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Posts posted by Zahra

  1. Exhaling silently at the fact that she had indeed not been late Zahra let that worry flow off into the wind. Punctually was just one of of her many niches. Not strange considering both parents were late for everything. Realizing that her thought process was getting off course she reined it back in. While Epyon helped Celes off the ground Zahra went ahead and accepted the party request that had been sent by Epyon moments before.


    Celes was the first on to mention the plan. Letting her draw out the Queen and then letting both Eypon and her attack it. It was a plan that Zahra could appreciate for it was logical and simple. "Sounds good to me." Zahra answered while opening the HUD and equipping the two-handed spear. It materialized in her hands via blue pixels. Now, she was officially ready for this quest to begin. 

  2. As the minutes passed people came and went. Finally, after what felt like hours of waiting, the strange women stopped playing and a void of silence filled the air. The people who had been currently standing around the women began to clap and cheer before slowly dispersing back throughout the area. 


    The women on the other hand opened up her HUD and proceeded to send the flute back to her inventory. Now was a better time than any. Zahra stood from the bench and began to make her way between people in an attempt to try and get to the women before she left. Combing her way through the combed the women and Zahra happened to make eye contact. Her eyes were a brilliant green that shined with warmth and friendliness. The women seemed to have noticed Zahra trying to come her way so she waited patiently in the spot she way standing. By the time Zahra made it over to her she was smiling. 


    "Hello," She greeted in a ringing voice, "How can I help you?"


    "Actually, I was wondering if you could tell me how to become a performer." 


    With a laugh that sounded like wind chimes the women then nodded her head, happy to be of assistance. She then went on to explain that the first thing necessary to becoming a performer was to have an instrument . After acquiring said instrument  a player must practice it, and then visit the old wise wolf that lurking on floor one. After that, well...she didn't say. Thanking the women for her help Zahra then headed off into town to purchase a instrument--since singing was out of the question. 

  3. At first, the prospect of having to use the teleportation module to get to floor 2 was exciting and new, but only after using it did Zahra discover that it made her slightly nauseous. Thankfully the trip did not take long. When the module finally stopped she gratefully hopped off the device and just stood there for a second as the feeling of nauseousness went away. A couple second later and she was ready to go.


    Taking note of the spot where the quest started--and the time--it dawned on her that she was going to be late if she didn't hurry. Without much thought her legs moved as she began to sprint through the city and towards the destination. Several minutes later she arrived at the meeting spot only to find Epyon and Celes already there. As it turns out, Zahra was just on time. 


    "Hey guys," Zahra greeting, slightly out of breath from the sprint. "Sorry for being almost late." 

  4. In the middle of Starter City--surrounded by a crowd of onlookers--was a beautiful women with ringlets of honey brown hair. Her eyes were closed, concentrating on the delicate movement of her fingers as the controlled the alluring sounds that exited the slim metal instrument. The melody itself was one that was cheerful, up-lifting and overall a happy tune. Something that everyone needed during this hard time. 


    Standing inside the crowd of people, completely mesmerized by the sound, was none other than the raven haired women Zahra. She had been wandering around Starter City people watching when the sound of a flute had caught her attention. Having nothing better to do than investigate she found herself here, within the crowd of people enjoying the performance. 


    'Being a performer wouldn't be a bad job...'


    At least it would be better than having no job at all. Making a decision right then Zahra took a seat on a nearby bench and continued to observe. After the mysterious women was done she would approach her and ask how to get into a performer profession.  It was a full proof plan. 

  5. Allowing herself to relax a little Zahra nodded at the idea. 


    Then, following after Epyon, the raven haired women pivoted around and started toward the door. The meeting place was at the spot where the quest <Long live the Queen.> took place--floor 2. Before actually being able to do the quest though, they were going to have to accept it. So As Zahra walked out the door, she shouted over her shoulder, "I'm going to accept the quest, see you guys there." And then with a slight wave she was off into Beginner City. 

  6. There was a lot of information Zahra knew. 


    For instance, she knew that the spear was one of the oldest weapons in history. In the unqualified hands it could be useful, but in the right hands it was deadly. Swords, and all short ranged weapons, had trouble against spears because of that lack of close range combat. If they got back the point then close it became easier to attack to the spear handler. The theory behind using a spear was relatively easy too; to basically keep your opponent on the defense with quick jabs. There was only one problem really, know and doing were two completely different things. In trying to gather all the information she could Zahra had yet to try out her knew weapon. 


    "Ummm..about that..." Zahra wandered off, rubbing the back of her head in a sheepish manner, "I haven't yet to actually use my weapon." As embarrassing as it was to admit something like that, she also knew that lying would get her no where. After all, out in the field they would discover the truth anyways. Better to be safe than sorry in her opinion. 

  7. "As if some bug would make me change my mind," Zahra grinned, meanwhile accepting the trade offer. 


    Seconds later her own HUD was opened and equipment the gauntlet's equipped. Holding up her arm she twisted her arms around to check out the new item. They were simple, but anything that helped her defense was magnificent in it's own way. The second action that required the HUD was putting the journal back in her inventory. The journal in her lap melted into tiny blue pixels as it disappeared. If anything happened to that Zahra had no idea what she would do. 


    "Ready when you two are." Zahra stated, righting herself. Taking one more sip of the drink on the table the women then proceeded to stretch a little before leaving. Personally, going to the second floor was exciting. It was a new place with potentially new information and discoveries. Writing tonight would prove to be very interesting. 



  8. Initially, Zahra didn't pay attention to the male who entered the bar. 


    It was only when he started to head in the women's and her direction did she really begin to pay attention to him. He moved as if he knew her. Seconds later, that thought was verified when he greeted the women--who was now discovered to be Celes. The subtle movement of shifting the cloak over his shoulder did not go unnoticed. If anything, the tensing in her muscle melted away and a peaceful air was able to set in once more. His name--or nickname--was Epy. Taking quick glances between then Zahra then put her drink on the table. 


    "I would be stupid to say no to such a great offer, so count me in." she smirked, "By the way, names Zahra. It's good to be working with you." 

  9. 'That was...unexpected.'


    Feeling the slight uplift on the corner of her mouth Zahra placed a hand around the icy drink and then began to swirl it. It was nice to know that someone else within the world of SAO had the same thought as her, to write everything down. One question down, and now a million more to go. Being the curious type it took all the will Zahra had not to throw one question after another at the older women. How much did she know? What other information did she have? The list went on. It took a second to rein in her thought process, but once she did realized that the other women was waiting for an answer to her question. 


    "Actually, now that you mention it, I am." Zahra responded, taking a sip, "You wouldn't happen to be offering assistance, would you?" 

  10. As soon as the higher-leveled women entered the bar, Zahra took notice. It was mainly due to the fact that someone of such a level was not found in a place such as this, meaning a cheap inn with small rooms and a bed harder than frozen ground. If anyone wanted to find someone of that level then they visited places more reputable and this place was definitely not one of those. Proceeding to buy another drink, and then leaning back in her chair Zahra let all thoughts of the strange women be forgotten. 


    Only, it was hard to forget someone who was watching you. 


    Exhaling, landing the chair down on all fours, and then setting the drink on the table Zahra tenderly grabbed the black book and made her way over to the women. Now sitting across from her it was easy to see that she was couple years older with short wavy chocolate hair and wide chocolate orbs as well. She appeared to be friendly, but then again, one could never be too sure. 


    "Why are you watching me?" Zahra questioned while sitting up straighter, crossing her legs and letting the black book rest in her lap. 

  11. Charlie here--and yes, I am female. 


    I'm currently a full-time University student who also works as a hostess at a local cafe on weekends. 


    As for some hobbies I enjoy Latin Dancing (when I can), cooking, watching anime, doing things outdoors, writing and reading. 


    RPing is not new to me, but it has also been a while since I've done my last RP, so I may be a little rusty. One of my favorite things to work on is character development. I just find it very fascinating to develop a character thoroughly just to see where they go. Sometimes they even take you--as a writer--in directions you've never gone before, therefore helping you grow too. 


    On that note, I glad I found this website and I hope to see everyone around! 

  12. On the first floor--at one of the cheaper inns--a young women was leaned over a small black book at one of the tables in the far corner. Every now-and-then the pen in her left hand would hit the paper, scribble for a few seconds, and then return back to tapping on the wooden table. This process happened over the course of a drink or two before tenderly closing the journal. To anyone watching, it would have been obvious that this tiny black book was more than just that, and to be truthful, it most certainly was. It was an exact replicate of one she had in her real life. A special gift from a certain little sister. Absentmindedly, the women traced the lettering inscribed in perfect cursive on the front. 


    This cursive read "Zahra."


    Whom was the receiver, and current owner of this journal.  

  13. ~Zahra~



    » Username:

    » Real name:

                          Zahra Bishara                      
    » Age:

    » Gender:

    » Height:

    5' 5"


    Having just an average life was never an option for Zahra. From the age of five she's been going to both Japan and Egypt due to both of her parents working in the archaeological field. Her mother works in the ruins of Egypt, studying hieroglyphs and pyramids. While her father resided in Japan working on a book about the Edo period and being a part-time professor. During the summer she would go stay with her mother and then during the school year she would live with her father. Every now-and-then her family would get together in one area and be an actual family. 


    It just so happens that after one of those every now-and-then encounters Zahra's mother found out that she was pregnant once more. Zahra's younger sister, Kya, was born during the summer when she was seven. Luckily, her mother got maternity leave and was allowed to take care of the baby. During that time, she also taught Zahra how to care for her younger sister. As it turned out, Zahra loved being an older sister. As Zahra and Kya grew up they would continue the pattern of going back and forth between parents. Zahra, understanding that it was hard to get use to, was there for her sister every step of the way. 


    Zahra left for college when Kya was 11 years old. She was very heavily influenced by her parents and went on to study ancient cultures around the world, as well as history. It was the winter break of her junior year when SAO came out. Being in college she could not really afford the NerveGear that was needed to play, but her parents surprised her because when she got home there was NerveGear AND Sword Art Online. Putting on the head gear Zahra never knew what was waiting on the other side...


    {Protective} Due to the fact that she was an old sister for most of her life Zahra grew protective steak. She will go out of her way to make sure that others are safe and not in harms way. Even if this means risking her own skin.  

    {Knowledgeable} Zahra's studies in ancient history give her a vast knowledge of the world around her. It is also because she knows history that she makes certain life choices or tactical decisions. Throughout her journey, she will continuously gain knowledge (hence the journal in her hand). After all, they do say that "history repeats itself."

    {Acceptance} Throughout her whole life Zahra had to accept that fact that her parents didn't live together--that she didn't have a normal family. She had to accept the fact that her parents spent more time on work than her sister or her and on top of that responsibility of her sister. Basically, accepting circumstances and taking them in stride is something she has learned to do. 

    {Stubborn} The saying "more stubborn than a mule" would very much apply to Zahra. There is really no explanation 
    to it besides the fact that both her parents are mule-headed, even if they themselves won't admit it. 


    {Self-Sacrificing} As soon as her sister was born Zahra took on the responsibility of being whichever one or her parents happened to be absent. Sometimes that we both of them. She had spent a lot of her life making sure that her sister is taken care of. This trait also carries over to her friends. She would do anything to make sure that those close to her heart are safe and sound. 


    {Punctual} Despite everything she's been through Zahra has no patience when it comes to being late. In fact, she one of those people that are there 30 minutes early. This mostly likely stemmed from the fact that her parents are very scatterbrained and late to most things. 






    »Total: 8/8 SP





    Weapon skills:
    » Two-handed Assault Spear- (Rank 1)


    » Metal Gauntlets (+1 Battle)

    » The Matriarch's Stinger (+1 Damage)


    Current Roleplays:
    » {PP F1/F3} A Day at the Beach (Rolland) 

    » {PP F5} Fortune of Wheel (Asen)

    »{PP F2} Going on an Adventure (Marisa/The Black-White Human)

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