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Posts posted by Zahra

  1. The protector had missed. 


    But that didn't mean that Zahra had just stood there. As a precaution she had place brought the spear up to a defense position. When the attack had completely missed it then settled back down and watched the both of them. This was her chance.


     {1D# 4101] {Battle 8 (+1)} {Craft 4} {Loot 7} {MOD 2} Zahra


    Waving the tip of the spear around in confusing patterns Zahra then found the perfect place to strike {DAMAGE 1}. The spear pierce the pixialated body of the protector 2, causing it to let out a tiny high pitched screech.  Moving back slightly she then prepared for the next attack. 


    Crusher: 12/13
    Protector #1 9/9
    Protector #2 5/9
    Zahra 11/11

  2. "You should have been paying attention Crow."


    Not even getting a chance to reply Zahra twisted around to find another male player approaching them. Based on the wording--and body language--this other player seemed to be a friendly. This other male player was only a couple inches taller than her with chocolate brown hair. Suddenly Crow was talking back, saying something about not making him look like an airhead. Zahra couldn't hep but laugh lightly. If anything, it was her who had been the airhead, not him. After all, it was mostly her fault for walking around while being distracted. 


    Seconds later, the attention was brought back on her when Crow pointed out the book in her hand. "This? A beginners guide? Please." Zahra grinned, holding up the book so that they other players could read the title Ancient history from Around the World. "See? Just an old history book." Most people didn't find the past to be interesting. In fact, they usually told her that they admired her for being into history. People just failed to see the value in it, and what value there was. By researching the past one could learn from the mistakes others had made. For those into fighting they could even learn old battle tactics that worked splendidly against foes. There was a saying that the smart learned from there mistakes and the wise learned from the mistakes of others. Zahra liked to think of herself as wise. "Oh, names Zahra by the way. And what are you doing with all this stuff??"

  3. "Thank you." Zahra clearly stated, bowing slightly to show respect.


    The girl's facial expression softened, "No, thank you for your business. Come back and see me when you become a performer."


    This time it was Zahra's turn to be shocked as her obsidian eyes widen just a fraction, and she immediately straighten. The shopkeeper didn't elaborate. She just stood behind the glass counter with knowing smile decorating her features. "You can count on it." And then Zahra turned and exited the shop. The last thing she could have sworn she heard the shopkeeper say was "Take good care of it." 


    Back on the humming streets of starter city she then proceeded with the next step that the women told her; to practice. Not really keen on doing that in the middle of the city Zahra decided that maybe the outskirts would be less crowded. With that in mind she headed off toward her the general direction of her destination. The closer to the wall she got the less people she began to see--which was perfect. Now, to find a spot to settle down in and get to work. 

  4. Just recently she had purchased an old book about history from her friend at the antique shop. Which lead her to what she was currently doing--wandering the streets of Starter City with her nose in book. This was a habit that had been picked up during her years of higher learning. Since her homework involved so much reading and no time to do it, she decided to utilize the minutes that she spent walking to class. The first couple time she had run smack dab into people. After a while though it got to a point where she could successful maneuver without hitting a single person. It was only due to this reason that she was able to successfully do this on the bustling streets of Starter City. 


    Unfortunately though, people are unpredictable creatures. 


    Right as she was about to pivot to the right to avoid a male player, that player changed course. Therefore causing her to smack right into him. The book dropped to the ground and Zahra stumbled back--momentarily stunned. "Ah," She exclaimed lightly, crouching down to pick up the book, "Sorry about that..." focusing in slightly above his head the raven haired women was able to read the name. "Crozeph?" 

  5. "Hey! Over here!"


    Head whipping around so hard that raven hair hit her cheek, Zahra stared wide eyed at the current situation. 'Nepant Protectors' were now surrounding the Nepant Plant that was located in the middle of the clearing. Crusher also happened to be located in that same clearing; just a couple feet away from the plant. Taking a breath, Zahra gripped her spear and headed out to meet Crusher. A focused mind was important in these kind of situations. 


    Arriving next to him Zahra cast him a side glance before getting ready. Placing one hand near the upper part of the spear and one near the lower part she then slid her leg back slightly to have a supportive stance. Right now the chance were even, but that could change within seconds. 


    Crusher: 18/18

    Protector #1  9/9

    Protector #2  9/9

    Zahra       11/11

  6. "Or it could be a trap of some kind." 


    The only reason that Zahra even mentioned this option was due to the many stories that her father told her as a kid. The one in particular that popped into her head was the myth of the creature named JorÅgumo. According to what her father taught her JorÅgumo was a legend where when a spider turned 400 year old, it gains magical powers. It would use those magical powers to turn itself into a beautiful women who lured unsuspecting samurai to their death. The spider did this by playing a biwa and when the samurai was distracted it would then wrap them in it's web and devour the body"We should have some type of contingency plan in case this turns out not be what we think it is."


    In a game where dying was a high probability it was better to be safe than sorry. 

  7. For just a moment, the shopkeepers jaw went slack before it shaped back up into a perfect smile. No words were said as the girl reached into the cabinet and delicately picked up the ocarina. As if it would break at any kind of pressure the shopkeeper placed it on the counter and then backed off.


    Using her instincts, Zahra picked up the ocarina with the same amount of muted action as the shopkeeper had. Turning it over in her hands she admired the work that had been inscribed on the tiny instrument. It was finely crafted. Someone had obviously put a lot of time and effort into the creation--and it was just the thing Zahra was searching for. Placing the pendant ocarina on the glass counter once more she smiled sweetly at the girl. 




    "I would love to purchase it." 


    Nodding numbly, but still giddily smiling, the shopkeeper opened the HUD to offer the trade. Judging by the shopkeepers reactions Zahra wasn't sure if she made the right choice. This instrument inspired her. It made her want to play music that brought people up from their darkest thoughts and engaged them in this new life. The shopkeeper on the other hand was acting as if it was something important to her though; effectively tearing away at Zahra confidence and causing her to wonder. 


    "Are you sure about this?" Zahra's whispered softly. At the moment her hand was hovering over the accept button. The girl's response would judge if she got this ocarina or not. 


    Seeing her muscle tense slightly at the question Zahra was about to pull her hand away. When suddenly, the shopkeeper clasped her hands behind her back and full-hardheartedly grinned. "I'm sure." Not even second later the Egyptian women accepted the offer. She now had her own instrument. Step one to becoming a preformer. 

  8. "Don't worry, haha. I'll protect you"


    To that Zahra raised a delicate eyebrow and allowed a slight smirk to decorate her features. Feeling completely relaxed now that they had made it to the forest--and without any issues-- the Egyptian women merely nodded at his hypothesis. The trees near the middle of the forest appeared to be much healthier than those on the outskirts. 


    Being a women with the nature of an older sister Zahra was the first to walk into the area. At first, the trees were sparse and few-and-far between. As the forest continued to go on though the trees became denser, making it harder to see. It would be hard to walk side-by-side in an area like this and if a MOD happened to come after then, their best chance would be to find a clearing. That way they could fight side-by-side rather than having one take on the MOD. 


    "If you want, you are more than welcome to lead," Zahra motioned to the space between tree up ahead, "There is not a lot of space for us to maneuver after a certain point."

  9. Rolling her obsidian orbs in good nature, Zahra the started after her male counterpart.


    Heading towards the forest was probably the right move. If the Little Nepent plant had been out in the open she would have heard about it by now. It was the probably due the fact that it was hidden in the forest that Zahra had not heard about the exact location of such a plant. 


    It was right then that the women noticed that Crusher was about to head straight through MOD territory. Luckily, the boars within the fields didn't usually attack unless provoked. Now the same could not be said for the wolves that roamed the area. The wolves were more aggressive than the boars, and there was usually more of them. The further that they headed into the forest; the more likely they would run into wolves. 


    "Try not to antagonize anything right now," Zahra suggested, "We need to save our HP for the forest area. It's much more dangerous than the fields."

  10. "Certainly with the two of searching for it we'll be able to find it." Zahra stated in a matter-of-fact manner. "And if you can make something about of the Anneal Blade, that would be fantastic. If not, then no worries, I'm sure I can find another use for it."  


    Exiting Starter City the two of them then proceeded out into the vast open fields surrounding the city. Other players were scattered about either lounging on the grass or fight the boar within range. The one lounging were obviously of a higher level, so boar were nothing but annoying to them. If the fell asleep, then that was another problem although. Just to make sure that none of them were sleeping Zahra took a quick glance around. Much to her relief all of them were awake. It was just one of her polices when dealing with sleeping players to either wake them up or hang out around them, just to be safe. 


    Focusing back on the task at her hand, she then turned her attention to Crusher. "Which way should we start?"

  11. Perking up at the mention of a desert floor Zahra grinned. Now desert she was use too. Her mother's group, no matter how close to town, would always sent up campsite as close to the Pyramids as possible. Which meant a lot of camping out in an open desert. It wasn't as bad as people thought though. At night the three of them--her mother, younger sister and her--would go outside and lay down on the sand. They sky was so clear that you could see every single star as if you were standing mere meters from it. Her sister was in love with space and could name may of the stars and constellations that formed above. Zahra use to call her a "Star Junkie" and her return her sister had labeled her a "History Nerd." The thought of those memories brought a small smile to Zahra's lip. 


    "I don't know about you guys, but the I would like to check out the desert floor" Zahra mentioned casually, going back and forth between Epyon and Celes. 

  12. "I know where to go for the most part." Zahra stated, "But not the exact location."


    Seeing that the male--now known as Crusher--had accepted her party request Zahra was able to see that he was a level above her. Not bad for a beginner. Making a motion to follow her Zahra then started walking towards one of the exits out of Starter City. She had heard that this quest took place in the fields that surrounded the city. Which meant that they could run into wolves or boars. Both relatively easy to fight due to their predictable fighting pattern. After all, it wasn't the mods a player had to worry about, it was the players themselves. Mod were a program. They had a set attack pattern and once that was found it was easy to parry. Players on the other hand could not be predicted. They were entities of their own with no programming.  


    "As for your other question, yes, we both a the Anneal Blade. The only time everyone in the party does not get one is when the quest indicates that or you are not repeating it."

  13. "Check your loot, you should have some col and a drop called 'The matriarch's Stinger' it will provide you wit +1 damage for one battle." 


    {1D# 3252} {Battle 6 (+1)} {Craft 6} {Loot 11} {MOD 3}


    With a grin on her face Zahra placed the blunt end of her spear on the ground and then used her free hand to open up her HUD to find that 150 Col had been added to her account. It was richer than she had ever been before in the game. Continuing to scroll through her HUD she also found the other item that Celes mentioned, 'The Matriarch's Stinger'. Depending on the situation a +1 battle damage could be worth life or death. That was something that would be kept for emergencies, if one were to ever come up. 


    Settling down across from Celes, Zahra carefully placed the two-handed spear in front of her and then leaned back on her hands. "It was exhilarating and easier than I thought it was going to be. What did you think Epyon?" Zahra inquired, turning her head to address the only male in their party. 

  14. "It looks as if you are looking for a quest to do? I want to do this one. But last time i went by my self to become a smiting apprentice. I was almost eaten alive by lizards. Haha."


    Funny, he was tapping the flyer for the exact same quest she had been reading only moments ago. Taking a quick side glance at him she found that his marker was not red, so he wasn't a PK. If that truly was the case then there was no problem going on a quest with him. Especially if going with him meant that she was able to keep another player safe. Pivoting so that she was facing him, Zahra smiled in a friendly manner. 


    "I'll go with you," Zahra stated, pulled up the HUD and sending him a party request, "Name's Zahra."

  15. Seconds later the girl reappeared behind the counter. Humming, the girl then skipped over the worn, oak cabinet that was located behind the counter. It was the first time Zahra had noticed it. Without hesitation the girl then placed the key inside the lock and then turned. A small 'click' sounded as the cabinet door slight swung open. Placing the key in her apron pocket the girl then opened up both door to revel what was inside. It was instruments. Beautifully crafted ones with tons of character embedded in or on them as designs or paintings. Out of all things Zahra had not been expecting that. Spinning around on her heel the girl then smiled at her. 


    "Do you see one you like?" 


    There were so many that Zahra didn't even know where to begin. A violin that rest in the middle of the cabinet with what appeared to be Celtic designs engraved into the sides. To the left and to the right were two different types of flutes. One was wooden and had Native American designed sculpted on it, while the other was made of a gold metal a peacock jewel on the end. There was even a lap harp and lute. Even with all that though, it was the small white pendant ocarina that caught her attention. Nodding, she asked the girl if she could see that one. 

  16. Today had been one of those days that for some reason Zahra could not sit still. Every time she tried to relax and enjoy the sunshine the muscles in her legs began to twitch or feel itchy; and then before she knew it she would be up once more wandering around the city. 


    Maybe she needed something to do. 


    Something like a quest. 


    Grinning at the thought of such a good idea the women began to make her through the street toward the quest board. Since her feet knew the way Zahra went ahead and thought about the type of quest she wanted to do. She knew that she wanted to stay on the first, or even second, floors and go no higher. Confident that there would indeed be one she smiled lightly. Finally, after several minutes, she found herself standing in front of the quest board. 


    "Now which one..."

  17. As the Wasp Queen's attention was drawn toward Epyon, Zahra saw her chance. Moving over to the side just a couple feet she then rushed forward--the spear head glowing a magnificent sapphire blue. 



    {ID# 3155} {Battle 6 (+1)} {Craft 1} {Loot 14} {MOD 7}


    Charging forward the spear head pierced the side abdomen of the Wasp queen {DAMAGE 1}. With the attetention now focused on her Zahra moved back and placed her spear in a defensive position. It was up to the others. 


    Wasp queen 4/30
    Celes 31/31 hate 2
    Zahra 7/7 hate 0
    Epyon 11/11 hate 1

  18. After the conversation ended bother women ended up going separate ways. The unusual women left toward the exit of Starter City while Zahra wandered further into town. With each shop that Zahra passed she glanced inside the windows to find out what type of items they had. 


    Finally, after meandering for a couple minutes, she passed a shop labeled "Michelle's Antiques." Just from glancing inside the window one could tell that it had some interesting items. Deciding to try it she opened the door--producing a small 'ring'--and entered the little shop. Hearing the door open a young female with a friendly smile wandered out from behind one of the shelves in the store. 


    "Greetings, welcome to Michelle's Antiques. Can I help you find something?"


    "Actually yeah," Zahra started, glancing around the store, "I was wondering if you could tell me if you had any instruments?" 


    The girls eyes lit up. Clasping her hands in front of her chest the young women nodded eagerly. Motioning Zahra toward the see through glass counter the girl then disappeared behind the back. 

  19. Together the newly formed party made there way out to where the Wasp Queen was located. With each step Zahra could feel the enthusiasm--and nervousness--grow. Finally, after several minutes they made it to the location. Celes went first, luring the Wasp Queen out into the open. 


    Her plan worked like a charm. 


    At the exclamation of "Now!" Zahra, along with Epyon, charged forward. When her spear began to glow the raven haired women thrust the object forward. 




    {ID# 3081} {Battle 1(+1)} {Craft 3} {Loot 19} {MOD 2}


    It had missed the mark. Frowning slightly Zahra skirted back in order to get ready for the next attack--whatever that may be

  20. So, I just started the quest earning a living to be a performer. 


    And if I understand correctly, having an instrument is important to the performer profession. 


    Which leads me to my question. Do I have to actually visit a shop thread and buy an instrument, or can I just say that I purchased one in my RP?


    Thanks ahead of time! :)

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