Congratulations!" Excitement and relief flooded over her like a title wave. She had done it. She was not officially a performer. Thinking of the tiny ocarina once more the orb in her hands changed back into the same ocarina that had been around her neck before. Smiling, she placed the delicate instrument to her lips and proceeded to play. With the spear placed back in her HUB she then started on her way back to the city, playing the entire way. 



    Sphere of Symphony

    0 Loot



    Becoming a performer 

  7. Marisa had chosen a sword due to the fact that she was familiar with seeing them. That brought up the question as to where she lived where sword usage was prevalent. Seconds later her own question was shot back at her--causing her to silently laugh. "As spear?" Zahra echoed, casting a fond glace at the weapon in her hands, "I would have to say it's due to the fact that they talked about them a lot in my Lost Culture classes. They always seemed so fascinating and versatile that it just felt right to pick one." The Roman's had used pilums--a type of spear--during battle. In fact, their battle tactics relied heavily on the usage of pilums. Other cultures like the Egyptians and Mayans used them too for hunting and other actives. 

  8. The further into the cave, the darker it got. Zahra didn't stop though. With determination coursing through her veins--or pixels--she continued deeper into the cavern. It took several minutes, but the blackette finally made it to what appeared to be a center chamber, a wide open space with a large rock formation jutting out from the center. Then there was movement on the center rock. Coming to the edge was a larger than normal snow white wolf. The display nave over it's head read, "Old Wise Wolf." This was it. Bringing up the spear Zahra prepared for an attack, but one never came. Instead, the wolf seemed to be waiting for something. More confused than anything she put down the spear and stared back, wondering what needed to be done. It didn't appear to be a battle. Then what? Suddenly, the ocarina that hung loosely around her neck began to glow. Dropping the spear Zahra immediately wrapped her hands around the instrument. As soon as she did as strange feeling began to over whelm her. Closing golden orbs, the blackette the placed the tiny instrument to her lips and began to play. Within second the wolves howl pierced the air, sounding in harmony with her song. 

  9. To say the least it was fascinating to learn about some of Rolland's life outside the game. There was a brief moment where Zahra found herself wondering what meeting his grandparent would be like. They were probably warm caring people--at least they sounded like they were based off the warmth that entered Rolland's voice and they way his facial structure softened when talking about them. The sentence after that one has caught her completely off guard though. No one, and she meant no one, had ever called her exotic and wonderful. The light pink staining her face suddenly turned cherry red. Her nerves kicked in as butterflies began to take flight in her stomach one after one. It was a sensation that was totally unfamiliar to her. Sure, men had approached her and told her she was beautiful, but they never got much past how she appeared. Rolland was different though. He had inquired about her, learned about her and still proceeded to call her wonderful. There was no words to even describe how happy that made her. Then he leaned in close and asked her why she was here, then going on to explain why he was. 


    With the final question all the answers to the other one's seemed to evaporate. 


    The question about being his partner in this world completely blanked her mind. Zahra's first initial thought had been something along the lines of girlfriend, but that proved to be false. He was asking to her to be a partner, or a friend that adventured with him, relied on him and add a different perspective to the world around them. Getting her head out of the gutter, Zahra then glanced between the captivating orbs and then out-stretched hand. Then, she grinned. "I would be more than happy to be your partner, Rolland." As the words past her lips she reached out and gently clasped her around around his. It was warm and comforting, just as she imagined. 

  10. Rolling golden orbs in a good-natured manner Zahra then started following Marisa. It was while walking that she pulled up her HUD display and equipped her spear. Spears, unlike most of the counterparts, could not be stored on someones person--they had to be carried. Zahra didn't really mind though. It was comforting to have the weight of the weapon in her hand while wandering through dangerous territory. "Say Marisa, is there any particular reason that you chose a sword as you weapon?" Zahra question, curiosity shining within her eyes. 

  11. It was such a beautiful day out with the sun shining and the wind lightly blowing that Zahra ended up staying there longer than truly intended. Several minutes--about thirty to be exact--the female finally decided to move. Standing, she once more started to make her way threw the dense trees. Then something happened. A hollowed, long-winded howl filled the wood. It's sound summoned chills across olive skin as it echoed around her. It lasted for probably about a good minute before other howls joined in. Something told Zahra that the first howl was the one that she had been searching for. Another howl rang out. This time she able to tell where it was coming from and wandered in that direction. It wasn't long before she came across a large cave. Only little slivers if light peeked threw openings, not allowing much visibility. Taking a breath and holding the spear at ready, Zahra entered the cave. 

  12. The field that had seemed to be full earlier that night was now almost void of any monsters--which was kind of strange. As far as Zahra knew they were the only one's out here at this hour. Those thoughts didn't get to linger long due to the fact that Rolland had suddenly stopped and turned toward her once more, another question passing his lips. The moon shadowed his features, highlighting the amethyst orbs that where intently focused on her. Suddenly, it seemed a whole lot warmer on that chilly night. "Training?" Zahra echoed, a light laugh enlacing her voice, "Probably would've made things easier if it had. I learned to fight by trail and error. Eventually, the spear just...became apart of me?" It was a silly explanation, but best way she could find to word it. At some point she just stopped thinking about it as a weapon and as it extension in her arms. Plus, there was a vast history behind spears that Zahra could tap into to develop new moves and strategies. "What about you? Did you ever get training in sword play? or fighting in general?" Curiosity shined in golden orbs while the wind gently caressed her flowing locks. 

  13. The energetic and light-hearted personality of Marisa infectious; so much so that the minute smile on Zahra's face a turned into a full scale grin. "Well," She mused, wandering up next to the blonde and taking a quick surveillance of the landscape. "Everyone probably goes threw the woods. So why don't we go around?" It was always more exciting the explore the more unknown aspects of the game. Something that couldn't be read in a player's guide or manual. That meant though that they had to be ready for anything and everything. Already Zahra couldn't wait to go. "Ready when you are." Zahra stated, letting Marisa lead the way. 

  14. Rolland had not only approached her after the battle and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, but he also added a compliment into the mix as well. That had been the first time someone had told Zahra that she was good with a spear. There was a split second where the women had no idea how to respond. All the while a light dusting of pink started to cross her cheeks. Unable to find her voice Zahra just beamed up at Rolland in thank you. When the warmth of his hand left her shoulder so that he could turn around; there was a lingering electric feeling that lasted for a good second before fading away. Confused--and distracted--by the sensation Zahra didn't realize that Rolland had gotten a couple feet ahead of her until he called out. "Coming!" Zahra called, shrugging away the feeling and then jogged to catch up with him. By now the moon had reached it's peak in the sky, highlighting the field in a soft glow and outlining the figures as they continued on.  

  15. The second floor was buzzing with players, their conversation all merging together to create a dull hum that echoed through the streets. Gliding down one of those many streets was none other than Zahra. A couple of minutes ago the women had gotten a message from Marisa about adventuring together. Naturally the answer had been yes. That was why she was here in the first place. As she neared the gate a familiar voice rang out clearing among the rest. It was reciting the numbers in Pi. Raising her eyebrows, Zahra rounded the corner to find Marisa standing at the gate; board out of her mind. Finding herself smiling she approached the girl. "793." Zahra added, "Wait long?" 


    [iD# 6354] [battle 10} [Craft 7] [Loot 9] [Mod 8} Zahra


    It took just a brief second for the wolf to get it's breath back, and once it did it attack ferociously. It's front claws raking down her torso while it teeth sunk into her shoulder [DAMAGE 2]. It was not going to let go this time. On pure instinct Zahra took her spear and rammed it into the stomach of the white wolf. After that things seemed to happen in slow motion. The body instantly stopped moving and released her. As it started to drop lifelessly to the ground blue pixels began to float up from it. Within second the body was gone and all was still. Placing the pointed end on the ground she then heaved a sigh of relief and leaned against the weapon. "Well, that was fun." Zahra sarcastically muttered to the empty area. Righting herself once more she started off further into the woods. The Old Wise Wolf had to be here somewhere. It was already the middle of the day, so she decided to take a break before continuing on. Sitting down and leaning against one of the tree she equipped a piece of bread and began to eat. 


    Zahra 4/15 

    Wolf 0/9

    NO LOOT~

  17. The switch had been called. Reacting automatically, Zahra once more charged at the beast. Her first instinct was to go toward the area with more surface area, but then a small voice sounded in the back of her head reminding her that it was the legs that she was aiming for, not the body. Going for the legs would hopefully knock the boar off balance and then Rolland could finish it. As she approached the boar she started to get lower to the ground. By the time she reached the beast she easily made a swipe at it legs. The attack was not only successful, but also a critical hit taking away the last three hit points on the boar's HP. It's body faded away and all Zahra could do was stare for a second. That attack had only meant to be a distraction, not an actually attack. "Umm..," Zahra hummed, smiling sheepishly, "That wasn't suppose to happen..." Perhaps it had just been luck that allowed for such a hit. It was not something to think on, at least that was if Rolland wasn't mad. Although, she couldn't see him getting mad over something like this. That would be silly. 




    Rolland: 28/29 HP

    Zahra: 15/15 HP


    ~Zahras Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 10] #ID 6353

    [boar takes 3 damage]

    [+1 to Battle Dice for Metal Gauntlet's]



    Boar: 0/10 HP

  18. Before her the battle went on. It was like watching a dance that only they knew the steps to and it wasn't long before she picked up the steps too. Right after the boar and Rolland's sword made contact she saw her chance. "Now!" Zahra called, running right beside him with her spear. Instead of using the typical stabbing motion of the spear Zahra used a swiping motion, leaving a large gash across it's chest area, but she didn't stop there. Using the momentum of the blow she then brought around the blunt end of the spear and knocked against the boar's temple. That last blow effectively knocked it off course of both Rolland and herself. Without really realizing it, a small smile found it's way to Zahra's face. Rolland and her worked well together; to the point where it almost surprised her. Using the the dull end of the spear she prodded the beast to get it's attention on herself. Once she was positive that it was now focused on her she moved away from Rolland and continued to distract the beast. "Whenever your ready." Zahra commented casually, using the spear to block. 




    Rolland: 28/29 HP

    Zahra: 15/15 HP


    ~Zahra's Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 6] #ID 6314

    [boar takes 1 damage]

    [+1 to Battle Dice due to Metal Gauntlets]

  19. Zahra

    {ID# 6311}

    {Battle (1+4) 5}

    {Craft 5}

    {Loot 14}

    {MOD 1} 


    This time, the wolf was the fist to try and make a move. It slowly started to circle around her as she were it's pray. Each step that the wolf took Zahra matched, her eyes trained on the beast. Holding the spear point down with one hand locked around the top and the bottom she took a deep breath and waited. Then it happened. It's back muscle twitched before it lunged at her. Seeing the warning sign Zahra was able to pivot out of the way. The wolf was right next to her now. Without so much as a thought she pinned the pointed end of the spear in the ground and then used it as a brace to send a side kick into the wolves rib area. It crouched a little, getting the air knocked out of it's lungs {DAMAGE 1}. This was almost over, then she could get on with the rest of her quest to become a performer. 


    Zahra 6/15 

    Wolf 2/9

  20. Before them the vast landscape was covered with red dot indicating possible targets for the choosing. Since it was still night the field was ripe for the choosing. "Thanks for the offer," Zahra murmured, all the while letting the corners of her mouth turn up, "But I'll wait until I can afford it. It won't be long now." That much was true. With Rolland's help boar hunting she would be that much closer to purchasing a decent weapon. Curious eyes watched as he went from tapping the tip of her weapon to tapping the pummel of his weapon. It was a sword, but the question was what kind? It didn't take long to find out. Shortly after their conversation Rolland found a target and glided out to meet it. As soon as the sword was drawn black mist leaked out from the sheath. That wasn't it either. A roar pierced the night sky and red eyes could be seen the darkness behind his jacket. The swords name was Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker. For just a second all Zahra could do was stare before her mind heard the word "switch" and kicked into gear. Rushing past Rolland at an angle, she then readied her spear and stabbed at a downward slant. As soon as the spear pierced the shouldered hide of the boar Zahra wasted no time in tearing down and ripping the spear back out. A pain fill squeal sounded throughout the fields. With the boar now focused on her she danced away and readied herself for defense. "Rolland, switch!" 



    ~Zahras Dice Roll~

    [iD# 6309]

    [Rolled a 5]

    [boar takes 1 damage]

    [Metal Gauntlet +1 Battle dice]


    Rolland: 28/29 HP

    Zahra: 15/15 HP

    Boar 4/10 HP

  21. {ID# 6189} {Battle (1+1) 2} {Craft 8} {Loot 12} {Mod 9} Zahra


    The wolf didn't just stop at the pounce though. It turned around and then went right for her once more. This time it's teeth sunk into her upper arm. Zahra was lucky that the game didn't transfer the feeling of pain because that most certainly would have been crippling. With a new determination the wolf the ripped it's teeth out of her arm and backed away {DAMAGE 2}. If this had been real life there would have been jagged rips exposing bloody flesh. This time Zahra had not even been able to get a hit in before the wolf backed off. Watching her HP fall even more she wondered when this fight would be over. Plus, this was probably wasn't the only wolf she had to fight either. Especially if she had to fight the Old Wise Wolf. 


    Zahra 6/15 LEVELED UP!

    Wolf 3/9

  22. Playfully returning his bow with a slightly curtsy of her own she then strides past him to take the lead. As Zahra continued to stroll toward the gate of the town she opened her HUD and equipped the two-handed spear. It was a simple weapon without much design, but then again, it was still a beginner weapon. Now that her levels were increasing, maybe it was time to get a better weapon. Something that would allow for adventures further up the Tower. Something that could deal with the stronger monsters and players that one would encounter there. Being on the first floor was comfortable, but Zahra didn't want comfortable; she wanted challenging. She wanted to help on the front lines. That was only a dream though. It was time to focus on the now; and now she was going boar hunting with Rolland. "You ready?" Zahra question, turning slightly to face her companion. 

  23. A light dusting of rose cascaded across her cheeks--and it wasn't due to the chill in the air either. "Your right, I don't have to worry about you," Zahra mumbled, her gaze still above them, "But I want to." At that she offered a wide grin in his direction. They had just met, but she could that they would become close friends, and perhaps one day even more. One never knows what the future might bring. Hearing Rolland suggest that they do something other than enjoy such a beautiful peaceful night--like doing a hunt--caused her to tilt her head slightly. A hunt now would not be bad. The fields were probably just as empty as the city. He had also said whatever she wanted to do was fine as well. That was an option that had not been heard in a while. Once her sister came that became Zahra's main focus. Her parents even joked that it was Zahra had been the one who had a child, not her mother. "A hunt sounds good to me. I could always stand to gain a few levels." Zahra laughed a little. The higher ones level became the more likely they were to fight on the front lines, and survive. Tenderly releasing Rolland's hand, she stood and stretched, "Ready when you are."

  24. {ID# 6102} {Battle (1+3) 4} {Craft 10} {Loot 3} {Mod 6} Zahra


    Growling, and struggling with it's current situation, the wolf wasn't paying attention to her. At least, it didn't appear to be. Gulping Zahra took a deep breath and stood. She needed to get that spear back, and fast. There was no other way to do it other than to just grab it--and that was exactly what she did. Unfortunately, right as the grabbed the shaft of the spear the wolf's claws raked down her leg {DAMAGE 1}. The shock and surprise of the sudden attack allowed Zahra to accidentally pull the spear out of the ground, as well as the paw. The wolf automatically pounced. Zahra tried to take advantage of the situation, but failed and just managed to roll out of the way. 


    Zahra 8/13

    Wolf 3/9

  25. The smile was fake. That would have been obvious even if there weren't tears leaving streaks across his cheeks. Rolland paid no mind to them though as they formed droplets on his chin, then fell onto his black pants--his mind completely elsewhere. There was nothing that Zahra could say that the male hadn't heard before. So, she didn't say anything. Instead, she tentatively scooted closer to Rolland, and then when she was close enough she reached out and grabbed his hand. She had not known him very long, but if there was one thing she hated seeing, it was people in distress--especially a friend. His skin was warm to the touch, causing the a stinging sensation when the heat came in contact with the chill on her own skin. In a comforting gesture, Zahra gave Rolland's hand a light squeeze, letting him know that she was right there and willing to listen or just be there. There was a slight guilty feeling welling up in her stomach for accidentally bringing up such an obviously painful topic. Even if she hadn't know, she could not knock away that slight gnawing sensation in the pit if her stomach. 

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