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Posts posted by Sousuke

  1. Sousuke was brought out of his meloncholy when he heard the splash of water which completely snapped him back to his senses. He quickly wipped his eyes and looked around for the source of the noise. He saw a girl trying to regain her composure on the other side of the fountain. He brushed his hair out of his face still not used to it's New length and quickly walked to the other side. Just as he got there he stopped in his tracks completely dumbstruck by who he saw. He couldn't believe she was sitting right there in the very same fountain they had fallen in once when he tried to stop he from slipping.

    "M - Monty?" He asked in disbelieve his hand outstretched awkwardly as time seemed to stop for this single moment his eyes wide in shock.

  2. Sousuke was walking through the forest he once walked with his girlfriend Manta way back before he left on his own to find himself a purpose to stay in this death game. He had lost everything and now all he was known as was the fallen hero to some and others the hooded swordsman. He noticed a fountain he used to meet up at with Manta and his memories can flushing back.

    He approached the fountain with his hood still pulled up hiding most of his face yet his trademark scar was still visible. He didn't notice anyone around and thought he could allow himself this one moment of weakness. 

    Pulling his hood down for the first time in a good while he let his now shoulder length hair free. It was messy and unkempt. He tossed a single coin into the fountain and started to cry as he looked into the clear water and uttered a few simple words.

    "I just wish I could have one more chance to make things right." He said out as he let the tears fall and slammed his fist on the fountain in frustration.

  3. Sousuke shrugged at Cals question. In truth he had been away soloing since his old guild disbanded and he had left his girlfriend behind too but that was a more personal reason and he didn't feel like sharing that just yet instead he took a more subtle approach to his answer.

    "Just watching really I just kinda hung around looking for people to help and making sure everyone is ok ya know that kinda thing." He said trying not to give anything away.

  4. Sousuke took note of the man's weapon he like the simplistic look of it and considering it was a perfect weapon to he figured it would be great against friends and foe alike. Sometimes the simple things are the best.

    "I like the way you go about your whole demeanour lee, a simple man of many talents one can tell there is more you than meets the eye." Sousuke said as he leaned against the wall looking at his new and old friends alike.

  5. Sousuke grinned at them all as they all started to get a little excited. As Emerath returned his attention to the other man who he figured was Mack he adressed the other two. One who was holding the charter who's name was endilix and a women in a tree who's name hadn't figured out yet. 

    "If you wanna recruit some more people we need to be a bit more approachable, be friendly but not over the top and instead of trying to attract attention with noise why don't we mingle with crowd a little." He suggested

  6. Sousuke grinned as he took note of all the weapons Calrex certainly had come a long way since they first met and Lee seemed well versed himself. He had a little suprise for them though as he opened his menu and activated his hidden skill causing another sword this time resembling a longsword rather than a katana. He drew the blade and showed them all the weapon. It was another blood red blade but this time it was encrusted with rubies as well as the cross guard having two rubies placed in either side of it. The guard was made of gold and had a pattern resembling a snake embroidered on it. The pommel was the same golden colour and the hilt had a black and gold dyed leather wrapped around it.

    "The bane of Golum is just for show, it was my brothers so it's a keep shake to me. This is my true sword it's called bloods oath I had it crafted for me and it is a perfect weapon with +2 damage and 4bleed damage over 2 cycles." He said as he placed the blade flat in his hands so they could see.

  7. Sousuke grinned as the boy spoke, well more man than boy he seemed extremely mature despite his looks and he welcomed the company and a new group of friends to travel with.

    "My experience has nothing to do with it my friend I just intend to help out where I can I've lost one group once to a boss and you might say I have survivours guild but I don't want to see it happen again where ever I can help I shall." He said smiling "As for over seeing the maps I don't want you to give up the postitions of leaders I'm here to help and contribute that's all I require, if you need me just let me know." He finished as he signed the charter.

  8. Sousuke grinned at the two brothers thinking to himself before he spoke his next words. It would seem as it stood this Mack character was trying to form an alliance with a guild that wasn't even set up yet and since Sousuke was more of an agile set up than combat he guessed that it would be a good idea as solo scout to actually have back up. After all the upper floors were a lot more dangerous than the lower floors and there was only so much a solo player could do.

    "I intend to join you guys if you will have me." He explained "I am a scout myself and having back up company would be great as for advice and recruitment I would gladly recommend the guild to my friends. The advice is also just ideas and such on how operations take place, I have no intentions of trying to tell you how to run a guild, just help out and advice with missions." He finished his explanation and pulled out his maps he had created of the first 7 floors. They were unfinished and that was because there were areas even ge wouldn't dare venture alone. 

    "I have a lot of the early floors mapped out but there are plenty of places still out of my reach perhaps once we get the guild up and running I could run you through it all and we can decide where to start?" He said with a smile.

  9. So yea names Sousuke I was here quite a bit back and some might remember me I disappeared since my life took a bad turn and I've been battling depression for nearly 2 months straight now since my relationship with my gf went down hill and we split up I'm now living on my mates sofa trying get back on my feet and decided to make a return to Sao so yea I'm back and to all those I know it's nice to see you still here and those I havnt met its a pleasure to meet you if anyone wants to do some rp just pm me and I'll jump right in

  10. Sousuke was wandering around with his old gear from way before the system reset. He had recently found out that since his skills where now related to his level and the game had kept his skills he had jumped up in level a little and his health and armour was also much higher. He had been away for a long time and had lost most of his old friends. It was causing him some inner pain but he still had a job to do and he wasn't done fighting yet. He was wandering the snow covered streets of the town on the fourth floor. It had been so long since he had last visited that he had forgotten it's name. Still there must be something worth doing around here he wasn't a washed up old veteran yet and he had plans of 're opening his shop. 

    "It might be time I came back to earth and found a new group of friends to train and hang out with." He said to no one in particular as he watched the crowd of players rush by

  11. Ok so like ages ago the old system was much better on mobile and also had an option to use the full site now that's not the case and I can't even see what level I am also why is no one using or making ip threads no more it was a great way to get our characters involved together and yet everyone is secluded I don't think thats very friendly and welcoming to returning players or new players alike we have to go out of our way to try and get into a to come one guys a few more op threads would be great to see and also can someone clarify my level please that would be great 

  12. Sousuke grinned as he passed the blade back to Hayden he was impressed the boy had managed to get some nice equipment since he had been gone. He looked back at Lee and eyed the handle of his weapon wondering what exactly he was carrying. He guessed it was a rather large weapon from his choice of armour but looks can be deceiving and he wanted find out more about the man.

    "What about you then Lee what's your poison." Sousuke said as he pulled a cigarette from his coat pockets and proceeded to lighten and take a drag he was curtius to breath the smoke away from his new ground friends how ever since he was sure the would not appreciate him blowing smoke in their faces.

  13. Sousuke admired haydens sword the craftsmanship was outstanding, the finish was beautiful and the hilt and guard were well weighted and decorated. The black blade reminded him of a single substance however and that's what caught his eye.

    "Obsidian blade Hayden? Impressive I wouldn't have thought you'd have one of these." He said impressed

  14. Sousuke stood in the shadows watching the exchange from the players in the square, he was amused slightly. From what he had gathered some players were trying to start up a new guild and although he wasn't ready to get back into fighting just yet he figured since he had been in two guilds previously and one of which he was the chief tactitian he figured it couldn't hurt to help some newer players out. He marched out of the shadows waving to get their attention.

    "Names Sousuke used to in two guilds figured you guys might want an advicer and recruiter for your new guild how's that sound?" He didn't intend to sound arrogent but he needed to show he was confident in his abilities.

  15. Sousuke was wandering around floor after he had visited his old guild quarters which had been disbanded at least a year ago. He wandered the streets of the snow covered town his hood drawn up over his head leaving nothing but his lower half of his face visible his scar more visible in the cold atmosphere. He noticed a group of people chatting or preparing for something. His depression had forced him to become with drawn and shallow his voice now spoke in mono tones. He approached the group hoping to avoid contact when the wind blew his hood off his head and revealed his messy black hair and his grey eyes. He swore he recognized some of the group and stood looking at them wondering if they knew who he was.

  16. Sousuke looked around as he nodded at Lee he was about to ask about his weapon when he heard two voices seprate from each other but within a few seconds of each other. One was a guy with dark hair and a cloak the other was above him on a roof and had a goofy look on his face almost like he had for forgotten something. 

    "Well if it isn't calrex what's up buddy how you been and Hayden you forgetting your gear still?" He said to them both and he began to explain what him and Lee were doing.

    "Me and Lee here were comparing weapons what is everyone rocking these days?" He asked.

  17. Sousuke had been standing in the shadows the whole time watching the exchange between the group to his amusement they seemed fairly confident in thier abilities yet for some reason he thought neither knew what they were doing. True that during his time away there had been a system reset and new skill and sword arts were popping up everywhere but he still had a pretty good idea of how things worked. He decided it was a good idea to show himself before they get the wrong idea. He stepped forward keeping his good up as he analysed the group.

  18. Sousuke grinned at the question that was directed to him regarding his weapon. He drew his sword from the sheath on his back revealing the sword that was once his brothers the blood red blade gleaming in the sunlight. He had kept the sword in perfect condition the whole time he had wielded it. It was a standard longsword in looks and reach aside from the hilt and guard looking more like a katana. The blade was blood red while the guard was black with a gold trim and the bindings on the hilt where of similar design. 

    "Shes called The bane of Golem crafted from the tooth of said creature, beauty isn't she." He said as he showed Lee his weapon.

  19. Sousuke grinned as he listened to man talk it was a nice feeling being able to talk to someone again he had missed the company. When Lee mentioned he would have gone crazy Sousuke shrugged after all he had spent months alone in the desert. He kept to himself back then because it was all he knew this time he never had the choice.

    "Red, so how did you end up here in the first place Lee?" He asked as well as answering the question. He figured a little basic conversation would help cheer himself up at the moment.

  20. Sousuke shook the man's hand as he introduced himself. The man's name was Lee and he seemed to be the kind of man who would take a bullet for someone just to make sure they were ok. Of course Sousuke had seen his fair share of men like that in the past yet they were the kind of people who did so just to show off Lee had a more genuine vibe about him which said he had more common sense than the men Sousuke had dealt with.

    "Pleasure to meet you Lee and no don't worry it's nice to be able to talk to someone, it's been months if not years since i last spoke to someone." He said as he gave the man the first genuine smile since the day he left on his own.

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